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Auto merge of #57852 - davidtwco:issue-57819, r=estebank
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Suggest removing leading left angle brackets.

Fixes #57819.

This PR adds errors and accompanying suggestions as below:

bar::<<<<<T as Foo>::Output>();
     ^^^ help: remove extra angle brackets

r? @estebank
  • Loading branch information
bors committed Jan 26, 2019
2 parents ccd428b + 8ab12f6 commit 46a43dc
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Showing 4 changed files with 328 additions and 8 deletions.
198 changes: 190 additions & 8 deletions src/libsyntax/parse/
Expand Up @@ -243,6 +243,12 @@ pub struct Parser<'a> {
desugar_doc_comments: bool,
/// Whether we should configure out of line modules as we parse.
pub cfg_mods: bool,
/// This field is used to keep track of how many left angle brackets we have seen. This is
/// required in order to detect extra leading left angle brackets (`<` characters) and error
/// appropriately.
/// See the comments in the `parse_path_segment` function for more details.
crate unmatched_angle_bracket_count: u32,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,6 +570,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
cfg_mods: true,
unmatched_angle_bracket_count: 0,

let tok = parser.next_tok();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1028,7 +1035,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// starting token.
fn eat_lt(&mut self) -> bool {
match self.token {
let ate = match self.token {
token::Lt => {
Expand All @@ -1039,7 +1046,15 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
_ => false,

if ate {
// See doc comment for `unmatched_angle_bracket_count`.
self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count += 1;
debug!("eat_lt: (increment) count={:?}", self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count);


fn expect_lt(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
Expand All @@ -1055,24 +1070,35 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// signal an error.
fn expect_gt(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
match self.token {
let ate = match self.token {
token::Gt => {
token::BinOp(token::Shr) => {
let span = self.span.with_lo(self.span.lo() + BytePos(1));
Ok(self.bump_with(token::Gt, span))
Some(self.bump_with(token::Gt, span))
token::BinOpEq(token::Shr) => {
let span = self.span.with_lo(self.span.lo() + BytePos(1));
Ok(self.bump_with(token::Ge, span))
Some(self.bump_with(token::Ge, span))
token::Ge => {
let span = self.span.with_lo(self.span.lo() + BytePos(1));
Ok(self.bump_with(token::Eq, span))
Some(self.bump_with(token::Eq, span))
_ => self.unexpected()
_ => None,

match ate {
Some(x) => {
// See doc comment for `unmatched_angle_bracket_count`.
self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count -= 1;
debug!("expect_gt: (decrement) count={:?}", self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count);

None => self.unexpected(),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2115,7 +2141,11 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
path_span =;

// See doc comment for `unmatched_angle_bracket_count`.
self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count -= 1;
debug!("parse_qpath: (decrement) count={:?}", self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count);


let qself = QSelf { ty, path_span, position: path.segments.len() };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2238,9 +2268,15 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let lo = self.span;

// We use `style == PathStyle::Expr` to check if this is in a recursion or not. If
// it isn't, then we reset the unmatched angle bracket count as we're about to start
// parsing a new path.
if style == PathStyle::Expr { self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count = 0; }

let args = if self.eat_lt() {
// `<'a, T, A = U>`
let (args, bindings) = self.parse_generic_args()?;
let (args, bindings) =
self.parse_generic_args_with_leaning_angle_bracket_recovery(style, lo)?;
let span =;
AngleBracketedArgs { args, bindings, span }.into()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5538,6 +5574,152 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {

