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Changed public interfaces to take in Mul except for GateIdentity.
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Kept GateIdentity args as tuple because destroys ability to
generate gate rules for some circuits.  Added functions to
generate gate rules.
  • Loading branch information
rayman authored and rayman committed May 26, 2012
1 parent 9d04d72 commit 77e70f3
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Showing 2 changed files with 215 additions and 93 deletions.
219 changes: 126 additions & 93 deletions sympy/physics/quantum/
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,28 @@
from sympy.external import import_module
from sympy import Mul, Basic, Number, Pow
from sympy.matrices import Matrix, eye
from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import (X, Y, Z, H, S, T, CNOT,
from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import (Gate, X, Y, Z, H, S, T, CNOT,
IdentityGate, gate_simp)
from sympy.physics.quantum.represent import represent
from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import (UnitaryOperator,
from sympy.physics.quantum.dagger import Dagger

__all__ = [
# Public interfaces

# "Private" functions

np = import_module('numpy', min_python_version=(2, 6))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +351,9 @@ def rr_op(left, rite):
return None

def generate_gate_rules_with_seq(*gate_seq):
"""Returns a set of gate rules.
"""Returns a set of gate rules. Each gate rules is represented
as 2-tuple of tuples. An empty tuple represents an arbitrary
scalar value.
This function uses the four operations (LL, LR, RL, RR)
to generate the gate rules.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,12 +405,16 @@ def generate_gate_rules_with_seq(*gate_seq):
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
>>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
>>> generate_equivalent_ids(x, x)
set([(X(0), X(0))])
>>> generate_equivalent_ids(x, y, z)
set([(X(0), Y(0), Z(0)), (X(0), Z(0), Y(0)), (Y(0), X(0), Z(0)),
(Y(0), Z(0), X(0)), (Z(0), X(0), Y(0)), (Z(0), Y(0), X(0))])
>>> generate_gate_rules_with_seq(x, x)
set([((X(0),), (X(0),)), ((X(0), X(0)), ())])
>>> generate_gate_rules_with_seq(x, y, z)
set([((), (X(0), Z(0), Y(0))), ((), (Y(0), X(0), Z(0))),
((), (Z(0), Y(0), X(0))), ((X(0),), (Z(0), Y(0))),
((Y(0),), (X(0), Z(0))), ((Z(0),), (Y(0), X(0))),
((X(0), Y(0)), (Z(0),)), ((Y(0), Z(0)), (X(0),)),
((Z(0), X(0)), (Y(0),)), ((X(0), Y(0), Z(0)), ()),
((Y(0), Z(0), X(0)), ()), ((Z(0), X(0), Y(0)), ())])

# Each item in queue is a 3-tuple:
Expand All @@ -426,21 +431,21 @@ def generate_gate_rules_with_seq(*gate_seq):
max_ops = len(gate_seq)

def process_new_rule(new_rule, ops):
if (new_rule is not None):
(new_left, new_rite) = new_rule
if new_rule is not None:
new_left, new_rite = new_rule

if (new_rule not in rules and (new_rite, new_left) not in rules):
if new_rule not in rules and (new_rite, new_left) not in rules:
# If haven't reached the max limit on operations
if (ops + 1 < max_ops):
if ops + 1 < max_ops:
queue.append(new_rule + (ops + 1,))

queue.append((gate_seq, (), 0))
rules.add((gate_seq, ()))

while (len(queue) > 0):
(left, rite, ops) = queue.popleft()
#print((left, rite, ops))
while len(queue) > 0:
left, rite, ops = queue.popleft()

# Do a LL
new_rule = ll_op(left, rite)
process_new_rule(new_rule, ops)
Expand All @@ -457,7 +462,51 @@ def process_new_rule(new_rule, ops):
return rules

def generate_gate_rules(circuit):
"""Returns a set of gate rules.
gate_seq : Mul or Number
A Mul expression of Gates whose product is equal to
a scalar matrix.
Find the gate rules of the current circuit:
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.identitysearch import \
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
>>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
>>> generate_gate_rules(x*x)
set([(1, 1)])
>>> generate_gate_rules(x*y*z)
set([(1, X(0)*Z(0)*Y(0)), (1, Y(0)*X(0)*Z(0)),
(1, Z(0)*Y(0)*X(0)), (X(0)*Y(0), Z(0)),
(Y(0)*Z(0), X(0)), (Z(0)*X(0), Y(0)),
(X(0)*Y(0)*Z(0), 1), (Y(0)*Z(0)*X(0), 1),
(Z(0)*X(0)*Y(0), 1), (X(0), Z(0)*Y(0)),
(Y(0), X(0)*Z(0)), (Z(0), Y(0)*X(0))])

