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KVC Collection Operators Done Properly

The aim of this project is to tackle the disadvantages of KVC Collection Operators

The obvious advatange is clarity in consicion.

But I also want the following:

  • explicit choice of operator with compile-time errors for invalid use
  • explicit typing of the objects expected in the collection
  • compile-time errors if I use a key path that doesn't belong to the type of object in the collection
  • code-completion on key path


All macros intended for public use have the format:

MacroName(collection, typeOfObjectsInCollection, keyPath)

  • collection - instance of NSArray *, NSSet *, etc. e.g. self.transactions
  • typeOfObjectsInCollection - the type of objects in the collection, e.g. Transaction * - I chose to require the full type including asterisk in order to be explicit
  • keyPath - dot-separated selector names, e.g.

... with the exception of the "Added Convenience" macros for collections of NSNumber *s, see below.


I can create an array of all the names of payees for transactions, as follows:

NSArray *payeeNames = DZLUnionOfObjects(self.transactions, Transaction *,;

Full List of Macros

Simple Collection Operators

  • DZLAverage - equivalent to @avg (but returns double)
  • DZLCount - equivalent to @count (but returns double)
  • DZLSum - equivalent to @sum (but returns double)
  • DZLMinimum - equivalent to @min with added compile-time validation that objects in the collection respond to -compare
  • DZLMaximum - equivalent to @max with added compile-time validation that objects in the collection respond to -compare

Simple Collection Operators - Extra Validation

  • DZLAverageNumber - same as DZLAverage but checks that the key path leads to an instance of NSNumber *
  • DZLSumNumber - same as DZLSum but checks that the key path leads to an instance of NSNumber *
  • DZLAverageDouble - same as DZLAverage but checks that the key path leads to a double or compatible scalar type
  • DZLSumDouble - same as DZLSum but checks that the key path leads to a double or compatible scalar type

Added Convenience (see below)

  • DZLAverageOfNumbers - only takes one parameter -- a collection of NSNumber * objects -- and returns the average as a double
  • DZLSumOfNumbers - only takes one parameter -- a collection of NSNumber * objects -- and returns the sum as a double

Object Operators

  • DZLDistinctUnionOfObjects - equivalent to @distinctUnionOfObjects
  • DZLUnionOfObjects - equivalent to @unionOfObjects

Array and Set Operators

  • DZLDistinctUnionOfArrays - equivalent to @distinctUnionOfArrays
  • DZLUnionOfArrays - equivalent to @unionOfArrays
  • DZLDistinctUnionOfSets - equivalent to @distinctUnionOfSets

Added Convenience

You can get the average of a collection of numbers using the macros above as follows:

double average = DZLAverage(numbers, NSNumber *, self);

I've added the convenience methods for this and for sum, which can be used as follows:

double average = DZLAverageOfNumbers(numbers);
double sum = DZLSumOfNumbers(numbers);


Use CocoaPods, or simply add DZLCollectionOperators.h file to your project.

It's as simple as that, it's just a header file with macros!

If you like this, you can follow me on twitter for more of the same!