(641): ¦ not performing good works, wicked, RV. x, 2 2, 8 (1406): अ-क्रतु꣡ ¦ mfn. destitute of energy or power [‘of sacrifices’ Sāy.] RV. x, 8 3, 5; AV. (12430): ¦ getting at, attacking, Yājñ. ii, 1 2 (17534): अध्वर्य ¦ Nom. P. (p. °र्य꣡त्) to be engaged in an Adhvara, RV. i, 181 1. (37000): अपा<स्र्स्꣡>च् ¦ (√ अच्), (Imper. -अच) to drive away, RV. ix, 9 7, 54. (40317): अ꣡-बधिर ¦ mfn. not deaf, RV. viii, 45 17 (51287): अमि꣡त्र ¦ mf() (fr.अम् [Uṇ. iv, 1 73] or perhaps अ-मि꣡त्र, not a friend [Pāṇ. vi, 2, 116, ‘not having a friend’], but See अभ्यमित्रीण, &c.) an enemy, adversary, foe, RV. &c. (53526): ¦ non-performance of a sacrifice, Mn. iii, 1 20; Lāṭy.; Gaut. (53532): अ꣡-यज्ञ—सच् ¦ (अ꣡-यज्ञ.), m (nom. pl. आचस्) fn. not performing a sacrifice, RV. vi, 6 7, 9. (53910): अयो—गुड ¦ m. an iron ball, Mn. iii, 1 33; Car. (55364): अ-राजि꣡न् ¦ mfn. without splendour, RV. viii, 7, 2 3. (55844): अ꣡-रिष्ट—भर्मन् ¦ mfn. yielding security, RV. viii, 1 8, 4 (voc.) (58882): अर्ध꣡—र्च꣡—श꣡स् ¦ ind. by hemistichs, AV. xx, 135 5; ŚBr. &c. (62007): अव-√ गा ¦ (aor. Subj. -गत्) to pass away, be wanting, AV. xii, 3, 46, (aor. 2. sg. -गा꣡स्, 3. sg. अवा<स्र्स्꣡>गात्) to go to, join with (instr.), RV. i, 17 74, 4; (63017): अव-√ दुह् ¦ (aor. Subj. Ā. 3. sg. -धुक्षत) to give milk to (dat.), RV. vi, 48, 1 3. Caus. -दोहयति, to pour over with milk, Car. (63177): अ-वध्र꣡ a ¦ mfn. innoxious, beneficent, RV. vii, 82 10. (65756): अवस꣡ ¦ n. Ved. refreshment, food, provisions, viaticum, RV. i, 93, 4; 119 6 (66394):
to penetrate (as sound or as fame), MBh. xiii, 1 845 : (67226): अविका꣡ ¦ f. an ewe, RV. i, 126, 7; AV. xx, 129 17 (अवि꣡का), Mn.; Kathās. (67388): अ-विक्रेय ¦ mfn. not to be sold, unsaleable, MBh. v, 1 402; R. i, 61, 17 (ed. Bomb.) (69943): अ꣡-व्रात्य ¦ m. not a Vratya, AV. xv, 1 3, 6 (70933): अ꣡श्न ¦ m. N. of a demon, RV. ii, 14, 5; 20 5; vi, 4, 3. (125699): ¦ a circumference, RV. i, 151, 5; vii, 48 3. (133562): उष्ण—नरक ¦ m. a hot hell (said to be 8 in number), Dharmas. 1 1. (154593): कर꣡—घाट ¦ m. a kind of poisonous tree, Suśr. ii, 251 14; 252, 2. (160463): ¦ a division of time (said to be 1/900 of a day or 1-6 minutes, Mn. i, 64; Hariv.; or 1/1800 of a day or 0-8 minutes Comm. on VP.; or 2 minutes and 26 54/201 seconds, Suśr.; or 1 minute and 35 205/301, seconds, or 8 seconds, BhavP.) (179435): कुडव ¦ mn. a measure of grain or of wood or of iron &c. (4th part of a Prastha, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep and containing 12 Prakṛtis or