Updating only changed submodules Submodules updated in 0.10 seconds Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.48s Building stage0 std artifacts (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin) Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.63s Copying stage0 std from stage0 (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin / x86_64-apple-darwin) Building stage0 compiler artifacts (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin) Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.20s Copying stage0 rustc from stage0 (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin / x86_64-apple-darwin) Assembling stage1 compiler (x86_64-apple-darwin) Building stage1 std artifacts (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin) Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.28s Copying stage1 std from stage1 (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin / x86_64-apple-darwin) Building stage0 tool compiletest (x86_64-apple-darwin) Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.36s Check compiletest suite=ui mode=ui (x86_64-apple-darwin -> x86_64-apple-darwin) running 11954 tests ......................................................ii............................................ 100/11954 .........................................F.....................i.................................... 200/11954 .................................................................................................... 300/11954 .................................................................................................... 400/11954 .................................................................................................... 500/11954 ..............................................................................................F..... 600/11954 .............................................i...................................................... 700/11954 ....................i....test [ui] ui/abi/stack-probes-lto.rs has been running for over 60 seconds ........................................................................... 800/11954 .................................................................................................... 900/11954 .................................................................................................... 1000/11954 .................................................................................................... 1100/11954 ................................i................................................................... 1200/11954 .................................................................................................... 1300/11954 ..............F..................................................................................... 1400/11954 ..............................................F..........iiii.ii.i.............i.................... 1500/11954 .................................................................................................... 1600/11954 ..........................................................................i......................... 1700/11954 .................................................................................................... 1800/11954 .................................................................................................... 1900/11954 ............i....................................................................................... 2000/11954 .................................................................................................... 2100/11954 .................................................................................................... 2200/11954 .................................................................................................... 2300/11954 .................................................................................................... 2400/11954 .................................................................................................... 2500/11954 ...............................................F........F........................................... 2600/11954 .................................................................................................... 2700/11954 ............................i..i.................................................................... 2800/11954 .................................................................................................... 2900/11954 .........................................iiiii...................................................... 3000/11954 .................................................................................................... 3100/11954 .................................................................................................... 3200/11954 .......................................................F.......................F.................... 3300/11954 ....................................................................................F............... 3400/11954 .................................................................................................... 3500/11954 .................................................................................................... 3600/11954 .................................................................................................... 3700/11954 ...............................................................................................F.... 3800/11954 .................................................................................................... 3900/11954 .................................................................................................... 4000/11954 .................................................................................................... 4100/11954 .................................................................................................... 4200/11954 .................................................................................................... 4300/11954 .................................................................................................... 4400/11954 .................................................................................................... 4500/11954 ..........ii.......FFF..F........................................................................... 4600/11954 ...............................................................................F.F.................. 4700/11954 .................................................................................................... 4800/11954 .....................................................................................F.............. 4900/11954 ........................F............................i.............................................. 5000/11954 .................................................................................................... 5100/11954 ........................................................F........................................... 5200/11954 ...................F.....................................F.......................................... 5300/11954 ..............i..i.................................................................................. 5400/11954 .................................................................................................... 5500/11954 ..............................................i..................................................... 5600/11954 .................................................................................................... 5700/11954 .................................................................................................... 5800/11954 .................................................................................................... 5900/11954 .................F.............i........................................F........................... 6000/11954 .................................................................................................... 6100/11954 .....................................i....................................FF.....F.................. 6200/11954 ............F..................................F.................................................... 6300/11954 ..........................................................................ii.ii.......i...i......... 6400/11954 .................................................................................................... 6500/11954 ...................i...i................i.................i...........................i............. 6600/11954 .................................................................................................... 6700/11954 ...........................i........................................................................ 6800/11954 .................................................................................................... 6900/11954 ...............................ii................................................i.................. 7000/11954 .....................................................................test [ui] ui/issues/issue-74564-if-expr-stack-overflow.rs has been running for over 60 seconds ............................... 7100/11954 ..................i....................................F..................F......................... 7200/11954 ........................................................F........................................... 7300/11954 .....................................................................F..ii................i..i..ii.. 7400/11954 .................................................................................................... 7500/11954 .................................................................................................... 7600/11954 .................................................................................................... 7700/11954 .................................................................................................... 7800/11954 ........................i..ii..............................................................ii....... 7900/11954 .................................................................................................... 8000/11954 ................i...........................................................ii..i..........i........ 8100/11954 .....................................................................................i.............. 8200/11954 .................................................................................................... 8300/11954 .......................i......................................F..................................... 8400/11954 ...................................................................................i.F.............. 8500/11954 .................................................................................................... 8600/11954 .................................................................................................... 8700/11954 .......................F............................................................................ 8800/11954 .................................................................................................... 8900/11954 ...................................................................................iiii.iiiii....... 9000/11954 .........................................................ii...............i......................... 9100/11954 .................................................................................................... 9200/11954 .................................................................................................... 9300/11954 .................................................................................................... 9400/11954 ...................................................................................................F 9500/11954 .................................................................................................... 9600/11954 .................................................................................................... 9700/11954 .......................i......i..................................................................... 9800/11954 ...........................................................................iiiiii.i..iiiiii..i...... 9900/11954 .................................................................................................... 10000/11954 .................................................................................................... 10100/11954 .................................................................................................... 10200/11954 .................................................................................................... 10300/11954 .................................................................................................... 10400/11954 .................................................................................................... 10500/11954 ..F................................................................................................. 10600/11954 ........................................................................ii.......................... 10700/11954 ............i....................................................................................... 10800/11954 .................................................................................................... 10900/11954 .........................................................................F.......................... 11000/11954 .................................................................................................... 11100/11954 .................................................................................................... 11200/11954 ..............................................ii.................................................... 11300/11954 .............FFFF.F........................F..F......F........F..................................F.F 11400/11954 ................................................................................................F.F. 11500/11954 .................................................................................................... 