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This toolkit implements various static index pruning algorithms with the Indri API.

Currently, the following methods are supported:

  • Term-based pruning (Carmel et al., 2001)
  • Uniform pruning (Carmel et al., 2001; Chen and Lee, 2013)
  • Document-centric pruning (Büttcher and Clarke, 2006)
  • Probability ranking principle (Blanco and Barreiro, 2010)
  • Two-sample two proportion test (Thota and Carterette, 2011)
  • Popularity-based pruning (Ntoulas and Cho, 2007)
  • Divergence based methods (Chen et al., 2015)

If you use this package in your research work, please cite the following paper:

R.-C. Chen, C.-J. Lee, and W. B. Croft. On divergence measures and static index pruning. In Proceedings of ICTIR '15, pages 151–160. ACM, 2015.


This package depends on:

  1. An update-to-date version of g++ that supports C++0x, e.g., can do -std=c++0x;
  2. Boost library >= 1.46;
  3. A patched Indri library 5.x.

Better check if these requirements are satisfied prior to installation. For (3), you need to manually apply the patch at share/DocListMemoryBuilder.patch to the Indri source.

Suppose that the Indri source code (indri-5.9 for example) and this repo (indri-pruning-toolkit) are both placed under $HOME/src. Do the following:

cd $HOME/src/indri-5.9
patch -p1 < $HOME/src/indri-pruning-toolkit/share/DocListMemoryBuilder.patch

Then compile the Indri code and get it installed. Most likely you'll want to put it under $HOME:

./configure --prefix=$HOME
make -j8 && make install

If the first line doesn't work out and configure is really there, try chmod a+x configure. Once this comes through, go back to the toolkit repo and do:

./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-indri=$HOME
make && make install


R. Blanco and A. Barreiro. Probabilistic static pruning of inverted files. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., 28(1), Jan. 2010.

S. Büttcher and C. L. A. Clarke. A document-centric approach to static index pruning in text retrieval systems. In Proceedings of CIKM ’06, pages 182–189. ACM, 2006.

R.-C. Chen and C.-J. Lee. An information-theoretic account of static index pruning. In Proceedings of SIGIR ’13, pages 163–172. ACM, 2013.

R.-C. Chen, C.-J. Lee, and W. B. Croft. On divergence measures and static index pruning. In Proceedings of ICTIR '15, pages 151–160. ACM, 2015.

D. Carmel, D. Cohen, R. Fagin, E. Farchi, M. Herscovici, Y. S. Maarek, and A. Soffer. Static index pruning for information retrieval systems. In Proceedings of SIGIR ’01, pages 43–50. ACM, 2001.

A. Ntoulas and J. Cho. Pruning policies for two-tiered inverted index with correctness guarantee. In Proceedings of SIGIR ’07, pages 191–198. ACM, 2007.

S. Thota and B. Carterette. Within-document term-based index pruning with statistical hypothesis testing. In Proceedings of ECIR ’11, pages 543–554. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.


Static index pruning tools for Indri







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