t1dus@b00n0rp:~/CCAligner/install$ valgrind --leak-check=yes ./ccaligner -wav bbt.wav -srt bbt.srt --generate-grammar no ==24534== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==24534== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==24534== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==24534== Command: ./ccaligner -wav bbt.wav -srt bbt.srt --generate-grammar no ==24534== ____ ____ _ _ _ / ___/ ___| / \ | (_) __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | | | / _ \ | | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |__| |___ / ___ \| | | (_| | | | | __/ | \____\____/_/ \_\_|_|\__, |_| |_|\___|_| |___/ CCAligner 0.03 Alpha [Shubham] Word by Word Audio-Subtitle Synchronization Saurabh Shrivastava | saurabh.shrivastava54@gmail.com https://github.com/saurabhshri/CCAligner ===================================================== [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] audioFileName : bbt.wav [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] subtitleFileName : bbt.srt [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] outputFileName : bbt.xml [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] modelPath : model/ [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] lmPath : tempFiles/lm/complete.lm [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] dictPath : tempFiles/dict/complete.dict [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] fsgPath : tempFiles/fsg/ [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] phoneticLmPath : model/en-us-phone.lm.bin [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] logPath : tempFiles/09-11-2018-18-16-42.log [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] phonemeLogPath : tempFiles/phoneme-09-11-2018-18-16-42.log [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] alignerLogPath : tempFiles/aligner-09-11-2018-18-16-42.log [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] sampleWindow : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] audioWindow : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] searchWindow : 3 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] chosenAlignerType : 1 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] grammarType : 9 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] outputFormat : 1 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] printOption : 2 ==24534== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==24534== at 0x516303A: std::ostreambuf_iterator > std::num_put > >::_M_insert_int(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, long) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x51632E2: std::num_put > >::do_put(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, bool) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x516F7C7: std::ostream& std::ostream::_M_insert(bool) (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x219153: Logger::Log& Logger::Log::operator<< (bool const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217C0A: Params::printParams() const (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217139: Params::validateParams() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2164DE: Params::inputParams(int, char**) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17BD: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Use of uninitialised value of size 8 ==24534== at 0x5162B3E: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x5163063: std::ostreambuf_iterator > std::num_put > >::_M_insert_int(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, long) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x51632E2: std::num_put > >::do_put(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, bool) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x516F7C7: std::ostream& std::ostream::_M_insert(bool) (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x219153: Logger::Log& Logger::Log::operator<< (bool const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217C0A: Params::printParams() const (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217139: Params::validateParams() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2164DE: Params::inputParams(int, char**) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17BD: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==24534== at 0x5162B4B: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x5163063: std::ostreambuf_iterator > std::num_put > >::_M_insert_int(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, long) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x51632E2: std::num_put > >::do_put(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, bool) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x516F7C7: std::ostream& std::ostream::_M_insert(bool) (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x219153: Logger::Log& Logger::Log::operator<< (bool const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217C0A: Params::printParams() const (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217139: Params::validateParams() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2164DE: Params::inputParams(int, char**) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17BD: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==24534== at 0x5163096: std::ostreambuf_iterator > std::num_put > >::_M_insert_int(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, long) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x51632E2: std::num_put > >::do_put(std::ostreambuf_iterator >, std::ios_base&, char, bool) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x516F7C7: std::ostream& std::ostream::_M_insert(bool) (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.25) ==24534== by 0x219153: Logger::Log& Logger::Log::operator<< (bool const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217C0A: Params::printParams() const (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x217139: Params::validateParams() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2164DE: Params::inputParams(int, char**) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17BD: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] verbosity : 48 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] useFSG : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] transcribe : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] useBatchMode : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] ExperimentalParams : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] searchPhonemes : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] displayRecognised : 1 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] readStream : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] quickDict : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] quickLM : 0 [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] ===================================================== [11-09 18:16:42][Verbose] [11-09 18:16:44][Debug] Initialising Aligner using PocketSphinx [11-09 18:16:44][Debug] Audio Filename: bbt.wav Subtitle filename: bbt.srt [11-09 18:16:44][Info] Reading and decoding audio samples... [11-09 18:16:44][Debug] Begin reading WAV file [11-09 18:16:44][Debug] Opening mode chosen: readFile, proceeding [11-09 18:16:44][Debug] Trying to read from file : bbt.wav [11-09 18:16:44][Debug] Reading file data [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] File data read and stored in buffer [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Processing data and extracting samples [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Checking chunkID, should be RIFF [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Wave File chunkID verification successful [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Begin decoding wave file [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] File format is identified as WAV [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Finding FMT and DATA subchunks [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] FMT index : 12 , DATA index : 70 [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] PCM : True [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] MONO : True [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Sample Rate 16KHz : True [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] BitRate 16 bits/sec : True [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Number of samples : 34543104 [11-09 18:18:32][Debug] Reading samples [11-09 18:19:04][Debug] Successfully decoded [11-09 18:19:04][Debug] File decoded successfully [11-09 18:19:04][Debug] Initialising PocketSphinx decoder [11-09 18:19:04][Debug] Configuration: modelPath = model/ lmPath = tempFiles/lm/complete.lm dictPath = tempFiles/dict/complete.dict fsgPath = tempFiles/fsg/ logPath = tempFiles/aligner-09-11-2018-18-16-42.log [11-09 18:19:53][Info] Recognising and aligning.. ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 11412 End time of dialogue : 12778 Recognised : Actual : Previously on The Big Bang Theory ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 12780 End time of dialogue : 16382 Recognised : Actual : I was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 18052 End time of dialogue : 20052 Recognised : Actual : Princeton ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 20054 End time of dialogue : 22021 Recognised : Actual : A fine institution ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 23290 End time of dialogue : 25524 Recognised : Actual : The place where Albert Einstein taught ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 25526 End time of dialogue : 27593 Recognised : Actual : and where Leonard got his PhD ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 27595 End time of dialogue : 30229 Recognised : Actual : so it may have gone downhill ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 31432 End time of dialogue : 33599 Recognised : Actual : And just remember I'm proud of you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 33601 End time of dialogue : 35601 Recognised : Actual : And I support you in all that you do ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 36837 End time of dialogue : 38103 Recognised : Actual : That means a lot ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 38105 End time of dialogue : 39338 Recognised : Actual : Oh and one last thing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 39340 End time of dialogue : 42141 Recognised : Actual : If you find yourself working with a male scientist ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 42143 End time of dialogue : 44810 Recognised : Actual : who's as smart as me as tall as me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 44812 End time of dialogue : 46445 Recognised : Actual : and has hair like Thor ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 46447 End time of dialogue : 48814 Recognised : Actual : well then I want you to step away from the situation ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 48816 End time of dialogue : 50983 Recognised : Actual : and call me immediately ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 53287 End time of dialogue : 55087 Recognised : Actual : How are you settling in ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 55089 End time of dialogue : 56588 Recognised : Actual : AMY Pretty well ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 56590 End time of dialogue : 58724 Recognised : Actual : Princeton has a beautiful campus ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 58726 End time of dialogue : 60459 Recognised : Actual : Now I've learned some fun facts about New Jersey ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 60461 End time of dialogue : 61927 Recognised : Actual : to help you make small talk ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 61929 End time of dialogue : 63295 Recognised : Actual : Would you like to know ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 63297 End time of dialogue : 66432 Recognised : Actual : the state bird or the murder rate ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 67234 End time of dialogue : 69168 Recognised : Actual : They're both shocking ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 70504 End time of dialogue : 72504 Recognised : Actual : Actually I want to hear about you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 72506 End time of dialogue : 74039 Recognised : Actual : How are things at home ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 74041 End time of dialogue : 77042 Recognised : Actual : Well I'm a lot less likely to see an Eastern Goldfinch ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 77044 End time of dialogue : 79078 Recognised : Actual : or be murdered I'll tell you that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 80347 End time of dialogue : 81814 Recognised : Actual : I miss you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 81816 End time of dialogue : 83182 Recognised : Actual : I miss you too ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 83184 End time of dialogue : 85117 Recognised : Actual : It's so strange earlier today I ended a