11600/11954 .................................................................................................... 11700/11954 .................................................................................................... 11800/11954 .....................................................i.i............................................ 11900/11954 ...................................................... failures: ---- [ui] ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Vec` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` 2 --> $DIR/vector-no-ann.rs:2:16 3 | 4 LL | let _foo = Vec::new(); 5 | ---- ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` 6 | | 7 | consider giving `_foo` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 8 9 error: aborting due to previous error 10 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 12 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann/vector-no-ann.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann.rs:2:16 | LL | let _foo = Vec::new(); | ---- ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | | | consider giving `_foo` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 16 LL | async fn copy() -> Result<(), E> 17 | ^^^ 18 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 20 --> $DIR/issue-65159.rs:8:5 21 | 22 LL | Ok(()) 23 | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Ok` 24 25 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 26 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0107, E0282. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0107, E0283. 28 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0107`. 29 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159/issue-65159.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args async-await/issues/issue-65159.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "--edition=2018" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0107]: this enum takes 2 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159.rs:5:20 | LL | async fn copy() -> Result<()> | ^^^^^^ -- supplied 1 generic argument | | | expected 2 generic arguments | note: enum defined here, with 2 generic parameters: `T`, `E` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/library/core/src/result.rs:241:10 | LL | pub enum Result { | ^^^^^^ - - help: add missing generic argument | LL | async fn copy() -> Result<(), E> | ^^^ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159.rs:8:5 | LL | Ok(()) | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Ok` error: aborting due to 2 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0107, E0283. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0107`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.rs:8:27 3 | + LL | fn with_closure(_: F) + | - required by this bound in `with_closure` + ... 4 LL | with_closure(|x: u32, y| {}); 5 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call + | + LL | with_closure::(|x: u32, y| {}); + | ^^^^^^^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn with_closure(_: F) + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.rs:8:27 | LL | fn with_closure(_: F) | - required by this bound in `with_closure` ... LL | with_closure(|x: u32, y| {}); //~ ERROR E0282 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call | LL | with_closure::(|x: u32, y| {}); //~ ERROR E0282 | ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn with_closure(_: F) | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/closures/issue-52437.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 4 LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] 5 | ^^^^^^^ 6 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 8 --> $DIR/issue-52437.rs:2:30 9 | 10 LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] 11 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |&x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] + | ^ 12 13 error[E0308]: mismatched types 14 --> $DIR/issue-52437.rs:2:5 20 21 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors 22 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0308. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 25 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/closures/issue-52437/issue-52437.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args closures/issue-52437.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/closures/issue-52437.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/closures/issue-52437" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/closures/issue-52437/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: invalid label name `'static` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/closures/issue-52437.rs:2:13 | LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] | ^^^^^^^ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/closures/issue-52437.rs:2:30 | LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |&x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] | ^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/closures/issue-52437.rs:2:5 | LL | fn main() { | - expected `()` because of default return type LL | [(); &(&'static: loop { |x| {}; }) as *const _ as usize] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found array `[(); _]` error: aborting due to 3 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/consts/issue-52432.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 10 LL | [(); &(static || {}) as *const _ as usize]; 11 | ^^^^^^^^^ 12 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 14 --> $DIR/issue-52432.rs:4:20 15 | 16 LL | [(); &(static |x| {}) as *const _ as usize]; 17 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | [(); &(static |&x| {}) as *const _ as usize]; + | ^ 18 19 error[E0080]: evaluation of constant value failed 20 --> $DIR/issue-52432.rs:7:10 24 25 error: aborting due to 4 previous errors 26 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0080, E0282, E0697. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0080, E0283, E0697. 28 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0080`. 29 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/consts/issue-52432/issue-52432.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args consts/issue-52432.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-52432.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/consts/issue-52432" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/consts/issue-52432/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0697]: closures cannot be static --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-52432.rs:4:12 | LL | [(); &(static |x| {}) as *const _ as usize]; | ^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0697]: closures cannot be static --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-52432.rs:7:12 | LL | [(); &(static || {}) as *const _ as usize]; | ^^^^^^^^^ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-52432.rs:4:20 | LL | [(); &(static |x| {}) as *const _ as usize]; | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | [(); &(static |&x| {}) as *const _ as usize]; | ^ error[E0080]: evaluation of constant value failed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-52432.rs:7:10 | LL | [(); &(static || {}) as *const _ as usize]; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot cast pointer to integer because it was not created by cast from integer error: aborting due to 4 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0080, E0283, E0697. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0080`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/consts/issue-64662.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/issue-64662.rs:2:9 3 | 4 LL | A = foo(), 5 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` + ... + LL | const fn foo() -> isize { + | - required by this bound in `foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call + | + LL | A = foo::(), + | ^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | const fn foo() -> isize { + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 8 --> $DIR/issue-64662.rs:3:9 9 | 10 LL | B = foo(), 11 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` + ... + LL | const fn foo() -> isize { + | - required by this bound in `foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call + | + LL | B = foo::(), + | ^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | const fn foo() -> isize { + | ^^^^^^^^ 12 13 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 14 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 16 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/consts/issue-64662/issue-64662.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args consts/issue-64662.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-64662.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/consts/issue-64662" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/consts/issue-64662/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-64662.rs:2:9 | LL | A = foo(), //~ ERROR: type annotations needed | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` ... LL | const fn foo() -> isize { | - required by this bound in `foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call | LL | A = foo::(), //~ ERROR: type annotations needed | ^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | const fn foo() -> isize { | ^^^^^^^^ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/consts/issue-64662.rs:3:9 | LL | B = foo(), //~ ERROR: type annotations needed | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` ... LL | const fn foo() -> isize { | - required by this bound in `foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call | LL | B = foo::(), //~ ERROR: type annotations needed | ^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | const fn foo() -> isize { | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to 2 previous errors For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/error-codes/E0282.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/E0282.rs:2:9 3 | 4 LL | let x = "hello".chars().rev().collect(); 5 | ^ consider giving `x` a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0282/E0282.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args error-codes/E0282.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0282.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0282" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0282/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0282.rs:2:9 | LL | let x = "hello".chars().rev().collect(); //~ ERROR E0282 | ^ consider giving `x` a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/error-codes/E0401.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 32 | use of generic parameter from outer function 33 | use a type here instead 34 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 36 --> $DIR/E0401.rs:11:5 37 | + LL | fn bfnr, W: Fn()>(y: T) { + | - required by this bound in `bfnr` + ... 38 LL | bfnr(x); 39 | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `U` declared on the function `bfnr` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call + | + LL | bfnr::(x); + | ^^^^^^^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn bfnr, W: Fn()>(y: T) { + | ^^^^^^^^ 40 41 error: aborting due to 4 previous errors 42 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0401. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0401. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 45 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0401/E0401.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args error-codes/E0401.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0401.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0401" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0401/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0401]: can't use generic parameters from outer function --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0401.rs:4:39 | LL | fn foo(x: T) { | - type parameter from outer function LL | fn bfnr, W: Fn()>(y: T) { //~ ERROR E0401 | --------------------------- ^ use of generic parameter from outer function | | | help: try using a local generic parameter instead: `bfnr, W: Fn(), T>` error[E0401]: can't use generic parameters from outer function --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0401.rs:9:16 | LL | fn foo(x: T) { | - type parameter from outer function ... LL | fn baz /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0401.rs:22:25 | LL | impl Iterator for A { | ---- `Self` type implicitly declared here, by this `impl` ... LL | fn helper(sel: &Self) -> u8 { //~ ERROR E0401 | ^^^^ | | | use of generic parameter from outer function | use a type here instead error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0401.rs:11:5 | LL | fn bfnr, W: Fn()>(y: T) { //~ ERROR E0401 | - required by this bound in `bfnr` ... LL | bfnr(x); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `U` declared on the function `bfnr` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call | LL | bfnr::(x); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn bfnr, W: Fn()>(y: T) { //~ ERROR E0401 | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to 4 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0401. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/error-codes/E0661.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 4 LL | llvm_asm!("nop" : "r"(a)); 5 | ^^^ 6 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 8 --> $DIR/E0661.rs:6:9 9 | 10 LL | let a; 11 | ^ consider giving `a` a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 12 13 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 14 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0661. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0661. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 17 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0661/E0661.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args error-codes/E0661.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0661.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0661" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/error-codes/E0661/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0661]: output operand constraint lacks '=' or '+' --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0661.rs:7:23 | LL | llvm_asm!