/// Parse generic args (within a path segment) with recovery for extra leading angle brackets.
/// For the purposes of understanding the parsing logic of generic arguments, this function
/// can be thought of being the same as just calling `self.parse_generic_args()` if the source
/// had the correct amount of leading angle brackets.
/// ```ignore (diagnostics)
/// bar::<<<<T as Foo>::Output>();
/// ^^ help: remove extra angle brackets
/// ```
fn parse_generic_args_with_leaning_angle_bracket_recovery(
&mut self,
style: PathStyle,
lo: Span,
) -> PResult<'a, (Vec<GenericArg>, Vec<TypeBinding>)> {
// We need to detect whether there are extra leading left angle brackets and produce an
// appropriate error and suggestion. This cannot be implemented by looking ahead at
// upcoming tokens for a matching `>` character - if there are unmatched `<` tokens
// then there won't be matching `>` tokens to find.
// To explain how this detection works, consider the following example:
// ```ignore (diagnostics)
// bar::<<<<T as Foo>::Output>();
// ^^ help: remove extra angle brackets
// ```
// Parsing of the left angle brackets starts in this function. We start by parsing the
// `<` token (incrementing the counter of unmatched angle brackets on `Parser` via
// `eat_lt`):
// *Upcoming tokens:* `<<<<T as Foo>::Output>;`
// *Unmatched count:* 1
// *`parse_path_segment` calls deep:* 0
// This has the effect of recursing as this function is called if a `<` character
// is found within the expected generic arguments:
// *Upcoming tokens:* `<<<T as Foo>::Output>;`
// *Unmatched count:* 2
// *`parse_path_segment` calls deep:* 1
// Eventually we will have recursed until having consumed all of the `<` tokens and
// this will be reflected in the count:
// *Upcoming tokens:* `T as Foo>::Output>;`
// *Unmatched count:* 4
// `parse_path_segment` calls deep:* 3
// The parser will continue until reaching the first `>` - this will decrement the
// unmatched angle bracket count and return to the parent invocation of this function
// having succeeded in parsing:
// *Upcoming tokens:* `::Output>;`
// *Unmatched count:* 3
// *`parse_path_segment` calls deep:* 2
// This will continue until the next `>` character which will also return successfully
// to the parent invocation of this function and decrement the count:
// *Upcoming tokens:* `;`
// *Unmatched count:* 2
// *`parse_path_segment` calls deep:* 1
// At this point, this function will expect to find another matching `>` character but
// won't be able to and will return an error. This will continue all the way up the
// call stack until the first invocation:
// *Upcoming tokens:* `;`
// *Unmatched count:* 2
// *`parse_path_segment` calls deep:* 0
// In doing this, we have managed to work out how many unmatched leading left angle
// brackets there are, but we cannot recover as the unmatched angle brackets have
// already been consumed. To remedy this, we keep a snapshot of the parser state
// before we do the above. We can then inspect whether we ended up with a parsing error
// and unmatched left angle brackets and if so, restore the parser state before we
// consumed any `<` characters to emit an error and consume the erroneous tokens to
// recover by attempting to parse again.
// In practice, the recursion of this function is indirect and there will be other
// locations that consume some `<` characters - as long as we update the count when
// this happens, it isn't an issue.

let is_first_invocation = style == PathStyle::Expr;
// Take a snapshot before attempting to parse - we can restore this later.
let snapshot = if is_first_invocation {
} else {

debug!("parse_generic_args_with_leading_angle_bracket_recovery: (snapshotting)");
match self.parse_generic_args() {
Ok(value) => Ok(value),
Err(ref mut e) if is_first_invocation && self.unmatched_angle_bracket_count > 0 => {
// Cancel error from being unable to find `>`. We know the error
// must have been this due to a non-zero unmatched angle bracket
// count.

// Swap `self` with our backup of the parser state before attempting to parse
// generic arguments.
let snapshot = mem::replace(self, snapshot.unwrap());

"parse_generic_args_with_leading_angle_bracket_recovery: (snapshot failure) \

// Eat the unmatched angle brackets.
for _ in 0..snapshot.unmatched_angle_bracket_count {

// Make a span over ${unmatched angle bracket count} characters.
let span = lo.with_hi(
lo.lo() + BytePos(snapshot.unmatched_angle_bracket_count)
let plural = snapshot.unmatched_angle_bracket_count > 1;
"unmatched angle bracket{}",
if plural { "s" } else { "" }
"remove extra angle bracket{}",
if plural { "s" } else { "" }

// Try again without unmatched angle bracket characters.
Err(e) => Err(e),

/// Parses (possibly empty) list of lifetime and type arguments and associated type bindings,
/// possibly including trailing comma.
fn parse_generic_args(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (Vec<GenericArg>, Vec<TypeBinding>)> {
Expand Down
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions src/test/ui/issues/issue-57819.fixed
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// run-rustfix


// This test checks that the following error is emitted and the suggestion works:
// ```
// let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<<<Vec<usize>>();
// ^^ help: remove extra angle brackets
// ```

trait Foo {
type Output;

fn foo<T: Foo>() {
// More complex cases with more than one correct leading `<` character:

bar::<<T as Foo>::Output>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

bar::<<T as Foo>::Output>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

bar::<<T as Foo>::Output>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

bar::<<T as Foo>::Output>();

fn bar<T>() {}

fn main() {
let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<usize>>();
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions src/test/ui/issues/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// run-rustfix


// This test checks that the following error is emitted and the suggestion works:
// ```
// let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<<<Vec<usize>>();
// ^^ help: remove extra angle brackets
// ```

trait Foo {
type Output;

fn foo<T: Foo>() {
// More complex cases with more than one correct leading `<` character:

bar::<<<<<T as Foo>::Output>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

bar::<<<<T as Foo>::Output>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

bar::<<<T as Foo>::Output>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

bar::<<T as Foo>::Output>();

fn bar<T>() {}

fn main() {
let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<<<<<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<<<<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<<<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<<Vec<usize>>();
//~^ ERROR unmatched angle bracket

let _ = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect::<Vec<usize>>();

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