sentence ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 85119 End time of dialogue : 86785 Recognised : Actual : with a preposition ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 86787 End time of dialogue : 89721 Recognised : Actual : and you weren't there to correct my grammar ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 89723 End time of dialogue : 92791 Recognised : Actual : I'm sorry you had to go through that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 92793 End time of dialogue : 94893 Recognised : Actual : In fact ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 94895 End time of dialogue : 97930 Recognised : Actual : that's when I started to really miss you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 99233 End time of dialogue : 102267 Recognised : Actual : You know you just split an infinitive ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 102269 End time of dialogue : 105137 Recognised : Actual : Did I ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 105139 End time of dialogue : 107840 Recognised : Actual : Are you gonna teach me a lesson ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 109543 End time of dialogue : 111276 Recognised : Actual : I am ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 112580 End time of dialogue : 114113 Recognised : Actual : It is naughty to put an adverb ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 114115 End time of dialogue : 117716 Recognised : Actual : between the word to and the verb stem ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 117718 End time of dialogue : 120119 Recognised : Actual : What are you gonna do about it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 120121 End time of dialogue : 123322 Recognised : Actual : I'm going to admonish you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 123324 End time of dialogue : 125924 Recognised : Actual : Vigorously ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 125926 End time of dialogue : 129628 Recognised : Actual : That's the only kind of admonishing I do ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 130698 End time of dialogue : 133966 Recognised : Actual : Our whole universe was in a hot dense state ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 133968 End time of dialogue : 137469 Recognised : Actual : Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started Wait ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 137471 End time of dialogue : 139238 Recognised : Actual : The Earth began to cool ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 139240 End time of dialogue : 142040 Recognised : Actual : The autotrophs began to drool Neanderthals developed tools ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 142042 End time of dialogue : 143942 Recognised : Actual : We built the Wall We built the pyramids ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 143944 End time of dialogue : 146778 Recognised : Actual : Math Science History unraveling the mystery ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 146780 End time of dialogue : 148981 Recognised : Actual : That all started with a big bang ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 148983 End time of dialogue : 150983 Recognised : Actual : Bang ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 231165 End time of dialogue : 231463 Recognised : Actual : That all started with a big bang ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 231498 End time of dialogue : 233265 Recognised : Actual : Standby ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 233300 End time of dialogue : 235400 Recognised : Actual : Hey Katy let me show you how behind schedule we are ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 235436 End time of dialogue : 238670 Recognised : Actual : Yeah Are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 238706 End time of dialogue : 239805 Recognised : Actual : Yep ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 239840 End time of dialogue : 242207 Recognised : Actual : And my impractical wardrobe changes those all set ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 242243 End time of dialogue : 243709 Recognised : Actual : Not even close ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 243744 End time of dialogue : 245210 Recognised : Actual : Oh this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 245246 End time of dialogue : 246411 Recognised : Actual : Perfect ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 246447 End time of dialogue : 248180 Recognised : Actual : We're looking at a real train wreck here am I right ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 248215 End time of dialogue : 250349 Recognised : Actual : Wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 250384 End time of dialogue : 252117 Recognised : Actual : The Citi Double Cash card does ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 252152 End time of dialogue : 256488 Recognised : Actual : It lets you earn double cash back with one when you buy and one as you pay ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 256523 End time of dialogue : 257889 Recognised : Actual : The Citi Double Cash card ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 257925 End time of dialogue : 259925 Recognised : Actual : Double means double ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 268168 End time of dialogue : 271003 Recognised : Actual : Wow Good to know we have that on our Prius ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 275843 End time of dialogue : 277509 Recognised : Actual : And Lane Departure Alert ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 277544 End time of dialogue : 279378 Recognised : Actual : See what I mean With so many safety features ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 279413 End time of dialogue : 281580 Recognised : Actual : like Pedestrian Detection and Lane Departure Alert ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 281615 End time of dialogue : 283749 Recognised : Actual : Toyota doesn't need us test dummies as much ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 283784 End time of dialogue : 284850 Recognised : Actual : Oh I get it man ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 284885 End time of dialogue : 286485 Recognised : Actual : Hey I gotta get my thrills somehow ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 286520 End time of dialogue : 289354 Recognised : Actual : The two thousand seventeen Prius with Toyota Safety Sense standard ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 289390 End time of dialogue : 291056 Recognised : Actual : Toyota Let's Go Places ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 315381 End time of dialogue : 323789 Recognised : Actual : I don't care about the funny way you wear your hair ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 323824 End time of dialogue : 329194 Recognised : Actual : Someday you'll let me put my comb up there ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 329229 End time of dialogue : 335334 Recognised : Actual : 'Til then you're beautiful and I just stare ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 358759 End time of dialogue : 360225 Recognised : Actual : How's Sheldon doing with Amy gone ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 360227 End time of dialogue : 361693 Recognised : Actual : Well the last three nights ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 361695 End time of dialogue : 363962 Recognised : Actual : I've had to take him to get a haircut ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 363964 End time of dialogue : 366565 Recognised : Actual : to the train store and to a Walgreens in Arcadia ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 366567 End time of dialogue : 369701 Recognised : Actual : where they still have the good ibuprofen ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 370738 End time of dialogue : 373271 Recognised : Actual : Now ask me how I'm doing with Amy gone ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 373273 End time of dialogue : 374906 Recognised : Actual : How are you doing with Shut up ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 375876 End time of dialogue : 378977 Recognised : Actual : If you'd like we can help you out ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 378979 End time of dialogue : 380412 Recognised : Actual : Oh that would be great ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 380414 End time of dialogue : 381913 Recognised : Actual : I mean not me I've got a wife and child ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 381915 End time of dialogue : 385417 Recognised : Actual : but this one posts video of himself flossing on Instagram ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 386687 End time of dialogue : 388987 Recognised : Actual : It was a tutorial ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 390357 End time of dialogue : 392491 Recognised : Actual : And yes I'm happy to keep Sheldon company ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 392493 End time of dialogue : 395260 Recognised : Actual : Great Tonight he wants to look at ladders at Home Depot ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 395262 End time of dialogue : 396461 Recognised : Actual : Oh why does he need a ladder ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 396463 End time of dialogue : 398029 Recognised : Actual : He doesn't; he just likes looking at them ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 398031 End time of dialogue : 399831 Recognised : Actual : Bring a book ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 399833 End time of dialogue : 401266 Recognised : Actual : Gentlemen ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 401268 End time of dialogue : 402934 Recognised : Actual : You may remember Dr Nowitzki ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 402936 End time of dialogue : 405270 Recognised : Actual : She's back at Caltech for her postdoc ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 405272 End time of dialogue : 406538 Recognised : Actual : Hello Hello Hi ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 406540 End time of dialogue : 407839 Recognised : Actual : Oh let me bring a chair for you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 407841 End time of dialogue : 409241 Recognised : Actual : Oh thanks ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 409243 End time of dialogue : 410409 Recognised : Actual : Dr Nowitzki's going to tell me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 410411 End time of dialogue : 412077 Recognised : Actual : about the work she did at CERN ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 412079 End time of dialogue : 415747 Recognised : Actual : And she brought me this dutyfree Toblerone ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 415749 End time of dialogue : 417549 Recognised : Actual : Oh I love those ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 417551 End time of dialogue : 419851 Recognised : Actual : Let's sit somewhere else ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 423991 End time of dialogue : 426024 Recognised : Actual : What just happened ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 426026 End time of dialogue : 430362 Recognised : Actual : A stranger just lured Sheldon away with a candy bar ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 432566 End time of dialogue : 435000 Recognised : Actual : Wait isn't she the grad student that used to follow him around ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 435002 End time of dialogue : 436868 Recognised : Actual : Oh yeah ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 436870 End time of dialogue : 440972 Recognised : Actual : Back before he hit puberty and grew man parts ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 440974 End time of dialogue : 443074 Recognised : Actual : So what do you guys think that's about ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 443076 End time of dialogue : 444709 Recognised : Actual : Knowing Sheldon nothing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 444711 End time of dialogue : 448013 Recognised : Actual : So tell me about your scalar dark energy experiment ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 448015 End time of dialogue : 449481 Recognised : Actual : Not 'til you tell me about your latest paper ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 449483 End time of dialogue : 450782 Recognised : Actual : on quantum loop theory ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 450784 End time of dialogue : 454152 Recognised : Actual : Oh You must be one of those dessert before dinner people ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 456323 End time of dialogue : 460625 Recognised : Actual : He just made her laugh something's wrong ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 460627 End time of dialogue : 462994 Recognised : Actual : Do you see the