diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index e4b1278..de53b33 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ generate: ## generate the static assets build: mod ## Build the binary file go build -v -o build/bin/$(PROJECT) $(MAINFILE) +swag: + swag init -g internal/app/api/router.go --exclude client --parseDependency --parseDepth 1 --output internal/docs + install: # 复制二进制文件 # 复制默认配置文件 diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 20dc187..7feff38 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -6,20 +6,25 @@ go 1.16 //replace github.com/saltbo/gopkg => /opt/works/gopkg require ( - github.com/NetEase-Object-Storage/nos-golang-sdk v0.0.0-20191125093154-335c2b73bf6b + github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-go-sdk v2.1.6+incompatible github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.34.14 + github.com/baiyubin/aliyun-sts-go-sdk v0.0.0-20180326062324-cfa1a18b161f // indirect github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.6.3 + 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b/internal/app/api/router.go index 382e7d5..db124c5 100644 --- a/internal/app/api/router.go +++ b/internal/app/api/router.go @@ -3,13 +3,36 @@ package api import ( "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/saltbo/gopkg/ginutil" + + _ "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/docs" ) +// @title zpan +// @description zpan apis +// @version 1.0.0 + +// @BasePath /api/ +// @securitydefinitions.oauth2.application OAuth2Application +// @scope.matter Grants matter access and write +// @scope.admin Grants read and write access to administrative information +// @tokenUrl /api/tokens +// @name Authorization + +// @contact.name API Support +// @contact.url http://zpan.space +// @contact.email saltbo@foxmail.com + +// @license.name GPL 3.0 +// @license.url https://github.com/saltbo/zpan/blob/master/LICENSE + func SetupRoutes(ge *gin.Engine) { + ginutil.SetupSwagger(ge) + apiRouter := ge.Group("/api") ginutil.SetupResource(apiRouter, NewOptionResource(), NewUserResource(), + NewUserKeyResource(), NewTokenResource(), NewStorageResource(), NewFileResource(), diff --git a/internal/app/api/token.go b/internal/app/api/token.go index 7eb275c..e31ae2f 100644 --- a/internal/app/api/token.go +++ b/internal/app/api/token.go @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ package api import ( + "log" + "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4/errors" + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4/manage" + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4/server" + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4/store" "github.com/saltbo/gopkg/ginutil" _ "github.com/saltbo/gopkg/httputil" @@ -12,10 +18,28 @@ import ( type TokenResource struct { sUser *service.User + + srv *server.Server } func NewTokenResource() *TokenResource { + uk := service.NewUserKey() + uk.LoadExistClient() + manager := manage.NewManager() + manager.MapAccessGenerate(uk) + manager.MapClientStorage(uk.ClientStore()) + manager.MustTokenStorage(store.NewMemoryTokenStore()) + + srv := server.NewDefaultServer(manager) + srv.SetAllowGetAccessRequest(true) + srv.SetClientInfoHandler(server.ClientBasicHandler) + srv.SetInternalErrorHandler(func(err error) (re *errors.Response) { + log.Println("Internal Error:", err.Error()) + return + }) + return &TokenResource{ + srv: srv, sUser: service.NewUser(), } } @@ -26,7 +50,7 @@ func (rs *TokenResource) Register(router *gin.RouterGroup) { } // create godoc -// @Tags v1/Tokens +// @Tags Tokens // @Summary 登录/密码重置 // @Description 用于账户登录和申请密码重置 // @Accept json @@ -35,8 +59,14 @@ func (rs *TokenResource) Register(router *gin.RouterGroup) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/tokens [post] +// @Router /tokens [post] func (rs *TokenResource) create(c *gin.Context) { + // support gen oauth2 access_token + if _, _, ok := c.Request.BasicAuth(); ok { + rs.srv.HandleTokenRequest(c.Writer, c.Request) + return + } + p := new(bind.BodyToken) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { ginutil.JSONBadRequest(c, err) @@ -67,7 +97,7 @@ func (rs *TokenResource) create(c *gin.Context) { } // delete godoc -// @Tags v1/Tokens +// @Tags Tokens // @Summary 退出登录 // @Description 用户状态登出 // @Accept json @@ -75,7 +105,7 @@ func (rs *TokenResource) create(c *gin.Context) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/tokens [delete] +// @Router /tokens [delete] func (rs *TokenResource) delete(c *gin.Context) { authed.TokenCookieSet(c, "", 1) authed.RoleCookieSet(c, "", 1) diff --git a/internal/app/api/user.go b/internal/app/api/user.go index 65af98b..8c0cea2 100644 --- a/internal/app/api/user.go +++ b/internal/app/api/user.go @@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ func (rs *UserResource) Register(router *gin.RouterGroup) { } // create godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 用户注册 // @Description 注册一个用户 // @Accept json // @Produce json -// @Param body body bind.BodyUser true "参数" +// @Param body body bind.BodyUserCreation true "参数" // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse{data=model.User} // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users [post] +// @Router /users [post] func (rs *UserResource) create(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserCreation) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) create(c *gin.Context) { } // patch godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 更新一项用户信息 // @Description 用于账户激活和密码重置 // @Accept json @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) create(c *gin.Context) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users/{email} [patch] +// @Router /users/{email} [patch] func (rs *UserResource) patch(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserPatch) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { @@ -122,16 +122,17 @@ func (rs *UserResource) patch(c *gin.Context) { } // findAll godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 用户列表 // @Description 获取用户列表信息 // @Accept json // @Produce json +// @Security OAuth2Application[admin] // @Param query query bind.QueryUser true "参数" -// @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse{data=gin.H{list=[]model.UserFormats,total=int64}} +// @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse{data=gin.H{list=[]model.User,total=int64}} // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users [get] +// @Router /users [get] func (rs *UserResource) findAll(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.QueryUser) if err := c.BindQuery(p); err != nil { @@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) findAll(c *gin.Context) { } // find godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 用户查询 // @Description 获取一个用户的公开信息 // @Accept json @@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) findAll(c *gin.Context) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse{data=model.UserProfile} // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users/{username} [get] +// @Router /users/{username} [get] func (rs *UserResource) find(c *gin.Context) { user, exist := rs.dUser.UsernameExist(c.Param("username")) if !exist { @@ -176,17 +177,18 @@ func (rs *UserResource) find(c *gin.Context) { } // updateStorage godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 修改某一个用户的存储空间 // @Description 修改某一个用户的存储空间 // @Accept json // @Produce json +// @Security OAuth2Application[admin] // @Param username path string true "用户名" // @Param body body bind.BodyUserPassword true "参数" // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users/{username}/storage [put] +// @Router /users/{username}/storage [put] func (rs *UserResource) updateStorage(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserStorage) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { @@ -209,17 +211,18 @@ func (rs *UserResource) updateStorage(c *gin.Context) { } // updateStatus godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 修改某一个用户的状态 // @Description 修改某一个用户的状态 // @Accept json // @Produce json +// @Security OAuth2Application[admin] // @Param username path string true "用户名" // @Param body body bind.BodyUserStatus true "参数" // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users/{username}/storage [put] +// @Router /users/{username}/status [put] func (rs *UserResource) updateStatus(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserStatus) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { @@ -242,17 +245,18 @@ func (rs *UserResource) updateStatus(c *gin.Context) { } // resetPassword godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 重置某一个用户的密码 // @Description 重置某一个用户的密码 // @Accept json // @Produce json +// @Security OAuth2Application[admin] // @Param username path string true "用户名" // @Param body body bind.BodyUserStatus true "参数" // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users/{username}/password [put] +// @Router /users/{username}/password [put] func (rs *UserResource) resetPassword(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserPasswordReset) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { @@ -276,16 +280,17 @@ func (rs *UserResource) resetPassword(c *gin.Context) { } // remove godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 删除某一个用户 // @Description 删除某一个用户 // @Accept json // @Produce json +// @Security OAuth2Application[admin] // @Param username path string true "用户名" // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/users/{username} [delete] +// @Router /users/{username} [delete] func (rs *UserResource) remove(c *gin.Context) { user, err := rs.dUser.FindByUsername(c.Param("username")) if err != nil { @@ -302,7 +307,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) remove(c *gin.Context) { } // profile godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 当前登录用户信息 // @Description 获取已登录用户的详细信息 // @Accept json @@ -310,7 +315,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) remove(c *gin.Context) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse{data=gin.H{user=model.User,profile=model.UserProfile}} // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/user [get] +// @Router /user [get] func (rs *UserResource) userMe(c *gin.Context) { user, err := rs.dUser.Find(authed.UidGet(c)) if err != nil { @@ -322,7 +327,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) userMe(c *gin.Context) { } // updatePassword godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 修改登录用户密码 // @Description 修改登录用户密码 // @Accept json @@ -331,7 +336,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) userMe(c *gin.Context) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/user/password [put] +// @Router /user/password [put] func (rs *UserResource) updatePassword(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserPassword) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { @@ -349,7 +354,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) updatePassword(c *gin.Context) { } // updateProfile godoc -// @Tags v1/Users +// @Tags Users // @Summary 修改个人信息 // @Description 更新用户的个人信息 // @Accept json @@ -358,7 +363,7 @@ func (rs *UserResource) updatePassword(c *gin.Context) { // @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse -// @Router /v1/user/profile [put] +// @Router /user/profile [put] func (rs *UserResource) updateProfile(c *gin.Context) { p := new(bind.BodyUserProfile) if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(p); err != nil { diff --git a/internal/app/api/user_key.go b/internal/app/api/user_key.