Name: Rudine Surya Hartanto
full coverage report:
FastJobs Api is a RESTful interface, providing access to most of the data in the system. The Api accepts json content query parameters in requests and all responses are encoded in JSON, including errors.
- npm install
Make sure the mongodb the app is using is switched on before starting the server. To specify the mongo_uri, change the config json file.
To override the configurations, you should create a new development.json file and place it in the config folder.
"jwt_secret": "qweraasdz213",
"mongo_uri": "mongodb+srv://",
"port": "3002",
"pusher_appId": "785226",
"pusher_key": "9537d7da775751df9b42",
"pusher_secret": "bb1756bc5a38531e747a",
"pusher_cluster": "eu"
The project will use the default.json when no NODE_ENV is specified, otherwise it will use the config file matching it.
command | description |
npm run dev | starts the server using nodemon and NODE_ENV=development |
npm run eslint | auto fix all eslint errors |
npm run ut | run unit tests |
npm run it | run api tests |
npm run coverage | run full coverage tests |
npm run openc | open the full coverage report |
type | url | description | require login | require admin |
POST | api/users/ | Register a new user | No | No |
POST | api/users/login | Login user | No | No |
GET | api/users/current | Get current user | Yes | No |
DELETE | api/users/current | Delete current user | Yes | No |
DELETE | api/users/:id | Delete user | Yes | Yes |
GET | api/profiles | Get all user profiles | No | No |
POST | api/profiles | Create a new user profile | Yes | No |
GET | api/profiles/current | Get current user profile if it exists | Yes | No |
GET | api/profiles/:userId | Get user profile by userId if it exists | No | No |
GET | api/profiles/handle/:handle | Get user profile by handle if it exists | No | No |
POST | api/profiles/current | Create or update user profile | Yes | No |
GET | api/jobs/ | Get all the jobs | No | No |
GET | api/jobs/:jobId | Get a job by id | No | No |
POST | api/jobs/ | Create a new job | Yes | No |
PUT | api/jobs/:jobId | Update an existing job | Yes | No |
DELETE | api/jobs/:jobId | Delete an existing job | Yes | No |
POST | api/jobs/join/:jobId | Join an existing job | Yes | No |
POST | api/jobs/leave/:jobId | Leave an existing job | Yes | No |
POST | api/jobs/comment/:jobId | Leave a comment in a job post | Yes | No |
DELETE | api/jobs/comment/:jobId/:commentId | Delete a comment in a job post | Yes | No |
- Use nouns but no verbs
- GET method should not alter the state
- Use POST/PUT/PATCH to modify state
- Use sub-resources for relations if a resource is related to another resource
- api/jobs/comment/:jobId/:commentId
- Provide filtering, sorting and paging for collections
- GET api/jobs?hostId=aizkdkaskkdqwe Returns a list of jobs hosted by the hostId
- GET api/jobs?sortBy=-date Returns a list of jobs sorted by descending date order
- GET api/jobs?limit=10&skip=10 Returns the next 10 jobs
- Handle errors with HTTP status codes
status code | message | description |
200 | Ok | The request was valid and served. |
201 | Resource created | The request created new resources. |
204 | No content | The request is valid but has no return content. |
304 | Not Modified | The client has the response already in its cache. |
400 | Bad request | The request was invalid or cannot be served. |
401 | Unauthorized | The request requires an user authentication |
403 | Forbidden | The server understood the request, but is refusing it or the access is not allowed. |
404 | Not found | There is no resource behind the URI. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | Should be used if the server cannot process the entity |
500 | Internal Server Error | The error that can't be catched in all of our catch blocks. |
middleware | description |
passport | checks the Authorization header in each request. Returns 401 error if token is not authenticated. |
admin | checks the user.admin property before granting access to forbidden routes. Returns 403 if admin is false. |
error | executes at the end of each request. Acts as a global catch block to log errors and send error JSON object to client. |
morgan | log each http request to console |
cors | cors |
All the data are being served by NoSql database, MongoDB. The db is then hosted in the cloud, by Mongo Atlas, which makes it convenient to deploy the server to Heroku later on. Sensitive data, like passwords will be encrypted using bcrypt and stored.
Mongoose allows data to be defined using the Schema interface. The Schema allows you to define the fields stored in each document along with their validation requirements and default values. The Schema allows nested schema such as the example shown below. Together with document referencing, we can create complex models relationships without complexity.
const ProfileSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'users',
required: true,
location: {
type: LocationSchema,
const PointSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: {
type: String,
default: 'Point',
coordinates: {
type: [Number],
const LocationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
location: {
type: PointSchema,
required: true,
Mongoose also provides utility static methods eg. findOne, findById, populate that allows you to query the database and also chain these methods together.
await Job.find(match)
.populate('host', ['name', 'email', 'avatarUrl']);
This app adopted one of the most known architecture pattern, the one proposed by Uncle Bob some years ago, called Clean Architecture. It supports the idea of separation of concern, making the model, endpoints and business logic independent of each other. So following those rules we split all the business logic from our API framework, creating a new ‘service’ layer.
- re-useable service code. No need for repeating common functionalities.
- clean and descriptive endpoints.
