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[n.d.sqlite] Add 'transact' and 'query-scalar', refactor names
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alexander-yakushev committed Jan 25, 2015
1 parent e21e3fb commit 5595afe
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 51 deletions.
161 changes: 110 additions & 51 deletions src/clojure/neko/data/sqlite.clj
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Contains convenience functions to work with SQLite databases Android
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update])
(:require [clojure.string :as string])
(:use [neko.context :only [context]])
(:import [android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase SQLiteOpenHelper]
[android.database Cursor CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException SQLException]
[android.content ContentValues Context]
[clojure.lang Keyword PersistentVector]))

;; ### Database initialization

(def ^{:private true
:doc "Set of types available to be stored in a database. Byte
actually stands for array of bytes, or Blob in SQLite."}
supported-types #{Integer Long String Boolean Double Byte})
(def ^:private supported-types
"Mapping of SQLite types to respective Java classes. Byte actually stands for
array of bytes, or Blob in SQLite."
{"integer" Integer
"long" Long
"text" String
"boolean" Boolean
"double" Double
"blob" Byte})

(defn make-schema
"Creates a schema from arguments and validates it."
[& {:as schema}]
(assert (string? (:name schema)) ":name should be a String.")
(assert (number? (:version schema)) ":version should be a number.")
(assert (map? (:tables schema)) ":tables should be a map.")
(doseq [[table-name params] (:tables schema)]
(assert (keyword? table-name)
(str "Table name should be a keyword: " table-name))
(assert (map? params) (str "Table parameters should be a map: " table-name))
(assert (map? (:columns params))
(str "Table parameters should contain columns map: " table-name))
(doseq [[column-name col-params] (:columns params)]
(assert (keyword? column-name)
(str "Column name should be a keyword: " column-name))
(assert (map? col-params)
(str "Column parameters should be a map: " column-name))
(assert (supported-types (:type col-params))
(str "Type is not supported: " (:type col-params)))
(assert (:sql-type col-params)
(str "SQL type should be specified: " column-name))))
(assoc schema
{} (for [[table-name params] (:tables schema)]
(assert (keyword? table-name)
(str "Table name should be a keyword: " table-name))
(assert (map? params)
(str "Table parameters should be a map: " table-name))
(assert (map? (:columns params))
(str "Table parameters should contain columns map: " table-name))
(assoc params
{} (for [[column-name col-params] (:columns params)]
(assert (keyword? column-name)
(str "Column name should be a keyword: " column-name))
(assert (or (map? col-params) (class? Integer))
(str "Column type should be a map or a string:"
(let [col-type (if (string? col-params)
(:sql-type col-params))
java-type (-> (re-matches #"(\w+).*" col-type)
second supported-types)
col-params {:type java-type
:sql-type col-type}]
(assert java-type
(str "Type is not supported: " (:sql-type col-params)))
[column-name col-params])))))])))))

(defn- db-create-query
"Generates a table creation query from the provided schema and table
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database version mismatch."
{:forms '([context schema])}
(println "One-argument version is deprecated. Please use (create-helper context schema)")
(create-helper context schema))
(println "One-argument version is deprecated. Please use (create-helper context schema)")
(create-helper context schema))
([^Context context, {:keys [name version tables] :as schema}]
(SQLiteHelper. (.getApplicationContext context) name version
(for [table (keys tables)]
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;; A wrapper around SQLiteDatabase to keep database and its schema
;; together.
(deftype TaggedDatabase [db schema])
(deftype TaggedDatabase [^SQLiteDatabase db, schema])

(defn get-database
"Returns SQLiteDatabase instance for the given schema. Access-mode can be
either `:read` or `:write`."
{:forms '([context schema access-mode])}
([schema access-mode]
(println "Two-argument version is deprecated. Please use (get-database context schema access-mode)"))
(println "Two-argument version is deprecated. Please use (get-database context schema access-mode)")
(get-database context schema mode))
([context schema access-mode]
{:pre [(#{:read :write} access-mode)]}
(let [helper (create-helper context schema)]
(TaggedDatabase. (case access-mode
:read (.getReadableDatabase helper)
:write (.getWritableDatabase helper))
{:pre [(#{:read :write} access-mode)]}
(let [helper (create-helper context schema)]
(TaggedDatabase. (case access-mode
:read (.getReadableDatabase helper)
:write (.getWritableDatabase helper))

