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Shared Specs

cam156 edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 3 revisions

There are several shared example groups in valkyrie/lib/valkyrie/specs/shared_specs, to help verify that all implementations of the various interfaces are fully-compliant. You can also use these in your own code to make sure that any implementations you develop are compliant.

The available example groups are:

  • 'a Valkyrie::DerivativeService'
  • 'a Valkyrie::FileCharacterizationService'
  • 'a Valkyrie::MetadataAdapter'
  • 'a Valkyrie::Resource'
  • 'a Valkyrie::Persister'
  • 'a Valkyrie query provider'
  • 'a Valkyrie::StorageAdapter'

To use these shared examples, include them in your test file:

require 'valkyrie/specs/shared_specs'

and then you can use the it_behaves_like command to invoke the shared examples:

it_behaves_like "a Valkyrie::Resource"

Example groups typically require that the calling test define a variable, e.g., the 'a Valkyrie::Model' group requires defining the resource_klass variable:

let(:resource_klass) { described_class }

The share examples will raise an error if the variables they need aren't defined.