local core = require "core" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local function exec(cmd) local fp = io.popen(cmd, "r") local res = fp:read("*a") local success = fp:close() return res:gsub("%\n$", ""), success end local function get_cmd_text(cmd, doc) local active_filename = doc and system.absolute_path(doc.filename or "") return exec(string.format("%s %s", cmd, active_filename)) end local function update_doc(cmd, doc) local text, success = get_cmd_text(cmd, doc) if success == nil then local err_text = "Command '%s' not found in the system" core.error(string.format(err_text, cmd)) return end local sel = { doc:get_selection() } doc:remove(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge) doc:insert(1, 1, text) doc:set_selection(table.unpack(sel)) end command.add("core.docview", { ["gofmt:gofmt"] = function() update_doc("gofmt", core.active_view.doc) end, ["gofmt:goimports"] = function() update_doc("goimports", core.active_view.doc) end, ["gofmt:goreturns"] = function() update_doc("goreturns", core.active_view.doc) end, }) keymap.add { ["ctrl+i"] = "gofmt:gofmt", ["ctrl+h"] = "gofmt:goimports", ["ctrl+u"] = "gofmt:goreturns", }