way she's looking at him ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 462996 End time of dialogue : 466264 Recognised : Actual : Yeah Like Bernadette used to look at me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 466266 End time of dialogue : 469234 Recognised : Actual : I keep telling you close the bathroom door ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 471338 End time of dialogue : 472771 Recognised : Actual : Ah did you see that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 472773 End time of dialogue : 474940 Recognised : Actual : She just touched his hand and he didn't swat it away ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 474942 End time of dialogue : 477108 Recognised : Actual : What is happening ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 477110 End time of dialogue : 481012 Recognised : Actual : Okay the simplest explanation is usually the right one ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 481014 End time of dialogue : 482581 Recognised : Actual : Which is ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 482583 End time of dialogue : 485717 Recognised : Actual : That ain't Sheldon ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 488055 End time of dialogue : 489488 Recognised : Actual : Not only did they eat together ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 489490 End time of dialogue : 491389 Recognised : Actual : Leonard said he made her laugh ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 491391 End time of dialogue : 492557 Recognised : Actual : That's nothing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 492559 End time of dialogue : 494993 Recognised : Actual : Howie said she touched his hand ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 494995 End time of dialogue : 496261 Recognised : Actual : Did he Purell ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 496263 End time of dialogue : 498864 Recognised : Actual : No ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 500467 End time of dialogue : 503969 Recognised : Actual : mentioned the Toblerone but left that part out ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 503971 End time of dialogue : 506104 Recognised : Actual : Should we call Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 506106 End time of dialogue : 508673 Recognised : Actual : I don't know; we shouldn't worry her if it's nothing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 508675 End time of dialogue : 510909 Recognised : Actual : I guess we could wait till we have more information ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 510911 End time of dialogue : 512410 Recognised : Actual : about this girl Yeah ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 514681 End time of dialogue : 517249 Recognised : Actual : has somehow stirred up Sheldon's ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 517251 End time of dialogue : 519718 Recognised : Actual : sexual appetite ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 524791 End time of dialogue : 528026 Recognised : Actual : How can you think that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 529563 End time of dialogue : 532597 Recognised : Actual : Why would you even put those words together ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 532599 End time of dialogue : 533832 Recognised : Actual : All right then we agree ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 533834 End time of dialogue : 535200 Recognised : Actual : He's not making any moves ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 535202 End time of dialogue : 536968 Recognised : Actual : it's this Dr Ramona chick ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 536970 End time of dialogue : 539938 Recognised : Actual : Nowitzki I Googled her she's pretty cute ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 539940 End time of dialogue : 541573 Recognised : Actual : Really All I got from Leonard ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 541575 End time of dialogue : 545844 Recognised : Actual : was the Toblerone bar had nuts ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 548315 End time of dialogue : 550615 Recognised : Actual : I saw an articulating ladder ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 550617 End time of dialogue : 553318 Recognised : Actual : with dualleg leveling which delivers stability ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 553320 End time of dialogue : 555921 Recognised : Actual : and adaptability to uneven terrain ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 555923 End time of dialogue : 559457 Recognised : Actual : Sounds like a big night ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 559459 End time of dialogue : 561560 Recognised : Actual : Yeah Raj made the funniest joke he said ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 561562 End time of dialogue : 564796 Recognised : Actual : Which is the best ladder to use to hang myself ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 568235 End time of dialogue : 571036 Recognised : Actual : So you're keeping busy You're not lonely ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 571038 End time of dialogue : 572370 Recognised : Actual : Oh not at all ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 572372 End time of dialogue : 574673 Recognised : Actual : I've had outings with Leonard and Raj in the evening ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 574675 End time of dialogue : 577676 Recognised : Actual : and oh I had lunch with Dr Nowitzki ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 577678 End time of dialogue : 578743 Recognised : Actual : Who's he ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 578745 End time of dialogue : 580412 Recognised : Actual : Oh Dr Nowitzki is a woman ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 580414 End time of dialogue : 581580 Recognised : Actual : Oh Really ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 581582 End time of dialogue : 582914 Recognised : Actual : Uh when did you meet her ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 582916 End time of dialogue : 583915 Recognised : Actual : Many years ago ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 583917 End time of dialogue : 585684 Recognised : Actual : Back when she was a grad student ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 585686 End time of dialogue : 587519 Recognised : Actual : She's always been a huge fan of my work ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 587521 End time of dialogue : 589888 Recognised : Actual : and now she's doing research at Caltech ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 590857 End time of dialogue : 593858 Recognised : Actual : Huge fan you say ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 593860 End time of dialogue : 595894 Recognised : Actual : Yes I think you'd like her ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 595896 End time of dialogue : 598797 Recognised : Actual : She's extremely intelligent just like you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 598799 End time of dialogue : 601132 Recognised : Actual : Unlike you she's tall blonde ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 601134 End time of dialogue : 604202 Recognised : Actual : and used to be an Olympic swimmer ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 606106 End time of dialogue : 608540 Recognised : Actual : That's terrific I'll call you right back ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 611078 End time of dialogue : 612477 Recognised : Actual : Oh hey Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 612479 End time of dialogue : 615580 Recognised : Actual : I gave you one job ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 616583 End time of dialogue : 617749 Recognised : Actual : Keep an eye on him ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 617751 End time of dialogue : 619684 Recognised : Actual : How hard is that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 619686 End time of dialogue : 621319 Recognised : Actual : We thought you meant ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 621321 End time of dialogue : 624122 Recognised : Actual : not letting him run out into traffic ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 625492 End time of dialogue : 627525 Recognised : Actual : Which he only did once ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 627527 End time of dialogue : 628893 Recognised : Actual : Yeah ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 628895 End time of dialogue : 631296 Recognised : Actual : Why didn't you tell me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 631298 End time of dialogue : 632964 Recognised : Actual : We didn't want you to worry ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 632966 End time of dialogue : 634599 Recognised : Actual : Should I worry ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 634601 End time of dialogue : 635967 Recognised : Actual : No Come on it's Sheldon ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 635969 End time of dialogue : 637736 Recognised : Actual : Nothing is gonna happen ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 637738 End time of dialogue : 639304 Recognised : Actual : That's what you said to me when I started dating him ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 639306 End time of dialogue : 640772 Recognised : Actual : And then five years later ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 640774 End time of dialogue : 643575 Recognised : Actual : bingobango something happened ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 643577 End time of dialogue : 646177 Recognised : Actual : Yeah but you're gonna be back in three months ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 647547 End time of dialogue : 650015 Recognised : Actual : I've been smacking that ketchup bottle for a long time ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 650017 End time of dialogue : 651750 Recognised : Actual : All she's got to do is tip it over ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 651752 End time of dialogue : 654619 Recognised : Actual : and point it at her fries ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 654621 End time of dialogue : 656721 Recognised : Actual : Well what do you want us to do ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 656723 End time of dialogue : 658056 Recognised : Actual : I don't know ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 658058 End time of dialogue : 659557 Recognised : Actual : Might be the New Jersey talking ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 659559 End time of dialogue : 663428 Recognised : Actual : but this Nowitzki broad needs to disappear ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 663430 End time of dialogue : 665497 Recognised : Actual : That's ridiculous ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 665499 End time of dialogue : 666965 Recognised : Actual : As far as we know ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 666967 End time of dialogue : 669801 Recognised : Actual : all that happened is two scientists had lunch ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 669803 End time of dialogue : 671436 Recognised : Actual : Yeah but one of those scientists ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 671438 End time of dialogue : 673738 Recognised : Actual : is a tall blonde Olympic swimmer ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 673740 End time of dialogue : 676441 Recognised : Actual : Come on Looks don't matter to Sheldon ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 677210 End time of dialogue : 680845 Recognised : Actual : Because he only has eyes for you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 681715 End time of dialogue : 683081 Recognised : Actual : Nice try ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 683083 End time of dialogue : 685483 Recognised : Actual : Thanks I was scrambling ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 688221 End time of dialogue : 689654 Recognised : Actual : It's unbelievable ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 689656 End time of dialogue : 691489 Recognised : Actual : Sheldon has lunch with another woman ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 691491 End time of dialogue : 694092 Recognised : Actual : and somehow my wife yells at me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 694094 End time of dialogue : 695927 Recognised : Actual : Penny laid into me too ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 695929 End time of dialogue : 700598 Recognised : Actual : Apparently I'm overly fixated on premium Swiss chocolate bars ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 700600 End time of dialogue : 703468 Recognised : Actual : Can you even eat those things ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 703470 End time of dialogue : 705270 Recognised : Actual : If