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S-Case Requirements Annotation tool


S-Case Requirements Annotation tool is a tool for annotating software requirements. The tool is created within the context of the EU-funded project S-CASE.

This tool is largely based on the brat annotation tool


The steps for installing scase_rat are:

  • Download the repo contents and place them in a folder named scase_rat
  • Install apache2 (sudo apt-get install apache2)
  • Install python 2.7 and set it as default (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install python2.7, sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python)
  • Move the scase_rat folder in the folder of apache (/var/www/html/)
  • Navigate to /var/www/html/scase_rat
  • Execute
  • Enable cgi in apache (sudo a2enmod cgi)
  • If the previous step results in the message "Your MPM seems to be threaded. Selecting cgid instead of cgi.", then issue the commands sudo a2dismod mpm_event, sudo a2enmod mpm_prefork, sudo service apache2 restart, sudo a2enmod cgi, sudo service apache2 restart
  • Make sure that the cgi files are executable (issue the command sudo chmod +x *.cgi)
  • Navigate to localhost/scase_rat, login as 'admin' (password: 'pass') and change your password


The tool is available under the permissive MIT License as is the brat annotation tool but incorporates software using a variety of open-source licenses, for details please see see