("nop" : "r"(a)); | ^^^ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0661.rs:6:9 | LL | let a; //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving `a` a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to 2 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0661. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.rs:8:14 3 | 4 LL | for i in Vec::new() { } 5 | ^^^^^^^^^^ the element type for this iterator is not specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.rs:8:14 | LL | for i in Vec::new() { } //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^ the element type for this iterator is not specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 7 = note: `#[warn(incomplete_features)]` on by default 8 = note: see issue #63065 for more information 9 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `impl Future` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `impl Future` 11 --> $DIR/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs:15:9 12 | 13 LL | let fut = async { 15 ... 16 LL | Ok(()) 17 | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Ok` 18 19 error: aborting due to previous error; 1 warning emitted 20 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 22 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "--edition=2018" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ warning: the feature `impl_trait_in_bindings` is incomplete and may not be safe to use and/or cause compiler crashes --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs:2:12 | LL | #![feature(impl_trait_in_bindings)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: `#[warn(incomplete_features)]` on by default = note: see issue #63065 for more information error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `impl Future` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs:15:9 | LL | let fut = async { | --- consider giving `fut` the explicit type `impl Future`, where the type parameter `E` is specified ... LL | Ok(()) //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Ok` error: aborting due to previous error; 1 warning emitted For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-async.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/cannot-infer-async.rs:13:9 3 | 4 LL | let fut = async { 6 ... 7 LL | Ok(()) 8 | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Ok` 9 10 error: aborting due to previous error 11 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 13 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async/cannot-infer-async.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args inference/cannot-infer-async.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "--edition=2018" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-async.rs:13:9 | LL | let fut = async { | --- consider giving `fut` a type ... LL | Ok(()) //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Ok` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Result<(), E>` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Result<(), E>` 2 --> $DIR/cannot-infer-closure-circular.rs:7:14 3 | 4 LL | let x = |r| { 5 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter the explicit type `Result<(), E>`, where the type parameter `E` is specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Ok` 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular/cannot-infer-closure-circular.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Result<(), E>` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular.rs:7:14 | LL | let x = |r| { | ^ consider giving this closure parameter the explicit type `Result<(), E>`, where the type parameter `E` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Ok` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for the closure `fn((), ()) -> Result<(), _>` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for the closure `fn((), ()) -> Result<(), _>` 2 --> $DIR/cannot-infer-closure.rs:4:9 3 | 4 LL | Ok(b) 5 | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` 6 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Ok` 7 help: give this closure an explicit return type without `_` placeholders 8 | 9 LL | let x = |a: (), b: ()| -> Result<(), _> { 11 12 error: aborting due to previous error 13 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 15 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure/cannot-infer-closure.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args inference/cannot-infer-closure.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for the closure `fn((), ()) -> Result<(), _>` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure.rs:4:9 | LL | Ok(b) //~ ERROR type annotations needed for the closure | ^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `E` declared on the enum `Result` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Ok` help: give this closure an explicit return type without `_` placeholders | LL | let x = |a: (), b: ()| -> Result<(), _> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-12187-1.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `&T` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `&T` 2 --> $DIR/issue-12187-1.rs:6:10 3 | 4 LL | let &v = new(); 6 | || 7 | |cannot infer type 8 | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `&T`, with the type parameters specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 9 10 error: aborting due to previous error 11 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 13 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-1/issue-12187-1.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-12187-1.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-1.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-1" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-1/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `&T` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-1.rs:6:10 | LL | let &v = new(); | -^ | || | |cannot infer type | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `&T`, with the type parameters specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-12187-2.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `&T` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `&T` 2 --> $DIR/issue-12187-2.rs:6:10 3 | 4 LL | let &v = new(); 6 | || 7 | |cannot infer type 8 | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `&T`, with the type parameters specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 9 10 error: aborting due to previous error 11 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 13 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-2/issue-12187-2.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-12187-2.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-2.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-2" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-2/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `&T` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-12187-2.rs:6:10 | LL | let &v = new(); | -^ | || | |cannot infer type | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `&T`, with the type parameters specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-17551.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `B` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `B` 2 --> $DIR/issue-17551.rs:6:15 3 | + LL | struct B(marker::PhantomData); + | ------------------------------------ required by `B` + ... 4 LL | let foo = B(marker::PhantomData); 5 | --- ^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the struct `B` 6 | | 7 | consider giving `foo` the explicit type `B`, where the type parameter `T` is specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 8 9 error: aborting due to previous error 10 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 12 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-17551/issue-17551.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-17551.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-17551.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-17551" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-17551/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `B` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-17551.rs:6:15 | LL | struct B(marker::PhantomData); | ------------------------------------ required by `B` ... LL | let foo = B(marker::PhantomData); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | --- ^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the struct `B` | | | consider giving `foo` the explicit type `B`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-18159.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/issue-18159.rs:2:9 3 | 4 LL | let x; 5 | ^ consider giving `x` a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-18159/issue-18159.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-18159.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-18159.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-18159" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-18159/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-18159.rs:2:9 | LL | let x; //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving `x` a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-23046.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Expr<'_, VAR>` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Expr<'_, VAR>` 2 --> $DIR/issue-23046.rs:17:15 3 | + LL | pub fn let_<'var, VAR, F: for<'v> Fn(Expr<'v, VAR>) -> Expr<'v, VAR>> + | --- required by this bound in `let_` + ... 4 LL | let ex = |x| { 5 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter the explicit type `Expr<'_, VAR>`, where the type parameter `VAR` is specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call + | + LL | let_::(add(x,x), |y| { + | ^^^^^^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | pub fn let_<'var, VAR: ?Sized, F: for<'v> Fn(Expr<'v, VAR>) -> Expr<'v, VAR>> + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-23046/issue-23046.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-23046.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-23046.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-23046" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-23046/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Expr<'_, VAR>` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-23046.rs:17:15 | LL | pub fn let_<'var, VAR, F: for<'v> Fn(Expr<'v, VAR>) -> Expr<'v, VAR>> | --- required by this bound in `let_` ... LL | let ex = |x| { //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving this closure parameter the explicit type `Expr<'_, VAR>`, where the type parameter `VAR` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call | LL | let_::(add(x,x), |y| { | ^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | pub fn let_<'var, VAR: ?Sized, F: for<'v> Fn(Expr<'v, VAR>) -> Expr<'v, VAR>> | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-24036.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 11 = note: no two closures, even if identical, have the same type 12 = help: consider boxing your closure and/or using it as a trait object 13 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 15 --> $DIR/issue-24036.rs:9:15 16 | 17 LL | 1 => |c| c + 1, 18 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | 1 => |&c| c + 1, + | ^ 19 20 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 21 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0308. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 24 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-24036/issue-24036.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-24036.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-24036.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-24036" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-24036/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-24036.rs:3:9 | LL | let mut x = |c| c + 1; | --------- the expected closure LL | x = |c| c + 1; | ^^^^^^^^^ expected closure, found a different closure | = note: expected closure `[closure@/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-24036.rs:2:17: 2:26]` found closure `[closure@/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-24036.rs:3:9: 3:18]` = note: no two closures, even if identical, have the same type = help: consider boxing your closure and/or using it as a trait object error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-24036.rs:9:15 | LL | 1 => |c| c + 1, | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | 1 => |&c| c + 1, | ^ error: aborting due to 2 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-25368.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `(Sender>, std::sync::mpsc::Receiver>)` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `(Sender>, std::sync::mpsc::Receiver>)` 2 --> $DIR/issue-25368.rs:11:17 3 | + LL | struct Foo {foo: PhantomData} + | ------------- required by `Foo` + ... 4 LL | let (tx, rx) = channel(); 5 | -------- consider giving this pattern the explicit type `(Sender>, std::sync::mpsc::Receiver>)`, where the type parameter `T` is specified 6 ... 7 LL | tx.send(Foo{ foo: PhantomData }); 8 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the struct `Foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 9 10 error: aborting due to previous error 11 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 13 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-25368/issue-25368.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-25368.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-25368.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-25368" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-25368/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `(Sender>, std::sync::mpsc::Receiver>)` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-25368.rs:11:17 | LL | struct Foo {foo: PhantomData} | ------------- required by `Foo` ... LL | let (tx, rx) = channel(); | -------- consider giving this pattern the explicit type `(Sender>, std::sync::mpsc::Receiver>)`, where the type parameter `T` is specified ... LL | tx.send(Foo{ foo: PhantomData }); //~ ERROR E0282 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the struct `Foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-47486.