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working on wait_for_master clean up
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salva committed Jan 6, 2015
1 parent e13b2ad commit b87af4b
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 88 deletions.
181 changes: 93 additions & 88 deletions lib/Net/
Expand Up @@ -685,19 +685,28 @@ sub _kill_master {

sub _or_set_wfm_error { # wfm => wait_for_master
my $self = shift;
unless (defined $self->{_wfm_error}) {
$self->{_wfm_error} = join(": ", @_);

sub disconnect {
my ($self, $async) = @_;
@_ <= 2 or croak 'Usage: $self->disconnect([$async])';
$self->_disconnect($async, 1);

sub _disconnect {
my ($self, $async, $send_ctl) = @_;
return if $self->{_wfm_state} eq 'failed';

if (not $async and $self->{_wfm_state} eq 'running') {
my $pid = $self->{_pid};
if ($send_ctl or
($pid and $self->{_perl_pid} == $$ and $self->{_thread_generation} == $thread_generation)) {
# we have successfully created the master connection so we
# can send control commands:
$debug and $debug & 32 and _debug("sending exit control to master");
$self->_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, 'aborted');
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'killing_master';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -903,60 +912,85 @@ sub _waitpid {
sub wait_for_master {
my ($self, $async) = @_;
@_ <= 2 or croak 'Usage: $ssh->wait_for_master([$async])';
return undef if $self->{_error} == OSSH_MASTER_FAILED;
$self->{_error} = 0;
$self->{_error} = 0
unless $self->{_error} == OSSH_MASTER_FAILED;

sub check_master {
my $self = shift;
@_ and croak 'Usage: $ssh->check_master()';
return 1
if $self->wait_for_master
and $self->_check_master;


sub _check_master {
my $self = shift;
my $out = $self->_master_ctl('check');
unless ($self->{error}) {
my $pid = $self->{_pid};
if ($out =~ /pid=(\d+)/) {
return 1 if !$pid or $1 == $pid;
$self->_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "bad ssh master at ",
$self->{_ctl_path}, " socket owned by pid $1 (pid ",
$pid, " expected)");
elsif ($output =~ /illegal option/i) {
$self->_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "OpenSSH 4.1 or later required");
else {
$self->_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "unknown error");

sub _wait_for_master {
my ($self, $async) = @_;

my $external_master = $self->{_external_master};
my $ctl_path = $self->{_ctl_path};
my $state = $self->{_wfm_state};
defined $state or croak "internal error: wfm_state is undef";
defined $self->{_wfm_state} or croak "internal error: wfm_state is undef";

if ($state eq 'ok') {
if ($self->{_wfm_state} eq 'ok') {
unless (-S $ctl_path) {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("master ssh connection broken");
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "master ssh connection broken");
goto kill_master_and_fail;
unless ($external_master) {
my $pid = $self->{_pid};
if (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == $pid or $! == Errno::ECHILD) {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("master process exited unexpectedly");
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "master process exited unexpectedly");
goto fail;
return 1;

return if $state eq 'failed';
return if $self->{_wfm_state} eq 'failed';

my $passwd = $deobfuscate->($self->{_passwd});
my $login_handler = $self->{_login_handler};
my $bout = \($self->{_wfm_bout});

if ($state eq 'start') {
if ($self->{_wfm_state} eq 'start') {
$$bout = '';
$state = 'waiting_for_mux_socket'; # default
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'waiting_for_mux_socket'; # default
unless ($external_master) {
$self->_connect or goto fail2;
$state = 'waiting_for_passwd_prompt' if defined $passwd;
$state = 'waiting_for_login_handler' if defined $login_handler;
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'waiting_for_passwd_prompt' if defined $passwd;
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'waiting_for_login_handler' if defined $login_handler;

my $mpty = $self->{_mpty};
my $pid = $self->{_pid};

if ($state eq 'killing_master') {
if ($self->{_wfm_state} eq 'killing_master') {
$debug and $debug & 4 and _debug "resuming master killing";
goto kill_master_and_fail;
Expand All @@ -967,7 +1001,7 @@ sub _wait_for_master {

my $fnopty;
my $rv = '';
if ($state eq 'waiting_for_passwd_prompt') {
if ($self->{_wfm_state} eq 'waiting_for_passwd_prompt') {
$fnopty = fileno $mpty;
vec($rv, $fnopty, 1) = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -995,39 +1029,27 @@ sub _wait_for_master {
if (-e $ctl_path) {
$debug and $debug & 4 and _debug "file object found at $ctl_path";
unless (-S $ctl_path) {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("bad ssh master at $ctl_path, object is not a socket");
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "bad ssh master at $ctl_path, object is not a socket");
goto kill_master_and_fail;
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'ok';
my $check = $self->_master_ctl('check');
if (defined $check) {
my $error;
if ($check =~ /pid=(\d+)/) {
if (!$pid or $1 == $pid) {
if ($self->{_master_setpgrp} and $old_tcpgrp) {
if ($debug and $debug & 4) {
my $pgrp = getpgrp($pid);
my $tcpgrp = POSIX::tcgetpgrp(0);
$debug and _debug "ssh pid: $pid, pgrp: $pgrp \$\$: $$, tcpgrp: $tcpgrp old_tcppgrp: $old_tcpgrp";
local $SIG{TTOU} = 'IGNORE';
POSIX::tcsetpgrp(0, $old_tcpgrp);
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'ok';
return 1;
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("bad ssh master at $ctl_path, socket owned by pid $1 (pid $pid expected)");
elsif ($check =~ /illegal option/i) {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("OpenSSH 4.1 or later required");
else {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("unknown error");