handfuls; also said to contain 13 1/2 cubic Aṅgulas, or to contain 64 cubic Aṅgulas [ŚārṅgS.], or to be a finger and a half deep and three fingers each in length and breadth; in med. it is equal to two Prakṛtis or thirty-two Tolakas), MBh.; Jyot.; VarBṛS. &c. (211796): खार ¦ m. (ifc. Pāṇ. v, 4, 101) a measure of grain (commonly Khāri, = 18 Droṇas or about 3 bushels; it is also reckoned at 1 1/2 Śūrpa or 3 Droṇas; also at 46 Gauṇīs or 4096 Palas, or at 4 Droṇas), Pāṇ. ii, 3, 46 Sch. (°री, Kāś.) (213276): ¦ a measure of length (commonly Gaz, equal to two cubits = 1 3/4 or 2 Hastas), L. (223212): ¦ the berry of Abrus precatorius (averaging about 1 5/16 grains troy) or the artificial weight called after it (weighing about 2 3/16 grains, = 1/5 Ādya-māṣaka or Māṣaka, = 3 or 2 barley-corns, = 4 grains of rice, = 2 grains of wheat, L.; with physicians 7 Guñjās = 1 Mātha, with lawyers 7 1/2 Guñjās), Yājñ. iii, 273; Cāṇ.; VarBṛS. (231442): गोपा<स्र्स्꣡>चल ¦ m. ‘cowherd-mountain’ = गोपाल-गिरि, Uttamac. 2 602. (232914): ¦ = गुर्ज्°, Guzerat, Uttamac. 2 601. (250846): ¦ of a son (of Gada or Kṛṣṇa, Hariv. 9193; of Uṣadgu or Ruśeku, MBh. xiii, 6834; Hariv. 1971; BhP. ix, 23, 30; of Vṛṣṇi, 24, 14 and 17; of Gaja, v, 15, 2; of Supārśvaka, ix, 13, 23; of Ukta or Uṣṇa, 22 39) (254168): चूर्णी—√ कृ ¦ to reduce to powder or dust, pulverise, grind, bruise, smash, KātyŚr. xv, 9, 2 9; Suśr. (255223): चौण्ड्य ¦ mfn. = °ड, Bhpr. v, 10, 1 29 f. and 12, 48 f. (255385): चौर्य—वृत्ति ¦ mfn. living on thievery, Daś. ix, 1 1 (v.l. °र-व्°) (256623): छ꣡न्दस्—पक्ष ¦ (छ꣡न्द्°) mf()n. borne aloft on the wings of desire, AV. viii, 9, 1 2. (257556): 2. छिद् ¦ mfn. ifc. (Pāṇ. iii, 2, 61) cutting, cutting off. cutting through, splitting, piercing, MBh. vii, 46 56 (cf. उख-च्छि꣡द्, केश-, पक्ष-, मर्म-, वन-, हृदय-) (258395): जंह् ¦ Intens. 3. sg. ज꣡ङ्गहे, to move quickly, sprawl, kick, RV. i, 1 26, 6; (258879): जगद्—ईश्वर ¦ m. world-lord, MBh. i, 81 1; Prab. v, 9 (259416): ज꣡ङ्घा—मात्र ¦ mf()n. ‘measuring a shank’, 2 1/2 feet long. (260190):
to grow (as plants, teeth), AV. iv f.; AitBr. vii, 1 5; ŚBr. xiv; KātyŚr.; Mn. ix, 38; VarBṛS.; (260201):
