diff --git a/docs/operator/configuration_parameters.md b/docs/operator/configuration_parameters.md index bc4c014f18d..1e6a8c4d9e3 100644 --- a/docs/operator/configuration_parameters.md +++ b/docs/operator/configuration_parameters.md @@ -3,23 +3,33 @@ id: configuration_parameters title: Configuration parameters --- Description of the configuration parameters splitted in three different places: -Rucio configuration file (`rucio.cfg`), Rucio configuration table and RSE -attributes. +Rucio configuration file (`rucio.cfg`), Rucio configuration table and RSE attributes. -## Rucio configuration file (`rucio.cfg`) +## Rucio Configuration File (`rucio.cfg`) +* Only the Configuration File provides information for the +[client connection information](#client-client_config) or the +[database configuration](#database-db_config), +this information cannot be set in a different location. +* If not specified in the envorimental variables (as `$RUCIO_CONFIG`), +Rucio will look for the config in the following locations - + - `$RUCIO_HOME/etc/rucio.cfg` + - `$VIRTUAL_ENV/etc/rucio.cfg` + - `/opt/rucio/etc/rucio.cfg` -- **accounts** + +### Options and Defaults +#### **accounts** - **special_accounts** -- **alembic** +#### **alembic** - **cfg**: Path to the configuration file (.ini) for Alembic. Example: `/opt/rucio/etc/alembic.ini`. No default. -- **api** +#### **api** - **endpoints**: _(Optional)_ Endpoints separated by commas. Default: `['accountlimits', 'accounts', 'config', 'credentials', 'dids', 'export', 'heartbeats', 'identities', 'import', 'lifetime_exceptions', 'locks', 'meta', 'ping', 'redirect', 'replicas', 'requests', 'rses', 'rules', 'scopes', 'subscriptions']`. -- **auditor** +#### **auditor** - **cache**: Path to the folder to store the `rucio-auditor` cache. Example: `/opt/rucio/auditor-cache`. No default. - **results**: Path to the folder to store the `rucio-auditor` @@ -36,14 +46,14 @@ attributes. ``` Default: `0.2`. -- **bb8** +#### **bb8** - **dump_production_day**: _(Optional)_ Day of the week of the most recent dump. Values: `{Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}`. Default: `None`. - **dump_url_template**: _(Optional)_ URL of the template (structure) of a dump. Default: `http://rucio-analytix.cern.ch:8080/LOCKS/GetFileFromHDFS?date=${date}&rse=${rse}`. -- **bootstrap** +#### **bootstrap** - **gss_email**: _(Optional)_ Email of the Kerberos auth method which identity is specified in `gss_identity`. - **gss_identity**: _(Optional)_ Identity of the Kerberos auth method. @@ -66,7 +76,7 @@ attributes. - **x509_identity**: _(Optional)_ Identity of the X.509 certificate. Default: `emailAddress=ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch,CN=DDMLAB Client Certificate,OU=PH-ADP-CO,O=CERN,ST=Geneva,C=CH`. -- **c3po** +#### **c3po** - **algorithms**: _(Optional)_ Placement algorithm. Only allows multiple algorithms if the `dry_run` mode is enabled (separated @@ -88,27 +98,27 @@ attributes. - **placement_algorithm** - **redis_host**: URL of the Redis database. - **redis_port**: Port of the Redis database defined in `redis_host`. -- **c3po-popularity** +#### **c3po-popularity** - **elastic_url** -- **c3po-site-mapper** +#### **c3po-site-mapper** - **ddm_url**: URL for DDM. Example: `http://atlas-agis-api.cern.ch/request/ddmendpoint/query/list/?json`. - **panda_url**: URL for PanDA. Example: `http://atlas-agis-api.cern.ch/request/pandaqueue/query/list/?json`. -- **c3po-workload** +#### **c3po-workload** - **panda_url**: URL for PanDA. Example: `http://bigpanda.cern.ch/jobs/?category=analysis&jobstatus=running`. - **window**: Integer. -- **c3po-network-metrics** +#### **c3po-network-metrics** - **prefix**: - **redis_host**: URL of the Redis database. - **redis_port**: Port of the Redis database defined in `redis_host`. -- **cache** +#### **cache** - **url**: _(Optional)_ URL of the cache. Default: ``. - **use_external_cache_for_auth_tokens**: _(Optional)_ if True, use remote cache provider for auth tokens. If False, use a private in-memory cache. Default: `False` -- **common** +#### **common** - **extract_scope**: _(Optional)_ Default: `atlas`. - **logdir**: Path of the directory for logs. Contains `auditor.log`. - **logformat**: _(Optional)_ Formatter of the log. See: @@ -123,7 +133,7 @@ attributes. - **mailtemplatedir**: _(Optional)_ Path of the folder with mail templates (.tmpl). Example: `/opt/rucio/etc/mail_templates`. - **multi_vo**: _(Optional)_ Default: `False`. -- **conveyor** +#### **conveyor** - **allow_user_oidc_tokens**: _(Optional)_ Boolean. Default: `False`. - **bring_online**: Integer, bring online timeout. Default: `43200`. - **cacert** @@ -155,14 +165,14 @@ attributes. - **user_transfers**: _(Optional)_ Default: `None`. - **using_memcache**: _(Optional)_ Boolean. Default: `False`. - **webdav_transfer_mode**: _(Optional)_. Default: `None`. -- **core** +#### **core** - **default_mail_from**: _(Optional)_ Default email. Default: `None`. - **geoip_licence_key**: _(Optional)_ License key for GeoLite2. Get a free licence key at . Default: `NOLICENCE`. - **use_temp_tables**: _(Optional)_ Use Rucio with temporary table workflows. Default: `False`. -- **client** +#### **client** {#client_config} - **account**: Rucio account. Example: `root`. - **auth_host**: URL of the host of the rucio authentication server. Example: `https://rucio-auth-prod.cern.ch:443`. @@ -208,11 +218,11 @@ attributes. ssh`. Example: `$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa`. - **username**: Mandatory if `auth_type = userpass` or `auth_type = saml`. - **vo**: _(Optional)_ VO name. Default: `def`. -- **credentials** +#### **credentials** - **gcs**: _(Optional)_ Path of the Google Cloud Storage credentials. Default: `/opt/rucio/etc/google-cloud-storage-test.json`. - **signature_lifetime**: _(Optional)_ ?. Default: `600`. -- **database** +#### **database** {#db_config} - **default**: Type of the SQL connection. Values: `{mysql, postgresql, sqlite, oracle}`. - **echo**: Enable echo for database logs. Values: `{0 (disable), 1 @@ -236,14 +246,14 @@ attributes. - **schema**: _(Optional)_ Schema to be applied to a database, if not set in config, try to create automatically. - **use_threadlocal** -- **download** +#### **download** - **transfer_speed_timeout**: _(Optional)_ Minimum allowed average transfer speed (in KBps). Default: `500`. Used to dynamically compute the timeout if `--transfer-timeout` not set. Is not supported for `--pfn`. - **transfer_timeout**: _(Optional)_ Transfer timeout (in seconds). Default: computed dynamically from `--transfer-speed-timeout`. If set to any value >= 0, `--transfer-speed-timeout` is ignored. -- **es-atlas** +#### **es-atlas** - **ca_cert**: _(Optional)_ Path of the certificate for Elasticsearch. No default. - **password**: _(Optional)_ Password of the username defined in `username` to @@ -252,29 +262,29 @@ attributes. `http://aianalytics01.cern.ch:9200`. No default. - **username**: _(Optional)_ Username to authenticate to Elasticsearch. No default. -- **hermes** +#### **hermes** - **elastic_endpoint**: _(Optional)_ URL of Elasticsearch. Example: `http://aianalytics01.cern.ch:9200`. Mandatory if `elastic` is specified in `services_list`. - **influxdb_endpoint**: _(Optional)_ URL of InfluxDB. Mandatory if `influx` is specified in `services_list`. -- **importer** +#### **importer** - **attr_sync_method**: _(Optional)_ Values: `{append, edit, hard}`. Default: `edit`. - **rse_sync_method**: _(Optional)_ Values: `{append, edit, hard}`. Default: `edit`. -- **injector** +#### **injector** - **adler32** - **bytes** - **file** - **md5** -- **lifetime** +#### **lifetime** - **directory**: _(Optional)_ Path to the policies directory with JSON files named `config_DTYPE.json`, where `DTYPE` is a value in `{data, mc, valid, other}`. Default: `/opt/rucio/etc/policies`. -- **logging** +#### **logging** - ***CFG_OPTION***: _(Optional)_ ?. Default: `None`. -- **messaging-cache** +#### **messaging-cache** - **account** - **broker_virtual_host**: _(Optional)_ ? - **brokers**: Default message broker name for `rucio-cache-client`. Ignored @@ -290,7 +300,7 @@ attributes. `rucio-cache-client`. Ignored if `rucio-cache-client` executed with `--certificate-key`. - **voname** -- **messaging-fts3** +#### **messaging-fts3** - **broker_virtual_host**: _(Optional)_ ?. No default. - **brokers**: Brokers separated by commas. Example: `dashb-test-mb.cern.ch`. - **destination**: Name of the destination topic. Example: @@ -306,7 +316,7 @@ attributes. - **username**: _(Optional)_ Username of the broker. Only used if `use_ssl` is not set. No default. - **voname** -- **messaging-hermes** +#### **messaging-hermes** - **broker_virtual_host**: _(Optional)_ No default. - **brokers**: Brokers separated by commas. Example: `atlas-test-mb.cern.ch`. - **destination**: Name of the destination topic. Example: @@ -325,10 +335,10 @@ attributes. - **username**: _(Optional)_ Username of the broker. Mandatory if `use_ssl` is not set. No default. - **voname** -- **metadata** +#### **metadata** - **plugins**: _(Optional)_ Metadata handler modules separated by commas. Default: `rucio.core.did_meta_plugins.json_meta.JSONDidMeta`. -- **monitor** +#### **monitor** - **enable_metrics**: _(Optional)_ Enable `statsd` metrics. Boolean. Default: `False`. - **carbon_server**: _(Optional)_ Hostname or IP address of the `statsd` @@ -338,11 +348,11 @@ attributes. application or environment. Default: `rucio`. - **metrics_port**: _(Optional)_ Port of Prometheus Python Client. Default: `8080`. -- **nagios** +#### **nagios** - **fts_servers** - **proxy** - **rfcproxy** -- **nongrid-trace** +#### **nongrid-trace** - **broker_virtual_host**: _(Optional)_ ?. No default. - **brokers**: Brokers separated by commas. Example: `atlas-test-mb.cern.ch`. - **logformat**: _(Optional)_ Formatter of the log. See: @@ -358,7 +368,7 @@ attributes. - **tracedir**: _(Optional)_ Path of the directory for traces. Default: `/var/log/rucio`. - **username**: Username of the broker. -- **oidc** +#### **oidc** - **admin_issuer**: Example: `wlcg`. - **default_jwt_refresh_lifetime**: _(Optional)_ Integer. Default: `96`. - **exchange_grant_type**: _(Optional)_ Default: @@ -367,10 +377,10 @@ attributes. - **expected_scope**: _(Optional)_ Default: `openid profile`. - **idpsecrets**: Path of the idpsecrets JSON. Example: `/opt/rucio/etc/idpsecrets.json`. -- **permission** +#### **permission** - **policy**: _(Optional)_ Permission policy. Values: `{atlas, belleii, cms, generic, generic_multi_vo}`. Default: `generic`. -- **policy** +#### **policy** - **lfn2pfn_algorithm_default**: _(Optional)_ Default algorithm name for LFN2PFN translation for this server. Default: `hash`. - **package** @@ -381,16 +391,16 @@ attributes. - **support**: _(Optional)_ Contact information. - **support_rucio**: _(Optional)_ Rucio contact information. Default: `https://github.com/rucio/rucio/issues`. -- **saml** +#### **saml** - **config_path**: Path to the SAML config folder. Example: `/opt/rucio/lib/rucio/web/ui/common/saml/`. -- **test** +#### **test** - **cacert**: Path of the CA certificate for tests. Example: `/opt/rucio/etc/web/ca.crt` - **usercert** Path of the user certificate for tests. Example: `/opt/rucio/etc/web/usercert.pem` - **userkey**: Path of the user certificate key for tests. -- **trace** +#### **trace** - **broker_virtual_host**: _(Optional)_ No default. - **brokers**: Brokers separated by commas. Example: `atlas-test-mb.cern.ch`. - **logformat**: _(Optional)_ Formatter of the log. See: @@ -407,7 +417,7 @@ attributes. - **tracedir**: _(Optional)_ Path of the directory for traces. Default: `/var/log/rucio/trace`. - **username**: Username of the broker. -- **tracer-kronos** +#### **tracer-kronos** - **broker_virtual_host**: _(Optional)_ No default. - **brokers**: Brokers separated by commas. Example: `atlas-test-mb.cern.ch`. - **chunksize**: Integer @@ -432,12 +442,12 @@ attributes. - **use_ssl**: _(Optional)_ Boolean. Default: `True`. - **username**: _(Optional)_ Username of the broker. Mandatory if `use_ssl` is not set. No default. -- **transmogrifier** +#### **transmogrifier** - **maxdids** -- **upload** +#### **upload** - **transfer_timeout**: _(Optional)_ Transfer timeout (seconds, integer). Default: `360`. -- **webui** +#### **webui** - **auth_issuer**: _(Optional)_ Mandatory if `auth_type` = `oidc`. No default. - **auth_type**: _(Optional)_ Preferred server side config for webui authentication. Values: `{oidc, None}`. Default: `None`. @@ -446,8 +456,21 @@ attributes. correctly handling pre-flight CORS requests. ## Rucio configuration table +* The Configuration Table is automatically created when initialized, and populated with the defaults below +* Checked only if Section/Option pair is not in the Configuration File + +### Updating +The table can be updated with the `Rucio Client`, using either +* `rucio-admin config set [section] [option] [value]` +* `rucio.ConfigClient().set_config_option([section], [option], [value])` + +These changes take impact immediately without requiring a restart. +Using the client only updates the Configuration Table and does not overwrite +anything in the Configuration File, and thus will not change anything if there +a setting already specified in the Configuration File. -- **automatix** +### Options and Defaults +#### **automatix** - **account**: _(Optional)_ Account to use. Default: `root`. - **dataset_lifetime**: _(Optional)_. Default: `None`. - **did_prefix**: _(Optional)_ Default: ` `. @@ -458,20 +481,20 @@ attributes. - **set_metadata**: _(Optional)_ Default: `False`. - **sites**: Separated by commas. - **sleep_time**: _(Optional)_ Integer. Default: `30`. -- **clientcachemap** +#### **clientcachemap** - ***client_location['site']*** -- **conveyor** +#### **conveyor** - **activity-source-strategy**: _(Optional)_ Default: `{}`. - **default-source-strategy**: _(Optional)_ Default: `orderly`. -- **hermes** +#### **hermes** - **services_list**: List of services separated by commas. Values: `{activemq, elastic, influx}`. -- **kronos** +#### **kronos** - **bad_files_patterns**: _(Optional)_ Patterns (regular expression) separated by commas for bad files. Default: `[]`. -- **lifetime_model** +#### **lifetime_model** - **approvers_email**: _(Optional)_ Separated by commas. Default: `[]`. -- **reaper** +#### **reaper** - **auto_exclude_threshold**: _(Optional)_ Number of service unavailable exceptions after which the RSE gets temporarily excluded. Integer. Default: `100`. @@ -484,29 +507,33 @@ attributes. - **max_evaluator_backlog_duration**: _(Optional)_ Minutes (integer). Default: `None`. - **nb_workers_by_hostname**: _(Optional)_ Integer. Default: `5`. -- **root-proxy-internal** +#### **root-proxy-internal** - ***client_location['site']*** -- **rules** +#### **rules** - **apply_rule_max_partition_size**: _(Optional)_ Integer . Default: `2000`. - **force_epoch_when_detach**: _(Optional)_ Purge setting of the rule. Boolean. Default: `False`. - **use_new_rule_algorithm**: _(Optional)_ Boolean. Default: `False`. -- **subscriptions** +#### **subscriptions** - **keep_history**: _(Optional)_ Boolean. Default: `False`. - **reevaluate_dids_at_close**: _(Optional)_ Flag to reevaluate the DID against all the subscriptions when the DID is closed. Boolean. Default: `False`. -- **transfers** +#### **transfers** - **hop_penalty**: _(Optional)_ Penalty to be applied to each further hop. Integer. Default: `10`. - **multihop_tombstone_delay**: Seconds (integer). Default: `7200`. - **use_multihop**: Boolean. Default: `False`. -- **virtual_placement** +#### **virtual_placement** - **vp_endpoint**: _(Optional)_ Virtual Placement server. Once VP is integrated in Rucio it won't be needed. Default: ` `. -- **vo-map** +#### **vo-map** - ***VO***: _(Optional)_ Internal short VO name. No default. ## RSE attributes +The RSE Attributes are set seperately using `rucio.RSEClient` or `rucio-admin`, +and only contains information about the specific RSE's for the Rucio instance. +Read more about RSEs [here](../started/concepts/rucio_storage_element.md) +and how to set them up [here](./configuration.md#creating-new-rses). - **associated_sites**: Separated by commas. Default: `None`. - **auto_approve_bytes**: Auto Approve Limit. Example: `500GB`. No default.