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sarabander committed Oct 14, 2011
1 parent 7d14584 commit 5762299
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Showing 6 changed files with 440 additions and 0 deletions.
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.81.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@

;; See setup.scm in subdirectory 'generic-arithmetic' for hash-table setup and
;; arithmetic packages. The numbers num1, num2, r1, r2, c1, etc. are defined
;; in the file tests.scm.

;; Helper function
(define (all-same? symbols)
(if (empty? (cdr symbols))
(and (eq? (car symbols) (cadr symbols))
(all-same? (cdr symbols)))))

(all-same? '(complex complex complex)) ; true
(all-same? '(integer rational complex)) ; false

;; The original
(define (apply-generic op . args)
(let ((type-tags (map type-tag args)))
(let ((proc (get op type-tags)))
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (= (length args) 2)
(let ((type1 (car type-tags))
(type2 (cadr type-tags))
(a1 (car args))
(a2 (cadr args)))
(let ((t1->t2 (get-coercion type1 type2))
(t2->t1 (get-coercion type2 type1)))
(cond (t1->t2
(apply-generic op (t1->t2 a1) a2))
(apply-generic op a1 (t2->t1 a2)))
(error "No method for these types"
(list op type-tags))))))
(error "No method for these types"
(list op type-tags)))))))

;; Coersion of type to itself
(define (scheme-number->scheme-number n) n)
(define (complex->complex z) z)
(put-coercion 'scheme-number 'scheme-number
(put-coercion 'complex 'complex complex->complex)

;; a. This results in infinite loop.

;; b. It works when an operation is found for these argument types.

;; c. Infinite loop is prevented:

(define (apply-generic op . args)
(let ((type-tags (map type-tag args)))
(let ((proc (get op type-tags)))
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (all-same? type-tags) ; added clause
(error "Matching types, but no operation available"
(list op type-tags))
(if (= (length args) 2)
(let ((type1 (car type-tags))
(type2 (cadr type-tags))
(a1 (car args))
(a2 (cadr args)))
(let ((t1->t2 (get-coercion type1 type2))
(t2->t1 (get-coercion type2 type1)))
(cond (t1->t2
(apply-generic op (t1->t2 a1) a2))
(apply-generic op a1 (t2->t1 a2)))
(error "No method for these types"
(list op type-tags))))))
(error "No method for these types"
(list op type-tags))))))))

;; Tests
(apply-generic 'add num1 num2) ; '(scheme-number . 16)

(apply-generic 'add
(make-complex-from-real-imag -1 4)
(make-scheme-number 3))
; '(complex rectangular 2 . 4)

(apply-generic 'mod c1 c1)
; Matching types, but no operation available (mod (complex complex))

(div c1 c1) ; '(complex polar 1 . 0.0)

(add (contents c2) (contents c2))
; Matching types, but no operation available (add (polar polar))

(get 'add '(polar polar)) ; false

(sub r1 r2) ; '(rational -1 . 12)
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.82.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@

;; General version accepting arbitrary number of arguments
(define (apply-generic op . args)
(let ((type-tags (map type-tag args)))
(define (typecasts typelist) ; tries to find a typecast function for every
(if (empty? typelist) ; type recursively, returns list of functions
(error "Cannot coerce all arguments to same type")
(let* ((targettype (car typelist))
(proclist (map (λ (typepair) (apply get-coercion typepair))
(map (λ (type) (cons type (list targettype)))
(if (empty? (filter false? proclist))
(typecasts (cdr typelist))))))
(let ((proc (get op type-tags)))
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (all-same? type-tags) ; added clause
(error "Matching types, but no operation available"
(list op type-tags))
(apply apply-generic (cons op (map (λ (f arg)
(f arg))
(typecasts type-tags)

;; This indeed attempts to apply the operation to arguments only when
;; the arguments are all the same type. As an example of legal operation
;; with different argument types would be exponentiating a real number
;; with a complex number or vice versa. Current system remains blind
;; to this possibility.

;; Tests
(define (install-3-argument-add)
(define (tag z) (attach-tag 'complex z))
(define (add-complex z1 z2 z3)
(make-from-real-imag (+ (real-part z1) (real-part z2) (real-part z3))
(+ (imag-part z1) (imag-part z2) (imag-part z3))))
(put 'add '(complex complex complex)
(lambda (z1 z2 z3) (tag (add-complex z1 z2 z3))))


(apply-generic 'add c2 c1 c1) ; '(complex rectangular 7.0 . 9.0)
(apply-generic 'add c1 num1 num1) ; '(complex rectangular 27 . 4)
(apply-generic 'add num1 num2 c1) ; '(complex rectangular 19 . 4)
(apply-generic 'add num2 c2 c1) ; '(complex rectangular 8.0 . 5.0)