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 4 LL | () < std::mem::size_of::<_>(); 5 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found `usize` 6 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 8 --> $DIR/issue-47486.rs:3:11 9 | 10 LL | [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<_>()]; 11 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type + | + ::: $SRC_DIR/core/src/mem/mod.rs:LL:COL + | + LL | pub const fn size_of() -> usize { + | - required by this bound in `std::mem::size_of` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 12 13 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 14 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0308. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 17 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-47486/issue-47486.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-47486.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-47486.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-47486" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-47486/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-47486.rs:2:10 | LL | () < std::mem::size_of::<_>(); //~ ERROR: mismatched types | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found `usize` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-47486.rs:3:11 | LL | [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<_>()]; //~ ERROR: type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type | ::: /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/library/core/src/mem/mod.rs:301:22 | LL | pub const fn size_of() -> usize { | - required by this bound in `std::mem::size_of` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error: aborting due to 2 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-5062.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/issue-5062.rs:1:29 3 | 4 LL | fn main() { format!("{:?}", None); } 5 | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `None` 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-5062/issue-5062.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-5062.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-5062.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-5062" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-5062/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-5062.rs:1:29 | LL | fn main() { format!("{:?}", None); } | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `None` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-6458-2.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/issue-6458-2.rs:3:21 3 | 4 LL | format!("{:?}", None); 5 | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `None` 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-2/issue-6458-2.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-6458-2.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-2.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-2" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-2/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-2.rs:3:21 | LL | format!("{:?}", None); | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `None` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-6458-3.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/issue-6458-3.rs:4:5 3 | 4 LL | mem::transmute(0); 5 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `U` declared on the function `transmute` + | + ::: $SRC_DIR/core/src/intrinsics.rs:LL:COL + | + LL | pub fn transmute(e: T) -> U; + | - required by this bound in `transmute` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call + | + LL | mem::transmute::(0); + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-3/issue-6458-3.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-6458-3.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-3.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-3" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-3/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-6458-3.rs:4:5 | LL | mem::transmute(0); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `U` declared on the function `transmute` | ::: /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/library/core/src/intrinsics.rs:1084:25 | LL | pub fn transmute(e: T) -> U; | - required by this bound in `transmute` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call | LL | mem::transmute::(0); | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-6458.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/issue-6458.rs:9:4 3 | + LL | pub fn foo(_: TypeWithState) {} + | ----- required by this bound in `foo` + ... 4 LL | foo(TypeWithState(marker::PhantomData)); 5 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `State` declared on the function `foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call + | + LL | foo::(TypeWithState(marker::PhantomData)); + | ^^^^^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | pub fn foo(_: TypeWithState) {} + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458/issue-6458.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-6458.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-6458.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-6458/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-6458.rs:9:4 | LL | pub fn foo(_: TypeWithState) {} | ----- required by this bound in `foo` ... LL | foo(TypeWithState(marker::PhantomData)); | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `State` declared on the function `foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call | LL | foo::(TypeWithState(marker::PhantomData)); | ^^^^^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | pub fn foo(_: TypeWithState) {} | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-66706.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 26 LL | [0; match [|f @ &ref _| () ] {} ] 27 | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier 28 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 30 --> $DIR/issue-66706.rs:2:11 31 | 32 LL | [0; [|_: _ &_| ()].len()] 33 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | [0; [|_: &_ &_| ()].len()] + | ^ 34 35 error[E0308]: mismatched types 36 --> $DIR/issue-66706.rs:2:5 58 59 error: aborting due to 8 previous errors 60 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0308. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 63 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-66706/issue-66706.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-66706.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-66706" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-66706/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: expected `,`, found `&` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:2:16 | LL | [0; [|_: _ &_| ()].len()] | -^ expected `,` | | | help: missing `,` error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:9:20 | LL | [0; [|f @ &ref _| {} ; 0 ].len() ]; | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected `,`, found `&` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:14:17 | LL | [0; [|&_: _ &_| {}; 0 ].len()] | -^ expected `,` | | | help: missing `,` error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:20:26 | LL | [0; match [|f @ &ref _| () ] {} ] | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:2:11 | LL | [0; [|_: _ &_| ()].len()] | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | [0; [|_: &_ &_| ()].len()] | ^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:2:5 | LL | fn a() { | - help: try adding a return type: `-> [{integer}; _]` LL | [0; [|_: _ &_| ()].len()] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found array `[{integer}; _]` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:14:5 | LL | fn c() { | - help: try adding a return type: `-> [{integer}; _]` LL | [0; [|&_: _ &_| {}; 0 ].len()] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found array `[{integer}; _]` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-66706.rs:20:5 | LL | fn d() { | - help: try adding a return type: `-> [{integer}; _]` LL | [0; match [|f @ &ref _| () ] {} ] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found array `[{integer}; _]` error: aborting due to 8 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/issues/issue-72690.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 7 = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` 8 = note: required by `from` 9 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 11 --> $DIR/issue-72690.rs:11:6 12 | 13 LL | |x| String::from("x".as_ref()); 14 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | |&x| String::from("x".as_ref()); + | ^ 15 16 error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `&T` 17 --> $DIR/issue-72690.rs:15:17 79 80 error: aborting due to 9 previous errors 81 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0283. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 84 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-72690/issue-72690.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args issues/issue-72690.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-72690" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/issues/issue-72690/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:7:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:11:6 | LL | |x| String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | |&x| String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `&T` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:15:17 | LL | let _ = "x".as_ref(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | - ^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the trait `AsRef` | | | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `&T`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `str: AsRef<_>` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:19:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:25:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:33:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:41:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:47:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/issues/issue-72690.rs:55:5 | LL | String::from("x".as_ref()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for reference `&_` | = note: cannot satisfy `String: From<&_>` = note: required by `from` error: aborting due to 9 previous errors For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/match-unresolved-one-arm.rs:4:9 3 | 4 LL | let x = match () { 5 | ^ consider giving `x` a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm/match-unresolved-one-arm.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args match/match-unresolved-one-arm.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm.rs:4:9 | LL | let x = match () { //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving `x` a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Vec` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` 2 --> $DIR/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs:24:17 3 | 4 LL | let mut x = Vec::new(); 5 | ----- ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` 6 | | 7 | consider giving `x` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 8 9 error[E0308]: mismatched types 10 --> $DIR/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs:33:20 21 22 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors 23 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0308. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 26 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs:24:17 | LL | let mut x = Vec::new(); | ----- ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | | | consider giving `x` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs:33:20 | LL | let y: usize = x.foo(); //~ ERROR mismatched types | ----- ^^^^^^^ expected `usize`, found `isize` | | | expected due to this | help: you can convert an `isize` to a `usize` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | LL | let y: usize = x.foo().try_into().unwrap(); //~ ERROR mismatched types | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to 2 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/mir/issue-75053.rs#in_bindings stdout ---- diff of stderr: 7 = note: `#[warn(incomplete_features)]` on by default 8 = note: see issue #63065 for more information 9 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 11 --> $DIR/issue-75053.rs:52:38 12 | 13 LL | type O; 14 | ------- `>::O` defined here 15 ... + LL | fn new() -> Self { + | ---------------- required by `Scope::::new` + ... 16 LL | let _pos: Phantom1> = Scope::new().my_index(); 17 | ^^^^^^^^^^------------- 18 | | 19 | this method call resolves to `>::O` 20 | cannot infer type for type parameter `T` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 21 22 error: aborting due to previous error; 1 warning emitted 23 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 25 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/mir/issue-75053.in_bindings/issue-75053.in_bindings.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args mir/issue-75053.rs` error in revision `in_bindings`: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/mir/issue-75053.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--cfg" "in_bindings" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/mir/issue-75053.in_bindings" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-Z" "mir-opt-level=3" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/mir/issue-75053.in_bindings/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ warning: the feature `impl_trait_in_bindings` is incomplete and may not be safe to use and/or cause compiler crashes --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/mir/issue-75053.rs:7:34 | LL | #![cfg_attr(in_bindings, feature(impl_trait_in_bindings))] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: `#[warn(incomplete_features)]` on by default = note: see issue #63065 for more information error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/mir/issue-75053.rs:52:38 | LL | type O; | ------- `>::O` defined here ... LL | fn new() -> Self { | ---------------- required by `Scope::::new` ... LL | let _pos: Phantom1> = Scope::new().my_index(); | ^^^^^^^^^^------------- | | | this method call resolves to `>::O` | cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error: aborting due to previous error; 1 warning emitted For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/missing-type-parameter.rs:4:5 3 | + LL | fn foo() { } + | - required by this bound in `foo` + ... 