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Mihai Mogosanu edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 7 revisions

A routing convention represents a rule of how to generate a route based on the action/controller matching a specified criteria. You can use conventions to build routes and to modify the generated routes. It makes it easier to decouple routing from controller/actions and to make bulk changes when needed (instead of changing manually each route or route attributes for each controller, you just change a convention). You can have as many conventions as you'd like, each fit for specific cases. The recommended way is to group the conventions into modules by deriving from RoutingConventionsModule .

public class AdminModule : RoutingConventionsModule
    public override void Configure(IConfigureRoutingConventions conventions)
        //namespace based urls for controller in the Admin namespace
         conventions.If(ac =>ac.Controller.StripNamespaceAssemblyName().StartsWith("Admin"))
                    var url=routeBuilderInfo.ActionCall.Controller.ToWebsiteRelativePath(GetType().Assembly)

                    var rt = routeBuilderInfo.CreateRoute(url);
                    return new[] {rt};

        //if you have the controller named like its namespace, change it to 'main'
        // something like 'admin/dashboard/dashboard' -> 'admin/dashboard/main'
        conventions.If(ac =>
                .Modify((r, info) =>
                    var name = info.ActionCall.Controller.ControllerNameWithoutSuffix().ToLower();
                    if (r.Url.EndsWith(name))
                        r.Url = r.Url.Remove(r.Url.Length - name.Length) + "main";

If you prefer to be more structured then you can define builders and modifiers in their own classes, then tell a module to use them

public class ViewPageRouting : IBuildRoutes
        public bool Match(ActionCall actionCall)
            return actionCall.Controller == typeof(ViewPageController);

        public IEnumerable<Route> Build(RouteBuilderInfo info)
            var route = info.CreateRoute("{slug}");
            route.Defaults["controller"] = "ViewPage";
            return new[] { route };

 //turns something like 'articles/listarticles' into 'articles/list'
 // 'articles/articlesadd'->'articles/add'
 public class RemoveDuplicateWords : IModifyRoute
        public bool Match(ActionCall action)
            var name = action.Controller.ControllerNameWithoutSuffix();
            var namespaceEnding = GetNamespaceEnding(action);
            return BeginsOrEndsWithWord(name,namespaceEnding) || BeginsOrEndsWithWord(name+"s",namespaceEnding);

        private static string GetNamespaceEnding(ActionCall action)
            return action.Controller.Namespace.Split('.').Last();

        static bool BeginsOrEndsWithWord(string controller,string word)
            return controller.StartsWith(word) || controller.EndsWith(word);

        public void Modify(Route route, RouteBuilderInfo info)
            var namespaceEnding = GetNamespaceEnding(info.ActionCall).ToLower();
            var segments = route.Url.Split('/').Select(s =>
                if (s.StartsWith(namespaceEnding) && s.Length != namespaceEnding.Length)
                    return s.Substring(namespaceEnding.Length);
                if (s.EndsWith(namespaceEnding) && s.Length != namespaceEnding.Length)
                    return s.Substring(0,s.Length-namespaceEnding.Length);

                if ((s + "s").EndsWith(namespaceEnding) && s.Length != namespaceEnding.Length-1)
                    return s.Substring(0,s.Length-namespaceEnding.Length+1);
                return s;
            route.Url = string.Join("/", segments);

   public class BrowseModule : RoutingConventionsModule
        public override void Configure(IConfigureRoutingConventions conventions)
            conventions.Add(new ViewPageRouting());
            conventions.Add(new RemoveDuplicateWords());


##Configuration In your favourite startup task (in this example, it's ConfigTask_Routing) you need to write only this

RoutingConventions.Configure(c =>
                c.RegisterControllers(typeof (ConfigTask_Routing).Assembly);

                //you want just to add modules in the future 
                c.LoadModules(typeof (ConfigTask_Routing).Assembly);

                //A predefined module that sets route http method constraints, based on method name
                //(it starts with 'get' or 'post') and mvc attributes (HttpGet, HttpPost etc)
                c.LoadModule(new SemanticConstraints());

                //default route
                c.HomeIs<HomeController>(h => h.Get(null));

Note that RoutingConventions just adds new routes to the existing routing table, it doesn't change anything, you can think of it as a route builder engine.

###WebApi For WebApi, the configuration looks a bit different

RoutingConventions.Configure(c =>
                c.RegisterControllers(typeof (ConfigTask_Routing).Assembly);

                //you want just to add modules in the future 
                c.LoadModules(typeof (ConfigTask_Routing).Assembly);

                //A predefined module that sets route http method constraints, based on method name (it starts with 'get' or 'post') and mvc attributes (HttpGet, HttpPost etc)
                c.LoadModule(new SemanticConstraints());