((get-coercion 'scheme-number 'complex) num2)
((get-coercion 'scheme-number 'scheme-number) num1)
((get-coercion 'complex 'complex) c2)

;; Debugging constructs
(define (extract-types op . args)
(map type-tag args))

(extract-types 'a num1 num2 c2)

(define cproclist
(map (λ (typepair) (apply get-coercion typepair))
(map (λ (type) (cons type (list 'complex)))
(extract-types 'a num1 num2 c2))))

(if (empty? (filter false? cproclist))

(apply apply-generic
(cons 'add (map (λ (coercionproc arg)
(coercionproc (eval arg)))
'(num1 num2 c1))))
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.83.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

;; integer → rational → real → complex

;; See generic-arithmetic/setup.scm for coercion definitions.

;; Raising functions
(define raise-integer (get-coercion 'integer 'rational))
(define raise-rational (get-coercion 'rational 'real))
(define raise-real (get-coercion 'real 'complex))
(define (raise-complex z) z)

;; Generic raise
(define (raise num)
((get-coercion (type-tag num) 'raise) num))

(define (install-raise-package)
(put-coercion 'integer 'raise raise-integer)
(put-coercion 'rational 'raise raise-rational)
(put-coercion 'real 'raise raise-real)
(put-coercion 'complex 'raise raise-complex)


;; Tests
(raise-integer num2) ; '(rational 4 . 1)
(raise-rational r1) ; '(real 0.75)
(raise-real (make-real 6.2)) ; '(complex rectangular (6.2) . 0)
(raise-complex c1) ; unchanged

(raise (make-integer 7)) ; '(rational 7 . 1)
(raise r1) ; '(real . 0.75)
(raise (make-real 5.3)) ; '(complex rectangular 5.3 . 0)
(raise c1) ; '(complex rectangular 3 . 4)
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions 2.5/2.84.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@

;; First, we draw ourselves a clear picture of the current type tower.
;; If the tower changes, we just need to call 'build-type-tower' again.

;; testnum is typed number,
;; rank is type's "floor number",
;; tower is a hashmap
(define (build-type-tower testnum rank tower)
(let ((next-up (raise testnum))
(type (type-tag testnum)))
(hash-set! tower type rank)
(if (eq? type (type-tag next-up))
(build-type-tower next-up (add1 rank) tower))))

;; This probes the type hierarchy by successively raising the given
;; test number's type higher until top is reached. Highest type is
;; it's own supertype, e.g. (raise 'complex) -> 'complex. The procedure
;; returns a hashmap, where type is the key and height in type hierarchy
;; is the value.

(define type-tower
(build-type-tower (make-integer 2) 1 (make-hash)))

type-tower ; '#hash((integer . 1) (rational . 2) (real . 3) (complex . 4))

(hash-ref type-tower 'integer false) ; 1
(hash-ref type-tower 'real false) ; 3

(define (apply-generic op . args)
(let ((type-tags (map type-tag args)))
(let ((proc (get op type-tags)))
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (all-same? type-tags)
(error "Matching types, but no operation available"
(list op type-tags))
(if (= (length args) 2)
(let ((type1 (car type-tags))
(type2 (cadr type-tags))
(a1 (car args))
(a2 (cadr args))) ; major changes below this line
(let ((rank1 (hash-ref type-tower type1 false))
(rank2 (hash-ref type-tower type2 false)))
((not rank1) (error "No such type" type1))
((not rank2) (error "No such type" type2))
(define (raise-until targettype num)
(if (eq? (type-tag num) targettype)
(raise-until targettype (raise num))))
(if (< rank1 rank2)
(let ((raised-a1 (raise-until type2 a1)))
(apply-generic op raised-a1 a2))
(let ((raised-a2 (raise-until type1 a2)))
(apply-generic op a1 raised-a2)))))))
(error "I need two arguments, given" (length args))))))))

;; Tests

;; Just checking a subprocedure from apply-generic:
(let ((raisable (make-integer 7)))
(define (raise-until targettype num)
(if (eq? (type-tag num) targettype)
(raise-until targettype (raise num))))
(raise-until 'real raisable))
; '(real . 7.0)

(add r1 (make-real 14.6)) ; '(real . 15.35)
(mul c2 c1 r2) ; procedure mul: expects 2 arguments, given 3
(apply-generic 'add r1 c1) ; '(complex rectangular 3.75 . 4)
(apply-generic 'sub (make-integer 9) r1) ; '(rational 33 . 4)
(apply-generic 'div (make-real 4.8) (make-integer -2)) ; '(real . -2.4)
(apply-generic 'add r1 c1 c2 r2) ; I need two arguments, given 4
(apply-generic 'mul (make-integer 3) (make-integer 7)) ; '(integer . 21)

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