I take a Lactaid a halfhour before ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 705272 End time of dialogue : 707405 Recognised : Actual : and some Pepto right after ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 707407 End time of dialogue : 709007 Recognised : Actual : Sounds like a lot of work ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 709009 End time of dialogue : 711309 Recognised : Actual : Yeah Eh I'm worth it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 712479 End time of dialogue : 713912 Recognised : Actual : Guys Focus ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 713914 End time of dialogue : 715647 Recognised : Actual : Should we do something about Nowitzki ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 715649 End time of dialogue : 717916 Recognised : Actual : Like what ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 717918 End time of dialogue : 719451 Recognised : Actual : Uh well she's single ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 719453 End time of dialogue : 722087 Recognised : Actual : so if somebody else asks her out and she says yes ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 722089 End time of dialogue : 724322 Recognised : Actual : then we know she's not into Sheldon ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 724324 End time of dialogue : 726024 Recognised : Actual : I'll do it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 729763 End time of dialogue : 732330 Recognised : Actual : No offense Stuart ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 732332 End time of dialogue : 734432 Recognised : Actual : but thththe woman's a doctor ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 734434 End time of dialogue : 736835 Recognised : Actual : So Doctors like me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 736837 End time of dialogue : 738870 Recognised : Actual : Whenever I see mine he calls in ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 738872 End time of dialogue : 741973 Recognised : Actual : a bunch of other doctors to have a look ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 743877 End time of dialogue : 746044 Recognised : Actual : She's not that kind of doctor ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 746046 End time of dialogue : 747412 Recognised : Actual : STUART Oh ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 747414 End time of dialogue : 748813 Recognised : Actual : Well her loss ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 748815 End time of dialogue : 752984 Recognised : Actual : I've been called a genuine medical oddity ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 758325 End time of dialogue : 760091 Recognised : Actual : Actually I was going to suggest me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 760093 End time of dialogue : 763061 Recognised : Actual : Great Anybody's better than mmm ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 764397 End time of dialogue : 765730 Recognised : Actual : Excuse me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 765732 End time of dialogue : 767732 Recognised : Actual : They took out my spleen and gallbladder ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 767734 End time of dialogue : 769934 Recognised : Actual : not my feelings ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 777277 End time of dialogue : 778610 Recognised : Actual : Dr Nowitzki ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 778612 End time of dialogue : 780979 Recognised : Actual : Good to see you Good to see you too ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 780981 End time of dialogue : 782313 Recognised : Actual : May I join you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 782315 End time of dialogue : 783815 Recognised : Actual : No ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 786086 End time of dialogue : 788553 Recognised : Actual : Good to see you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 791458 End time of dialogue : 794092 Recognised : Actual : We should call Guinness that might be a record ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 795462 End time of dialogue : 797462 Recognised : Actual : She's clearly having a working lunch ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 797464 End time of dialogue : 799798 Recognised : Actual : and preferred to eat alone ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 799800 End time of dialogue : 802267 Recognised : Actual : Dr Cooper over here ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 803837 End time of dialogue : 807372 Recognised : Actual : I could have made her very happy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 807374 End time of dialogue : 810108 Recognised : Actual : You kept walking I think you did ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 812946 End time of dialogue : 815046 Recognised : Actual : Do you really think there's reason to worry ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 815048 End time of dialogue : 817315 Recognised : Actual : Yeah she's definitely going after Sheldon ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 817317 End time of dialogue : 819417 Recognised : Actual : I made a play for her and she shot me down ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 819419 End time of dialogue : 821486 Recognised : Actual : All right well that doesn't prove anything ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 821488 End time of dialogue : 825223 Recognised : Actual : Yeah there's a million reasons a woman would shoot Raj down ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 826760 End time of dialogue : 828760 Recognised : Actual : Like really a million ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 828762 End time of dialogue : 829894 Recognised : Actual : Fine hundreds ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 829896 End time of dialogue : 831196 Recognised : Actual : Thank you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 831198 End time of dialogue : 833198 Recognised : Actual : The point is this could be nothing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 833200 End time of dialogue : 835800 Recognised : Actual : and we are all overreacting ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 835802 End time of dialogue : 837368 Recognised : Actual : Hey everybody ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 837370 End time of dialogue : 838736 Recognised : Actual : This is my friend ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 838738 End time of dialogue : 840205 Recognised : Actual : Dr Nowitzki Hi ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 840207 End time of dialogue : 843341 Recognised : Actual : ALL Hi ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 843343 End time of dialogue : 846578 Recognised : Actual : We just went swimming ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 851116 End time of dialogue : 853484 Recognised : Actual : OK GOOGLE WHAT IS FOXYGEN'S LATEST ALBUM ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 853587 End time of dialogue : 856087 Recognised : Actual : ALL FOXYGEN'S LATEST ALBUM IS HANG ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 856189 End time of dialogue : 857822 Recognised : Actual : FOXYGEN EH ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 857924 End time of dialogue : 858890 Recognised : Actual : YOU LISTEN TO HANG YET ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 858992 End time of dialogue : 859891 Recognised : Actual : YEA ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 861661 End time of dialogue : 862627 Recognised : Actual : COOL ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 864264 End time of dialogue : 865496 Recognised : Actual : IS HE GONE ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 896762 End time of dialogue : 898863 Recognised : Actual : You know how your hair tangles the minute you wash it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 898899 End time of dialogue : 899964 Recognised : Actual : New Pantene ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 900000 End time of dialogue : 902433 Recognised : Actual : The first shampoo with active ProV nutrient blends ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 902469 End time of dialogue : 904702 Recognised : Actual : fueling hair one hundred stronger ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 904738 End time of dialogue : 906571 Recognised : Actual : that's instantly smoother and tangle free ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 906606 End time of dialogue : 908840 Recognised : Actual : Because Strong is Beautiful ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 911577 End time of dialogue : 914612 Recognised : Actual : At Zales we believe in a diamond kind of love ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 914648 End time of dialogue : 917215 Recognised : Actual : The kind we celebrate on Mother's Day ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 917250 End time of dialogue : 918116 Recognised : Actual : Right now ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 918151 End time of dialogue : 920585 Recognised : Actual : save three thousand fifty off everything ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 920620 End time of dialogue : 924088 Recognised : Actual : For the gift that will last for generations ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 924124 End time of dialogue : 925790 Recognised : Actual : Zales The Diamond Store ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 956255 End time of dialogue : 957255 Recognised : Actual : Wish your skin could bounce ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 957290 End time of dialogue : 959524 Recognised : Actual : back like it used to ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 959559 End time of dialogue : 961492 Recognised : Actual : Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 961528 End time of dialogue : 963027 Recognised : Actual : With hyaluronic acid ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 963063 End time of dialogue : 964262 Recognised : Actual : it plumps skin cells with ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 964297 End time of dialogue : 966364 Recognised : Actual : intense hydration and locks it in ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 966399 End time of dialogue : 968666 Recognised : Actual : For supple hydrated skin ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 968702 End time of dialogue : 969567 Recognised : Actual : Hydro Boost ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 969602 End time of dialogue : 970768 Recognised : Actual : From Neutrogena ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 971503 End time of dialogue : 972303 Recognised : Actual : It's time for some ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 972339 End time of dialogue : 973371 Recognised : Actual : Straight Talk ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 973406 End time of dialogue : 975173 Recognised : Actual : If you love your phone ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 975208 End time of dialogue : 976874 Recognised : Actual : but hate your bill ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 978845 End time of dialogue : 980511 Recognised : Actual : Do something about it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 981281 End time of dialogue : 982747 Recognised : Actual : No not that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 982782 End time of dialogue : 983948 Recognised : Actual : Straight Talk Wireless ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 983984 End time of dialogue : 985650 Recognised : Actual : let's you keep your phone number ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 985685 End time of dialogue : 987418 Recognised : Actual : and four G LTE network ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 987454 End time of dialogue : 988853 Recognised : Actual : for a lot less ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 988888 End time of dialogue : 991055 Recognised : Actual : with the Bring Your Own Phone Activation Kit ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 991091 End time of dialogue : 992490 Recognised : Actual : It's time to ask yourself ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 992525 End time of dialogue : 993992 Recognised : Actual : Why haven't I switched ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 994027 End time of dialogue : 995827 Recognised : Actual : Unlimited talk text and data ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 995862 End time of dialogue : 997228 Recognised : Actual : for fortyfive dollars a month ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 997263 End time of dialogue : 998463 Recognised : Actual : No contract ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 998498 End time of dialogue : 999764 Recognised : Actual : Straight Talk Wireless ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 