4 LL | foo(); 5 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `X` declared on the function `foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call + | + LL | foo::(); + | ^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn foo() { } + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter/missing-type-parameter.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter.rs:4:5 | LL | fn foo() { } | - required by this bound in `foo` ... LL | foo(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `X` declared on the function `foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call | LL | foo::(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn foo() { } | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 106 | | unclosed delimiter 107 | closing delimiter possibly meant for this 108 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 110 --> $DIR/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:15:29 111 | 112 LL | V = [Vec::new; { [].len() ].len() as isize, 113 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 114 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 116 --> $DIR/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:26:14 117 | 118 LL | V = [Vec::new; { [0].len() ].len() as isize, 119 | ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 120 121 error: aborting due to 14 previous errors 122 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 124 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:5:42 | LL | V = [PhantomData; { [ () ].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:15:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:26:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [0].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:5:42 | LL | V = [PhantomData; { [ () ].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:15:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:26:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [0].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:5:42 | LL | V = [PhantomData; { [ () ].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:15:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:26:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [0].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:5:42 | LL | V = [PhantomData; { [ () ].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:15:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error: mismatched closing delimiter: `]` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:26:36 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [0].len() ].len() as isize, | - - ^ mismatched closing delimiter | | | | | unclosed delimiter | closing delimiter possibly meant for this error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:15:29 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [].len() ].len() as isize, | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs:26:14 | LL | V = [Vec::new; { [0].len() ].len() as isize, | ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` error: aborting due to 14 previous errors For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 24 | | maybe try to close unmatched angle bracket 25 | while parsing the type for `v` 26 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Vec` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` 28 --> $DIR/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:7:25 29 | 30 LL | let v : Vec<(u32,_) = vec![]; 32 | | 33 | consider giving `v` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified 34 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 35 = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) 36 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Vec` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` 38 --> $DIR/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:18:20 39 | 40 LL | let v : Vec<'a = vec![]; 42 | | 43 | consider giving `v` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified 44 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 45 = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) 46 47 error: aborting due to 5 previous errors 48 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 50 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: expected one of `,`, `:`, or `>`, found `=` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:7:23 | LL | let v : Vec<(u32,_) = vec![]; | - - ^ expected one of `,`, `:`, or `>` | | | | | maybe try to close unmatched angle bracket | while parsing the type for `v` error: expected one of `!`, `(`, `+`, `,`, `::`, `<`, or `>`, found `{` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:13:32 | LL | let foo : Foo::`, found `=` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:18:18 | LL | let v : Vec<'a = vec![]; | - -- ^ expected one of `,`, `:`, or `>` | | | | | maybe try to close unmatched angle bracket | while parsing the type for `v` error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:7:25 | LL | let v : Vec<(u32,_) = vec![]; | - ^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | | | consider giving `v` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs:18:20 | LL | let v : Vec<'a = vec![]; | - ^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | | | consider giving `v` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) error: aborting due to 5 previous errors For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 185 | 186 = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns 187 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 189 --> $DIR/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:33:9 190 | 191 LL | let x @ ..; 192 | ^^^^^^ consider giving this pattern a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 193 194 error: aborting due to 23 previous errors 195 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 197 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:10:13 | LL | () => { .. } //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ ... LL | let mk_pat!(); | --------- in this macro invocation | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns = note: this error originates in the macro `mk_pat` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:18:9 | LL | let ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:21:13 | LL | let box ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:25:13 | LL | 1 | .. => {} //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:29:10 | LL | let &..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:30:14 | LL | let &mut ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:33:13 | LL | let x @ ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:35:17 | LL | let ref x @ ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:36:21 | LL | let ref mut x @ ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:43:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern | ^^ can only be used once per tuple pattern error: `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:44:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern LL | .. //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern | ^^ can only be used once per tuple pattern error: `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:49:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | x, LL | .. //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple pattern | ^^ can only be used once per tuple pattern error: `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:59:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern | ^^ can only be used once per tuple struct pattern error: `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:60:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern LL | .. //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern | ^^ can only be used once per tuple struct pattern error: `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:65:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | x, LL | .. //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per tuple struct pattern | ^^ can only be used once per tuple struct pattern error: `..` can only be used once per slice pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:73:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern | ^^ can only be used once per slice pattern error: `..` can only be used once per slice pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:74:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern LL | .. //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern | ^^ can only be used once per slice pattern error: `..` can only be used once per slice pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:78:17 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | ref x @ .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern | ^^ can only be used once per slice pattern error: `..` can only be used once per slice pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:79:21 | LL | .., | -- previously used here LL | ref x @ .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern LL | ref mut y @ .., //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern | ^^ can only be used once per slice pattern error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:80:18 | LL | (ref z @ ..), //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error: `..` can only be used once per slice pattern --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:81:9 | LL | .., | -- previously used here ... LL | .. //~ ERROR `..` can only be used once per slice pattern | ^^ can only be used once per slice pattern error: `..` patterns are not allowed here --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:17:12 | LL | fn foo(..: u8) {} //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^ | = note: only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs:33:9 | LL | let x @ ..; //~ ERROR `..` patterns are not allowed here | ^^^^^^ consider giving this pattern a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to 23 previous errors For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/resolve/issue-85348.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 13 LL | impl ArrayWindowsExample { 14 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope 15 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 17 --> $DIR/issue-85348.rs:6:13 18 | 19 LL | let mut N; 20 | ^^^^^ consider giving `N` a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: all local variables must have a statically known size + = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature 21 22 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors 23 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0412, E0530. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0412, E0530. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 26 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348/issue-85348.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args resolve/issue-85348.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0530]: let bindings cannot shadow const parameters --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348.rs:6:17 | LL | impl ArrayWindowsExample { | - the const parameter `N` is defined here ... LL | let mut N; | ^ cannot be named the same as a const parameter error[E0412]: cannot find type `ArrayWindowsExample` in this scope --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348.rs:3:22 | LL | impl ArrayWindowsExample { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/resolve/issue-85348.rs:6:13 | LL | let mut N; | ^^^^^ consider giving `N` a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature error: aborting due to 3 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0412, E0530. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `fn() -> A` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `fn() -> A` 2 --> $DIR/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.rs:3:13 3 | + LL | fn f() -> A { unimplemented!() } + | - required by this bound in `f` + LL | fn foo() { 4 LL | let _ = f; 5 | - ^ cannot infer type for type parameter `A` declared on the function `f` 6 | | 7 | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `fn() -> A`, where the type parameter `A` is specified + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call + | + LL | let _ = f::; + | ^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn f() -> A { unimplemented!() } + | ^^^^^^^^ 8 9 error: aborting due to previous error 10 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 12 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `fn() -> A` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.rs:3:13 | LL | fn f() -> A { unimplemented!() } | - required by this bound in `f` LL | fn foo() { LL | let _ = f; //~ ERROR type annotations needed for `fn() -> A` | - ^ cannot infer type for type parameter `A` declared on the function `f` | | | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `fn() -> A`, where the type parameter `A` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call | LL | let _ = f::; //~ ERROR type annotations needed for `fn() -> A` | ^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn f() -> A { unimplemented!() } | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.rs:26:5 3 | + LL | fn test(_: T, _: U) + | - required by this bound in `test` + ... 4 LL | test(22, std::default::Default::default()); 5 | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `U` declared on the function `test` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call + | + LL | test::(22, std::default::Default::default()); + | ^^^^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn test(_: T, _: U) + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.rs:26:5 | LL | fn test(_: T, _: U) | - required by this bound in `test` ... LL | test(22, std::default::Default::default()); | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `U` declared on the function `test` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call | LL | test::(22, std::default::Default::default()); | ^^^^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn test(_: T, _: U) | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/or_else-multiple-type-params.rs:7:10 3 | 4 LL | .or_else(|err| { 5 | ^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `F` declared on the associated function `or_else` 6 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 7 help: consider specifying the type arguments in the method call 8 | 9 LL | .or_else::(|err| { 11 12 error: aborting due to previous error 13 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 15 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params/or_else-multiple-type-params.