Conversion tool for PerlPress static website generator to Nikola static website generator.
This tool supports the conversion of website articles from PerlPress to Nikola for my personal website
The website articles from PerlPress are stored in a SQlite database. With the conversion tool, selected articles can be extracted to input files for Nikola. The format of the Nikola input files are selected to be HTML, because also in the database the articles are stored in HTML. The articles to be converted are referenced by the unique article ID of PerlPress. These IDs are provided via the command line
The tool can also be provided with a source directory, containing auxilliary files for the articles like images or download files. The conversion tool scans the articles for those files, copies the files to a specific output folder and adapt the links/references in the outputted articles as needed for Nikola.
./ [-s src-dir] [-o out-dir] database-file art-id-0 \
[art-id-1 art-id-2 ...]
-s src-dir Source directory holding "auxilliary" files (images,
download files, ...) for the articles
Default is ./source
-o out-dir Output directory for articles files and aux files. If not
present, it will created with following sub diretories:
database-file SQLite database file.
art-id-* Article IDs from those articles to be converted, separated
by spaces. If this IDs are stored in a text file (e.g.
art_ids.txt), they can be provided to the conversion tool
via command line by $(cat art_ids.txt).
./ -s ./source -o ./output jan-grosser.sqlite 1 2 3 4
./ -s ./source -o ./output jan-grosser.sqlite $(cat art_ids.txt)
The following dependencies apply:
- Python 3
- argparse
- os
- shutil
- sys
- sqlite3
- re
- bs4