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Manage Activity Configuration

sahan edited this page Mar 31, 2013 · 7 revisions

Traditionally activities are configuration in the `AndroidManifest.xml` or in `onCreate()`. `IckleActivity` instances isolate the configuration on the activity definition itself using annotations.

####1. Specify Title and Layout

Use @Title to specify the action bar title and @Layout to set the content view.

public class HomeActivity extends IckleActivity {

####2. Enable Fullscreen

Use @Fullscreen to hide the action and status bars.

public class HomeActivity extends IckleActivity {

####3. Request Window Features

Use @WindowFeatures to request further configuration.

public class HomeActivity extends IckleActivity {

####4. Save and Restore Instance State

Use @Stateful to save and restore state without having to use onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) and onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle).

public class LoginActivity extends IckleActivity {

    private int loginAttempts;


####5. Activate Features Selectively

A segregated activation of IckelBot's features is possible by using the concept of profiles on an IckleActivity. A single profile offers a feature such as injection or event handling. To activate a set of profiles use the @Profiles annotation and specify the profiles to be activated.

public class ContactActivity extends IckleActivity {


In the above example, other features such as dependency injection will fail.