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52ddfe1 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/app/api/user_key.go @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +package api + +import ( + "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" + "github.com/saltbo/gopkg/ginutil" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/app/dao" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/app/model" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/app/service" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/pkg/authed" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/pkg/bind" +) + +type UserKeyResource struct { + dUserKey *dao.UserKey + sUserKey *service.UserKey +} + +func NewUserKeyResource() *UserKeyResource { + return &UserKeyResource{ + dUserKey: dao.NewUserKey(), + sUserKey: service.NewUserKey(), + } +} + +func (rs *UserKeyResource) Register(router *gin.RouterGroup) { + router.POST("/user/keys", rs.create) // 创建一个KEY + router.GET("/user/keys/:name", rs.find) // 获取一个KEY + router.PATCH("/user/keys/:name/secret", rs.reset) // 重置KEY的secret + router.DELETE("/user/keys/:name", rs.remove) // 重置KEY的secret +} + +// create godoc +// @Tags UserKeys +// @Summary 创建秘钥 +// @Description 创建秘钥 +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param body body bind.BodyUserKeyCreation true "参数" +// @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Router /user/keys [post] +func (rs *UserKeyResource) create(c *gin.Context) { + p := new(bind.BodyUserKeyCreation) + if err := c.ShouldBind(p); err != nil { + ginutil.JSONBadRequest(c, err) + return + } + + uk := model.NewUserKey(authed.UidGet(c), p.Name) + if err := rs.sUserKey.Create(uk); err != nil { + ginutil.JSONServerError(c, err) + return + } + + ginutil.JSONData(c, uk) +} + +// find godoc +// @Tags UserKeys +// @Summary 查询秘钥 +// @Description 查询秘钥 +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param name path string true "秘钥名称" +// @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Router /user/keys/{name} [get] +func (rs *UserKeyResource) find(c *gin.Context) { + uk, err := rs.dUserKey.Find(c.Param("name")) + if err != nil { + ginutil.JSONBadRequest(c, err) + return + } + + ginutil.JSONData(c, uk) +} + +// reset godoc +// @Tags UserKeys +// @Summary 重置秘钥 +// @Description 重置秘钥 +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param name path string true "秘钥名称" +// @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Router /user/keys/{name}/secret [patch] +func (rs *UserKeyResource) reset(c *gin.Context) { + uk, err := rs.dUserKey.Find(c.Param("name")) + if err != nil { + ginutil.JSONBadRequest(c, err) + return + } + + if err := rs.sUserKey.ResetSecret(uk); err != nil { + ginutil.JSONServerError(c, err) + return + } + + ginutil.JSONData(c, uk) +} + +// remove godoc +// @Tags UserKeys +// @Summary 删除秘钥 +// @Description 删除秘钥 +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param name path string true "秘钥名称" +// @Success 200 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 400 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Failure 500 {object} httputil.JSONResponse +// @Router /user/keys/{name} [delete] +func (rs *UserKeyResource) remove(c *gin.Context) { + uk, err := rs.dUserKey.Find(c.Param("name")) + if err != nil { + ginutil.JSONBadRequest(c, err) + return + } + + if err := rs.dUserKey.Delete(uk); err != nil { + ginutil.JSONServerError(c, err) + return + } + + ginutil.JSON(c) +} diff --git a/internal/app/dao/user_key.go b/internal/app/dao/user_key.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e68ef00 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/app/dao/user_key.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/app/model" +) + +type UserKey struct { +} + +func NewUserKey() *UserKey { + return &UserKey{} +} + +func (u *UserKey) Find(name string) (*model.UserKey, error) { + uk := new(model.UserKey) + if err := gdb.Where("name=?", name).First(uk).Error; errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("userKey not exist") + } + + return uk, nil +} + +func (u *UserKey) FindByClientID(clientID string) (*model.UserKey, error) { + uk := new(model.UserKey) + if err := gdb.Where("access_key=?", clientID).First(uk).Error; errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("userKey not exist") + } + + return uk, nil +} + +func (u *UserKey) FindAll(query *Query) (list []*model.UserKey, total int64, err error) { + sn := gdb.Model(&model.UserKey{}) + if len(query.Params) > 0 { + sn = sn.Where(query.SQL(), query.Params...) + } + sn.Count(&total) + err = sn.Offset(query.Offset).Limit(query.Limit).Preload(clause.Associations).Find(&list).Error + return +} + +func (u *UserKey) Create(uk *model.UserKey) (*model.UserKey, error) { + if _, err := u.Find(uk.Name); err == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("userKey already exist: %s", uk.Name) + } + + if err := gdb.Create(uk).Error; err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return uk, nil +} + +func (u *UserKey) Update(user *model.UserKey) error { + return gdb.Save(user).Error +} + +func (u *UserKey) Delete(user *model.UserKey) error { + return gdb.Delete(user).Error +} diff --git a/internal/app/model/base.go b/internal/app/model/base.go index 00f76f4..b0bb6f0 100644 --- a/internal/app/model/base.go +++ b/internal/app/model/base.go @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ func Tables() []interface{} { return []interface{}{ new(Option), new(User), + new(UserKey), new(UserProfile), new(UserStorage), new(Storage), diff --git a/internal/app/model/user_key.go b/internal/app/model/user_key.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbef785 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/app/model/user_key.go @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package model + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/saltbo/gopkg/strutil" + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +const () + +type UserKey struct { + Id int64 `json:"id"` + Uid int64 `json:"uid" gorm:"not null"` + Name string `json:"name" gorm:"not null"` + AccessKey string `json:"access_key" gorm:"size:32;not null"` + SecretKey string `json:"secret_key" gorm:"size:64;not null"` + Created time.Time `json:"created" gorm:"autoCreateTime;not null"` + Updated time.Time `json:"updated" gorm:"autoUpdateTime;not null"` + Deleted gorm.DeletedAt `json:"-"` +} + +func NewUserKey(uid int64, name string) *UserKey { + uk := &UserKey{ + Uid: uid, + Name: name, + AccessKey: strutil.Md5Hex(fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d:%s", uid, time.Now().Unix(), strutil.RandomText(5))), + } + uk.ResetSecret() + return uk +} + +func (UserKey) TableName() string { + return "zp_user_key" +} + +func (uk *UserKey) ResetSecret() { + l := strutil.Md5HexShort(strutil.RandomText(8)) + r := strutil.Md5HexShort(strutil.RandomText(8)) + m := strutil.Md5HexShort(l + uk.AccessKey + r) + uk.SecretKey = strings.ToLower(l + m + r) +} diff --git a/internal/app/service/user_key.go b/internal/app/service/user_key.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7df01 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/app/service/user_key.go @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +package service + +import ( + "context" + "encoding/base64" + "log" + "strings" + + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4" + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4/models" + "github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/v4/store" + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/app/dao" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/internal/app/model" +) + +var cs = store.NewClientStore() + +type UserKey struct { + dUserKey *dao.UserKey + + sToken *Token +} + +func NewUserKey() *UserKey { + return &UserKey{ + dUserKey: dao.NewUserKey(), + + sToken: NewToken(), + } +} + +func (uk *UserKey) Token(ctx context.Context, data *oauth2.GenerateBasic, isGenRefresh bool) (access, refresh string, err error) { + muk, err := uk.dUserKey.FindByClientID(data.Client.GetID()) + if err != nil { + return "", "", err + } + + user, err := dao.NewUser().Find(muk.Uid) + if err != nil { + return "", "", err + } + + ttl := data.TokenInfo.GetAccessCreateAt().Add(data.TokenInfo.GetAccessExpiresIn()).Unix() + access, err = uk.sToken.Create(user.IDString(), int(ttl), user.Roles) + if err != nil { + return + } + + if isGenRefresh { + t := uuid.NewSHA1(uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom()), []byte(access)).String() + refresh = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(t)) + refresh = strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimRight(refresh, "=")) + } + return +} + +func (uk *UserKey) ClientStore() *store.ClientStore { + return cs +} + +func (uk *UserKey) Create(muk *model.UserKey) error { + if _, err := uk.dUserKey.Create(muk); err != nil { + return err + } + + return uk.ClientStore().Set(muk.AccessKey, &models.Client{ID: muk.AccessKey, Secret: muk.SecretKey}) +} + +func (uk *UserKey) ResetSecret(muk *model.UserKey) error { + muk.ResetSecret() + if err := uk.dUserKey.Update(muk); err != nil { + return err + } + + return uk.ClientStore().Set(muk.AccessKey, &models.Client{ID: muk.AccessKey, Secret: muk.SecretKey}) +} + +func (uk *UserKey) LoadExistClient() { + list, _, err := uk.dUserKey.FindAll(dao.NewQuery()) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + return + } + + for _, muk := range list { + cli := &models.Client{ID: muk.AccessKey, Secret: muk.SecretKey} + if err := uk.ClientStore().Set(muk.AccessKey, cli); err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + } +} diff --git a/internal/docs/docs.go b/internal/docs/docs.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60eb1c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/docs/docs.go @@ -0,0 +1,1317 @@ +// GENERATED BY THE COMMAND ABOVE; DO NOT EDIT +// This file was generated by swaggo/swag + +package docs + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "strings" + + "github.com/alecthomas/template" + "github.com/swaggo/swag" +) + +var doc = `{ + "schemes": {{ marshal .Schemes }}, + "swagger": "2.0", + "info": { + "description": "{{.Description}}", + "title": "{{.Title}}", + "contact": { + "name": "API Support", + "url": "http://zpan.space", + "email": "saltbo@foxmail.com" + }, + "license": { + "name": "GPL 3.0", + "url": "https://github.com/saltbo/zpan/blob/master/LICENSE" + }, + "version": "{{.Version}}" + }, + "host": "{{.Host}}", + "basePath": "{{.BasePath}}", + "paths": { + "/matters": { + "post": { + "security": [ + { + "OAuth2Application": [ + "matter", + "admin" + ] + } + ], + "description": "创建文件", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "Matters" + ], + "summary": "创建文件", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "参数", + "name": "body", + "in": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/bind.BodyMatter" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse" + }, + { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "data": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/model.User" + } + } + } + ] + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/tokens": { + "post": { + "description": "用于账户登录和申请密码重置", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "Tokens" + ], + "summary": "登录/密码重置", + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "参数", + "name": "body", + "in": "body", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/bind.BodyToken" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse" + } + } + } + }, + "delete": { + "description": "用户状态登出", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + 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integer + updated: + type: string + url: + type: string + type: object + model.UserStorage: + properties: + created: + type: string + id: + type: integer + max: + type: integer + uid: + type: integer + updated: + type: string + used: + type: integer + type: object +info: + contact: + email: saltbo@foxmail.com + name: API Support + url: http://zpan.space + description: zpan apis + license: + name: GPL 3.0 + url: https://github.com/saltbo/zpan/blob/master/LICENSE + title: zpan + version: 1.0.0 +paths: + /matters: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 创建文件 + parameters: + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyMatter' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + - properties: + data: + $ref: '#/definitions/model.User' + type: object + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + security: + - OAuth2Application: + - matter + - admin + summary: 创建文件 + tags: + - Matters + /tokens: + delete: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 用户状态登出 + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 退出登录 + tags: + - Tokens + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 用于账户登录和申请密码重置 + parameters: + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyToken' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 登录/密码重置 + tags: + - Tokens + /user: + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 