PWNAT(1) proxy server that works behind a NAT PWNAT(1) NAME pwnat - proxy server that works behind a NAT SYNOPSIS ./pwnat <-s | -c> DESCRIPTION There is no middle man, no proxy, no 3rd party, no UPnP required, no spoofing, no DNS tricks. The server does not need to know the client's IP address before connecting. More importantly, the client can then connect to any host or port on any remote host or to a fixed host and port decided by the server OPTIONS -c client mode: : [local ip] [proxy port (def:2222)] -s server mode: : [local ip] [proxy port (def:2222)] [[al‐ lowed host]:[allowed port] ...] -6 use IPv6 -v show debug output (up to 2) -h show this help and exit EXAMPLES 1. Server side allowing anyone to proxy: pwnat -s 2. Client wanting to connect to pwnat -c 8000 80 3. browse to visit the google: http://localhost:8000 REPORTING BUGS To report a bug please visit pwnat issues tracking system at: AUTHORS Written by Daniel Meekins Contact: dmeekins - gmail This manual page was written by Josenison F. da Silva for the Debian project (but may be used by others). PWNAT 0.3 Abr 2022 PWNAT(1)