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params.rs:7:10 | LL | .or_else(|err| { //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `F` declared on the associated function `or_else` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the method call | LL | .or_else::(|err| { //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type-inference/sort_by_key.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/sort_by_key.rs:3:9 3 | 4 LL | lst.sort_by_key(|&(v, _)| v.iter().sum()); 5 | ^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `K` declared on the associated function `sort_by_key` 6 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 7 help: consider specifying the type argument in the method call 8 | 9 LL | lst.sort_by_key(|&(v, _)| v.iter().sum::()); 11 12 error: aborting due to previous error 13 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 15 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/sort_by_key/sort_by_key.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type-inference/sort_by_key.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/sort_by_key.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/sort_by_key" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/sort_by_key/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/sort_by_key.rs:3:9 | LL | lst.sort_by_key(|&(v, _)| v.iter().sum()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `K` declared on the associated function `sort_by_key` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the method call | LL | lst.sort_by_key(|&(v, _)| v.iter().sum::()); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/unbounded-associated-type.rs:15:5 3 | 4 LL | type A; 5 | ------- `::A` defined here 6 ... + LL | struct S(std::marker::PhantomData); + | ----------------------------------------- required by `S` + ... 7 LL | S(std::marker::PhantomData).foo(); 8 | ^-------------------------------- 9 | | 10 | this method call resolves to `::A` 11 | cannot infer type for type parameter `X` declared on the struct `S` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 12 13 error: aborting due to previous error 14 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 16 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type/unbounded-associated-type.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type-inference/unbounded-associated-type.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type.rs:15:5 | LL | type A; | ------- `::A` defined here ... LL | struct S(std::marker::PhantomData); | ----------------------------------------- required by `S` ... LL | S(std::marker::PhantomData).foo(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^-------------------------------- | | | this method call resolves to `::A` | cannot infer type for type parameter `X` declared on the struct `S` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.rs:8:5 3 | + LL | fn foo() -> (T, U) { + | - required by this bound in `foo` + ... 4 LL | foo(); 5 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call + | + LL | foo::(); + | ^^^^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn foo() -> (T, U) { + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.rs:8:5 | LL | fn foo() -> (T, U) { | - required by this bound in `foo` ... LL | foo(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type arguments in the function call | LL | foo::(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn foo() -> (T, U) { | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.rs:6:5 3 | + LL | fn foo() -> T { + | - required by this bound in `foo` + ... 4 LL | foo(); 5 | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call + | + LL | foo::(); + | ^^^^^ + help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction + | + LL | fn foo() -> T { + | ^^^^^^^^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.rs:6:5 | LL | fn foo() -> T { | - required by this bound in `foo` ... LL | foo(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the function `foo` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` help: consider specifying the type argument in the function call | LL | foo::(); //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^^^^^ help: consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction | LL | fn foo() -> T { | ^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `Vec` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` 2 --> $DIR/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.rs:2:13 3 | 4 LL | let x = vec![]; 6 | | 7 | consider giving `x` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified 8 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 9 = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) 10 11 error: aborting due to previous error 12 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 14 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `Vec` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.rs:2:13 | LL | let x = vec![]; | - ^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | | | consider giving `x` the explicit type `Vec`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `(Vec,)` + error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `(Vec,)` 2 --> $DIR/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.rs:2:18 3 | 4 LL | let (x, ) = (vec![], ); 6 | | 7 | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `(Vec,)`, where the type parameter `T` is specified 8 | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `Vec::::new` 9 = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) 10 11 error: aborting due to previous error 12 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 14 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed for `(Vec,)` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.rs:2:18 | LL | let (x, ) = (vec![], ); | ----- ^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` | | | consider giving this pattern the explicit type `(Vec,)`, where the type parameter `T` is specified | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `Vec::::new` = note: this error originates in the macro `vec` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/unknown_type_for_closure.rs:2:14 3 | 4 LL | let x = |_| { }; 5 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | let x = |&_| { }; + | ^ 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure/unknown_type_for_closure.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure.rs:2:14 | LL | let x = |_| { }; //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | let x = |&_| { }; //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: 22 LL | nonexistent.nonexistent::(); 23 | ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope 24 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 26 --> $DIR/type-path-err-node-types.rs:23:14 27 | 28 LL | let _ = |a, b: _| -> _ { 0 }; 29 | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | let _ = |&a, b: _| -> _ { 0 }; + | ^ 30 31 error: aborting due to 5 previous errors 32 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0282, E0412, E0425, E0433, E0576. - For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0412, E0425, E0433, E0576. + For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 35 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types/type-path-err-node-types.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args type/type-path-err-node-types.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `NonExistent` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs:15:5 | LL | NonExistent::Assoc::; //~ ERROR undeclared type `NonExistent` | ^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `NonExistent` error[E0412]: cannot find type `Nonexistent` in this scope --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs:7:12 | LL | let _: Nonexistent; //~ ERROR cannot find type `Nonexistent` in this scope | ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0576]: cannot find method or associated constant `nonexistent` in trait `Tr` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs:11:21 | LL | >::nonexistent(); //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `nonexistent` | ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `Tr` error[E0425]: cannot find value `nonexistent` in this scope --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs:19:5 | LL | nonexistent.nonexistent::(); //~ ERROR cannot find value `nonexistent` | ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs:23:14 | LL | let _ = |a, b: _| -> _ { 0 }; //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ consider giving this closure parameter a type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | let _ = |&a, b: _| -> _ { 0 }; //~ ERROR type annotations needed | ^ error: aborting due to 5 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0283, E0412, E0425, E0433, E0576. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs#full_tait stdout ---- diff of stderr: 322 LL | b: (T, T), 323 | 324 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 326 --> $DIR/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:18 327 | 328 LL | fn fn_test11(_: _) -> (_, _) { panic!() } 329 | ^ cannot infer type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | fn fn_test11(_: &_) -> (_, _) { panic!() } + | ^ 330 331 error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures 332 --> $DIR/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:28 643 644 error: aborting due to 69 previous errors; 1 warning emitted 645 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0121, E0282, E0403. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0121, E0283, E0403. 647 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0121`. 648 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.full_tait/typeck_type_placeholder_item.full_tait.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs` error in revision `full_tait`: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--cfg" "full_tait" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.full_tait" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.full_tait/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:158:18 | LL | struct BadStruct<_>(_); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:161:16 | LL | trait BadTrait<_> {} | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:19 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:22 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:176:19 | LL | struct BadStruct2<_, T>(_, T); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: associated constant in `impl` without body --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:209:5 | LL | const C: _; | ^^^^^^^^^^- | | | help: provide a definition for the constant: `= ;` error[E0403]: the name `_` is already used for a generic parameter in this item's generic parameters --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:22 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | - ^ already used | | | first use of `_` warning: the feature `type_alias_impl_trait` is incomplete and may not be safe to use and/or cause compiler crashes --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:5:32 | LL | #![cfg_attr(full_tait, feature(type_alias_impl_trait))] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: `#[warn(incomplete_features)]` on by default = note: see issue #63063 for more information error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:10:14 | LL | fn test() -> _ { 5 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:13:16 | LL | fn test2() -> (_, _) { (5, 5) } | -^--^- | || | | || not allowed in type signatures | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:16:15 | LL | static TEST3: _ = "test"; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `&str` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:19:15 | LL | static TEST4: _ = 145; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:22:15 | LL | static TEST5: (_, _) = (1, 2); | ^^^^^^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:25:13 | LL | fn test6(_: _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test6(_: T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:28:18 | LL | fn test6_b(_: _, _: T) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test6_b(_: U, _: T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:31:30 | LL | fn test6_c(_: _, _: (T, K, L, A, B)) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test6_c(_: U, _: (T, K, L, A, B)) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:34:13 | LL | fn test7(x: _) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test7(x: T) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:37:22 | LL | fn test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead: `T` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:37:22 | LL | fn test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test8(_f: fn() -> T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:51:26 | LL | fn test11(x: &usize) -> &_ { | -^ | || | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `&'static &'static usize` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:56:52 | LL | unsafe fn test12(x: *const usize) -> *const *const _ { | --------------^ | | | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `*const *const usize` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:70:8 | LL | a: _, | ^ not allowed in type signatures LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (_, _), | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct Test10 { LL | a: T, LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (T, T), | error: missing type for `static` item --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:76:12 | LL | static A = 42; | ^ help: provide a type for the item: `A: i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:78:15 | LL | static B: _ = 42; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:80:15 | LL | static C: Option<_> = Some(42); | ^^^^^^^^^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:83:21 | LL | fn fn_test() -> _ { 5 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:86:23 | LL | fn fn_test2() -> (_, _) { (5, 5) } | -^--^- | || | | || not allowed in type signatures | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:89:22 | LL | static FN_TEST3: _ = "test"; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `&str` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:92:22 | LL | static FN_TEST4: _ = 145; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:95:22 | LL | static FN_TEST5: (_, _) = (1, 2); | ^^^^^^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:98:20 | LL | fn fn_test6(_: _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test6(_: T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:101:20 | LL | fn fn_test7(x: _) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test7(x: T) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:104:29 | LL | fn fn_test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead: `T` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:104:29 | LL | fn fn_test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test8(_f: fn() -> T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:127:12 | LL | a: _, | ^ not allowed in type signatures LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (_, _), | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct FnTest10 { LL | a: T, LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (T, T), | error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:18 | LL | fn fn_test11(_: _) -> (_, _) { panic!