获取已登录用户的详细信息 + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + - properties: + data: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/gin.H' + - properties: + profile: + $ref: '#/definitions/model.UserProfile' + user: + $ref: '#/definitions/model.User' + type: object + type: object + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 当前登录用户信息 + tags: + - Users + /user/keys: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 创建秘钥 + parameters: + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserKeyCreation' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 创建秘钥 + tags: + - UserKeys + /user/keys/{name}: + delete: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 删除秘钥 + parameters: + - description: 秘钥名称 + in: path + name: name + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 删除秘钥 + tags: + - UserKeys + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 查询秘钥 + parameters: + - description: 秘钥名称 + in: path + name: name + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 查询秘钥 + tags: + - UserKeys + /user/keys/{name}/secret: + patch: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 重置秘钥 + parameters: + - description: 秘钥名称 + in: path + name: name + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 重置秘钥 + tags: + - UserKeys + /user/password: + put: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 修改登录用户密码 + parameters: + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserPassword' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 修改登录用户密码 + tags: + - Users + /user/profile: + put: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 更新用户的个人信息 + parameters: + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserProfile' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 修改个人信息 + tags: + - Users + /users: + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 获取用户列表信息 + parameters: + - in: query + name: email + type: string + - in: query + name: pageNo + type: integer + - in: query + name: pageSize + type: integer + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + - properties: + data: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/gin.H' + - properties: + list: + items: + $ref: '#/definitions/model.User' + type: array + total: + type: integer + type: object + type: object + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + security: + - OAuth2Application: + - admin + summary: 用户列表 + tags: + - Users + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 注册一个用户 + parameters: + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserCreation' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + - properties: + data: + $ref: '#/definitions/model.User' + type: object + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 用户注册 + tags: + - Users + /users/{email}: + patch: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 用于账户激活和密码重置 + parameters: + - description: 邮箱 + in: path + name: email + required: true + type: string + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserPatch' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 更新一项用户信息 + tags: + - Users + /users/{username}: + delete: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 删除某一个用户 + parameters: + - description: 用户名 + in: path + name: username + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + security: + - OAuth2Application: + - admin + summary: 删除某一个用户 + tags: + - Users + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 获取一个用户的公开信息 + parameters: + - description: 用户名 + in: path + name: username + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + allOf: + - $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + - properties: + data: + $ref: '#/definitions/model.UserProfile' + type: object + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + summary: 用户查询 + tags: + - Users + /users/{username}/password: + put: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 重置某一个用户的密码 + parameters: + - description: 用户名 + in: path + name: username + required: true + type: string + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserStatus' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + security: + - OAuth2Application: + - admin + summary: 重置某一个用户的密码 + tags: + - Users + /users/{username}/status: + put: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 修改某一个用户的状态 + parameters: + - description: 用户名 + in: path + name: username + required: true + type: string + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserStatus' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + security: + - OAuth2Application: + - admin + summary: 修改某一个用户的状态 + tags: + - Users + /users/{username}/storage: + put: + consumes: + - application/json + description: 修改某一个用户的存储空间 + parameters: + - description: 用户名 + in: path + name: username + required: true + type: string + - description: 参数 + in: body + name: body + required: true + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/bind.BodyUserPassword' + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/httputil.JSONResponse' + security: + - OAuth2Application: + - admin + summary: 修改某一个用户的存储空间 + tags: + - Users +securityDefinitions: + OAuth2Application: + authorizationUrl: "" + flow: application + scopes: + admin: ' Grants read and write access to administrative information' + matter: ' Grants matter access and write' + tokenUrl: /api/tokens + type: oauth2 +swagger: "2.0" diff --git a/internal/pkg/bind/user.go b/internal/pkg/bind/user.go index 37bb5ab..68a9d0c 100644 --- a/internal/pkg/bind/user.go +++ b/internal/pkg/bind/user.go @@ -45,3 +45,7 @@ type BodyUserStatus struct { type BodyUserPasswordReset struct { Password string `json:"password" binding:"required"` } + +type BodyUserKeyCreation struct { + Name string `json:"name" binding:"required"` +} diff --git a/internal/pkg/fakefs/file_test.go b/internal/pkg/fakefs/file_test.go index 8c5d0b6..668eeb2 100644 --- a/internal/pkg/fakefs/file_test.go +++ b/internal/pkg/fakefs/file_test.go @@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ func init() { var fs = New() +func init() { + fs.Start() +} + func TestPreSignPutURL(t *testing.T) { bf := &bind.BodyMatter{ Name: "test.txt", diff --git a/internal/pkg/middleware/auth.go b/internal/pkg/middleware/auth.go index 25dc182..bf917cb 100644 --- a/internal/pkg/middleware/auth.go +++ b/internal/pkg/middleware/auth.go @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( _ "embed" "fmt" "log" + "strings" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/saltbo/gopkg/ginutil" @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ func LoginAuthWithRoles() gin.HandlerFunc { } return func(c *gin.Context) { - rc, err := token2Roles(authed.TokenCookieGet(c)) + rc, err := token2Roles(c) if err != nil { ginutil.JSONUnauthorized(c, err) return @@ -61,10 +62,19 @@ func LoginAuthWithRoles() gin.HandlerFunc { } } -func token2Roles(token string) (*service.RoleClaims, error) { - if token == "" { +func token2Roles(c *gin.Context) (*service.RoleClaims, error) { + const basicPrefix = "Basic " + const BearerPrefix = "Bearer " + cookieAuth := authed.TokenCookieGet(c) + headerAuth := c.GetHeader("Authorization") + if (cookieAuth == "" && headerAuth == "") || strings.HasPrefix(headerAuth, basicPrefix) { return service.NewRoleClaims("anonymous", 3600, []string{"guest"}), nil } - return service.NewToken().Verify(token) + authToken := strings.TrimPrefix(headerAuth, BearerPrefix) + if authToken == "" { + authToken = cookieAuth + } + + return service.NewToken().Verify(authToken) } diff --git a/internal/pkg/provider/provider_nos.go b/internal/pkg/provider/provider_nos.go index 44a0dfe..6bd020f 100644 --- a/internal/pkg/provider/provider_nos.go +++ b/internal/pkg/provider/provider_nos.go @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ package provider import ( - "github.com/NetEase-Object-Storage/nos-golang-sdk/config" - "github.com/NetEase-Object-Storage/nos-golang-sdk/nosclient" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/config" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/nosclient" ) // NOSProvider 网易云 diff --git a/pkg/nos/auth/nosauth.go b/pkg/nos/auth/nosauth.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d273982 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/auth/nosauth.go @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +package auth + +import ( + "crypto/hmac" + "crypto/sha256" + "encoding/base64" + "net/http" + "sort" + "strings" +) + +var subResources map[string]bool = map[string]bool{ + "acl": true, + "location": true, + "versioning": true, + "versions": true, + "versionId": true, + "uploadId": true, + "uploads": true, + "partNumber": true, + "delete": true, + "deduplication": true, +} + +func SignRequest(request *http.Request, publicKey string, secretKey string, + bucket string, encodedObject string) string { + + stringToSign := "" + stringToSign += (request.Method + "\n") + stringToSign += (request.Header.Get("Content-MD5") + "\n") + stringToSign += (request.Header.Get("Content-Type") + "\n") + stringToSign += (request.Header.Get("Date") + "\n") + + var headerKeys sort.StringSlice + for origKey, _ := range request.Header { + key := strings.ToLower(origKey) + if strings.HasPrefix(key, "x-nos-") { + headerKeys = append(headerKeys, origKey) + } + } + + headerKeys.Sort() + + for i := 0; i < headerKeys.Len(); i++ { + key := strings.ToLower(headerKeys[i]) + stringToSign += (key + ":" + request.Header.Get(headerKeys[i]) + "\n") + } + + stringToSign += (getResource(bucket, encodedObject)) + + request.ParseForm() + + var keys sort.StringSlice + for key := range request.Form { + if _, ok := subResources[key]; ok { + keys = append(keys, key) + } + } + keys.Sort() + + for i := 0; i < keys.Len(); i++ { + if i == 0 { + stringToSign += "?" + } + stringToSign += keys[i] + if val := request.Form[keys[i]]; val[0] != "" { + stringToSign += ("=" + val[0]) + } + + if i < keys.Len()-1 { + stringToSign += "&" + } + } + key := []byte(secretKey) + h := hmac.New(sha256.New, key) + h.Write([]byte(stringToSign)) + return "NOS " + publicKey + ":" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) +} + +func getResource(bucket string, encodedObject string) string { + resource := "/" + if bucket != "" { + resource += bucket + "/" + } + if encodedObject != "" { + resource += encodedObject + } + return resource +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/config/config.go b/pkg/nos/config/config.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c79ddf --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/config/config.go @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +package config + +import ( + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/logger" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/noserror" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/utils" +) + +type Config struct { + Endpoint string + AccessKey string + SecretKey string + + NosServiceConnectTimeout int + NosServiceReadWriteTimeout int + NosServiceMaxIdleConnection int + + LogLevel *logger.LogLevelType + + Logger logger.Logger + + IsSubDomain *bool +} + +func (conf *Config) SetIsSubDomain(isSubDomain bool) error { + conf.IsSubDomain = &isSubDomain + return nil +} + +func (conf *Config) GetIsSubDomain() bool { + if conf.IsSubDomain == nil { + return true + } else { + return *conf.IsSubDomain + } +} + +func (conf *Config) Check() error { + if conf.Endpoint == "" { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_CFG_ENDPOINT, "", "", "") + } + + if conf.NosServiceConnectTimeout < 0 { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_CFG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, "", "", "") + } + + if conf.NosServiceReadWriteTimeout < 0 { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_CFG_READWRITE_TIMEOUT, "", "", "") + } + + if conf.NosServiceMaxIdleConnection < 0 { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_CFG_MAXIDLECONNECT, "", "", "") + } + + if conf.NosServiceConnectTimeout == 0 { + conf.NosServiceConnectTimeout = 30 + } + + if conf.NosServiceReadWriteTimeout == 0 { + conf.NosServiceReadWriteTimeout = 60 + } + + if conf.NosServiceMaxIdleConnection == 0 { + conf.NosServiceMaxIdleConnection = 60 + } + + if conf.Logger == nil { + conf.Logger = logger.NewDefaultLogger() + } + + if conf.LogLevel == nil { + conf.LogLevel = logger.LogLevel(logger.DEBUG) + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/httpclient/httpclient.go b/pkg/nos/httpclient/httpclient.