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Phone records (Canada-wide)

Do I legally own the data this org has about me?


Can I see all the data they have about me, for free?


As a Canadian, you're entitled to make legally-binding Data Access Requests (DARs) to private companies for your personal information thanks to the federal Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Under this act, personal information is any “information about an identifiable individual” like your credit history, other people’s opinions about you, photos of you, or video/audio footage where you are seen or heard.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada says "Ordinarily, it should cost you little or nothing to gain access to your personal information. The law requires an organization to respond to your request at minimal or no cost to you."

But a recent Citizen Lab study, where participants issued DARs to 23 Canadian companies including nine telecommunication service providers, found that all companies contacted charged a fee participants to access their own SMS or call records.

Prices varied by provider, ranging from CAD $15 per month of data requested (Rogers) to $100 per month of data requested (Fido). If you feel that you're being charged an unreasonable fee, you have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner.

Research Status

secondary research ✔️
primary research
expert review

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