() } | ^ cannot infer type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | fn fn_test11(_: &_) -> (_, _) { panic!() } | ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:28 | LL | fn fn_test11(_: _) -> (_, _) { panic!() } | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:136:30 | LL | fn fn_test12(x: i32) -> (_, _) { (x, x) } | -^--^- | || | | || not allowed in type signatures | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:139:33 | LL | fn fn_test13(x: _) -> (i32, _) { (x, x) } | ------^- | | | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:158:21 | LL | struct BadStruct<_>(_); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct BadStruct(T); | ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:163:15 | LL | impl BadTrait<_> for BadStruct<_> {} | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | impl BadTrait for BadStruct {} | ^^^ ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:166:34 | LL | fn impl_trait() -> impl BadTrait<_> { | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:25 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct BadStruct1(T); | ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:176:25 | LL | struct BadStruct2<_, T>(_, T); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct BadStruct2(U, T); | ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:180:14 | LL | type X = Box<_>; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:186:21 | LL | type Y = impl Trait<_>; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:220:31 | LL | fn value() -> Option<&'static _> { | ----------------^- | | | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `Option<&'static u8>` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:225:10 | LL | const _: Option<_> = map(value); | ^^^^^^^^^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `Option` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:144:31 | LL | fn method_test1(&self, x: _); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn method_test1(&self, x: T); | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:146:31 | LL | fn method_test2(&self, x: _) -> _; | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn method_test2(&self, x: T) -> T; | ^^^ ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:148:31 | LL | fn method_test3(&self) -> _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn method_test3(&self) -> T; | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:150:26 | LL | fn assoc_fn_test1(x: _); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn assoc_fn_test1(x: T); | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:152:26 | LL | fn assoc_fn_test2(x: _) -> _; | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn assoc_fn_test2(x: T) -> T; | ^^^ ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:154:28 | LL | fn assoc_fn_test3() -> _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn assoc_fn_test3() -> T; | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:194:14 | LL | type B = _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:196:14 | LL | const C: _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:198:14 | LL | const D: _ = 42; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:201:26 | LL | type F: std::ops::Fn(_); | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:44:24 | LL | fn test9(&self) -> _ { () } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `()` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:47:27 | LL | fn test10(&self, _x : _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test10(&self, _x : T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:62:24 | LL | fn clone(&self) -> _ { Test9 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `Test9` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:65:37 | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: _) { *self = Test9; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: T) { *self = Test9; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:111:31 | LL | fn fn_test9(&self) -> _ { () } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `()` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:114:34 | LL | fn fn_test10(&self, _x : _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test10(&self, _x : T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:119:28 | LL | fn clone(&self) -> _ { FnTest9 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `FnTest9` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:122:41 | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: _) { *self = FnTest9; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: T) { *self = FnTest9; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:205:14 | LL | type A = _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:207:14 | LL | type B = _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:209:14 | LL | const C: _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:212:14 | LL | const D: _ = 42; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error: aborting due to 69 previous errors; 1 warning emitted Some errors have detailed explanations: E0121, E0283, E0403. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0121`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs#min_tait stdout ---- diff of stderr: 313 LL | b: (T, T), 314 | 315 - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 317 --> $DIR/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:18 318 | 319 LL | fn fn_test11(_: _) -> (_, _) { panic!() } 320 | ^ cannot infer type + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature + help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size + | + LL | fn fn_test11(_: &_) -> (_, _) { panic!() } + | ^ 321 322 error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures 323 --> $DIR/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:28 634 635 error: aborting due to 69 previous errors 636 - Some errors have detailed explanations: E0121, E0282, E0403. + Some errors have detailed explanations: E0121, E0283, E0403. 638 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0121`. 639 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.min_tait/typeck_type_placeholder_item.min_tait.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs` error in revision `min_tait`: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--cfg" "min_tait" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.min_tait" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.min_tait/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:158:18 | LL | struct BadStruct<_>(_); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:161:16 | LL | trait BadTrait<_> {} | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:19 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:22 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: expected identifier, found reserved identifier `_` --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:176:19 | LL | struct BadStruct2<_, T>(_, T); | ^ expected identifier, found reserved identifier error: associated constant in `impl` without body --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:209:5 | LL | const C: _; | ^^^^^^^^^^- | | | help: provide a definition for the constant: `= ;` error[E0403]: the name `_` is already used for a generic parameter in this item's generic parameters --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:22 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | - ^ already used | | | first use of `_` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:10:14 | LL | fn test() -> _ { 5 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:13:16 | LL | fn test2() -> (_, _) { (5, 5) } | -^--^- | || | | || not allowed in type signatures | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:16:15 | LL | static TEST3: _ = "test"; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `&str` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:19:15 | LL | static TEST4: _ = 145; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:22:15 | LL | static TEST5: (_, _) = (1, 2); | ^^^^^^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:25:13 | LL | fn test6(_: _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test6(_: T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:28:18 | LL | fn test6_b(_: _, _: T) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test6_b(_: U, _: T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:31:30 | LL | fn test6_c(_: _, _: (T, K, L, A, B)) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test6_c(_: U, _: (T, K, L, A, B)) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:34:13 | LL | fn test7(x: _) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test7(x: T) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:37:22 | LL | fn test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead: `T` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:37:22 | LL | fn test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test8(_f: fn() -> T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:51:26 | LL | fn test11(x: &usize) -> &_ { | -^ | || | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `&'static &'static usize` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:56:52 | LL | unsafe fn test12(x: *const usize) -> *const *const _ { | --------------^ | | | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `*const *const usize` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:70:8 | LL | a: _, | ^ not allowed in type signatures LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (_, _), | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct Test10 { LL | a: T, LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (T, T), | error: missing type for `static` item --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:76:12 | LL | static A = 42; | ^ help: provide a type for the item: `A: i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:78:15 | LL | static B: _ = 42; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:80:15 | LL | static C: Option<_> = Some(42); | ^^^^^^^^^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:83:21 | LL | fn fn_test() -> _ { 5 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:86:23 | LL | fn fn_test2() -> (_, _) { (5, 5) } | -^--^- | || | | || not allowed in type signatures | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:89:22 | LL | static FN_TEST3: _ = "test"; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `&str` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:92:22 | LL | static FN_TEST4: _ = 145; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:95:22 | LL | static FN_TEST5: (_, _) = (1, 2); | ^^^^^^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:98:20 | LL | fn fn_test6(_: _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test6(_: T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:101:20 | LL | fn fn_test7(x: _) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test7(x: T) { let _x: usize = x; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:104:29 | LL | fn fn_test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead: `T` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:104:29 | LL | fn fn_test8(_f: fn() -> _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test8(_f: fn() -> T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:127:12 | LL | a: _, | ^ not allowed in type signatures LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (_, _), | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct FnTest10 { LL | a: T, LL | //~^ ERROR the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures LL | b: (T, T), | error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:18 | LL | fn fn_test11(_: _) -> (_, _) { panic!() } | ^ cannot infer type | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = help: unsized fn params are gated as an unstable feature help: function arguments must have a statically known size, borrowed types always have a known size | LL | fn fn_test11(_: &_) -> (_, _) { panic!() } | ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:132:28 | LL | fn fn_test11(_: _) -> (_, _) { panic!() } | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:136:30 | LL | fn fn_test12(x: i32) -> (_, _) { (x, x) } | -^--^- | || | | || not allowed in type signatures | |not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:139:33 | LL | fn fn_test13(x: _) -> (i32, _) { (x, x) } | ------^- | | | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `(i32, i32)` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:158:21 | LL | struct BadStruct<_>(_); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct BadStruct(T); | ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:163:15 | LL | impl BadTrait<_> for BadStruct<_> {} | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | impl BadTrait for BadStruct {} | ^^^ ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:166:34 | LL | fn impl_trait() -> impl BadTrait<_> { | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:171:25 | LL | struct BadStruct1<_, _>(_); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct BadStruct1(T); | ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:176:25 | LL | struct BadStruct2<_, T>(_, T); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | struct BadStruct2(U, T); | ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:180:14 | LL | type X = Box<_>; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:186:21 | LL | type Y = impl Trait<_>; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:220:31 | LL | fn value() -> Option<&'static _> { | ----------------^- | | | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `Option<&'static u8>` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:225:10 | LL | const _: Option<_> = map(value); | ^^^^^^^^^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `Option` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:144:31 | LL | fn method_test1(&self, x: _); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn method_test1(&self, x: T); | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:146:31 | LL | fn method_test2(&self, x: _) -> _; | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn method_test2(&self, x: T) -> T; | ^^^ ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:148:31 | LL | fn method_test3(&self) -> _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn method_test3(&self) -> T; | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:150:26 | LL | fn assoc_fn_test1(x: _); | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn assoc_fn_test1(x: T); | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:152:26 | LL | fn assoc_fn_test2(x: _) -> _; | ^ ^ not allowed in type signatures | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn assoc_fn_test2(x: T) -> T; | ^^^ ^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:154:28 | LL | fn assoc_fn_test3() -> _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn assoc_fn_test3() -> T; | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:194:14 | LL | type B = _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:196:14 | LL | const C: _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:198:14 | LL | const D: _ = 42; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:201:26 | LL | type F: std::ops::Fn(_); | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:44:24 | LL | fn test9(&self) -> _ { () } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `()` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:47:27 | LL | fn test10(&self, _x : _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn test10(&self, _x : T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:62:24 | LL | fn clone(&self) -> _ { Test9 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `Test9` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:65:37 | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: _) { *self = Test9; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: T) { *self = Test9; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:111:31 | LL | fn fn_test9(&self) -> _ { () } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `()` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:114:34 | LL | fn fn_test10(&self, _x : _) { } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn fn_test10(&self, _x : T) { } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:119:28 | LL | fn clone(&self) -> _ { FnTest9 } | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace with the correct return type: `FnTest9` error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:122:41 | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: _) { *self = FnTest9; } | ^ not allowed in type signatures | help: use type parameters instead | LL | fn clone_from(&mut self, other: T) { *self = FnTest9; } | ^^^ ^ error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:205:14 | LL | type A = _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:207:14 | LL | type B = _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:209:14 | LL | const C: _; | ^ not allowed in type signatures error[E0121]: the type placeholder `_` is not allowed within types on item signatures --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs:212:14 | LL | const D: _ = 42; | ^ | | | not allowed in type signatures | help: replace `_` with the correct type: `i32` error: aborting due to 69 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0121, E0283, E0403. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0121`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/unconstrained-none.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/unconstrained-none.rs:4:5 3 | 4 LL | None; 5 | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` + = note: required by `None` 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/unconstrained-none/unconstrained-none.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args unconstrained-none.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/unconstrained-none.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/unconstrained-none" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/unconstrained-none/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/unconstrained-none.rs:4:5 | LL | None; //~ ERROR type annotations needed [E0282] | ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` = note: required by `None` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ ---- [ui] ui/unconstrained-ref.rs stdout ---- diff of stderr: - error[E0282]: type annotations needed + error[E0283]: type annotations needed 2 --> $DIR/unconstrained-ref.rs:6:5 3 | + LL | struct S<'a, T:'a> { + | ------------------ required by `S` + ... 4 LL | S { o: &None }; 5 | ^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the struct `S` + | + = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` 6 7 error: aborting due to previous error 8 - For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`. + For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. 10 The actual stderr differed from the expected stderr. Actual stderr saved to /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/unconstrained-ref/unconstrained-ref.stderr To update references, rerun the tests and pass the `--bless` flag To only update this specific test, also pass `--test-args unconstrained-ref.rs` error: 1 errors occurred comparing output. status: exit status: 1 command: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/unconstrained-ref.rs" "-Zthreads=1" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-Ccodegen-units=1" "-Zui-testing" "-Zdeduplicate-diagnostics=no" "-Zemit-future-incompat-report" "--emit" "metadata" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "--out-dir" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/unconstrained-ref" "-A" "unused" "-Crpath" "-O" "-Cdebuginfo=0" "-Zunstable-options" "-Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "-L" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui/unconstrained-ref/auxiliary" stdout: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ stderr: ------------------------------------------ error[E0283]: type annotations needed --> /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui/unconstrained-ref.rs:6:5 | LL | struct S<'a, T:'a> { | ------------------ required by `S` ... LL | S { o: &None }; //~ ERROR type annotations needed [E0282] | ^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the struct `S` | = note: cannot satisfy `_: Sized` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0283`. ------------------------------------------ failures: [ui] ui/array-slice-vec/vector-no-ann.rs [ui] ui/async-await/issues/issue-65159.rs [ui] ui/closure-expected-type/expect-two-infer-vars-supply-ty-with-bound-region.rs [ui] ui/closures/issue-52437.rs [ui] ui/consts/issue-52432.rs [ui] ui/consts/issue-64662.rs [ui] ui/error-codes/E0282.rs [ui] ui/error-codes/E0401.rs [ui] ui/error-codes/E0661.rs [ui] ui/for/for-loop-unconstrained-element-type.rs [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-async-enabled-impl-trait-bindings.rs [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-async.rs [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure-circular.rs [ui] ui/inference/cannot-infer-closure.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-12187-1.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-12187-2.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-17551.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-18159.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-23046.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-24036.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-25368.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-47486.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-5062.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-6458-2.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-6458-3.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-6458.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-66706.rs [ui] ui/issues/issue-72690.rs [ui] ui/match/match-unresolved-one-arm.rs [ui] ui/methods/method-ambig-one-trait-unknown-int-type.rs [ui] ui/mir/issue-75053.rs#in_bindings [ui] ui/missing/missing-items/missing-type-parameter.rs [ui] ui/parser/issue-67377-invalid-syntax-in-enum-discriminant.rs [ui] ui/parser/missing-closing-angle-bracket-eq-constraint.rs [ui] ui/pattern/rest-pat-semantic-disallowed.rs [ui] ui/resolve/issue-85348.rs [ui] ui/suggestions/fn-needing-specified-return-type-param.rs [ui] ui/traits/multidispatch-convert-ambig-dest.rs [ui] ui/type-inference/or_else-multiple-type-params.rs [ui] ui/type-inference/sort_by_key.rs [ui] ui/type-inference/unbounded-associated-type.rs [ui] ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn-with-assoc-type.rs [ui] ui/type-inference/unbounded-type-param-in-fn.rs [ui] ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec.rs [ui] ui/type/type-check/cannot_infer_local_or_vec_in_tuples.rs [ui] ui/type/type-check/unknown_type_for_closure.rs [ui] ui/type/type-path-err-node-types.rs [ui] ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs#full_tait [ui] ui/typeck/typeck_type_placeholder_item.rs#min_tait [ui] ui/unconstrained-none.rs [ui] ui/unconstrained-ref.rs test result: FAILED. 11802 passed; 51 failed; 101 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 844.16s Some tests failed in compiletest suite=ui mode=ui host=x86_64-apple-darwin target=x86_64-apple-darwin command did not execute successfully: "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage0-tools-bin/compiletest" "--compile-lib-path" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/lib" "--run-lib-path" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-apple-darwin/lib" "--rustc-path" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/stage1/bin/rustc" "--src-base" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/src/test/ui" "--build-base" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/test/ui" "--stage-id" "stage1-x86_64-apple-darwin" "--suite" "ui" "--mode" "ui" "--target" "x86_64-apple-darwin" "--host" "x86_64-apple-darwin" "--llvm-filecheck" "/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/ci-llvm/bin/FileCheck" "--host-rustcflags" "-Crpath -O -Cdebuginfo=0 -Zunstable-options -Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "--target-rustcflags" "-Crpath -O -Cdebuginfo=0 -Zunstable-options -Lnative=/Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/native/rust-test-helpers" "--docck-python" "/usr/local/opt/python@3.9/bin/python3.9" "--lldb-python" "/usr/bin/python3" "--lldb-version" "lldb-1200.0.44.2\nApple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28)\n" "--lldb-python-dir" "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python3" "--quiet" "--llvm-version" "12.0.1-rust-1.54.0-nightly" "--llvm-components" "aarch64 aarch64asmparser aarch64codegen aarch64desc aarch64disassembler aarch64info aarch64utils aggressiveinstcombine all all-targets analysis arm armasmparser armcodegen armdesc armdisassembler arminfo armutils asmparser asmprinter avr avrasmparser avrcodegen avrdesc avrdisassembler avrinfo binaryformat bitreader bitstreamreader bitwriter cfguard codegen core coroutines coverage debuginfocodeview debuginfodwarf debuginfogsym debuginfomsf debuginfopdb demangle dlltooldriver dwarflinker engine executionengine extensions filecheck frontendopenacc frontendopenmp fuzzmutate globalisel hellonew hexagon hexagonasmparser hexagoncodegen hexagondesc hexagondisassembler hexagoninfo instcombine instrumentation interfacestub interpreter ipo irreader jitlink libdriver lineeditor linker lto mc mca mcdisassembler mcjit mcparser mips mipsasmparser mipscodegen mipsdesc mipsdisassembler mipsinfo mirparser msp430 msp430asmparser msp430codegen msp430desc msp430disassembler msp430info native nativecodegen nvptx nvptxcodegen nvptxdesc nvptxinfo objcarcopts object objectyaml option orcjit orcshared orctargetprocess passes powerpc powerpcasmparser powerpccodegen powerpcdesc powerpcdisassembler powerpcinfo profiledata remarks riscv riscvasmparser riscvcodegen riscvdesc riscvdisassembler riscvinfo runtimedyld scalaropts selectiondag sparc sparcasmparser sparccodegen sparcdesc sparcdisassembler sparcinfo support symbolize systemz systemzasmparser systemzcodegen systemzdesc systemzdisassembler systemzinfo tablegen target textapi transformutils vectorize webassembly webassemblyasmparser webassemblycodegen webassemblydesc webassemblydisassembler webassemblyinfo windowsmanifest x86 x86asmparser x86codegen x86desc x86disassembler x86info xray" "--cc" "" "--cxx" "" "--cflags" "" "--adb-path" "adb" "--adb-test-dir" "/data/tmp/work" "--android-cross-path" "" expected success, got: exit status: 1 failed to run: /Users/tlyu/src/rust-lang/rust/build/bootstrap/debug/bootstrap test -i src/test/ui Build completed unsuccessfully in 0:14:23