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89e018b --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/httpclient/httpclient.go @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +/* +Provides an HTTP Transport that implements the `RoundTripper` interface and +can be used as a built in replacement for the standard library's, providing: + + * connection timeouts + * request timeouts + +This is a thin wrapper around `http.Transport` that sets dial timeouts and uses +Go's internal timer scheduler to call the Go 1.1+ `CancelRequest()` API. +*/ +package httpclient + +import ( + "crypto/tls" + "errors" + "io" + "net" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "sync" + "time" +) + +// returns the current version of the package +func Version() string { + return "0.4.1" +} + +// Transport implements the RoundTripper interface and can be used as a replacement +// for Go's built in http.Transport implementing end-to-end request timeouts. +// +// transport := &httpclient.Transport{ +// ConnectTimeout: 1*time.Second, +// ResponseHeaderTimeout: 5*time.Second, +// RequestTimeout: 10*time.Second, +// } +// defer transport.Close() +// +// client := &http.Client{Transport: transport} +// req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) +// resp, err := client.Do(req) +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } +// defer resp.Body.Close() +// +type Transport struct { + // Proxy specifies a function to return a proxy for a given + // *http.Request. If the function returns a non-nil error, the + // request is aborted with the provided error. + // If Proxy is nil or returns a nil *url.URL, no proxy is used. + Proxy func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error) + + // Dial specifies the dial function for creating TCP + // connections. This will override the Transport's ConnectTimeout and + // ReadWriteTimeout settings. + // If Dial is nil, a dialer is generated on demand matching the Transport's + // options. + Dial func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) + + // TLSClientConfig specifies the TLS configuration to use with + // tls.Client. If nil, the default configuration is used. + TLSClientConfig *tls.Config + + // DisableKeepAlives, if true, prevents re-use of TCP connections + // between different HTTP requests. + DisableKeepAlives bool + + // DisableCompression, if true, prevents the Transport from + // requesting compression with an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" + // request header when the Request contains no existing + // Accept-Encoding value. If the Transport requests gzip on + // its own and gets a gzipped response, it's transparently + // decoded in the Response.Body. However, if the user + // explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically + // uncompressed. + DisableCompression bool + + // MaxIdleConnsPerHost, if non-zero, controls the maximum idle + // (keep-alive) to keep per-host. If zero, + // http.DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost is used. + MaxIdleConnsPerHost int + + // ConnectTimeout, if non-zero, is the maximum amount of time a dial will wait for + // a connect to complete. + ConnectTimeout time.Duration + + // ResponseHeaderTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of + // time to wait for a server's response headers after fully + // writing the request (including its body, if any). This + // time does not include the time to read the response body. + ResponseHeaderTimeout time.Duration + + // RequestTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of time for the entire + // request to complete (including all of the above timeouts + entire response body). + // This should never be less than the sum total of the above two timeouts. + RequestTimeout time.Duration + + // ReadWriteTimeout, if non-zero, will set a deadline for every Read and + // Write operation on the request connection. + ReadWriteTimeout time.Duration + + // TCPWriteBufferSize, the size of the operating system's write + // buffer associated with the connection. + TCPWriteBufferSize int + + // TCPReadBuffserSize, the size of the operating system's read + // buffer associated with the connection. + TCPReadBufferSize int + + starter sync.Once + transport *http.Transport +} + +// Close cleans up the Transport, currently a no-op +func (t *Transport) Close() error { + return nil +} + +func (t *Transport) lazyStart() { + if t.Dial == nil { + t.Dial = func(netw, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { + c, err := net.DialTimeout(netw, addr, t.ConnectTimeout) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if t.TCPReadBufferSize != 0 || t.TCPWriteBufferSize != 0 { + if tcpCon, ok := c.(*net.TCPConn); ok { + if t.TCPWriteBufferSize != 0 { + if err = tcpCon.SetWriteBuffer(t.TCPWriteBufferSize); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if t.TCPReadBufferSize != 0 { + if err = tcpCon.SetReadBuffer(t.TCPReadBufferSize); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + } else { + err = errors.New("Not Tcp Connection") + return nil, err + } + } + + if t.ReadWriteTimeout > 0 { + timeoutConn := &rwTimeoutConn{ + TCPConn: c.(*net.TCPConn), + rwTimeout: t.ReadWriteTimeout, + } + return timeoutConn, nil + } + return c, nil + } + } + + t.transport = &http.Transport{ + Dial: t.Dial, + Proxy: t.Proxy, + TLSClientConfig: t.TLSClientConfig, + DisableKeepAlives: t.DisableKeepAlives, + DisableCompression: t.DisableCompression, + MaxIdleConnsPerHost: t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost, + ResponseHeaderTimeout: t.ResponseHeaderTimeout, + } +} + +func (t *Transport) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) { + t.starter.Do(t.lazyStart) + + t.transport.CancelRequest(req) +} + +func (t *Transport) CloseIdleConnections() { + t.starter.Do(t.lazyStart) + + t.transport.CloseIdleConnections() +} + +func (t *Transport) RegisterProtocol(scheme string, rt http.RoundTripper) { + t.starter.Do(t.lazyStart) + + t.transport.RegisterProtocol(scheme, rt) +} + +func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) { + t.starter.Do(t.lazyStart) + + if t.RequestTimeout > 0 { + timer := time.AfterFunc(t.RequestTimeout, func() { + t.transport.CancelRequest(req) + }) + + resp, err = t.transport.RoundTrip(req) + if err != nil { + timer.Stop() + } else { + resp.Body = &bodyCloseInterceptor{ReadCloser: resp.Body, timer: timer} + } + } else { + resp, err = t.transport.RoundTrip(req) + } + + return +} + +type bodyCloseInterceptor struct { + io.ReadCloser + timer *time.Timer +} + +func (bci *bodyCloseInterceptor) Close() error { + bci.timer.Stop() + return bci.ReadCloser.Close() +} + +// A net.Conn that sets a deadline for every Read or Write operation +type rwTimeoutConn struct { + *net.TCPConn + rwTimeout time.Duration +} + +func (c *rwTimeoutConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { + err := c.TCPConn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(c.rwTimeout)) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return c.TCPConn.Read(b) +} + +func (c *rwTimeoutConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + err := c.TCPConn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(c.rwTimeout)) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return c.TCPConn.Write(b) +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/logger/logger.go b/pkg/nos/logger/logger.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8ccb50 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/logger/logger.go @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +package logger + +import ( + "log" + "os" +) + +// These are the integer logging levels used by the logger +type Level int + +const ( + LOGOFF LogLevelType = iota + FINE + DEBUG + TRACE + INFO + WARNING + ERROR + CRITICAL +) + +const ( + // LogOff states that no logging should be performed by the SDK. This is the + // default state of the SDK, and should be use to disable all logging. + LogOff LogLevelType = iota * 0x1000 + + // LogDebug state that debug output should be logged by the SDK. This should + // be used to inspect request made and responses received. + LogDebug +) + +// Debug Logging Sub Levels +const ( + // LogDebugWithSigning states that the SDK should log request signing and + // presigning events. This should be used to log the signing details of + // requests for debugging. Will also enable LogDebug. + LogDebugWithSigning LogLevelType = LogDebug | (1 << iota) + + // LogDebugWithHTTPBody states the SDK should log HTTP request and response + // HTTP bodys in addition to the headers and path. This should be used to + // see the body content of requests and responses made while using the SDK + // Will also enable LogDebug. + LogDebugWithHTTPBody + + // LogDebugWithRequestRetries states the SDK should log when service requests will + // be retried. This should be used to log when you want to log when service + // requests are being retried. Will also enable LogDebug. + LogDebugWithRequestRetries + + // LogDebugWithRequestErrors states the SDK should log when service requests fail + // to build, send, validate, or unmarshal. + LogDebugWithRequestErrors +) + +// Logging level strings +var ( + levelStrings = [...]string{"FNST", "FINE", "DEBG", "TRAC", "INFO", "WARN", "EROR", "CRIT"} +) + +func (l Level) String() string { + if l < 0 || int(l) > len(levelStrings) { + return "UNKNOWN" + } + return levelStrings[int(l)] +} + +/****** Variables ******/ +var ( + // LogBufferLength specifies how many log messages a particular log4go + // logger can buffer at a time before writing them. + LogBufferLength = 32 +) + +// A LogLevelType defines the level logging should be performed at. Used to instruct +// the SDK which statements should be logged. +type LogLevelType uint + +// LogLevel returns the pointer to a LogLevel. Should be used to workaround +// not being able to take the address of a non-composite literal. +func LogLevel(l LogLevelType) *LogLevelType { + return &l +} + +// Value returns the LogLevel value or the default value LogOff if the LogLevel +// is nil. Safe to use on nil value LogLevelTypes. +func (l *LogLevelType) Value() LogLevelType { + if l != nil { + return *l + } + return LogOff +} + +// Matches returns true if the v LogLevel is enabled by this LogLevel. Should be +// used with logging sub levels. Is safe to use on nil value LogLevelTypes. If +// LogLevel is nill, will default to LogOff comparison. +func (l *LogLevelType) Matches(v LogLevelType) bool { + c := l.Value() + return c&v == v +} + +// AtLeast returns true if this LogLevel is at least high enough to satisfies v. +// Is safe to use on nil value LogLevelTypes. If LogLevel is nill, will default +// to LogOff comparison. +func (l *LogLevelType) AtLeast(v LogLevelType) bool { + c := l.Value() + return c >= v +} + +// to LogOff comparison. +func (l *LogLevelType) logOff(v LogLevelType) bool { + c := l.Value() + + if c == LOGOFF { + return true + } + + return c > v +} + +// A Logger is a minimalistic interface for the SDK to log messages to. Should +// be used to provide custom logging writers for the SDK to use. +type Logger interface { + Log(...interface{}) +} + +// A LoggerFunc is a convenience type to convert a function taking a variadic +// list of arguments and wrap it so the Logger interface can be used. +// +// Example: +// s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Logger: aws.LoggerFunc(func(args ...interface{}) { +// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, args...) +// })}) +type LoggerFunc func(...interface{}) + +// Log calls the wrapped function with the arguments provided +func (f LoggerFunc) Log(args ...interface{}) { + f(args...) +} + +// NewDefaultLogger returns a Logger which will write log messages to stdout, and +// use same formatting runes as the stdlib log.Logger +func NewDefaultLogger() Logger { + return &defaultLogger{ + logger: log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags), + } +} + +// A defaultLogger provides a minimalistic logger satisfying the Logger interface. +type defaultLogger struct { + logger *log.Logger +} + +// Log logs the parameters to the stdlib logger. See log.Println. +func (l defaultLogger) Log(args ...interface{}) { + l.logger.Println(args...) +} + +type NosLog struct { + LogLevel *LogLevelType + // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. Defaults to + // standard out. + Logger Logger +} + +func (nosLog NosLog) Debug(args ...interface{}) { + if nosLog.LogLevel.logOff(DEBUG) { + return + } + + if nosLog.Logger == nil { + return + } + + nosLog.Logger.Log(args...) +} + +func (nosLog NosLog) Trace(args ...interface{}) { + if nosLog.LogLevel.logOff(TRACE) { + return + } + + if nosLog.Logger == nil { + return + } + + nosLog.Logger.Log(args...) +} + +func (nosLog NosLog) Info(args ...interface{}) { + if nosLog.LogLevel.logOff(INFO) { + return + } + + if nosLog.Logger == nil { + return + } + + nosLog.Logger.Log(args...) +} + +func (nosLog NosLog) Warn(args ...interface{}) { + if nosLog.LogLevel.logOff(WARNING) { + return + } + + if nosLog.Logger == nil { + return + } + + nosLog.Logger.Log(args...) +} + +func (nosLog NosLog) Error(args ...interface{}) { + if nosLog.LogLevel.logOff(ERROR) { + return + } + + if nosLog.Logger == nil { + return + } + + nosLog.Logger.Log(args...) +} + +func (nosLog NosLog) Critical(args ...interface{}) { + if nosLog.LogLevel.logOff(CRITICAL) { + return + } + + if nosLog.Logger == nil { + return + } + + nosLog.Logger.Log(args...) +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/model/nosrequest.go b/pkg/nos/model/nosrequest.