# Make sure we have an Add or Mul.
if not isinstance(circuit, Mul) and not isinstance(circuit, Gate):
if isinstance(circuit, Number):
return set([(Mul(), Mul())])
raise TypeError('Mul or Number expected, got %r' % circuit)

gate_seq = (circuit,) if isinstance(circuit, Gate) else circuit.args
gate_rule_seqs = generate_gate_rules_with_seq(*gate_seq)

gate_rules = set()
for rule in gate_rule_seqs:
left, rite = rule
gate_rules.add((Mul(*left), Mul(*rite)))

return gate_rules

def generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(*gate_seq):
"""Returns a set of equivalent gate identities.
Expand All @@ -475,6 +524,9 @@ def generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(*gate_seq):
from the starting gate identity, where n is the number of gates
in the sequence.
The max number of gate identities is 2n, where n is the number
of gates in the sequence (unproven).
gate_seq : tuple, Gate
Expand All @@ -490,94 +542,70 @@ def generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(*gate_seq):
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
>>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
>>> generate_equivalent_ids(x, x)
>>> generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(x, x)
set([(X(0), X(0))])
>>> generate_equivalent_ids(x, y, z)
>>> generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(x, y, z)
set([(X(0), Y(0), Z(0)), (X(0), Z(0), Y(0)), (Y(0), X(0), Z(0)),
(Y(0), Z(0), X(0)), (Z(0), X(0), Y(0)), (Z(0), Y(0), X(0))])
# Each item in queue is a 3-tuple:
# i) first item is the left side of an equality
# ii) second item is the right side of an equality
# iii) third item is the number of operations performed
# The argument, gate_seq, will start on the left side, and
# the right side will be empty, implying the presence of an
# identity.
queue = deque()
# visited is a list of equalities that's been visited
vis = []
# Filter through the gate rules and keep the rules
# with an empty tuple either on the left or right side

# A set of equivalent gate identities
eq_ids = set()
# Maximum number of operations to perform
max_ops = len(gate_seq)

queue.append((gate_seq, (), 0))
vis.append((gate_seq, ()))
gate_rules = generate_gate_rules_with_seq(*gate_seq)
for rule in gate_rules:
l, r = rule
if l == ():
elif r == ():

while (len(queue) > 0):
rule = queue.popleft()
left = rule[0]
rite = rule[1]
ops = rule[2]

# Do a LL, if possible
new_rule = ll_op(left, rite)
if (new_rule is not None):
(new_left, new_rite) = new_rule

# If the left side is empty (left side is scalar)
if (len(new_left) == 0 and new_rite not in eq_ids):
# If the equality has not been seen and has not reached the
# max limit on operations
elif (new_rule not in vis and ops + 1 < max_ops):
queue.append(new_rule + (ops + 1,))

return eq_ids

# Do a LR, if possible
new_rule = lr_op(left, rite)
if (new_rule is not None):
(new_left, new_rite) = new_rule
def generate_equivalent_ids(circuit):
"""Returns a set of equivalent gate identities.
if (len(new_left) == 0 and new_rite not in eq_ids):
elif (new_rule not in vis and ops + 1 < max_ops):
queue.append(new_rule + (ops + 1,))
gate_seq : Mul or Number
A Mul expression of Gates whose product is equal to
a scalar matrix.
# Do a RL, if possible
new_rule = rl_op(left, rite)
if (new_rule is not None):
(new_left, new_rite) = new_rule
Find the gate rules of the current circuit:
if (len(new_rite) == 0 and new_left not in eq_ids):
elif (new_rule not in vis and ops + 1 < max_ops):
queue.append(new_rule + (ops + 1,))
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.identitysearch import \
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
>>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
>>> generate_equivalent_ids(x*x)
>>> generate_equivalent_ids(x*y*z)
set([X(0)*Y(0)*Z(0), X(0)*Z(0)*Y(0), Y(0)*X(0)*Z(0),
Y(0)*Z(0)*X(0), Z(0)*X(0)*Y(0), Z(0)*Y(0)*X(0)])

# Do a RR, if possible
new_rule = rr_op(left, rite)
if (new_rule is not None):
(new_left, new_rite) = new_rule
# Make sure we have an Add or Mul.
if not isinstance(circuit, Mul) and not isinstance(circuit, Gate):
if isinstance(circuit, Number):
return set([Mul()])
raise TypeError('Mul or Number expected, got %r' % circuit)

if (len(new_rite) == 0 and new_left not in eq_ids):
elif (new_rule not in vis and ops + 1 < max_ops):
queue.append(new_rule + (ops + 1,))
gate_seq = (circuit,) if isinstance(circuit, Gate) else circuit.args
eq_id_seqs = generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(*gate_seq)

convert_to_mul = lambda id_seq: Mul(*id_seq)
eq_ids = set(map(convert_to_mul, eq_id_seqs))

return eq_ids

def generate_equivalent_ids(circuit):

class GateIdentity(Basic):
"""Wrapper class for circuits that reduce to a scalar value.
Expand All @@ -602,7 +630,7 @@ class GateIdentity(Basic):
>>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
>>> an_identity = GateIdentity(x, y, z)
>>> an_identity.circuit
(X(0), Y(0), Z(0))
>>> an_identity.eq_identities
set([(X(0), Y(0), Z(0)), (X(0), Z(0), Y(0)), (Y(0), X(0), Z(0)),
Expand All @@ -614,6 +642,7 @@ def __new__(cls, *args):
# args should be a tuple - a variable length argument list
obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
obj._circuit = Mul(*args)
obj._rules = generate_gate_rules_with_seq(*args)
obj._eq_ids = generate_equivalent_ids_with_seq(*args)

return obj
Expand All @@ -622,6 +651,10 @@ def __new__(cls, *args):
def circuit(self):
return self._circuit

def gate_rules(self):
return self._rules

def eq_identities(self):
return self._eq_ids
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