if ($self->{_master_setpgrp} and $old_tcpgrp) {
$debug and $debug & 4 and
_debug("ssh pid: $pid, pgrp: ", getpgrp($pid),
"$pgrp \$\$: $$, tcpgrp: ", POSIX::tcgetpgrp(0),
" old_tcppgrp: $old_tcpgrp");
local $SIG{TTOU} = 'IGNORE';
POSIX::tcsetpgrp(0, $old_tcpgrp);
undef $old_tcpgrp;
goto kill_master_and_fail;

$self->{_wfm_state} = 'ok';
$self->_check_master or
goto kill_master_and_fail;

return 1;
$debug and $debug & 4 and _debug "file object not yet found at $ctl_path, state: $state";
$debug and $debug & 4 and _debug "file object not yet found at $ctl_path, state:", $self->{_wfm_state};

if ($self->{_perl_pid} != $$ or $self->{_thread_generation} != $thread_generation) {
Expand All @@ -1039,25 +1061,25 @@ sub _wait_for_master {
if ($external_master) {
# when using an external master the mux socket must be
# there from the first time
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("socket does not exist");
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "socket does not exist");
goto fail;
elsif (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == $pid or $! == Errno::ECHILD) {
my $wfm_error = "master process exited unexpectedly";
$wfm_error = "bad pass" . ($self->{_passphrase} ? 'phrase' : 'word') . " or $wfm_error"
if defined $self->{_passwd};
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, $wfm_error);
goto fail; # master has already died

if ($state eq 'waiting_for_login_handler') {
if ($self->{_wfm_state} eq 'waiting_for_login_handler') {
local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__});
if (eval { $login_handler->($self, $mpty, $bout) }) {
$state = 'waiting_for_mux_socket';
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'waiting_for_mux_socket';
if ($@) {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("custom login handler failed", $@);
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "custom login handler failed", $@);
goto kill_master_and_fail;
Expand All @@ -1072,9 +1094,9 @@ sub _wait_for_master {
my $passwd_prompt = _first_defined $self->{_passwd_prompt}, qr/[:?]/;
$passwd_prompt = quotemeta $passwd_prompt unless ref $passwd_prompt;

if ($state eq 'waiting_for_passwd_prompt') {
if ($self->{_wfm_state} eq 'waiting_for_passwd_prompt') {
if ($$bout =~ /The authenticity of host.*can't be established/si) {
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("the authenticity of the target host can't be established, the remote host "
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "the authenticity of the target host can't be established, the remote host "
. "public key is probably not present on the '~/.ssh/known_hosts' file");
goto kill_master_and_fail;
Expand All @@ -1083,27 +1105,22 @@ sub _wait_for_master {
$debug and $debug & 4 and _debug "passwd/passphrase requested ($1)";
print $mpty "$passwd\n";
$$bout = ''; # reset
$state = 'waiting_for_mux_socket';
$self->{_wfm_state} = 'waiting_for_mux_socket';
elsif (length($passwd_prompt) and $$bout =~ /^(.*$passwd_prompt)\s*$/s) {
$debug and $debug & 4 and _debug "passwd/passphrase requested again ($1)";
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("password authentication failed");
$self->_or_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "password authentication failed");
goto kill_master_and_fail;
if ($async) {
$self->{_wfm_state} = $state;
return 0;
else {
select(undef, undef, undef, $dt);

$async and return 0;
select(undef, undef, undef, $dt);
$self->_or_set_wfm_error("login timeout");
$self->_set_error(OSSH_MASTER_FAILED, "login timeout");

Expand All @@ -1117,11 +1134,10 @@ sub _wait_for_master {
unless ($external_master) {
if ($self->{_master_setpgrp} and $old_tcpgrp) {
if ($debug and $debug & 4) {
my $pgrp = getpgrp($pid);
my $tcpgrp = POSIX::tcgetpgrp(0);
$debug and _debug "ssh pid: $pid, pgrp: $pgrp \$\$: $$, tcpgrp: $tcpgrp old_tcppgrp: $old_tcpgrp";
$debug and $debug & 4 and
_debug("ssh pid: $pid, pgrp: ", getpgrp($pid),
"$pgrp \$\$: $$, tcpgrp: ", POSIX::tcgetpgrp(0),
" old_tcppgrp: $old_tcpgrp");
local $SIG{TTOU} = 'IGNORE';
POSIX::tcsetpgrp(0, $old_tcpgrp);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2356,20 +2372,9 @@ sub any {

my $self = shift;
my $pid = $self->{_pid};
local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__});
$debug and $debug & 2 and _debug("DESTROY($self, pid: ", $pid, ")");
if ($pid and $self->{_perl_pid} == $$ and $self->{_thread_generation} == $thread_generation) {
$debug and $debug & 32 and _debug("killing master");
local ($?, $!);
unless ($self->{_wfm_state}) {
# we have successfully created the master connection so we
# can send control commands:
$debug and $debug & 32 and _debug("sending exit control to master");
local ($?, $!);

Expand Down

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