Intens. जञ्जन्यते and जाजाय्°, 43 (cf. Vop. xx, 1 7); (260283): ज꣡न—धा ¦ (ज꣡न्°) mfn. (√ धा) nourishing creatures, TBr. i, 1, 1, 1f. (-धाय, TāṇḍyaBr. i, 4; -धायस्, MaitrS. i, 3, 1 2 and 27). (260880): ¦ produced, occasioned, MBh. iv, 1 236; Pañcat.; Megh. &c. (261659): जम्बीर ¦ m. (= °म्भीर) = °म्भिन्, the citron tree, BhP. viii, 2, 1 3; SkandaP. &c. (264853): ¦ stupid, Kathās. vi, 58 (and 1 32?) (264883): जला<स्र्स्꣡>श्रय ¦ m. for °शय, a pond, Pañcat. i, 1 3, 0/1 (266832): जानकी—राघव ¦ n. N. of a drama, Sāh. vi, 98 3/5. (268509): जिन—कुशल ¦ m. N. of a Jain Sūri (A.D. 1281 1333; author of Caitya-vandana-kula-vṛtti). (268656): ¦ of a Jain Sūri (A.D. 1 559-1618). (269494): ¦ N. of one of the 8 Maruts, Yājñ. ii, 102/103 39 (270957): जूजुव꣡स् ¦ mfn. (pf.p.P.) speedy, RV. iv, 1 1, 4 (271885): ज्ञाति꣡—प्रभुक ¦ mf()n. foremost among relations, Yājñ. ii, 5/6 28. (272041): ज्ञान—निष्ठ ¦ mfn. engaged in cultivating true knowledge, Mn., iii, 1 34. (273496): ज्वर् ¦ (cf.ज्वल्) cl. 1. °रति (cf. 3. जूर् &c.) to be feverish, xix, 1 4; (273746): ज्वाल—माला<स्र्स्꣡>कुल ¦ mfn. ‘light-garlanded’, shining brilliantly, TĀr. x, 1 1, 2. (278267): ¦ a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables. (281006): ¦ an oar (?), Kauś. 5 2 (286351):
to sharpen, RV. iv, 2 3, 7; (301288): of 50 [or 60 MBh. xii, 61 36; (301290): or 44 Hariv. 1 1521 ff.] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives, forming the lunar asterisms, and 13 [or 17 BhP.; (301626): द꣡क्षिण—पूर्वक ¦ mfn. = °र्व, Hcat. i, 1 1, 71 1. (301803): दक्षिणे<स्र्स्꣡>र्मन् ¦ mfn. (1 26) = °णा<स्र्स्꣡>ल्रुस्, Bālar. vii, 11. (301818): दक्षिणो<स्र्स्꣡>त्त°रा<स्र्स्꣡>यत ¦ mf()n. extending from south to north, north; 875/876; 903a/b; 9, 141 3/5 (303041): ¦ (Pāṇ. vi, 1, 205; Kāś.) N. of an ascetic, TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 1 5, 3 (snake-priest), MBh. xii, 10875; BhP. iv, 19, 6 (305096): द꣡र्°तृ꣡ ¦ m. a breaker, i, 1 30, 10; viii, 98, 6. (307728): Ā. दत्ते, Pañcat. i, 4, 19/20 12, 7; Subh.; (325674): ¦ N. of Śiva, MBh. xiii, 1 067 (cf. -भुज्) (328278): द्यूत꣡—धर्म ¦ m. the laws concerning gambling, Mn. ix, 2 20. (332608): द्वि—शौर्पिक ¦ mfn. = -शूर्प, Pāṇ 5-1 20, Vārtt. 2, Pat. (334053): द्व्य्—अर्ध ¦ mfn. 1 1/2 Sūryap. (406975): ¦ flesh, RV. i, 166 6 an, ass, L. (410029): पाणि꣡—ग्रहणीया ¦ f. N. of RV. x, 85 36 &c.; ib. (411760): पाद—विग्रह ¦ mfn. one-footed (opp. to चतुष्पाद), ib. 11305 0c. (420141): ¦ N. of various temples (erected on the 5 1 spots where the limbs of Pārvatī fell after she had been cut to pieces by the discus of Viṣṇu), L. (425521): पुरंधि ¦ f. a woman, wife, RV. i, 116, 7; 1 3; 117, 19 &c. (425524): ¦ liberality, munificence, kindness (shown by gods to man e.g. RV. i, 5, 3; 158 2 &c.; or by man to gods in offering oblations e.g. i, 123, 6; 134, 3 &c.; also personified as goddess of