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc802d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/model/nosrequest.go @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +package model + +import ( + "encoding/xml" + "io" +) + +// Create Bucket + +type CreateBucketRequest struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CreateBucketConfiguration"` + Location string `xml:"LocationConstraint"` +} + +// CompleteMultiUpload +type UploadPart struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Part"` + PartNumber int `xml:"PartNumber"` + Etag string `xml:"ETag"` +} + +type UploadParts struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CompleteMultipartUpload"` + Parts []UploadPart `xml:"Part"` +} + +func (uploadParts *UploadParts) Append(part UploadPart) { + uploadParts.Parts = append(uploadParts.Parts, part) +} + +// DeleteMultiObjects +type DeleteObject struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Object"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` +} + +type DeleteMultiObjects struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Delete"` + Quiet bool `xml:"Quiet"` + Objects []DeleteObject `xml:"Object"` +} + +func (deleteMulti *DeleteMultiObjects) Append(object DeleteObject) { + deleteMulti.Objects = append(deleteMulti.Objects, object) +} + +type ObjectMetadata struct { + ContentLength int64 + Metadata map[string]string +} + +type PutObjectRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + Body io.ReadSeeker + FilePath string + Metadata *ObjectMetadata +} + +type CopyObjectRequest struct { + SrcBucket string + SrcObject string + DestBucket string + DestObject string +} + +type MoveObjectRequest struct { + SrcBucket string + SrcObject string + DestBucket string + DestObject string +} + +type DeleteMultiObjectsRequest struct { + Bucket string + DelectObjects *DeleteMultiObjects +} + +type GetObjectRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + ObjRange string + IfModifiedSince string +} + +type ObjectRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string +} + +type ListObjectsRequest struct { + Bucket string + Prefix string + Delimiter string + Marker string + MaxKeys int +} + +type InitMultiUploadRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + Metadata *ObjectMetadata +} + +type UploadPartRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + UploadId string + PartNumber int + Content []byte + PartSize int64 + ContentMd5 string +} + +type CompleteMultiUploadRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + UploadId string + Parts []UploadPart + ContentMd5 string + ObjectMd5 string +} + +type AbortMultiUploadRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + UploadId string +} + +type ListUploadPartsRequest struct { + Bucket string + Object string + UploadId string + MaxParts int + PartNumberMarker int +} + +type ListMultiUploadsRequest struct { + Bucket string + KeyMarker string + MaxUploads int +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/model/nosresponse.go b/pkg/nos/model/nosresponse.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbcb17c --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/model/nosresponse.go @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +package model + +import ( + "encoding/xml" + "io" +) + +type ObjectResult struct { + Etag string + RequestId string +} + +type NOSObject struct { + Key string + BucketName string + ObjectMetadata *ObjectMetadata + Body io.ReadCloser `type:"blob"` +} + +type DeleteError struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` + Code string `xml:"Code"` + Message string `xml:"Message"` +} + +type DeleteKey struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Deleted"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` +} + +type DeleteObjectsResult struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DeleteResult"` + Deleted []DeleteKey `xml:"Deleted"` + Error []DeleteError `xml:"Error"` +} + +type ListObjectsResult struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListBucketResult"` + Bucket string `xml:"Name"` + Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` + CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix `xml:"CommonPrefixes"` + MaxKeys string `xml:"MaxKeys"` + NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"` + IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` + Contents []Contents `xml:"Contents"` +} + +type InitMultiUploadResult struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"InitiateMultipartUploadResult"` + Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` + Object string `xml:"Key"` + UploadId string `xml:"UploadId"` +} + +type CompleteMultiUploadResult struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CompleteMultipartUploadResult"` + Location string `xml:"Location"` + Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` + Etag string `xml:"ETag"` +} + +type Owner struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Owner"` + Id string `xml:"ID"` + DisplayName string `xml:"DisplayName"` +} + +type UploadPartRet struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Part"` + PartNumber int `xml:"PartNumber"` + LastModified string `xml:"LastModified"` + Etag string `xml:"ETag"` + Size int `xml:"Size"` +} + +type ListPartsResult struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListPartsResult"` + Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` + UploadId string `xml:"UploadId"` + Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` + StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"` + PartNumberMarker int `xml:"PartNumberMarker"` + NextPartNumberMarker int `xml:"NextPartNumberMarker"` + MaxPart int `xml:"MaxParts"` + IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` + Parts []UploadPartRet `xml:"Part"` +} + +type Contents struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Contents"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` + LastModified string `xml:"LastModified"` + Etag string `xml:"Etag"` + Size int64 `xml:"Size"` +} + +type CommonPrefix struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CommonPrefixes"` + Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` +} + +type MultipartUpload struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Upload"` + Key string `xml:"Key"` + UploadId string `xml:"UploadId"` + StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"` + Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` + Initiated string `xml:"Initiated"` +} + +type ListMultiUploadsResult struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListMultipartUploadsResult"` + Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` + NextKeyMarker string `xml:"NextKeyMarker"` + IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` + Uploads []MultipartUpload `xml:"Upload"` +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/nosclient/nosclient.go b/pkg/nos/nosclient/nosclient.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db74b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/nosclient/nosclient.go @@ -0,0 +1,923 @@ +package nosclient + +import ( + "bytes" + "crypto/md5" + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/xml" + "errors" + "io" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "os" + "strconv" + "time" + + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/auth" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/config" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/httpclient" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/logger" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/model" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/nosconst" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/noserror" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/utils" +) + +type NosClient struct { + endPoint string + accessKey string + secretKey string + + httpClient *http.Client + Log logger.NosLog + isSubDomain bool +} + +func NewHttpClient(connectTimeout, requestTimeout, readWriteTimeout, + maxIdleConnection int) *http.Client { + + tr := &httpclient.Transport{ + ConnectTimeout: time.Duration(connectTimeout) * time.Second, + RequestTimeout: time.Duration(requestTimeout) * time.Second, + ReadWriteTimeout: time.Duration(readWriteTimeout) * time.Second, + DisableKeepAlives: false, + MaxIdleConnsPerHost: maxIdleConnection, + } + + return &http.Client{Transport: tr} +} + +// New constructs a new Driver with the given NOS credentials, bucket, chunksize flag +func New(conf *config.Config) (*NosClient, error) { + noserror.Init() + + err := conf.Check() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + client := &NosClient{ + endPoint: conf.Endpoint, + accessKey: conf.AccessKey, + secretKey: conf.SecretKey, + + httpClient: NewHttpClient( + conf.NosServiceConnectTimeout, + conf.NosServiceReadWriteTimeout, + conf.NosServiceReadWriteTimeout, + conf.NosServiceMaxIdleConnection), + + Log: logger.NosLog{ + LogLevel: conf.LogLevel, + Logger: conf.Logger, + }, + + isSubDomain: conf.GetIsSubDomain(), + } + + return client, nil +} + +func (client *NosClient) getNosRequest(method, bucket, object string, metadata *model.ObjectMetadata, + body io.Reader, params map[string]string, bodyStyle string) (*http.Request, error) { + + var opaque string + var urlStr string + if client.isSubDomain { + urlStr = "http://" + bucket + "." + client.endPoint + "/" + } else { + urlStr = "http://" + client.endPoint + "/" + bucket + "/" + } + + encodedObject := utils.NosUrlEncode(object) + urlStr += encodedObject + opaque = urlStr + + v := url.Values{} + for key, val := range params { + v.Add(key, val) + } + + if len(v) > 0 { + urlStr += "?" + v.Encode() + } + + request, err := http.NewRequest(method, urlStr, body) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + request.URL.Opaque = opaque + //add http header + //request.Header.Set(nosconst.DATE, (time.Now().Format(nosconst.RFC1123_GMT))) + request.Header.Set(nosconst.DATE, (time.Now().UTC().Format(nosconst.RFC1123_GMT))) + request.Header.Set(nosconst.NOS_ENTITY_TYPE, bodyStyle) + request.Header.Set(nosconst.USER_AGENT, utils.InitUserAgent()) + + if metadata != nil { + if metadata.Metadata != nil { + for key, value := range metadata.Metadata { + if value != "" { + request.Header.Set(key, value) + } + } + } + } + + if client.accessKey != "" && client.secretKey != "" { + request.Header.Set(nosconst.AUTHORIZATION, + auth.SignRequest(request, client.accessKey, client.secretKey, bucket, encodedObject)) + } + + return request, nil +} + +func (client *NosClient) CreateBucket(bucketName string, location nosconst.Location, + acl nosconst.Acl) error { + var locationConstraint string + switch location { + case nosconst.HZ: + locationConstraint = "HZ" + default: + return errors.New("unsupported Location") + } + + var aclString string + + switch acl { + case