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Now supports variadic functions
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  codegen: when emitting C-code of the form:
      ((fn (foo . rest) (body foo rest))
       arg1 arg2)
    code-generate will now treat the argument list as (foo rest)
  codegen: variadic functions will put extra arguments
    into a list; their arguments are treated as proper, i.e.
    (foo . rest) arglists are converted to (foo rest), and
    variadic functions will put the extra arguments into a
    list in rest
  codegen: added variadic handling in C code
  codegen: added a num_args variable which specifies the number
    of parameters passed (this information might actually be
    determined by measuring sp - stack)
  codegen: 'source and 'code-walk now properly handles variadic

  utils: added 'properify function to convert improper lists and
    non-lists into proper lists

  xe: modified 'fn to handle improper lists for argument lists
  • Loading branch information
AmkG committed Apr 6, 2008
1 parent e36ba17 commit aa72066
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Showing 4 changed files with 87 additions and 14 deletions.
40 changes: 33 additions & 7 deletions codegen.arc
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
args (cdr ast!subx)
n (len args))
(if (alam fun)
(cg-list args fun!params stack-env "\n" (fn (code new-stack-env) (list code (code-gen (car fun!subx) new-stack-env))))
(cg-list args (properify fun!params) stack-env "\n" (fn (code new-stack-env) (list code (code-gen (car fun!subx) new-stack-env))))
(cg-list args (range 1 n) stack-env "\n" (fn (code new-stack-env)
(start (len stack-env)
Expand All @@ -105,7 +105,14 @@
(pop lambda-todo)
"case " (car x) ":\n\n"
(code-gen (car ast!subx) (rev ast!params))
; if variadic, insert variadic handling code
(if (dotted ast!params)
; determine the number of required arguments
(let num-reqs (- (len:properify ast!params) 1)
(list " VARIADIC2LIST(" num-reqs ");\n")))
; <insert code to check that caller passed
; correct number of arguments here>
(code-gen (car ast!subx) (rev:properify ast!params))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,11 +226,15 @@ void PR(){

#define HALT() break

//place arguments exceeding nbreq into a list at the top of
//the stack
#define VARIADIC2LIST(nbreq) for(PUSH(NILOBJ); num_args > nbreq; num_args--) CONS()

#define BEGIN_CLOSURE(label,nbfree) closure = GC_MALLOC(sizeof(obj) * nbfree + 1);
#define INICLO(i) closure[i] = POP();
#define END_CLOSURE(label,nbfree) closure[0] = label; PUSH((obj)closure);

#define BEGIN_JUMP(nbargs) sp = stack;
#define BEGIN_JUMP(nbargs) {sp = stack; num_args = nbargs;}
#define END_JUMP(nbargs) pc = ((obj *)LOCAL(0))[0]; goto jump;

obj SYM2OBJ (char * s){ /* Find a symbol, or save it if it's the first time */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,6 +262,7 @@ obj execute (int pc)
sp = stack;
obj NILOBJ = SYM2OBJ (\"nil\");
obj TOBJ = SYM2OBJ (\"t\");
long num_args = 0;

jump: switch (pc) {

Expand All @@ -269,6 +281,17 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {


(def map-improper (f l)
" A mapping function which supports both
proper and improper lists; mapping on an
improper list returns an improper list "
(acons l)
(cons (f:car l) (map-improper f (cdr l)))
(f l)))

; debugging

(def source (ast)
Expand All @@ -285,10 +308,11 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
(cons ast!op (map source ast!subx))
(anapp ast)
(if (alam (car ast!subx))
(list 'let (map (fn (p a) (list p!uid (source a))) ((car ast!subx) 'params) (cdr ast!subx)) (source (car ((car ast!subx) 'subx))))
; actually, shouldn't properify the params, maybe okay since this is debug code, but...
(list 'let (map (fn (p a) (list p!uid (source a))) (properify ((car ast!subx) 'params)) (cdr ast!subx)) (source (car ((car ast!subx) 'subx))))
(map source ast!subx))
(alam ast)
(list 'fn (map [_ 'uid] ast!params) (source (car ast!subx)))
(list 'fn (map-improper [_ 'uid] ast!params) (source (car ast!subx)))
(aseq ast)
(cons 'do (map source ast!subx))
(aquote ast)
Expand All @@ -297,6 +321,8 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
; (cref driver)

; seems currently unused -
; note that this function doesn't support varargs
(def ds (ast)
(alit ast)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,7 +363,7 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
; (don't move on unless code is stable)
(*code-walk-internal usercode new-code)
(if (acons new-code)
(map [*code-walk-internal usercode _] new-code)
(map-improper [*code-walk-internal usercode _] new-code)
(if (acons code)
Expand All @@ -355,7 +381,7 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
(list 'unquote (*code-walk-internal usercode
(cadr code)))
; else
(map quasiwalk code))
(map-improper quasiwalk code))
(cadr code)))
; else
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion utils.arc
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
(++ result (string elt))))

(def properify (lst)
" Makes an improper list proper, or a non-list into a
singleton list "
(if (alist lst) (makeproper lst) (cons lst nil)))


; free variables
Expand All @@ -43,7 +48,7 @@
(aset ast)
(union (fv (car ast!subx)) (list ast!var))
(alam ast)
(diff (fv (car ast!subx)) ast!params)
(diff (fv (car ast!subx)) (properify ast!params))
(aquote ast)
(union-multi (map fv ast!subx))))
Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions varargs.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

(set list
(fn rest

(prn (list 1 2 3)) ; (1 . (2 . (3 . nil)))
(prn (list 'x 'y)) ; (x . (y . nil))
(prn (list)) ; nil

(set test1
(fn (v . rest)
(pr 'v) (prn v)
(pr 'rest) (prn rest)))

; v1
; restnil
(test1 1)
; vx
; rest(y . nil)
(test1 'x 'y)

(set test2
(fn (x y . rest)
(pr 'x) (prn x)
(pr 'y) (prn y)
(pr 'rest) (prn rest)))

; x1
; y2
; rest(3 . nil)
(test2 1 2 3)
23 changes: 17 additions & 6 deletions xe.arc
Expand Up @@ -158,12 +158,23 @@

(= macfn* (make-macro 'fn
(fn (e cte)
(if (>= (len (cdr e)) 1)
(params (map new-var (cadr e))
new-cte (extend params cte))
(make-lam (list:xe (cons 'do (cddr e)) new-cte) params))
(err "fn expects a parameter list")))))
(let (_ exp-params . body) e
(if (>= (len (cdr e)) 1)
; support proper and improper lists
; as argument list: (arg arg) or (arg . arg)
(params ((afn (l)
(acons l)
(let (e . rest) l
(cons (new-var e) (self rest)))
(new-var l)))
proper-params (if (alist params) (makeproper params) (cons params nil))
new-cte (extend proper-params cte))
(make-lam (list:xe (cons 'do body) new-cte) params))
(err "fn expects a parameter list"))))))

(= macdo* (make-macro 'do
(fn (e cte)
Expand Down

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