abundance and liberality, e.g. vii, 36, 8 &c.) (438536): ¦ a step, stride, pace (also as a measure of distance, the length of which is variously stated at 2 or 3 or 3 1/2 Padas, also at more or less), Br.; GṛŚrS. (519403): ¦ N. of the jewel-lotus prayer, MWB. 37 2 (546392): मा꣡न—वर्धन ¦ mfn. increasing (a person's) , indicating respect, Mn. ix, 1 15. (549968): माषक ¦ mn. a partic. weight of gold &c. (= 7 or 8 Guñjās acc. to some about 4 1/2 grains), Mn.; VarBṛS.; Suśr. (cf. पञ्च-म्°). (553164): मुक्षी꣡जा ¦ f. a net, snare, RV. i, 1 25, 2. (553770): मुखर ¦ mf()n. (fr. मुख; cf. Pān v 2 107, Vārtt. 1, Pat.) talkative, garrulous, loquacious (said also of birds and bees), Kāv.; Kathās. (579316): ¦ (sometimes m.; ifc. f(). ) a stage or Yojana (i.e. a distance traversed in one harnessing or without unyoking; esp. a partic. measure of distance, sometimes regarded as equal to 4 or 5 English miles, but more correctly = 4 Krośas or about 9 miles; according to other calculations = 2 1/2 English miles, and according to some = 8 Krośas), RV. &c. &c. (600567): रूप्य—शत-मान ¦ n. a partic. weight (= 3 1/2 Palas), L. (601715): रै꣡भी ¦ f. N. of partic. ritualistic verses (esp. of AV. xx, 1 2 7, 4-6; containing several repetitions of the word रेभ). (617801): वक्त्र—वाक्य ¦ Śiś. x, 1 2, prob. w.r. for वक्र-व्° q.v. (622701): ¦ (with Buddhists) one of the 7 kinds of Anuttara-pūjā or highest worship (the other 6 being पूजना, पाप-देशना, अनुमोदना, अध्येषणा, बधि-चित्ता<स्र्स्꣡>त्पा<स्र्स्꣡>द and परिणमना), Dharmas. 1 4 (624426): वरुत्र ¦ n. an upper and outer garment, cloak, mantle, Uṇ. iv, 1 72 Sch. [cf. Gk. ἔλυτρον for ϝελυτρον] (629332): ¦ a partic. weight (3 or 2 or 1 1/2 Guñjas), ŚārṅgS.; Līl. (663001): वि-√ भूष् ¦ P. -भूषति, to be brilliant, appear (?), RV. i, 112 4 (Sāy. व्याप्तो भवति); (671936): 2011449 93,1विश्वनाथसिंहवि꣡श्व—नाथ—सिंह4 (671939): 201144.19 93,1विश्वनाथसिंहदेववि꣡श्व—नाथ—सिंह-देव4 (671942): 201144.29 93,1विश्वनाथसूरिवि꣡श्व—नाथ—सूरि4 (671945): 201144.39 93,1विश्वनाथसेनवि꣡श्व—नाथ—सेन4 (767625): सतो꣡—बृहती ¦ f. () a kind of metre consisting of 12 + 8 + 1 2 + 8 syllables, ŚBr.; Kāṭh.; Piṅg. (cf. सतः-पङ्क्ति). (808345): सामूना ¦ f. a black coloured deer (1 1/2 cubits long, with shining long and soft hair), L. (815382): सिध्मन् ¦ m. n. one of the 1 8 varieties of leprosy (= क्षुद्र-कुष्ठ), Suśr.; MBh. &c. (873476): हिंसा—रत ¦ mfn. delighting in doing harm or mischief, Mn. iv, 1 70. (878280): हेम—धान्यक ¦ m. a partic. weight (= 1 1/2 Māṣakas), ŚārṅgS.