nosconst.PUBLICREAD: + aclString = "public-read" + case nosconst.PRIVATE: + aclString = "private" + } + + request := &model.CreateBucketRequest{ + Location: locationConstraint, + } + body, err := xml.Marshal(request) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + //Metadata + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{ + Metadata: map[string]string{ + nosconst.X_NOS_ACL: aclString, + }, + } + + req, err := client.getNosRequest("PUT", bucketName, "", + metadata, bytes.NewReader(body), nil, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(req) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucketName, "") + return err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) PutObjectByStream(putObjectRequest *model.PutObjectRequest) (*model.ObjectResult, error) { + if putObjectRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + var contentLength int64 + if putObjectRequest.Metadata != nil { + contentLength = putObjectRequest.Metadata.ContentLength + } + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithLength(putObjectRequest.Bucket, putObjectRequest.Object, contentLength) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("PUT", putObjectRequest.Bucket, putObjectRequest.Object, + putObjectRequest.Metadata, putObjectRequest.Body, nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode = ", resp.StatusCode) + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + requestid, etag := utils.PopulateResponseHeader(resp) + objectResult := &model.ObjectResult{ + Etag: etag, + RequestId: requestid, + } + + return objectResult, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, putObjectRequest.Bucket, putObjectRequest.Object) + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) PutObjectByFile(putObjectRequest *model.PutObjectRequest) (*model.ObjectResult, error) { + if putObjectRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + file, err := os.Open(putObjectRequest.FilePath) + if err != nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_FILE_INVALID, "", "", err.Error()) + } + defer file.Close() + + if putObjectRequest.Metadata == nil { + putObjectRequest.Metadata = &model.ObjectMetadata{} + } + + if putObjectRequest.Metadata.ContentLength == 0 { + fi, err := file.Stat() + if err == nil { + putObjectRequest.Metadata.ContentLength = fi.Size() + } else { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_FILE_INVALID, "", "", err.Error()) + } + } + + putObjectRequest.Body = file + + return client.PutObjectByStream(putObjectRequest) +} + +func (client *NosClient) CopyObject(copyObjectRequest *model.CopyObjectRequest) error { + + if copyObjectRequest == nil { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + srcBucket := copyObjectRequest.SrcBucket + srcObject := copyObjectRequest.SrcObject + destBucket := copyObjectRequest.DestBucket + destObject := copyObjectRequest.DestObject + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(destBucket, destObject) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + err = utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(srcBucket, srcObject) + if err != nil { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_SRCBUCKETANDOBJECT_ERROR, destBucket, destObject, "") + } + + copySource := "/" + utils.NosUrlEncode(srcBucket) + "/" + utils.NosUrlEncode(srcObject) + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{ + Metadata: map[string]string{ + nosconst.X_NOS_COPY_SOURCE: copySource, + }, + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("PUT", destBucket, destObject, metadata, nil, nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, destBucket, destObject) + return err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) MoveObject(moveObjectRequest *model.MoveObjectRequest) error { + + if moveObjectRequest == nil { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + srcBucket := moveObjectRequest.SrcBucket + srcObject := moveObjectRequest.SrcObject + destBucket := moveObjectRequest.DestBucket + destObject := moveObjectRequest.DestObject + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(destBucket, destObject) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + err = utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(srcBucket, srcObject) + if err != nil { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_SRCBUCKETANDOBJECT_ERROR, destBucket, destObject, "") + } + + moveSource := "/" + srcBucket + "/" + srcObject + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{ + Metadata: map[string]string{ + nosconst.X_NOS_MOVE_SOURCE: utils.NosUrlEncode(moveSource), + }, + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("PUT", destBucket, destObject, metadata, nil, nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, destBucket, destObject) + return err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) DeleteObject(deleteObjectRequest *model.ObjectRequest) error { + + if deleteObjectRequest == nil { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(deleteObjectRequest.Bucket, deleteObjectRequest.Object) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("DELETE", deleteObjectRequest.Bucket, deleteObjectRequest.Object, + nil, nil, nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, deleteObjectRequest.Bucket, deleteObjectRequest.Object) + return err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) DeleteMultiObjects(deleteRequest *model.DeleteMultiObjectsRequest) (*model.DeleteObjectsResult, + error) { + + if deleteRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + err := utils.VerifyParams(deleteRequest.Bucket) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + delectObjects := deleteRequest.DelectObjects + if delectObjects == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_DELETEMULTIOBJECTS_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + if len(delectObjects.Objects) > nosconst.MAX_FILENUMBER { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_OBJECTSBIGGER_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + body, err := xml.Marshal(delectObjects) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + contentLength := int64(len(body)) + if contentLength > nosconst.MAX_DELETEBODY { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_OBJECTSBIGGER_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + md5Ctx := md5.New() + md5Ctx.Write(body) + cipherStr := md5Ctx.Sum(nil) + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{ + ContentLength: contentLength, + Metadata: map[string]string{ + "Content-MD5": hex.EncodeToString(cipherStr), + }, + } + params := map[string]string{ + "delete": "", + } + request, err := client.getNosRequest("POST", deleteRequest.Bucket, "", metadata, + bytes.NewReader(body), params, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + result := &model.DeleteObjectsResult{} + + err := utils.ParseXmlBody(resp.Body, result) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return result, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, deleteRequest.Bucket, "") + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) GetObject(getObjectRequest *model.GetObjectRequest) (*model.NOSObject, error) { + + if getObjectRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(getObjectRequest.Bucket, getObjectRequest.Object) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{ + Metadata: map[string]string{ + nosconst.IfMODIFYSINCE: getObjectRequest.IfModifiedSince, + nosconst.RANGE: getObjectRequest.ObjRange, + }, + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("GET", getObjectRequest.Bucket, getObjectRequest.Object, metadata, + nil, nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK || resp.StatusCode == http.StatusPartialContent { + nosObject := &model.NOSObject{ + Key: getObjectRequest.Object, + BucketName: getObjectRequest.Bucket, + ObjectMetadata: utils.PopulateAllHeader(resp), + Body: resp.Body, + } + return nosObject, nil + } else if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified { + return nil, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, getObjectRequest.Bucket, getObjectRequest.Object) + resp.Body.Close() + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) DoesObjectExist(objectRequest *model.ObjectRequest) (bool, error) { + + if objectRequest == nil { + return false, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(objectRequest.Bucket, objectRequest.Object) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("HEAD", objectRequest.Bucket, objectRequest.Object, nil, nil, + nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return true, nil + } else if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound { + return false, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, objectRequest.Bucket, objectRequest.Object) + return false, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) GetObjectMetaData(objectRequest *model.ObjectRequest) (*model.ObjectMetadata, error) { + + if objectRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(objectRequest.Bucket, objectRequest.Object) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("HEAD", objectRequest.Bucket, objectRequest.Object, nil, + nil, nil, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return utils.PopulateAllHeader(resp), nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, objectRequest.Bucket, objectRequest.Object) + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) ListObjects(listObjectsRequest *model.ListObjectsRequest) (*model.ListObjectsResult, error) { + + if listObjectsRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := listObjectsRequest.Bucket + prefix := listObjectsRequest.Prefix + delimiter := listObjectsRequest.Delimiter + marker := listObjectsRequest.Marker + maxKeys := listObjectsRequest.MaxKeys + if maxKeys <= 0 { + maxKeys = 100 + } + + err := utils.VerifyParams(bucket) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + params := map[string]string{ + nosconst.LIST_PREFIX: prefix, + nosconst.LIST_DELIMITER: delimiter, + nosconst.LIST_MARKER: marker, + nosconst.LIST_MAXKEYS: strconv.Itoa(maxKeys), + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("GET", bucket, "", nil, nil, params, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + result := &model.ListObjectsResult{} + err = utils.ParseXmlBody(resp.Body, result) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return result, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, "") + return nil, err + } +} + +// multipart upload api +func (client *NosClient) InitMultiUpload(initMultiUploadRequest *model.InitMultiUploadRequest) (*model.InitMultiUploadResult, error) { + + if initMultiUploadRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := initMultiUploadRequest.Bucket + object := initMultiUploadRequest.Object + metadata := initMultiUploadRequest.Metadata + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket, object) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + params := map[string]string{ + "uploads": "", + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("POST", bucket, object, metadata, nil, params, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + result := &model.InitMultiUploadResult{} + err = utils.ParseXmlBody(resp.Body, result) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return result, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, object) + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) UploadPart(uploadPartRequest *model.UploadPartRequest) (*model.ObjectResult, error) { + + if uploadPartRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := uploadPartRequest.Bucket + object := uploadPartRequest.Object + uploadId := uploadPartRequest.UploadId + partNumber := uploadPartRequest.PartNumber + content := uploadPartRequest.Content + partSize := uploadPartRequest.PartSize + contentMd5 := uploadPartRequest.ContentMd5 + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket, object) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{} + metadata.Metadata = make(map[string]string) + if contentMd5 != "" { + metadata.Metadata[nosconst.CONTENT_MD5] = contentMd5 + } + + params := map[string]string{ + nosconst.UPLOADID: uploadId, + nosconst.PARTNUMBER: strconv.FormatInt(int64(partNumber), 10), + } + limitReader := &io.LimitedReader{ + R: bytes.NewReader(content), + N: partSize, + } + request, err := client.getNosRequest("PUT", bucket, object, metadata, limitReader, + params, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + requestid, etag := utils.PopulateResponseHeader(resp) + objectResult := &model.ObjectResult{ + Etag: etag, + RequestId: requestid, + } + return objectResult, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, object) + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) CompleteMultiUpload(completeMultiUploadRequest *model.CompleteMultiUploadRequest) ( + *model.CompleteMultiUploadResult, error) { + + if completeMultiUploadRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := completeMultiUploadRequest.Bucket + object := completeMultiUploadRequest.Object + uploadId := completeMultiUploadRequest.UploadId + parts := completeMultiUploadRequest.Parts + contentMd5 := completeMultiUploadRequest.ContentMd5 + objectMd5 := completeMultiUploadRequest.ObjectMd5 + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket, object) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + params := map[string]string{ + nosconst.UPLOADID: uploadId, + } + + metadata := &model.ObjectMetadata{} + metadata.Metadata = make(map[string]string) + if contentMd5 != "" { + metadata.Metadata[nosconst.CONTENT_MD5] = contentMd5 + } + if objectMd5 != "" { + metadata.Metadata[nosconst.X_NOS_OBJECT_MD5] = objectMd5 + } + + uploadParts := model.UploadParts{Parts: parts} + body, err := xml.Marshal(uploadParts) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("POST", bucket, object, metadata, bytes.NewReader(body), + params, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + result := &model.CompleteMultiUploadResult{} + err = utils.ParseXmlBody(resp.Body, result) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + result.Etag = utils.RemoveQuotes(result.Etag) + return result, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, object) + return nil, err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) AbortMultiUpload(abortMultiUploadRequest *model.AbortMultiUploadRequest) error { + + if abortMultiUploadRequest == nil { + return utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := abortMultiUploadRequest.Bucket + object := abortMultiUploadRequest.Object + uploadId := abortMultiUploadRequest.UploadId + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket, object) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + params := map[string]string{ + nosconst.UPLOADID: uploadId, + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("DELETE", bucket, object, nil, nil, params, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + return nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, object) + return err + } +} + +func (client *NosClient) ListUploadParts(listUploadPartsRequest *model.ListUploadPartsRequest) (*model.ListPartsResult, error) { + + if listUploadPartsRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := listUploadPartsRequest.Bucket + object := listUploadPartsRequest.Object + uploadId := listUploadPartsRequest.UploadId + maxParts := listUploadPartsRequest.MaxParts + partNumberMarker := listUploadPartsRequest.PartNumberMarker + + err := utils.VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket, object) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + params := map[string]string{ + nosconst.UPLOADID: uploadId, + nosconst.MAX_PARTS: strconv.Itoa(maxParts), + nosconst.PART_NUMBER_MARKER: strconv.Itoa(partNumberMarker), + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("GET", bucket, object, nil, nil, params, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + result := &model.ListPartsResult{} + err = utils.ParseXmlBody(resp.Body, result) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return result, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, object) + return nil, err + } +} + +// This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. +func (client *NosClient) ListMultiUploads(listMultiUploadsRequest *model.ListMultiUploadsRequest) ( + *model.ListMultiUploadsResult, error) { + + if listMultiUploadsRequest == nil { + return nil, utils.ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR, "", "", "") + } + + bucket := listMultiUploadsRequest.Bucket + err := utils.VerifyParams(bucket) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if listMultiUploadsRequest.MaxUploads == 0 { + listMultiUploadsRequest.MaxUploads = nosconst.DEFAULTVALUE + } + + params := map[string]string{ + nosconst.UPLOADS: "", + nosconst.LIST_KEY_MARKER: listMultiUploadsRequest.KeyMarker, + nosconst.LIST_MAX_UPLOADS: strconv.Itoa(listMultiUploadsRequest.MaxUploads), + } + + request, err := client.getNosRequest("GET", bucket, "", nil, nil, params, nosconst.XML_TYPE) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp, err := client.httpClient.Do(request) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + client.Log.Debug("resp.StatusCode=", resp.StatusCode) + + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { + result := &model.ListMultiUploadsResult{} + err = utils.ParseXmlBody(resp.Body, result) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return result, nil + } else { + err := utils.ProcessServerError(resp, bucket, "") + return nil, err + } + +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/nosconst/nosconst.go b/pkg/nos/nosconst/nosconst.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c953f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/nosconst/nosconst.go @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +package nosconst + +const ( + HZ = iota +) + +type Location int +type Acl int + +const ( + PRIVATE = iota + PUBLICREAD +) + +const ( + DEFAULT_MAXBUFFERSIZE = 1024 * 1024 + MAX_FILESIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024 + MIN_FILESIZE = 16 * 1024 + MAX_FILENUMBER = 1000 + DEFAULTVALUE = 1000 + MAX_DELETEBODY = 2 * 1024 * 1024 + + RFC1123_NOS = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 Asia/Shanghai" + RFC1123_GMT = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT" + CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length" + CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type" + CONTENT_MD5 = "Content-Md5" + LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified" + USER_AGENT = "User-Agent" + DATE = "Date" + AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization" + RANGE = "Range" + IfMODIFYSINCE = "If-Modified-Since" + LIST_PREFIX = "prefix" + LIST_DELIMITER = "delimiter" + LIST_MARKER = "marker" + LIST_MAXKEYS = "max-keys" + UPLOADID = "uploadId" + MAX_PARTS = "max-parts" + PARTNUMBER = "partNumber" + UPLOADS = "uploads" + PART_NUMBER_MARKER = "part-number-marker" + LIST_KEY_MARKER = "key-marker" + LIST_MAX_UPLOADS = "max-uploads" + LIST_UPLOADID_MARKER = "upload-id-marker" + + ETAG = "Etag" + NOS_USER_METADATA_PREFIX = "X-Nos-Meta-" + NOS_ENTITY_TYPE = "X-Nos-Entity-Type" + NOS_VERSION_ID = "X-Nos-Version-Id" + X_NOS_OBJECT_NAME = "X-Nos-Object-Name" + X_NOS_REQUEST_ID = "X-Nos-Request-Id" + X_NOS_OBJECT_MD5 = "X-Nos-Object-Md5" + X_NOS_COPY_SOURCE = "x-nos-copy-source" + X_NOS_MOVE_SOURCE = "x-nos-move-source" + X_NOS_ACL = "x-nos-acl" + + ORIG_CONTENT_MD5 = "Content-MD5" + ORIG_ETAG = "ETag" + ORIG_NOS_USER_METADATA_PREFIX = "x-nos-meta-" + ORIG_NOS_VERSION_ID = "x-nos-version-id" + ORIG_X_NOS_OBJECT_NAME = "x-nos-object-name" + ORIG_X_NOS_REQUEST_ID = "x-nos-request-id" + ORIG_X_NOS_OBJECT_MD5 = "x-nos-Object-md5" + + SDKNAME = "nos-golang-sdk" + VERSION = "1.0.0" + + JSON_TYPE = "json" + XML_TYPE = "xml" +) diff --git a/pkg/nos/noserror/noserror.go b/pkg/nos/noserror/noserror.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c634a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/noserror/noserror.go @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +package noserror + +import ( + "encoding/xml" + "strconv" +) + +const ( + BASE_ERROR_CODE = 400 + + /*client error codes*/ + //4xx errors + ERROR_CODE_CFG_ENDPOINT = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 20 + ERROR_CODE_CFG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 21 + ERROR_CODE_CFG_READWRITE_TIMEOUT = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 22 + ERROR_CODE_CFG_MAXIDLECONNECT = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 23 + ERROR_CODE_BUCKET_INVALID = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 30 + ERROR_CODE_OBJECT_INVALID = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 31 + ERROR_CODE_FILELENGTH_INVALID = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 32 + ERROR_CODE_FILE_INVALID = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 33 + ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 34 + ERROR_CODE_READCONTENT_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 35 + ERROR_CODE_PARSEJSON_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 36 + ERROR_CODE_PARSEXML_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 37 + ERROR_CODE_SRCBUCKETANDOBJECT_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 38 + ERROR_CODE_DELETEMULTIOBJECTS_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 39 + ERROR_CODE_OBJECTSBIGGER_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 40 + ERROR_CODE_PARTLENGTH_ERROR = BASE_ERROR_CODE + 41 + + /*short message code*/ + ERROR_MSG_CFG_ENDPOINT = "Config: InvalidEndpoint" + ERROR_MSG_CFG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "Config: InvalidConnectionTimeout" + ERROR_MSG_CFG_READWRITE_TIMEOUT = "Config: InvalidReadWriteTimeout" + ERROR_MSG_CFG_MAXIDLECONNECT = "Config: InvalidMaxIdleConnect" + ERROR_MSG_BUCKET_INVALID = "InvalidBucketName" + ERROR_MSG_OBJECT_INVALID = "InvalidObjectName" + ERROR_MSG_FILELENGTH_INVALID = "InvalidFileSize" + ERROR_MSG_FILE_INVALID = "Failed to open file. " + ERROR_MSG_REQUEST_ERROR = "Request is nil" + ERROR_MSG_READCONTENT_ERROR = "ReadContentError" + ERROR_MSG_PARSEJSON_ERROR = "InvalidJSONContent" + ERROR_MSG_PARSEXML_ERROR = "InvalidXmlContent" + ERROR_MSG_SRCBUCKETANDOBJECT_ERROR = "SrcBucket or SrcObject is invalid" + ERROR_MSG_DELETEMULTIOBJECTS_ERROR = "InvalidDeleteMultiObjects" + ERROR_MSG_OBJECTSBIGGER_ERROR = "InvalidObjects: the number is < 1000 and size of body is < 2M" + ERROR_MSG_PARTLENGTH_ERROR = "InvalidPartLength: the length should be between 16k and 100M" +) + +// mErrHttpCodeMap is map of Http Code +var mErrMsgMap map[int]string + +func Init() { + mErrMsgMap = make(map[int]string) + + //init err msg map + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_CFG_ENDPOINT] = ERROR_MSG_CFG_ENDPOINT + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_CFG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT] = ERROR_MSG_CFG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_CFG_READWRITE_TIMEOUT] = ERROR_MSG_CFG_READWRITE_TIMEOUT + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_CFG_MAXIDLECONNECT] = ERROR_MSG_CFG_MAXIDLECONNECT + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_BUCKET_INVALID] = ERROR_MSG_BUCKET_INVALID + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_OBJECT_INVALID] = ERROR_MSG_OBJECT_INVALID + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_FILELENGTH_INVALID] = ERROR_MSG_FILELENGTH_INVALID + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_FILE_INVALID] = ERROR_MSG_FILE_INVALID + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_REQUEST_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_READCONTENT_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_READCONTENT_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_PARSEJSON_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_PARSEJSON_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_PARSEXML_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_PARSEXML_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_SRCBUCKETANDOBJECT_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_SRCBUCKETANDOBJECT_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_DELETEMULTIOBJECTS_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_DELETEMULTIOBJECTS_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_OBJECTSBIGGER_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_OBJECTSBIGGER_ERROR + mErrMsgMap[ERROR_CODE_PARTLENGTH_ERROR] = ERROR_MSG_PARTLENGTH_ERROR +} + +type NosError struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error" json:"-"` + Code string `xml:"Code" json:"Code"` + Message string `xml:"Message" json:"Message"` + Resource string `xml:"Resource" json:"Resource"` + NosRequestId string `xml:"RequestId" json:"RequestId"` +} + +func NewNosError(code string, message string, resource string, requestid string) *NosError { + nosError := &(NosError{ + Code: code, + Message: message, + Resource: resource, + NosRequestId: requestid, + }) + return nosError +} + +func (nosError *NosError) Error() string { + return "Code = " + nosError.Code + + ", Message = " + nosError.Message + + ", Resource = " + nosError.Resource + + ", NosRequestId = " + nosError.NosRequestId +} + +type ServerError struct { + StatusCode int + RequestId string + NosErr *NosError `json:"Error"` +} + +func NewServerError(errCode int, requestid string, nosErr *NosError) error { + serverError := &(ServerError{ + StatusCode: errCode, + RequestId: requestid, + NosErr: nosErr, + }) + return serverError +} + +func (serverError *ServerError) Error() string { + return "StatusCode = " + strconv.Itoa(serverError.StatusCode) + + ", RequestId = " + serverError.RequestId + + ", NosError: " + serverError.NosErr.Error() +} + +type ClientError struct { + StatusCode int + Resource string + Message string +} + +func NewClientError(errCode int, resource string, msg string) error { + clientError := &(ClientError{ + StatusCode: errCode, + Resource: resource, + Message: mErrMsgMap[errCode], + }) + if msg != "" { + clientError.Message += ": " + msg + } + return clientError +} + +func (clientError *ClientError) Error() string { + return "StatusCode = " + strconv.Itoa(clientError.StatusCode) + + ", Resource = " + clientError.Resource + + ", Message = " + clientError.Message +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/sample.go b/pkg/nos/sample.