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Pow! Pow! Me!

Pow Pow Me is the ultimate winter holiday booking assistant, designed for the instant gratification generation. Pow Pow Me searches millions of possible holidays cross referencing your preference with snowfall reports and projections to deliver the best possible powder.

This project was created as an example for the conference talk Behaviour-Driven Development with Calabash.


Pow! Pow! Me! is an iOS 7 application built with Calabash and Xcode 5.

  • Xcode 5
  • Ruby 1.9.2 or later
  • Calabash-iOS

If you wish to run Pow! Pow! Me on your own iOS device, you will also require and active iOS Developer Account with Apple. Running the app within the iOS simulator does not require any provisioning profiles to be setup.

Install Xcode 5 and Command Line Tools

Install Xcode 5 from the Mac App Store. Then install the Xcode Command Line Tools when prompted.

Install Calabash and Cucumber

Once Xcode 5 is installed, install Calabash-iOS and Cucumber from the command line;

% sudo gem install calabash-cucumber

To check that Calabash-iOS has been installed correctly, run the following command from your terminal;

% calabash-ios version

If you do not see the version output or another error, try and install calabash and cucumber again.

It is important to run the gem install command as super user otherwise the command will most likely fail.


Check out the Pow Pow Me project from Github. Launch Xcode and open the project. Clean and build the Pow Pow Me-cal target and then run. Assuming everything built correctly the following should be printed to the console;

2014-06-26 11:19:40.300 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:60b] Creating the server: <LPHTTPServer: 0x9f67d60>
2014-06-26 11:19:40.302 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:60b] Calabash iOS server version: 0.9.168
2014-06-26 11:19:40.302 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:60b] simroot: /Applications/
2014-06-26 11:19:40.304 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:60b] Started LPHTTP server on port 37265
2014-06-26 11:19:40.408 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:60b] Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0xab848a0 </Applications/> (not loaded)
2014-06-26 11:19:40.410 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:60b] Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0xab871d0 </Applications/> (not loaded)
2014-06-26 11:19:41.126 Pow Pow Me-cal[67212:1903] Bonjour Service Published: domain(local.) type(_http._tcp.) name(Calabash Server)

To run the acceptable tests, open a terminal session and navigate to the project directory for Pow Pow Me. When ready, execute the cucumber command and the acceptance tests should run. If the simulator was already running there may be a notice that the iOS Simulator could not start. Just close the running iOS simulator and enter cucumber again.

App Bundle Issues

If you encounter issues with the tests failing as they cannot connect to the Calabash server, it is likely that calabash is unable to locate the correct APP_BUNDLE_PATH environment setting.

The APP_BUNDLE_PATH is the location that the project builds the target into. This is usually ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{app name}/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/{app name}.app

In these cases you have two options;

  • Export a new APP_BUNDLE_PATH that references the correct path
  • Edit the features/support/01_launch.rb and uncomment line 20, then update the app path to match the location of Pow Pow


Written by Sam de Freyssinet

The code in this project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attritrubution- Non-Commercial-ShareAlike Licence. Full details can be found in this projects file.


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