999799 End time of dialogue : 1000832 Recognised : Actual : Only at Walmart ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1032465 End time of dialogue : 1034399 Recognised : Actual : Did you know that more women than men die of a stroke ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1034467 End time of dialogue : 1036401 Recognised : Actual : Learn the medical and lifestyle changes ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1036469 End time of dialogue : 1039937 Recognised : Actual : that can substantially reduce your risk at Strokeorg ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1111076 End time of dialogue : 1113611 Recognised : Actual : How far should pure alpine spring water have to travel ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1113646 End time of dialogue : 1115513 Recognised : Actual : from its source to the bottle ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1119953 End time of dialogue : 1121919 Recognised : Actual : How about less than a mile and a half ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1121955 End time of dialogue : 1124655 Recognised : Actual : Crystal Geyser is the only major US spring water bottled ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1124691 End time of dialogue : 1125523 Recognised : Actual : at the mountain source ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1156054 End time of dialogue : 1158589 Recognised : Actual : How far should pure alpine spring water have to travel ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1158625 End time of dialogue : 1160491 Recognised : Actual : from its source to the bottle ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1164931 End time of dialogue : 1166898 Recognised : Actual : How about less than a mile and a half ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1166933 End time of dialogue : 1169634 Recognised : Actual : Crystal Geyser is the only major US spring water bottled ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1169669 End time of dialogue : 1170501 Recognised : Actual : at the mountain source ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1177477 End time of dialogue : 1179443 Recognised : Actual : And you actually got in a pool ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1179445 End time of dialogue : 1181045 Recognised : Actual : I was scared ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1181047 End time of dialogue : 1184949 Recognised : Actual : but I told myself it's just a big bathtub ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1186019 End time of dialogue : 1187185 Recognised : Actual : Then I got scared again 'cause there are ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1187187 End time of dialogue : 1189120 Recognised : Actual : all these strangers in my bathtub ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1190056 End time of dialogue : 1191789 Recognised : Actual : I was proud of him a lot of people ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1191791 End time of dialogue : 1193624 Recognised : Actual : don't put their face in the water on the first day ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1193626 End time of dialogue : 1197228 Recognised : Actual : Well I was hiding from a bee but it still counts ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1198998 End time of dialogue : 1202133 Recognised : Actual : Can I just squeeze in here ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1204671 End time of dialogue : 1207238 Recognised : Actual : So Sheldon have you talked to Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1207240 End time of dialogue : 1208839 Recognised : Actual : Yes we Skyped this morning ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1208841 End time of dialogue : 1210474 Recognised : Actual : and I'm sure I'll check in with her before I go to sleep ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1210476 End time of dialogue : 1211809 Recognised : Actual : Sheldon talks about her ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1211811 End time of dialogue : 1213544 Recognised : Actual : all the time I can't wait to meet her ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1213546 End time of dialogue : 1214879 Recognised : Actual : That is true ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1214881 End time of dialogue : 1218349 Recognised : Actual : She keeps asking how long Amy's going to be gone ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1219953 End time of dialogue : 1222119 Recognised : Actual : Uh so Ramona tell us about yourself ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1222121 End time of dialogue : 1223754 Recognised : Actual : Do you do you have a boyfriend ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1223756 End time of dialogue : 1226324 Recognised : Actual : Leonard your wife is sitting right here ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1226326 End time of dialogue : 1228226 Recognised : Actual : What are you doing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1230663 End time of dialogue : 1233264 Recognised : Actual : No my work doesn't leave me a lot of time for relationships ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1233266 End time of dialogue : 1235499 Recognised : Actual : I think you made that very clear ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1235501 End time of dialogue : 1239070 Recognised : Actual : She was part of the American team at CERN ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1239072 End time of dialogue : 1242173 Recognised : Actual : I had a front row seat when they detected the Higgs boson ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1242175 End time of dialogue : 1243741 Recognised : Actual : Do you know ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1243743 End time of dialogue : 1245576 Recognised : Actual : I've corresponded with Peter Higgs ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1245578 End time of dialogue : 1247178 Recognised : Actual : Would you like to see some of his letters ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1247180 End time of dialogue : 1249013 Recognised : Actual : Absolutely I'll get them ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1249015 End time of dialogue : 1251282 Recognised : Actual : Well hang on I'll come with you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1251284 End time of dialogue : 1252617 Recognised : Actual : Oh fun ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1252619 End time of dialogue : 1254785 Recognised : Actual : Like a play date ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1257290 End time of dialogue : 1258956 Recognised : Actual : Okay correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that exactly ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1258958 End time of dialogue : 1261559 Recognised : Actual : what we were supposed to stop from happening ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1261561 End time of dialogue : 1263694 Recognised : Actual : I threw my body at them ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1263696 End time of dialogue : 1266297 Recognised : Actual : what else did you want me to do ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1267133 End time of dialogue : 1269533 Recognised : Actual : You think you should call Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1269535 End time of dialogue : 1271836 Recognised : Actual : You got fingers and a mouth you call her ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1274841 End time of dialogue : 1276474 Recognised : Actual : Here you go ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1276476 End time of dialogue : 1278376 Recognised : Actual : Are these all from Peter Higgs ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1278378 End time of dialogue : 1279710 Recognised : Actual : Hmm Oh no no no ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1279712 End time of dialogue : 1281078 Recognised : Actual : They're from many famous people ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1281080 End time of dialogue : 1282446 Recognised : Actual : See Oh like this one ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1282448 End time of dialogue : 1283981 Recognised : Actual : This is from Patrick Stewart ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1283983 End time of dialogue : 1286450 Recognised : Actual : It says if I come to his house again ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1286452 End time of dialogue : 1288819 Recognised : Actual : I get to meet his dogs ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1292425 End time of dialogue : 1294492 Recognised : Actual : Oh excuse me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1296029 End time of dialogue : 1299130 Recognised : Actual : Hello Sheldon Oh hello Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1300266 End time of dialogue : 1301499 Recognised : Actual : I was missing you again ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1301501 End time of dialogue : 1303167 Recognised : Actual : I miss you too ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1303169 End time of dialogue : 1304635 Recognised : Actual : Hey this is good timing ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1304637 End time of dialogue : 1307471 Recognised : Actual : Remember that Dr Nowitzki I told you about ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1307473 End time of dialogue : 1308873 Recognised : Actual : She's right here ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1308875 End time of dialogue : 1312043 Recognised : Actual : Shshe's what ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1313012 End time of dialogue : 1314879 Recognised : Actual : Hello ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1314881 End time of dialogue : 1317415 Recognised : Actual : Hi ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1317417 End time of dialogue : 1318916 Recognised : Actual : So nice to meet you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1318918 End time of dialogue : 1320851 Recognised : Actual : Uhhuh ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1322955 End time of dialogue : 1325356 Recognised : Actual : Hang on ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1325358 End time of dialogue : 1327458 Recognised : Actual : Hello ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1327460 End time of dialogue : 1330328 Recognised : Actual : A little late Leonard ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1332365 End time of dialogue : 1334598 Recognised : Actual : What is Leonard doing calling you at this hour ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1334600 End time of dialogue : 1336734 Recognised : Actual : It's not important ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1336736 End time of dialogue : 1339837 Recognised : Actual : I must tell you that seems a little inappropriate ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1339839 End time of dialogue : 1341238 Recognised : Actual : Don't you agree ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1341240 End time of dialogue : 1342440 Recognised : Actual : I do ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1342442 End time of dialogue : 1344208 Recognised : Actual : See ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1344210 End time of dialogue : 1346377 Recognised : Actual : We both think so ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1348715 End time of dialogue : 1350247 Recognised : Actual : All right this is making me crazy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1350249 End time of dialogue : 1351515 Recognised : Actual : Somebody's got to go over there ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1351517 End time of dialogue : 1354285 Recognised : Actual : You got feet and legs you do it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1356989 End time of dialogue : 1358089 Recognised : Actual : Will you with me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1358091 End time of dialogue : 1361258 Recognised : Actual : To do what Shake a can of nickels at them ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1362362 End time of dialogue : 1365129 Recognised : Actual : We're being ridiculous ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1365131 End time of dialogue : 1366564 Recognised : Actual : There's no way a woman that attractive ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1366566 End time of dialogue : 1370234 Recognised : Actual : is trying to seduce Sheldon Cooper ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1370236 End time of dialogue : 1373371 Recognised : Actual : You done trying to make yourself feel better ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1373373 End time of dialogue : 1376774 Recognised : Actual : No I haven't played the race card yet ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1378311 End time of dialogue : 1381379 Recognised : Actual : Hey I hate to