This is a lightning talk I gave at the Triangle |> Elixir group discussing the purpose of the various Elixir directives (which I find to be confusing for new Elixirists).
- Way to declare, import and reference other Modules
- Elixir has four of them
- But, but, why?
^ Think require
in Ruby, import
in Python
^ Elixir has four, all with slightly different purposes. Based on conversation I was having I find them confusing so I dug in a bit
^ Wrote up my gripes, presented them to Jose & Chris McCord. Summary is they agree it's confusing, but have a hard time figuring out how to change things already set in motion. So, this is my effort to add some clarity to the situation.
- alias
- import
- require
- use
^ What are Elixir's directives?
^ Last one might not technically be a directive, but it's so closely tied to the purpose of directives that I'm going to abuse the term and include it
Used to reference a module in short-hand
alias Foo.Bar, as: Bar
# Can now do
^ Can also rename a module to avoid conflicts or make clearer to your context
Used to easily access functions or macros from other modules
import List, only: [duplicate: 2]
# Can now do
duplicate("hello", 3)
^ Can import all or some functions
^ Seems like this is just special form of alias
, yeah?
Used to make sure module is compiled and available
require Foo
^ Used a lot for macros which need to be present at compile time
^ Ok, but when don't I want the thing to be compiled and available?
^ Turns out, so you can have circular dependencies, so use alias
to soft-reference modules by default
Callback that injects code into current context
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "now have testing macros" do
assert true
^ Hook point that lets modules bring in external functionality
^ Invokes Module.__using__/1
^ Automatically require
s module
to more conveniently reference modulesimport
to more conveniently reference functionsrequire
to ensure macros are available and compileduse
to give module opportunity to "hook" into your code
^ All are lexically scoped
^ Biggest beef is that directives are implementation specific
^ Have to know if what you're using is a macro or just function to know how to invoke it
^ Have to know if module needs to hook into your code to know to use use
^ Shouldn't have to think about these things as a user
- Current Elixir directive docs
- IRC design discussion between me, Jose Valim, and Chris McCord about this very topic
- Mailing list discussion about directives from long ago
- My proposed changes