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Cleanup in the compiler hooks
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Tiphaine Turpin authored and Tiphaine Turpin committed Jul 7, 2011
1 parent 9aa51f3 commit 362a08d
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Showing 12 changed files with 81 additions and 68 deletions.
32 changes: 19 additions & 13 deletions ocamlwizard/refactor/
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ let get_occurrences env idents lidents paths s =
(find_all_occurrences env idents paths s)

let reverse t =
let r = Longident.LongidentTbl.create 1000 in
Expand All @@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ let reverse t =
Longident.LongidentTbl.add r lid (sort, p, env))

let kind2kind = function
| Env.Value -> value_ops
Expand All @@ -222,34 +224,38 @@ let kind2str = function

let rec check_same = function
| [x] -> x
| (kind, p, env) :: ((kind', p', env') :: _ as l) ->
| (kind, env) :: ((kind', env') :: _ as l) ->
if kind <> kind' then
failwith (kind2str kind ^ " <> " ^ kind2str kind');
if p != p' then failwith "different paths";
if env != env' then failwith "different environments";
check_same l
| [] -> invalid_arg "check_same"

let get_occurrences env idents lidents paths s =
let lid2path = reverse paths in
let get_occurrences lid2loc lid2env s =
(* We should check that keys are bound only once *)
(fun lid loc acc ->
match Longident.LongidentTbl.find_all lid2path lid with
let envs = Env.LongidentTbl.find_all lid2env lid in
let envs = List.filter (function kind, _ -> kind <> Env.Annot) envs in
match envs with
| [] ->
debugln "lident %s has no environment" (lid_to_str lid);
Location.print Format.std_formatter loc;
Printf.printf "Warning: lident %s has no environment\n" (lid_to_str lid);
failwith ("lident" ^ lid_to_str lid ^ "has no environment");
| l ->
debugln "testing %s" (lid_to_str lid);
let kind, p, env = check_same l in
let kind, env = check_same l in
if kind = Env.Value || kind = Env.Type then
(loc, (env, kind)) :: acc

let extract_longident (loc, s, (env, occ)) =
let extract_longident (loc, text, (env, occ)) =
let kind = match occ with
| Env.Value -> value_ops
| Env.Module -> module_ops
Expand All @@ -258,16 +264,16 @@ let extract_longident (loc, s, (env, occ)) =
let ast =
kind.parse_lid s
kind.parse_lid text
with _ ->
failwith ("error parsing the following ident: " ^ s)
failwith ("error parsing the following ident: " ^ text)
(loc, ast, (env, kind))

let get_lids env file idents lidents paths ast =
let get_lids env file lidents paths ast =
(source_locations file (get_occurrences env idents lidents paths ast))
(source_locations file (get_occurrences lidents paths ast))

let ident_of_subtree = function
| `pattern {pat_desc = Tpat_var id}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocamlwizard/refactor/findName.mli
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ val get_occurrences :
val get_lids :
Env.t ->
string ->
Location.string_table -> Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t -> Env.path2env ->
Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t -> Env.lid2env ->
[ `signature of Typedtree.signature | `structure of Typedtree.structure ]->
(Location.t * Longident.t * (Env.t * Resolve.specifics)) list

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ocamlwizard/refactor/
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ let backup file =
Edit.cp file backup

(* Rename an ident in a structure file, with given ast. *)
let rename_in_file env renamed_kind id name' file (s, idents, lidents, paths) =
let rename_in_file env renamed_kind id name' file (s, idents, lid2loc, paths) =

(* Collect constraints requiring simultaneous renaming *)
let constraints, includes = collect_signature_inclusions (`structure s) in
Expand All @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ let rename_in_file env renamed_kind id name' file (s, idents, lidents, paths) =
check_renamed_implicit_references renamed_kind ids name' implicit_refs;

(* Collect all lids *)
let lids = get_lids env file idents lidents paths (`structure s) in
let lids = get_lids env file lid2loc paths (`structure s) in

(* Check that our new name will not capture other occurrences *)
check_lids renamed_kind ids name' lids;
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16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions parsing/
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ module LongidentTbl = Hashtbl.Make
let hash = Hashtbl.hash

let longident_table : Location.t LongidentTbl.t option ref = ref None
type lid2loc = Location.t LongidentTbl.t

let longident_table : lid2loc option ref = ref None

let record_longident_locations () =
longident_table := Some (LongidentTbl.create 1000)
Expand All @@ -60,8 +62,12 @@ let flush_longidents () =
longident_table := None;

let longident loc i =
(match !longident_table with
let add_longident loc i =
match !longident_table with
| Some t -> LongidentTbl.add t i loc
| None -> ());
| None -> ()

let remove_longident i =
match !longident_table with
| Some t -> LongidentTbl.remove t i
| None -> ()
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions parsing/longident.mli
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,11 @@ val parse: string -> t

module LongidentTbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = t

type lid2loc = Location.t LongidentTbl.t

val record_longident_locations : unit -> unit

val flush_longidents : unit -> Location.t LongidentTbl.t option
val flush_longidents : unit -> lid2loc option

val longident : Location.t -> t -> t
val add_longident : Location.t -> t -> unit
val remove_longident : t -> unit
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions parsing/parse.mli
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ val use_file : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list