* @route POST api/jobs/comment/:jobId
* @desc Leave a comment in a job post
* @access: private
*/'/comment/:jobId', passport, async (req, res) => {
const result = await jobs.postComment(req.user._id,
- clean and well separated business logic code
- easier to mock test the business logic without the (req, res)
module.exports.postComment = function (userId, jobId, data) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const errors = validatePostComment(data);
if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) {
return reject(Boom.badData('Bad data', errors));
const newComment = {
user: userId.toString(),
text: data.text,
try {
const job = await Job.findById(jobId);
if (!job) return reject(Boom.notFound('Job not found'));
const result = await;
} catch (err) {
Besides having mongoose to validate our data before db operations, we have used Joi to validate data at the request level. The code snippet below is a validator for user registration.
const Joi = require('joi');
module.exports = (input) => {
const schema = {
name: Joi.string().min(3).max(50).required(),
email: Joi.string().email({ minDomainAtoms: 2 }).required(),
password: Joi.string().min(3).max(50).required(),
password2: Joi.string().min(3).max(50).required(),
isAdmin: Joi.boolean(),
const { error } = Joi.validate(input, schema, { abortEarly: false });
let result = {};
if (error) {
result = error.details.reduce((map, obj) => {
map[obj.path] = obj.message;
return map;
}, {});
return result;
If the input is valid, then the error will be null, otherwise it will be an Error object providing more information.
When the user successfully logs in using their credentials, a JSON Web Token will be returned. Whenever the user wants to access a protected route or resource, the user agent should send the JWT, typically in the Authorization header using the Bearer schema. For production, since tokens are credentials, they can be set to expire in a few hours to prevent security issues.
Adhering to the best practices, we gracefully handle errors, without crashing the server,
and use appropriate http status codes and error messages.
status code | message | description |
400 | Bad request | The request was invalid or cannot be served. |
401 | Unauthorized | The request requires an user authentication |
403 | Forbidden | The server understood the request, but is refusing it or the access is not allowed. |
404 | Not found | There is no resource behind the URI. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | Should be used if the server cannot process the entity |
500 | Internal Server Error | The error that can't be catched in all of our catch blocks. |
Managing which error code and error message to return can be cumbersome, Boom provides a set of utilities for returning HTTP errors, which allows consistency and cleaner error handling.
Besides returning the error response to the user, we also logged the errors into a log file for bug tracking. This was done using winston library, which enables the code below to log to both console and file.
const console = new winston.transports.Console({ colorize: true, prettyPrint: true });
const files = new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'log.log' });
The error middleware, which will execute at the end of each request, will then log the error and return the error to the user.
module.exports = function (err, req, res, next) {
if (Boom.isBoom(err)){
return res.status(err.output.statusCode).json({ ...err.output.payload, data: });
Pagination is the practice of splitting a huge ordered list of content into pages to be served to the user. With the correct usage, pagination not only reduce the network traffic generated by the web app, but it also can enhance the user experience by providing fast loading and page navigation. This also prevents the user from being overwhelmed by too much data at any one time.
The pagination can also work together with query and sorting.
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
const {
query, sortBy, page, limit,
} = req.query;
let queryObj = {};
if (query) {
queryObj = JSON.parse(query);
const docs = await jobs.getAllDocs(queryObj, sortBy, Number(page), Number(limit));
The Pusher enables the client to listen for changes in the server. Under the hood, it communicates to an API implemented in Node.js that saves the changes to a database. The Node.js script also receives these changes using change streams, parsing them and publishing them to a Pusher channel so the React application can consume them.
Here’s the diagram that describes the above process:
// In nodejs server, requests that modify/create resources will trigger events
pusher.trigger(jobId, 'postComment', {});
// In React App
// The react app will listen to this channel, for simplicity, the page will reload when a change stream is observed.
const channel = pusher.subscribe(jobId);
channel.bind('postComment', (data)=> {
channel.bind('deleteComment', (data)=> {
Airbnb ES Linting enables state of the art code quality and consistent style throughout the project.
90%+ test coverage report (75+ test cases)
Model Tests : Validations of input.
Service Tests : Test business logic while mocking the mongoose operations.
Api Testing best practices
- Test for the typical or expected results first
- Test for failure and status codes
- Group similar test cases using Test Suites
- Limit the tests from as many variables as possible by keeping it as isolated as possible
- Avoid repeating codes and use before and beforeEach to setup test conditions
The nodejs server is hosted in heroku.
Travis enables automated testing and redeployment when the src gets pushed to github. Email will also be sent to the specified notification email address when a build failed.
dist: trusty
language: node_js
- stable
on_success: never
on_failure: always
- npm run coverage
provider: heroku
secure: eb85a7c8-bc5d-4445-973d-af6d77207f85
app: ess-ewd-nodeserver
repo: rudinesurya/mern-web-asg2
New Relic is an application performance monitoring (APM) software analytics which deliver real-time and trending data about the web application's performance. It is easy to integrate with node and provides insightful charts which can enable us to visualize network traffic and observe bottlenecks.
api | description |
pusher | real-time data changes monitoring |
newrelic | application performance monitoring analytics |
library | description |
boom | HTTP-friendly error objects |
bcryptjs | Hashing and comparing passwords |
config | Organizes hierarchical configurations for your app deployments. |
cors | provide cors middleware |
express-async-errors | A dead simple ES6 async/await support hack for ExpressJS |
gravatar | Service for providing globally unique avatars |
joi | Object schema description language and validator for JavaScript objects. |
jsonwebtoken | JSON Web Token implementation |
jwt-decode | Decode jwt tokens to object |
lodash | JS utility library |
mongoose | Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and NodeJS |
morgan | HTTP request logger middleware |
passport | Authentication middleware for Node.js. |
winston | Logger |
pusher | library to support observing the pusher channel |
newrelic | analytics tool |
dev library | description |
chai | BDD / TDD assertion library |
eslint | linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns |
mocha | JavaScript test framework |
mockgoose | In memory database mock to allow for testing |
nodemon | Simple monitor script for use during development of a node.js app |
nyc | Code coverage reporter |
should | BDD / TDD assertion library |
sinon | Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript |
supertest | Super-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API |