break up the party ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1381381 End time of dialogue : 1385049 Recognised : Actual : but Amy says I'm tired and have to go to bed ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1386252 End time of dialogue : 1388052 Recognised : Actual : It was nice seeing everybody ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1388054 End time of dialogue : 1389253 Recognised : Actual : Thank you for dinner ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1389255 End time of dialogue : 1390588 Recognised : Actual : Sure Our pleasure ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1390590 End time of dialogue : 1392957 Recognised : Actual : Whatever ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1392959 End time of dialogue : 1394558 Recognised : Actual : Walk me to my car ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1394560 End time of dialogue : 1395826 Recognised : Actual : Of course ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1395828 End time of dialogue : 1398729 Recognised : Actual : We'll all go ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1414013 End time of dialogue : 1415646 Recognised : Actual : Excuse me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1426993 End time of dialogue : 1429160 Recognised : Actual : Pardon I just need to yeah ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1440807 End time of dialogue : 1443007 Recognised : Actual : It was like Mario Kart ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1446012 End time of dialogue : 1448512 Recognised : Actual : Bye ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1448514 End time of dialogue : 1450080 Recognised : Actual : We need to talk ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1450082 End time of dialogue : 1451916 Recognised : Actual : Wh Is this about Leonard and Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1451918 End time of dialogue : 1453684 Recognised : Actual : I don't like it either ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1457256 End time of dialogue : 1459657 Recognised : Actual : Okay I know you don't have a lot of experience with women ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1459659 End time of dialogue : 1461125 Recognised : Actual : but Ramona seems to have ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1461127 End time of dialogue : 1463194 Recognised : Actual : a romantic interest in you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1463196 End time of dialogue : 1464962 Recognised : Actual : That doesn't make any sense ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1464964 End time of dialogue : 1466730 Recognised : Actual : She knows I have a girlfriend ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1466732 End time of dialogue : 1468732 Recognised : Actual : Well sometimes women don't care ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1468734 End time of dialogue : 1470835 Recognised : Actual : Sometimes it makes them want a guy even more ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1470837 End time of dialogue : 1473304 Recognised : Actual : That may be true ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1473306 End time of dialogue : 1475739 Recognised : Actual : but Dr Nowitzki's just a friend ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1475741 End time of dialogue : 1478142 Recognised : Actual : In fact I wouldn't have even noticed she's a woman ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1478144 End time of dialogue : 1481679 Recognised : Actual : if she hadn't worn that bathing suit that highlighted her bosom ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1484684 End time of dialogue : 1486717 Recognised : Actual : Okay Um ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1486719 End time of dialogue : 1488719 Recognised : Actual : Think of yourself as one of those ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1488721 End time of dialogue : 1491288 Recognised : Actual : limited edition toys people like to collect ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1491290 End time of dialogue : 1494358 Recognised : Actual : I already do ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1495428 End time of dialogue : 1497428 Recognised : Actual : Well then you get it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1499866 End time of dialogue : 1501398 Recognised : Actual : I'm more valuable ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1501400 End time of dialogue : 1502900 Recognised : Actual : Right ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1502902 End time of dialogue : 1504935 Recognised : Actual : Although Amy's already taken me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1504937 End time of dialogue : 1508105 Recognised : Actual : out of my package and played with me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1511477 End time of dialogue : 1513511 Recognised : Actual : Let's forget the toy thing okay ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1513513 End time of dialogue : 1516480 Recognised : Actual : Um maybe Penny look I appreciate your concern ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1516482 End time of dialogue : 1518849 Recognised : Actual : but I don't think that's what's happening ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1518851 End time of dialogue : 1521652 Recognised : Actual : All right What do you think is happening ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1521654 End time of dialogue : 1524788 Recognised : Actual : I think Dr Nowitzki is a friendly colleague ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1524790 End time of dialogue : 1528759 Recognised : Actual : I think you and Leonard need to see a marriage counselor ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1530096 End time of dialogue : 1531962 Recognised : Actual : And I need to update my rsum ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1531964 End time of dialogue : 1534198 Recognised : Actual : to include swimming as a special skill ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1542108 End time of dialogue : 1545042 Recognised : Actual : Don't look at me like that I tried ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1549481 End time of dialogue : 1551815 Recognised : Actual : So brother how are things careerwise ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1551851 End time of dialogue : 1554084 Recognised : Actual : You're fired ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1554120 End time of dialogue : 1556120 Recognised : Actual : Crushing it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1556155 End time of dialogue : 1557555 Recognised : Actual : Get your mojo back ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1557590 End time of dialogue : 1558989 Recognised : Actual : We're going back to villainy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1563129 End time of dialogue : 1564662 Recognised : Actual : So bad ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1564697 End time of dialogue : 1566730 Recognised : Actual : So good that I'm so bad ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1566766 End time of dialogue : 1568632 Recognised : Actual : Guarantee I'll be the greatest ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1568668 End time of dialogue : 1570434 Recognised : Actual : So you two are villains now ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1572939 End time of dialogue : 1574738 Recognised : Actual : I mean hello sweetie ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1574774 End time of dialogue : 1576173 Recognised : Actual : Despicable Me three ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1577543 End time of dialogue : 1578542 Recognised : Actual : Rated PG ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1579277 End time of dialogue : 1580611 Recognised : Actual : My Daughter is ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1580646 End time of dialogue : 1582980 Recognised : Actual : studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1583015 End time of dialogue : 1583881 Recognised : Actual : She said Dad ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1583916 End time of dialogue : 1585716 Recognised : Actual : Go Pro with Crest ProHealth ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1585751 End time of dialogue : 1587251 Recognised : Actual : four out of five dentists confirm these ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1587286 End time of dialogue : 1588285 Recognised : Actual : Crest ProHealth products ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1588321 End time of dialogue : 1589687 Recognised : Actual : &help maintain a professional clean ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1589722 End time of dialogue : 1590421 Recognised : Actual : Crest ProHealth ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1590456 End time of dialogue : 1591689 Recognised : Actual : really brought my mouth ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1591724 End time of dialogue : 1592590 Recognised : Actual : to the next level ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1592625 End time of dialogue : 1593991 Recognised : Actual : Go Pro with Crest ProHealth ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1594759 End time of dialogue : 1596760 Recognised : Actual : If you want to be a world traveler start by ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1596796 End time of dialogue : 1598929 Recognised : Actual : Ooh is that a Galaxy S eight ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1598965 End time of dialogue : 1600097 Recognised : Actual : Handsome screen ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1600132 End time of dialogue : 1600931 Recognised : Actual : Well pack that ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1600967 End time of dialogue : 1602733 Recognised : Actual : oop oh OK we're moving fast ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1602768 End time of dialogue : 1604101 Recognised : Actual : You'll need a tour guide ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1604136 End time of dialogue : 1605603 Recognised : Actual : Apparently not ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1605638 End time of dialogue : 1607605 Recognised : Actual : Don't forget a big camera ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1607640 End time of dialogue : 1609273 Recognised : Actual : Or that phone will work ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1609308 End time of dialogue : 1611775 Recognised : Actual : Traveling by yourself can be lonely ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1611811 End time of dialogue : 1613844 Recognised : Actual : And you've already made friends ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1615815 End time of dialogue : 1618582 Recognised : Actual : OK I guess you have the world traveler thing covered ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1625890 End time of dialogue : 1627424 Recognised : Actual : Hey Allergy Muddlers ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1627526 End time of dialogue : 1629960 Recognised : Actual : Are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1630062 End time of dialogue : 1631328 Recognised : Actual : Try ZYRTEC ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1631430 End time of dialogue : 1633631 Recognised : Actual : It's starts working hard at hour one ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1633733 End time of dialogue : 1636166 Recognised : Actual : And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1636268 End time of dialogue : 1638936 Recognised : Actual : Stick with ZYRTEC and Muddle No More ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1644976 End time of dialogue : 1646210 Recognised : Actual : Hit it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1646245 End time of dialogue : 1647578 Recognised : Actual : Now look what you made me do ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1647613 End time of dialogue : 1649613 Recognised : Actual : You and me baby it takes two ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1649649 End time of dialogue : 1651515 Recognised : Actual : Bringing new moves to the old school ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1651550 End time of dialogue : 1653917 Recognised : Actual : Time for the whole world to enjoy the view ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1653953 End time of dialogue : 1656153 Recognised : Actual : We can go left They can go right ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1656188 End time of dialogue : 1658155 Recognised : Actual : Save me a dance for the end of the night ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1658190 End time of dialogue : 1660024 Recognised : Actual : When I'm with you it's a party ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1660059 End time of dialogue : 1661025 Recognised : Actual : Don't care where we're going ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1661060 End time of dialogue : 1662793 Recognised : Actual : one two three get loose now ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1662828 End time of dialogue : 1665229 Recognised : Actual : It takes two to make a thing go right ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1666365 End time of dialogue : 1669033 Recognised : Actual : It takes two to make it out of sight ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1670335 End time of dialogue : 1671435 Recognised : Actual : Ugh no bars ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1672471 End time of dialogue : 1673270 Recognised : Actual : Oh no looks like somebody needs a new network ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1673372 End time of dialogue : 1674805 Recognised : Actual : When I got this unlimited plan ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1674907 End time of dialogue : 1675939 Recognised : Actual : they told me they were all the same ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1676042 End time of dialogue : 1676940 Recognised : Actual : They're not ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1677043 End time of dialogue : 1678575 Recognised : Actual : Verizon has the largest mostreliable ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1678678 End time of dialogue : 1680844 Recognised : Actual : four G LTE network in America ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1680946 End time of dialogue : 1682613 Recognised : Actual : It's basically made for places like this ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1682715 End time of dialogue : 1684448 Recognised : Actual : Honey what if it was just us out here Right ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1684550 End time of dialogue : 1686216 Recognised : Actual : So I ordered you a car ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1686318 End time of dialogue : 1687985 Recognised : Actual : Thank you You don't want to be out here at night ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1688087 End time of dialogue : 1689219 Recognised : Actual : 'cause of the uh coyotes ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1689321 End time of dialogue : 1690354 Recognised : Actual : Ok thanks bud Bye ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1690456 End time of dialogue : 1692423 Recognised : Actual : Be nice to have your car for some shelter ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1692525 End time of dialogue : 1693424 Recognised : Actual : Bye ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1693526 End time of dialogue : 1694658 Recognised : Actual : When it really really matters ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1694760 End time of dialogue : 1696894 Recognised : Actual : you need the best network and the best unlimited ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1696996 End time of dialogue : 1698729 Recognised : Actual : Just $45 per line for four lines ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1713913 End time of dialogue : 1716013 Recognised : Actual : Hey did you eat yet ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1716015 End time of dialogue : 1717981 Recognised : Actual : Uh breakfast yes lunch no ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1717983 End time of dialogue : 1719650 Recognised : Actual : I did have a cough drop ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1719652 End time of dialogue : 1723287 Recognised : Actual : but that really rides the line between sucking and eating ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1724123 End time of dialogue : 1725923 Recognised : Actual : Well perfect I made us sandwiches ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1725925 End time of dialogue : 1727725 Recognised : Actual : How thoughtful ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1727727 End time of dialogue : 1728859 Recognised : Actual : Thank you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1728861 End time of dialogue : 1729993 Recognised : Actual : Mmm No big deal ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1729995 End time of dialogue : 1731795 Recognised : Actual : I enjoy spending time with you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1731797 End time of dialogue : 1733530 Recognised : Actual : And I with you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1733532 End time of dialogue : 1735799 Recognised : Actual : Question ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1735801 End time of dialogue : 1739570 Recognised : Actual : are you seeking a romantic relationship with me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1740439 End time of dialogue : 1742106 Recognised : Actual : What if I were ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1742108 End time of dialogue : 1745509 Recognised : Actual : Well that would raise a number of problems ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1745511 End time of dialogue : 1746710 Recognised : Actual : We're colleagues ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1746712 End time of dialogue : 1748278 Recognised : Actual : I'm currently in a relation ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1756155 End time of dialogue : 1758789 Recognised : Actual : Excuse me a moment ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1818150 End time of dialogue : 1819116 Recognised : Actual : Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1819118 End time of dialogue : 1820150 Recognised : Actual : Amy ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1838470 End time of dialogue : 1840404 Recognised : Actual : Will you marry me ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1876475 End time of dialogue : 1878575 Recognised : Actual : Hey can you help me put some of the food out ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1878577 End time of dialogue : 1880444 Recognised : Actual : Yeah Let me finish packing this stuff up ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1880446 End time of dialogue : 1882679 Recognised : Actual : You know how Sheldon is if he sees Christmas stuff ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1882681 End time of dialogue : 1884248 Recognised : Actual : lying around after New Year's ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1884250 End time of dialogue : 1886650 Recognised : Actual : Yeah but he doesn't live here anymore ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1886652 End time of dialogue : 1888452 Recognised : Actual : Well he doesn't live at Walmart but he still threw ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1888454 End time of dialogue : 1892656 Recognised : Actual : a tantrum when he saw Marshmallow Peeps after Easter ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1892658 End time of dialogue : 1894324 Recognised : Actual : And that's the same man who complains ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1894326 End time of dialogue : 1897794 Recognised : Actual : you can't find Marshmallow Peeps after Easter ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1899198 End time of dialogue : 1901598 Recognised : Actual : Oh It's Bernadette She says they're running late ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1901600 End time of dialogue : 1903033 Recognised : Actual : The baby threw up on Howard ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1903035 End time of dialogue : 1905936 Recognised : Actual : and then Howard threw up on Howard ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1905938 End time of dialogue : 1909139 Recognised : Actual : Well he didn't throw up on the baby That's a win ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1910309 End time of dialogue : 1912075 Recognised : Actual : Hello Hi ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1912077 End time of dialogue : 1913477 Recognised : Actual : Hi Welcome back How was Texas ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1913479 End time of dialogue : 1916179 Recognised : Actual : Oh you know The Lone Star state Hmm ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1916181 End time of dialogue : 1917915 Recognised : Actual : That should be its Yelp rating ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1917917 End time of dialogue : 1921051 Recognised : Actual : It was not a great trip ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1921053 End time of dialogue : 1922185 Recognised : Actual : Well you're home now ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1922187 End time of dialogue : 1923553 Recognised : Actual : Yeah It is good to be home ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1923555 End time of dialogue : 1926590 Recognised : Actual : I Oh good Lord Is that mistletoe ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1926592 End time of dialogue : 1929393 Recognised : Actual : Don't you maniacs own a calendar ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1929395 End time of dialogue : 1932596 Recognised : Actual : I told him to take it down He would not listen to me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1934066 End time of dialogue : 1937634 Recognised : Actual : Our whole universe was in a hot dense state ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1937636 End time of dialogue : 1940971 Recognised : Actual : Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started Wait ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1940973 End time of dialogue : 1942606 Recognised : Actual : The Earth began to cool ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1942608 End time of dialogue : 1945142 Recognised : Actual : The autotrophs began to drool Neanderthals developed tools ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1960058 End time of dialogue : 1962125 Recognised : Actual : Hook up your whole crew at Cricket Wireless ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1963095 End time of dialogue : 1965228 Recognised : Actual : For just $20 per month per line with five lines ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1965297 End time of dialogue : 1967097 Recognised : Actual : Plus switch and get up to five FREE ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1967166 End time of dialogue : 1968966 Recognised : Actual : select Samsung Galaxy phones ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1969034 End time of dialogue : 1972035 Recognised : Actual : So get more save more and get down ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1972104 End time of dialogue : 1973937 Recognised : Actual : Cricket Wireless Something to Smile About ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1989854 End time of dialogue : 1991588 Recognised : Actual : I have spent years taking overthecounter products ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1991623 End time of dialogue : 1993223 Recognised : Actual : for my belly pain and constipation ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1993258 End time of dialogue : 1994758 Recognised : Actual : I've had it up to here ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1994793 End time of dialogue : 1998395 Recognised : Actual : It's been month after month of fiber ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 1998430 End time of dialogue : 2000764 Recognised : Actual : Weeks taking probiotics ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2000799 End time of dialogue : 2002899 Recognised : Actual : Days and nights of laxatives ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2002935 End time of dialogue : 2004835 Recognised : Actual : only to have my symptoms return ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2006105 End time of dialogue : 2007437 Recognised : Actual : tell your doctor what you've tried ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2007473 End time of dialogue : 2009072 Recognised : Actual : and how long you've been at it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2009108 End time of dialogue : 2011241 Recognised : Actual : LINZESS works differently from laxatives ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2011276 End time of dialogue : 2013243 Recognised : Actual : LINZESS treats adults with IBS ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2013278 End time of dialogue : 2015245 Recognised : Actual : with Constipation or Chronic Constipation ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2015280 End time of dialogue : 2017080 Recognised : Actual : It can help relieve your belly pain ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2017116 End time of dialogue : 2019349 Recognised : Actual : and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2019385 End time of dialogue : 2020917 Recognised : Actual : that are easier to pass ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2020953 End time of dialogue : 2023253 Recognised : Actual : Do not give LINZESS to children less than six ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2023288 End time of dialogue : 2025655 