val implementation' :
Lexing.lexbuf ->
Parsetree.structure * Location.string_table option
* Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t option
Parsetree.structure * Location.string_table option * Longident.lid2loc option
val interface' :
Lexing.lexbuf ->
Parsetree.signature * Location.string_table option
* Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t option
Parsetree.signature * Location.string_table option * Longident.lid2loc option
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions parsing/parser.mly
Expand Up @@ -48,19 +48,20 @@ let mkcf d =
let reloc_pat x = { x with ppat_loc = symbol_rloc () };;
let reloc_exp x = { x with pexp_loc = symbol_rloc () };;

let ghlongident = longident Location.none
let ghlident = lident Location.none
let longident loc lid = add_longident loc lid ; lid

let mkoperator name pos =
{ pexp_desc = Pexp_ident(longident (rhs_loc pos) (Lident name));
pexp_loc = rhs_loc pos }

let lident i = longident (symbol_rloc ()) (Lident i)
let ldot lid i = longident (symbol_rloc ()) (Ldot (lid, i))
let lapply lid lid' = longident (symbol_rloc ()) (Lapply (lid, lid'))
let ldot lid i =
remove_longident lid;
longident (symbol_rloc ()) (Ldot (lid, i))
let lapply lid lid' =
remove_longident lid;
remove_longident lid';
longident (symbol_rloc ()) (Lapply (lid, lid'))

Ghost expressions and patterns:
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48 changes: 23 additions & 25 deletions typing/
Expand Up @@ -491,11 +491,11 @@ let lookup_simple proj1 proj2 lid env =
| Lapply(l1, l2) ->
raise Not_found

module PathTbl = Hashtbl.Make
module LongidentTbl = Hashtbl.Make
type t = Path.t
let equal = ( == )
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
type t = Longident.t
let equal = ( == )
let hash = Hashtbl.hash

type path_sort =
Expand All @@ -509,41 +509,39 @@ type path_sort =
| Class
| Cltype

type path2env = (path_sort * Longident.t * t) PathTbl.t
type lid2env = (path_sort * t) LongidentTbl.t

let path_table = ref None
let lid2env = ref None

let record_path_environments () =
path_table := Some (PathTbl.create 1000)
lid2env := Some (LongidentTbl.create 1000)

let flush_paths () =
let paths = !path_table in
path_table := None;
let paths = !lid2env in
lid2env := None;

let record p sort lid env =
match !path_table with
| Some t -> PathTbl.add t p (sort, lid, env)
let record sort lid env =
match !lid2env with
| Some t ->
let s, e = LongidentTbl.find t lid in
s != sort || e != env
with Not_found -> true)
LongidentTbl.add t lid (sort, env)
| None -> ()

let lookup_module lid env =
let path, _ as res = lookup_module lid env in
record path env;

let recording sort lookup lid env =
let path, _ as res = lookup lid env in
record path sort lid env;
record sort lid env;
lookup lid env

let lookup_module = recording Module lookup_module

let lookup sort proj1 proj2 lid env =
let path, _ as res = lookup proj1 proj2 lid env in
record path sort lid env;
record sort lid env;
lookup proj1 proj2 lid env

let lookup_value =
lookup Value (fun env -> env.values) (fun sc -> sc.comp_values)
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions typing/env.mli
Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
val check_modtype_inclusion:
(t -> module_type -> Path.t -> module_type -> unit) ref

module PathTbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = Path.t
(* Duplicated from Longident (linking problem with genannot) *)
module LongidentTbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = Longident.t

type path_sort =
| Value
Expand All @@ -185,8 +186,8 @@ type path_sort =
| Class
| Cltype

type path2env = (path_sort * Longident.t * t) PathTbl.t
type lid2env = (path_sort * t) LongidentTbl.t

val record_path_environments : unit -> unit

val flush_paths : unit -> path2env option
val flush_paths : unit -> lid2env option
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions typing/
Expand Up @@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ type saved_type =
| Saved_pattern of pattern
| Saved_class_expr of class_expr
| Saved_ident_locations of Location.string_table option
| Saved_longident_locations of Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t option
| Saved_path_environments of Env.path2env option
| Saved_longident_locations of Longident.lid2loc option
| Saved_path_environments of Env.lid2env option

let saved_types = ref []
let get_saved_types () = !saved_types
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions typing/typedtree.mli
Expand Up @@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ type saved_type =
| Saved_pattern of pattern
| Saved_class_expr of class_expr
| Saved_ident_locations of Location.string_table option
| Saved_longident_locations of Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t option
| Saved_path_environments of Env.path2env option
| Saved_longident_locations of Longident.lid2loc option
| Saved_path_environments of Env.lid2env option

val get_saved_types : unit -> saved_type list
val set_saved_types : saved_type list -> unit
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions typing/typemod.mli
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ val type_structure:
val type_implementation:
string -> string -> string -> Env.t ->
(Parsetree.structure * Location.string_table option
* Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t option) ->
* Longident.lid2loc option) ->
Typedtree.structure * Typedtree.module_coercion
val transl_signature:
Env.t -> Parsetree.signature -> Typedtree.signature
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ val simplify_signature: signature -> signature

val save_signature :
(Typedtree.signature * Location.string_table option
* Location.t Longident.LongidentTbl.t option * Env.path2env option) ->
* Longident.lid2loc option * Env.lid2env option) ->
string -> unit

val package_units:
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