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File metadata and controls

159 lines (128 loc) · 4.95 KB


Plugins extend beets' core functionality. They add new commands, fetch additional data during import, provide new metadata sources, and much more. If beets by itself doesn't do what you want it to, you may just need to enable a plugin---or, if you want to do something new, writing a plugin </dev/plugins> is easy if you know a little Python.

Using Plugins

To use one of the plugins included with beets (see the rest of this page for a list), just use the plugins option in your config.yaml file, like so:

plugins: inline discogs web

The value for plugins can be a space-separated list of plugin names or a YAML list like [foo, bar]. You can see which plugins are currently enabled by typing beet version.

chroma lyrics echonest_tempo echonest bpd mpdupdate mpdstats fetchart embedart web lastgenre replaygain inline scrub rewrite random mbcollection importfeeds the fuzzy zero ihate convert info smartplaylist mbsync missing duplicates discogs beatport fromfilename ftintitle

Autotagger Extensions

  • chroma: Use acoustic fingerprinting to identify audio files with missing or incorrect metadata.
  • discogs: Search for releases in the Discogs database.
  • fromfilename: Guess metadata for untagged tracks from their filenames.


  • lyrics: Automatically fetch song lyrics.
  • echonest: Automatically fetch acoustic attributes from the Echo Nest (tempo, energy, danceability, ...).
  • lastgenre: Fetch genres based on tags.
  • mbsync: Fetch updated metadata from MusicBrainz
  • fetchart: Fetch album cover art from various sources.
  • embedart: Embed album art images into files' metadata.
  • replaygain: Calculate volume normalization for players that support it.
  • scrub: Clean extraneous metadata from music files.
  • zero: Nullify fields by pattern or unconditionally.
  • ftintitle: Move "featured" artists from the artist field to the title field.
  • mpdstats: Connect to MPD and update the beets library with play statistics (last_played, play_count, skip_count, rating).

Path Formats

  • inline: Use Python snippets to customize path format strings.
  • rewrite: Substitute values in path formats.
  • the: Move patterns in path formats (i.e., move "a" and "the" to the end).


  • mpdupdate: Automatically notifies MPD whenever the beets library changes.
  • importfeeds: Keep track of imported files via .m3u playlist file(s) or symlinks.
  • smartplaylist: Generate smart playlists based on beets queries.


  • web: An experimental Web-based GUI for beets.
  • random: Randomly choose albums and tracks from your library.
  • fuzzy: Search albums and tracks with fuzzy string matching.
  • mbcollection: Maintain your MusicBrainz collection list.
  • ihate: Automatically skip albums and tracks during the import process.
  • bpd: A music player for your beets library that emulates MPD and is compatible with MPD clients.
  • convert: Transcode music and embed album art while exporting to a different directory.
  • info: Print music files' tags to the console.
  • missing: List missing tracks.
  • duplicates: List duplicate tracks or albums.

Other Plugins

In addition to the plugins that come with beets, there are several plugins that are maintained by the beets community. To use an external plugin, there are two options for installation:

  • Make sure it's in the Python path (known as sys.path to developers). This just means the plugin has to be installed on your system (e.g., with a script or a command like pip or easy_install).
  • Set the pluginpath config variable to point to the directory containing the plugin. (See /reference/config.)

Once the plugin is installed, enable it by placing its name on the plugins line in your config file.

Here are a few of the plugins written by the beets community:

  • beetFs is a FUSE filesystem for browsing the music in your beets library. (Might be out of date.)
  • A cmus plugin integrates with the cmus console music player.