Webpack is a powerful tool for bundling browser code. In the last several years it has grown into the defacto standard bundler.
On my blog, you can find a decent getting started guide, which takes you from scratch to a basic setup with babel-loader for compiling modern JavaScript syntax.
The content covered in that post covers parts of Webpack that apply to almost any configuration. Frequently you want to do more than just bundling a single entrypoint and supporting older browsers.
These are some basics which cover general Webpack configuration topics.
These next guides cover more specific topics, but in a more succinct format where instead of walking through the setup, they show you the finished configuration and explain what was added and what it does.
- Code splitting (Separate a tree of your application)
- Importing stylesheets
- Importing static assets Coming soon!
- Transforming non-JS code into JS (such as JSX, Typescript, Flow, and JavaScript proposal features) Coming soon!
- Create a map (manifest) of output files for programmatic consumption Coming soon!