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..348e746 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/sample.go @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/config" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/logger" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/model" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/nosclient" +) + +func sample_init(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey string) *nosclient.NosClient { + conf := &config.Config{ + Endpoint: endpoint, + AccessKey: accessKey, + SecretKey: secretKey, + + NosServiceConnectTimeout: 3, + NosServiceReadWriteTimeout: 60, + NosServiceMaxIdleConnection: 100, + + LogLevel: logger.LogLevel(logger.DEBUG), + Logger: logger.NewDefaultLogger(), + } + + nosClient, _ := nosclient.New(conf) + return nosClient +} + +func main() { + path := "" + endpoint := "" + accessKey := "" + secretKey := "" + + nosClient := sample_init(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey) + + putObjectRequest := &model.PutObjectRequest{ + Bucket: "", + Object: "", + FilePath: path, + } + _, err := nosClient.PutObjectByFile(putObjectRequest) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println(err.Error()) + } + + getObjectRequest := &model.GetObjectRequest{ + Bucket: "", + Object: "", + } + objectResult, err := nosClient.GetObject(getObjectRequest) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println(err.Error()) + } else { + objectResult.Body.Close() + } + + objectRequest := &model.ObjectRequest{ + Bucket: "", + Object: "", + } + err = nosClient.DeleteObject(objectRequest) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println(err.Error()) + } + + fmt.Println("Simple samples completed") +} diff --git a/pkg/nos/test/fortest b/pkg/nos/test/fortest new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78704a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/pkg/nos/test/fortest differ diff --git a/pkg/nos/test/testserver b/pkg/nos/test/testserver new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a08e73d Binary files /dev/null and b/pkg/nos/test/testserver differ diff --git a/pkg/nos/test/testserver2 b/pkg/nos/test/testserver2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a08e73d Binary files /dev/null and b/pkg/nos/test/testserver2 differ diff --git a/pkg/nos/tools/cover.sh b/pkg/nos/tools/cover.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b74ecd --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/tools/cover.sh @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# used in converage html generation for golang project +# put this shell in project's dir +curPath=`pwd` +# export GOPATH=$curPath/../../.. +ROOT_DIR=`pwd`/.. +COVERAGE_FILE=`pwd`/coverage.html # filepath to put converage + +##package need to ignore +declare -a ignorePackage=("github.com" "gopkg.in" "logger" "tools" ,"test") + +subdirs=`ls $ROOT_DIR` +prefix='{"Packages":[' +suffix=']}' +empty_result='{"Packages":null}' +left=${#prefix} ##left postion of json result for a package + +# +# check and cd package if package legall +# +check_and_cd_package() +{ + pkg=$1 + curDir=$ROOT_DIR/$pkg + #echo $pkg + #echo $ROOT_DIR + echo "curDir:"$curDir + for ipkg in ${ignorePackage[@]}; + do +# echo "echo $pkg | grep $ipkg" + info=`echo $pkg| grep $ipkg` + if [ "$info" != "" ]; then +# echo "ignorePackage $pkg" + return 1 + fi + done + isDir=`test -d $curDir` + if [ "$?" != "0" ];then + return 1 + fi + cd $curDir + return $? +} + +# +# get current package's converge +# +get_package_coverage(){ + + result=`gocov test` + + if [ "$?" != "0" ] || [ "$result" == "" ] ; then + return 1 + fi + if [ "$result" == "$empty_result" ]; then + return 1 + fi + + right=$((${#result}-${#suffix}-$left)) + cur_result=${result:$left:$right} + echo $cur_result + return 0 +} + + +json_result="" +for pkg in $subdirs; +do + check_and_cd_package $pkg + + if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then + continue + fi + #cd $curDir + cur_result=$(get_package_coverage) + if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then + continue + fi + + echo "Get package $pkg's coverage success" + + if [ "$json_result" != "" ]; then + json_result="$json_result," + fi + + json_result=$json_result$cur_result + #echo "*************current result***************" + #echo $cur_result + #echo "***************current result end*********" + #echo "PSW:"$ROOT_DIR +done + +#echo "-----------------------" + +total_result=$prefix$json_result$suffix +echo $total_result | gocov-html > $COVERAGE_FILE +#echo $total_result diff --git a/pkg/nos/tools/run_test.sh b/pkg/nos/tools/run_test.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f6aa04 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/tools/run_test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +cur=`pwd` +# export GOPATH=$cur/../../../ + +curPath=`pwd`/.. +for dir in $curPath/* +do + echo $dir + test -d $dir && cd $dir && go test +done diff --git a/pkg/nos/utils/utils.go b/pkg/nos/utils/utils.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1889a97 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/nos/utils/utils.go @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +package utils + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "encoding/xml" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "runtime" + "strconv" + "strings" + "unicode" + + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/model" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/nosconst" + "github.com/saltbo/zpan/pkg/nos/noserror" +) + +// VerifyObjectName check if the BucketName is legal +func VerifyBucketName(bucketName string) bool { + if bucketName == "" { + return false + } + + length := len(bucketName) + if length < 3 || length > 63 { + return false + } + + if bucketName != strings.ToLower(bucketName) { + return false + } + + if strings.Contains(bucketName, ".") { + return false + } + + specialCharactersCursor := false + for i := 0; i != length; i++ { + ch := bucketName[i] + if !unicode.IsLetter(rune(ch)) && !unicode.IsDigit(rune(ch)) { + //no start or end with special characters + if i == 0 || i == (length-1) { + return false + } + //no Continuous two speical characters + if specialCharactersCursor { + return false + } + specialCharactersCursor = true + if ch != '-' { + return false + } + } else { + specialCharactersCursor = false + } + } + + return true +} + +// VerifyObjectName check if the object name is legal +func VerifyObjectName(object string) bool { + if object == "" { + return false + } + if len(object) > 1000 { + return false + } + return true +} + +func VerifyParams(bucket string) error { + if !VerifyBucketName(bucket) { + return ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_BUCKET_INVALID, bucket, "", "") + } + + return nil +} + +func VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket string, object string) error { + + err := VerifyParams(bucket) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if !VerifyObjectName(object) { + return ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_OBJECT_INVALID, bucket, object, "") + } + + return nil +} + +func VerifyParamsWithLength(bucket string, object string, length int64) error { + + err := VerifyParamsWithObject(bucket, object) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if length > nosconst.MAX_FILESIZE { + return ProcessClientError(noserror.ERROR_CODE_FILELENGTH_INVALID, bucket, object, "") + } + + return nil +} + +func ParseXmlBody(body io.Reader, value interface{}) error { + content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = xml.Unmarshal(content, value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + return nil +} + +func RemoveQuotes(orig string) string { + s := strings.TrimSpace(orig) + + if strings.HasPrefix(s, "\"") { + s = s[1:len(s)] + } + + if strings.HasSuffix(s, "\"") { + s = s[0 : len(s)-1] + } + + return s +} + +func PopulateResponseHeader(response *http.Response) (requestid, etag string) { + hdr := response.Header + + etag = RemoveQuotes(hdr.Get(nosconst.ETAG)) + requestid = hdr.Get(nosconst.X_NOS_REQUEST_ID) + + return requestid, etag +} + +func PopulateAllHeader(response *http.Response) *model.ObjectMetadata { + hdr := response.Header + result := &model.ObjectMetadata{ + Metadata: map[string]string{}, + } + + for key, value := range hdr { + if value != nil { + if strings.EqualFold(key, nosconst.CONTENT_LENGTH) { + result.ContentLength, _ = strconv.ParseInt(value[0], 10, 64) + } else if strings.EqualFold(key, nosconst.ETAG) { + result.Metadata[nosconst.ETAG] = RemoveQuotes(value[0]) + } else { + result.Metadata[key] = value[0] + } + } + } + + return result +} + +func ProcessClientError(statCode int, bucket, object string, msg string) error { + var resource string + if bucket != "" { + resource += "/" + bucket + } + if object != "" { + resource += "/" + object + } + clientError := noserror.NewClientError(statCode, resource, msg) + + return clientError +} + +func ProcessServerError(response *http.Response, bucketName, objectName string) error { + var nosErr *noserror.NosError + + resource := bucketName + "/" + objectName + requestId := response.Header.Get(nosconst.X_NOS_REQUEST_ID) + contenttype := response.Header.Get(nosconst.CONTENT_TYPE) + + serverError := &noserror.ServerError{ + StatusCode: response.StatusCode, + RequestId: requestId, + } + + content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) + if err != nil { + nosErr = noserror.NewNosError("", noserror.ERROR_MSG_READCONTENT_ERROR, resource, requestId) + serverError.NosErr = nosErr + } else { + if strings.Contains(contenttype, nosconst.JSON_TYPE) { + if err = json.Unmarshal(content, &serverError); err != nil { + nosErr = noserror.NewNosError("", noserror.ERROR_MSG_PARSEJSON_ERROR, resource, requestId) + serverError.NosErr = nosErr + } + } else { + if err = xml.Unmarshal(content, &nosErr); err != nil { + nosErr = noserror.NewNosError("", noserror.ERROR_MSG_PARSEXML_ERROR, resource, requestId) + } + serverError.NosErr = nosErr + } + } + + return serverError +} + +func NosUrlEncode(origin string) string { + str := strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(origin), "+", "%20", -1) + str = strings.Replace(str, "~", "%7E", -1) + str = strings.Replace(str, "%2A", "*", -1) + return str +} + +func InitUserAgent() string { + str := nosconst.SDKNAME + "/" + nosconst.VERSION + " " + str += runtime.GOOS + "/" + runtime.GOARCH + "/" + str += "golang version:" + runtime.Version() + + return str +}