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Support nested declarations; now modular CSS is possible :-)
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samoht committed Nov 22, 2010
1 parent 1e8be83 commit 26f207b
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Showing 4 changed files with 75 additions and 37 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _tags
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
true: debug
<pa_lib> or <lib> or <lib_test>: include
72 changes: 50 additions & 22 deletions lib/
Expand Up @@ -21,23 +21,18 @@ module Css = struct

and expr = elt list

type prop = string * expr list

type decl = expr list * prop list
type prop_decl =
| Prop of string * expr list
| Decl of expr list * prop_decl list

type t =
| Props of prop list
| Decls of decl list
| Props of prop_decl list
| Exprs of expr list

let props = function
| Props p -> p
| _ -> raise Parsing.Parse_error

let decls = function
| Decls d -> d
| _ -> raise Parsing.Parse_error

let exprs = function
| Exprs e -> e
| _ -> raise Parsing.Parse_error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,23 +63,16 @@ module Css = struct
| [h] -> fprintf ppf "%a" expr h
| h::t -> fprintf ppf "%a, %a" expr h exprs t

let prop ppf (n, el) =
fprintf ppf "\t%s: %a;" n exprs el

let rec props ppf (pl : prop list) = match pl with
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> fprintf ppf "%a\n%a" prop h props t

let decl ppf (sl, pl) =
fprintf ppf "%a {\n%a}\n" exprs sl props pl
let rec prop_decl ppf = function
| Decl (el, pl) -> fprintf ppf "%a {\n%a\n}" exprs el prop_decls pl
| Prop (n, el) -> fprintf ppf "\t%s: %a;" n exprs el

let rec decls ppf (dl : decl list) = match dl with
and prop_decls ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> fprintf ppf "%a\n%a" decl h decls t
| h::t -> fprintf ppf "%a\n%a" prop_decl h prop_decls t

let t ppf (x : t) = match x with
| Props pl -> props ppf pl
| Decls dl -> decls ppf dl
| Props pl -> prop_decls ppf pl
| Exprs el -> exprs ppf el

Expand All @@ -93,6 +81,46 @@ module Css = struct
Output.t Format.str_formatter t;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()

let is_prop = function
| Prop _ -> true
| _ -> false

let concat_paths p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
| [], [] -> []
| [p],[]
| [],[p] -> [p]
| p1,p2 -> (fun e1 -> List.flatten ( (fun e2 -> e1 @ e2) p1)) p2

let shift p = function
| [ Decl (path, body) ] -> Decl (concat_paths p path, body)
| props -> Decl (p, props)

(* split a root declaration body into a list of prop sequence or decl *)
let split ps =
let rec aux current accu = function
| [] -> List.rev (List.rev current :: accu)
| (Decl _ as d) :: t -> aux [] ([d] :: List.rev current :: accu) t
| (Prop _ as p) :: t -> aux (p :: current) accu t in
List.filter ((<>) []) (aux [] [] ps)

(* transform a fragment with nested declarations into
an equivalent fragment with only root declarations *)
let unroll t =
let rec aux accu = function
| Decl (a,b) ->
if List.for_all is_prop b then
(* no nested declarations *)
Decl (a, b) :: accu
else begin
(* split/shit/unroll the nested declarations *)
let splits = split b in
let shifts = (shift a) splits in
List.fold_left aux accu shifts
| x -> x :: accu in
match t with
| Props pl -> Props (List.rev (List.fold_left aux [] pl))
| Exprs er -> assert false

(* From *)
Expand Down
23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions lib/css.mli
Expand Up @@ -22,16 +22,18 @@ type elt =
(** Expression: `.body a:hover`. No commas here. *)
and expr = elt list

(** Property: `background-color: blue, red;` *)
type prop = string * expr list
(** We allow nested declarations *)
type prop_decl =

(** Declarations: `contents, header { color: white; }` *)
type decl = expr list * prop list
(** Property: `background-color: blue, red;` *)
| Prop of string * expr list

(** Declarations: `contents, header { color: white; }` *)
| Decl of expr list * prop_decl list

(** The type of CSS fragment *)
type t =
| Props of prop list
| Decls of decl list
| Props of prop_decl list
| Exprs of expr list

val to_string : t -> string
Expand All @@ -40,10 +42,15 @@ val to_string : t -> string

val expr : t -> expr
val exprs : t -> expr list
val decls : t -> decl list
val props : t -> prop list
val props : t -> prop_decl list
val string : t -> string

(** {3 Helpers} *)

(** transform a fragment with nested declarations into
an equivalent fragment with only root declarations *)
val unroll : t -> t

(** {2 CSS library} *)

val gradient : low:t -> high:t -> t
Expand Down
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions pa_lib/
Expand Up @@ -43,11 +43,6 @@ let get_props _loc m =
| <:expr< Css.Props $e$ >> -> <:expr< $e$ >>
| m -> <:expr< Css.props $m$ >>

let get_decls _loc m =
match m with
| <:expr< Css.Decls $e$ >> -> <:expr< $e$ >>
| m -> <:expr< Css.decls $m$ >>

let get_string _loc m =
match m with
| <:expr< Css.Exprs [ [Css.Str $e$] ] >> -> <:expr< $e$ >>
Expand All @@ -60,12 +55,12 @@ let rec meta_t _loc = function
| Decl (a,b) ->
let elts = get_exprs _loc (meta_t _loc a) in
let props = get_props _loc (meta_t _loc b) in
<:expr< Css.Decls [ ($elts$, $props$) ] >>
<:expr< Css.Props [ Css.Decl ($elts$, $props$) ] >>

| Rule (a,b) ->
let name = get_string _loc (meta_t _loc a) in
let props = get_exprs _loc (meta_t _loc b) in
<:expr< Css.Props [ ($name$, $props$) ] >>
<:expr< Css.Props [ Css.Prop ($name$, $props$) ] >>

| Fun (a,b) ->
let name = get_string _loc (meta_t _loc a) in
Expand All @@ -92,3 +87,10 @@ let rec meta_t _loc = function

| Ant (l, str) ->
Ast.ExAnt (l, str)

let meta_t _loc t =
let m = meta_t _loc t in
match m with
| <:expr< Css.Exprs $_$ >> -> m
| t -> <:expr< Css.unroll $m$ >>

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