GMAT approbatory churlishness comeliness complaisance connotative distention embarkation extricable indubitably knavery motility nefariousness paraphernalia retroaction spelunker stridency usurpation TOEFL divisibility egotistic plebiscitea truculence SAT abidance accoute accustom achillean adjacency adjuration aerostatics aldermanship altruist ambrosial americanism anglo-saxon antemeridian antemundane antipathize antiquate arthurian assonant attorney-general augustinian baconian barograp belate bigamist biograph britannia briticism cabalism calvary calvinism calvinize canaanite cat-o-nine-tails catholicity christendom complaisance (DUPE of GMAT) compressible conductible coniferous consignee consignor corruptible cosmopolitanism counter-claim counting-house day-man dead-heat death's-head decagram decameron deist derisible desistance detrude discontinuance discrepant distensible distention (DUPE of GMAT) distrainor divagation divertible dolesome donator effeminacy efflorescence efflorescent effulgence egoist elizabethan elusion emaciate eugenic execration exhaustible exorbitance fanciless fernery flag-officer fluential folk-lore foot-note foreordination fraudulence heathenish hexangular hibernian icily iciness iliad imperfectible impersuadable impetuosity impliable inapprehensible incandescence incipience incoercible indivertible infrequence inherence insuppressible intervale intestacy intromit introvert iridescence irreverential irrigant irritancy irruption jugglery kingling knavery (DUPE of GMAT) lingua liquefacient lithotype loiterer luxuriance macadamize mystification neo-darwinsim neo-latin neocracy neology nomic novellette opalescence orthopedist out-of-the-way overstride pan-american pantoscope paraphernalia (DUPE of GMAT) parisian paronymous pauperism perfectible pertinacity philologist photometry physiocracy pinchers pledgeor polyarchy polycracy precedential preengage prehensible prescriptible prima prohibitionist prohibitory protuberate proximately prudery pseudapostle pseudonymity pungency pusilanimous reclusory recrudescent recure redolence redundance referable reflectible refragable refringency reprehand repressible requital revisal ripplet sapience seignoir sentience sibilance somnolence sophistical sphericity spherometer stringency submergence submittal superabundance supplicant suppressible tangency technography theocrasy thermoelectricity thermomelectric transferee transferrer transfusible translucence trimness truculence (DUPE of IELTS and GRE) tutorship undulous unisonant univalence up-keep vendible vendition vindicatory vituperable vociferance wantonness well-doer wittingly wizen-faced working-man wretchedness wean OXFORD 3000 according to april be cd december dvd every february for friday have to hell january july june look monday net november october our phase saturday september sublist sunday their thursday tight touch tuesday used to wednesday your OXFORD 2000 behalf cue dose net rape suicide LONGMAN 3000 according to (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) be behalf (DUPE of OXFORD 2000) CD DVD every (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) for good night hell (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) look (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) net o’clock ought to phase (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) their (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) tight (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) touch (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) used to (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) your (DUPE of OXFORD 3000) GRE acarpous canvass castigation chastisement complaisance (DUPE of GMAT and SAT) dawdler detraction emaciate (DUPE of SAT) excoriation exscind extricable (DUPE of GMAT) extrovert gorge hoi imperviousness inasmuch incorrigibility indefatigability nonplused opaqueness palpability propitiatory pungency (DUPE of SAT) recreancy substantiation testiness truculence (DUPE of IELTS and SAT) wean (DUPE of SAT)