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I Spy, Integer#times_collect

trans edited this page Aug 23, 2010 · 1 revision

The method #collect, or its alias #map if your prefer, is one of the most useful methods in Rubyland. You see it all the time. Unfortunately it isn't applicable to a number of common variants of iteration. One of these is Integer#times. So Facets provided just such a method.

require 'facets/integer/times_collect'

bottles = 99.times_collect { |i|
  "Bottle of Beer No. #{i}"

This is also aliased as times_map. But if either of these method names strikes you as too long then you might find this alternate (required separately) more convenient:

require 'facets/integer/of'

bottles = 99.of { |i|
  "Bottle of Beer No. #{i}"

Take one down, pass it around!