;; ### Data-SQL transformers

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:when (contains? data-map col)]
(let [value (get data-map col)]
(condp = type
Integer (.put cv (name col) ^Integer value)
Integer (.put cv (name col) ^Integer (int value))
Long (.put cv (name col) ^Long value)
Double (.put cv (name col) ^Double value)
String (.put cv (name col) ^String value)
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key = value2 ...`. Nested vectors is supported."
[k v]
(let [k (name k)]
(condp #(= % (type %2)) v
PersistentVector (let [[op & values] v]
(->> values
(map (partial keyval-to-sql k))
(interpose (str " " (name op) " "))
String (format "(%s = '%s')" k v)
Boolean (format "(%s = %s)" k (if v 1 0))
nil (format "(%s is NULL)" k)
(format "(%s = %s)" k v))))
(condp #(= % (type %2)) v
PersistentVector (let [[op & values] v]
(->> values
(map (partial keyval-to-sql k))
(interpose (str " " (name op) " "))
String (format "(%s = '%s')" k v)
Boolean (format "(%s = %s)" k (if v 1 0))
nil (format "(%s is NULL)" k)
(format "(%s = %s)" k v))))

;; ### SQL operations

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(interpose " AND ")

(defn db-query
(defn query
"Executes SELECT statement against the database and returns a Cursor
object with the results. `where` argument should be a map of column
keywords to values."
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(map name)
(.query ^SQLiteDatabase (.db tagged-db) (name table-name) columns
(.query (.db tagged-db) (name table-name) columns
(where-clause where) nil nil nil nil)))
(def db-query query)

(defn seq-cursor
"Turns data from Cursor object into a lazy sequence. Takes database
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(let [columns (get-in (.schema tagged-db) [:tables table-name :columns])
seq-fn (fn seq-fn []
(when-not (.isAfterLast cursor)
(if (.isAfterLast cursor)
(.close cursor)
(let [v (reduce-kv
(fn [data i [column-name {type :type}]]
(assoc data column-name
Expand All @@ -182,23 +207,57 @@
(cons v (seq-fn))))))]

(defn db-query-seq
(defn query-seq
"Executes a SELECT statement against the database and returns the
result in a sequence. Same as calling `seq-cursor` on `db-query` output."
result in a sequence. Same as calling `seq-cursor` on `query` output."
[^TaggedDatabase tagged-db table-name where]
(seq-cursor tagged-db table-name (db-query tagged-db table-name where)))
(def db-query-seq query-seq)

(defn db-update
(defn query-scalar
"Executes a SELECT statement against the database on a column and returns a
scalar value. `column` can be either a keyword or string-keyword pair where
string denotes the aggregation function."
[^TaggedDatabase tagged-db table-name column where]
(let [[aggregator column] (if (vector? column)
column [nil column])
type (get-in (.schema tagged-db)
[:tables table-name :columns column :type])
where-cl (where-clause where)
query (format "select %s from %s %s"
(if aggregator
(str aggregator "(" (name column) ")")
(name column))
(name table-name)
(if (seq where-cl)
(str "where " where-cl) ""))]
(with-open [cursor (.rawQuery (.db tagged-db) query nil)]
(try (.moveToFirst cursor)
(get-value-from-cursor cursor 0 type)
(catch CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException e nil)))))

(defn update
"Executes UPDATE query against the database generated from set and
where clauses given as maps where keys are column keywords."
[^TaggedDatabase tagged-db table-name set where]
(.update ^SQLiteDatabase (.db tagged-db) (name table-name)
(.update (.db tagged-db) (name table-name)
(map-to-content tagged-db table-name set)
(where-clause where) nil))
(def db-update update)

(defn db-insert
(defn insert
"Executes INSERT query against the database generated from data-map
where keys are column keywords."
[^TaggedDatabase tagged-db table-name data-map]
(.insert ^SQLiteDatabase (.db tagged-db) (name table-name) nil
(.insert (.db tagged-db) (name table-name) nil
(map-to-content tagged-db table-name data-map)))
(def db-insert insert)

(defmacro transact
"Wraps the code in beginTransaction-endTransaction calls for batch query
[db & body]
`(try (.beginTransaction (.db ~db))
(.setTransactionSuccessful (.db ~db))
(finally (.endTransaction (.db ~db)))))

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