NOTE: The month for the timestamp ranges from 0-11 . Thus, January is actually indicated by a 0, February is actually indicated by 1, and so forth. Please remember to keep this in mind.
Download our Get, Splice, and Clean Data.R script. We include detailed comments throughout our R Script describing what each line is doing. Below we point out the lines that require modifications.
- Lines 2 to 6 load the libraries you'll need to get, splice, and clean your ExperienceSampler Server Data.
- If you do not have the
, andplyr
libraries, uncomment line 3 to install the packages.
- Create a folder to store your raw data on your computer.
- Copy this directory and paste it between the double quotation marks in lines 9, 29, and 41.
- In line 13, insert the server URL where the URL placeholder is.
- This is what precedes data_collector.cgi in your
- In line 23, set the range of participant IDs. Presumably this is a range of numbers that has been assigned sequentially.
- If there are missing participant IDs, you will need to make a vector of missing ids in line 25.
- If there is are no missing participant IDs, comment out lines 25 and 27.
- In lines 81-91, enter all the unique key values that are not associated with real data such as pause, notification, snoozed, etc.
- Create a new folder to save your spliced data on your computer.
- Copy this directory and paste it between the double quotation marks in lines 100 and 109.
- Do NOT store in your spliced data in the same folder as your raw data.
- In line 119, set the directory to be different from spliced data folder.
- Highlight and run the entire script.
Download our Convert Data.R script. We include detailed comments throughout our R Script describing what each line is doing and some instructions. Below we point out the lines that require modifications.
This process is the same for both Server and Google Data.
- Lines 2 to 6 load the libraries you'll need to get, splice, and clean your ExperienceSampler Server Data.
- If you do not have the
, andplyr
libraries, uncomment line 3 to install the packages.
- In line 9, set the directory to where the merged spliced data file is.
- Starting from line 28, you can correct any weird variable names.
- Sometimes ExperienceSampler will append a "1" or a "-" to variable names. You want to ensure that values for the same variable are written in the same column, so you need to correct this.
- We included examples in lines 28 to 30. There are three arguments for this function:
- First Argument: The original variable name (aka the weird variable name)
- Second Argument: The corrected variable name (aka what you want to replace the weird variable name with)
- Third Argument: The column
- If you missed any variable names that are not associated with usable data, you can delete them in line 34.
- Just input the row numbers.
- Starting from line 49, copy and paste the lines starting from 28
- This renames the variables in the ACTUAL spliced dataset
- If you wish to reorganize the columns in your dataset, uncomment lines 92 - 103.
- Rearrange them by typing the variable names in the order you desire. Each variable name should appear between the quotation marks.
- In line 114, set the directory for where you want your long form data to be saved. You can rename the long form data file in line 115 if you want.
- Run each line by itself in the PREPARATION section. Inspect the variable names carefully.
- Highlight and run all the lines from the CONVERSION section to the end of the script.