Recognised : Actual : and it should not be given to children six to less than eighteen ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2025691 End time of dialogue : 2027257 Recognised : Actual : It may harm them ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2027292 End time of dialogue : 2029593 Recognised : Actual : Don't take LINZESS if you have a bowel blockage ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2029628 End time of dialogue : 2030794 Recognised : Actual : Get immediate help if you develop ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2030829 End time of dialogue : 2032629 Recognised : Actual : unusual or severe stomach pain ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2032664 End time of dialogue : 2034631 Recognised : Actual : especially with bloody or black stools ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2034666 End time of dialogue : 2037934 Recognised : Actual : The most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2037970 End time of dialogue : 2039836 Recognised : Actual : If it's severe stop taking LINZESS ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2039872 End time of dialogue : 2041605 Recognised : Actual : and call your doctor right away ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2041640 End time of dialogue : 2043006 Recognised : Actual : Other side effects include gas ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2043042 End time of dialogue : 2044941 Recognised : Actual : stomacharea pain and swelling ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2044977 End time of dialogue : 2046109 Recognised : Actual : Talk to your doctor about ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2046145 End time of dialogue : 2047110 Recognised : Actual : managing your symptoms ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2047146 End time of dialogue : 2048779 Recognised : Actual : proactively with LINZESS ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2051183 End time of dialogue : 2052916 Recognised : Actual : Can you hear it ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2052951 End time of dialogue : 2055786 Recognised : Actual : This ice cold Coke is calling you ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2055821 End time of dialogue : 2057454 Recognised : Actual : I'm just a dollar ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2057489 End time of dialogue : 2059990 Recognised : Actual : at McDonald'scome get me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2061727 End time of dialogue : 2063527 Recognised : Actual : Don't let the ice cold deliciously ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2063562 End time of dialogue : 2065262 Recognised : Actual : refreshing Coke down ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2069134 End time of dialogue : 2072736 Recognised : Actual : So go now like right now and get any ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2072771 End time of dialogue : 2075038 Recognised : Actual : size soft drink for just $1 ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2075074 End time of dialogue : 2076940 Recognised : Actual : Only at McDonald's ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2101600 End time of dialogue : 2103834 Recognised : Actual : Did you at least have a good flight down there ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2103836 End time of dialogue : 2105135 Recognised : Actual : It was fine ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2105137 End time of dialogue : 2107337 Recognised : Actual : Other than the weirdtasting juice Amy gave me ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2107339 End time of dialogue : 2110040 Recognised : Actual : I slept the whole way ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2110042 End time of dialogue : 2113176 Recognised : Actual : So what happened in Texas that was so bad ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2113178 End time of dialogue : 2114611 Recognised : Actual : And before our next drive to ComicCon ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2114613 End time of dialogue : 2116713 Recognised : Actual : I need the name of that juice ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2116715 End time of dialogue : 2120517 Recognised : Actual : Well we were on our way to my mother's house ----------------------------------------- Recognised: nullptr ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2128861 End time of dialogue : 2130560 Recognised : Actual : How did you get him in the car ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2130562 End time of dialogue : 2132195 Recognised : Actual : I rented one of those carts ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2132197 End time of dialogue : 2134464 Recognised : Actual : pushed him toward the open door and just let inertia ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2134466 End time of dialogue : 2137000 Recognised : Actual : take care of the rest ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2139705 End time of dialogue : 2141605 Recognised : Actual : So while we're at your mother's house ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2141607 End time of dialogue : 2145442 Recognised : Actual : it might be a good time to tell her that we're living together ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2145444 End time of dialogue : 2146943 Recognised : Actual : Do we have to ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2146945 End time of dialogue : 2150180 Recognised : Actual : I really don't want to hear the religious lecture ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2150182 End time of dialogue : 2152349 Recognised : Actual : Maybe there won't be one ----------------------------------------- Start time of dialogue : 2154720 End time of dialogue : 2157320 Recognised : Actual : She gave it to my sister about her boyfriend ==24534== Invalid read of size 8 ==24534== at 0x4C367E0: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x29A45D: fe_shift_frame (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2975FC: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773c40 is 0 bytes after a block of size 69,086,208 alloc'd ==24534== at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x213D40: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate(unsigned long, void const*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2139B2: std::allocator_traits >::allocate(std::allocator&, unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2132AB: std::_Vector_base >::_M_allocate(unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2128ED: short* std::vector >::_M_allocate_and_copy<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > > >(unsigned long, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x211805: std::vector >::operator=(std::vector > const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20C1F9: PocketsphinxAligner::PocketsphinxAligner(Params*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EB3: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Invalid read of size 8 ==24534== at 0x4C367EE: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x29A45D: fe_shift_frame (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2975FC: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773c48 is 8 bytes after a block of size 69,086,208 alloc'd ==24534== at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x213D40: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate(unsigned long, void const*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2139B2: std::allocator_traits >::allocate(std::allocator&, unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2132AB: std::_Vector_base >::_M_allocate(unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2128ED: short* std::vector >::_M_allocate_and_copy<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > > >(unsigned long, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x211805: std::vector >::operator=(std::vector > const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20C1F9: PocketsphinxAligner::PocketsphinxAligner(Params*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EB3: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Invalid read of size 2 ==24534== at 0x4C36750: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x29A45D: fe_shift_frame (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2975FC: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773cb0 is 69,086,320 bytes inside a block of size 69,087,136 in arena "client" ==24534== ==24534== Invalid read of size 8 ==24534== at 0x4C367EE: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x2977E1: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773c40 is 0 bytes after a block of size 69,086,208 alloc'd ==24534== at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x213D40: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate(unsigned long, void const*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2139B2: std::allocator_traits >::allocate(std::allocator&, unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2132AB: std::_Vector_base >::_M_allocate(unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2128ED: short* std::vector >::_M_allocate_and_copy<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > > >(unsigned long, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x211805: std::vector >::operator=(std::vector > const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20C1F9: PocketsphinxAligner::PocketsphinxAligner(Params*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EB3: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Invalid read of size 8 ==24534== at 0x4C367E0: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x2977E1: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773c48 is 8 bytes after a block of size 69,086,208 alloc'd ==24534== at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x213D40: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate(unsigned long, void const*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2139B2: std::allocator_traits >::allocate(std::allocator&, unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2132AB: std::_Vector_base >::_M_allocate(unsigned long) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2128ED: short* std::vector >::_M_allocate_and_copy<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > > >(unsigned long, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x211805: std::vector >::operator=(std::vector > const&) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20C1F9: PocketsphinxAligner::PocketsphinxAligner(Params*) (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EB3: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== Invalid read of size 2 ==24534== at 0x4C36750: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x2977E1: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773df0 is 69,086,640 bytes inside a block of size 69,087,136 in arena "client" ==24534== ==24534== Invalid read of size 1 ==24534== at 0x4C367A9: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x29A45D: fe_shift_frame (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2975FC: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== Address 0x1a773df4 is 69,086,644 bytes inside a block of size 69,087,136 in arena "client" ==24534== ==24534== ==24534== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ==24534== Access not within mapped region at address 0x1A774000 ==24534== at 0x4C367E0: memmove (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x29A45D: fe_shift_frame (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2975FC: fe_process_frames_ext (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x29705B: fe_process_frames (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x2617BB: acmod_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259BD0: ps_process_raw (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4B4: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== If you believe this happened as a result of a stack ==24534== overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but ==24534== possible), you can try to increase the size of the ==24534== main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag. ==24534== The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608. ==24534== ==24534== HEAP SUMMARY: ==24534== in use at exit: 330,665,253 bytes in 7,805 blocks ==24534== total heap usage: 833,104 allocs, 825,299 frees, 1,003,447,910 bytes allocated ==24534== ==24534== 4,100 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 218 of 289 ==24534== at 0x4C31D2F: realloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==24534== by 0x2B4FB6: __ckd_realloc__ (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x27A693: ngram_search_mark_bptable (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x285179: ngram_fwdtree_search (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x27BBD3: ngram_search_step (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x259E00: ps_end_utt (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20E4D9: PocketsphinxAligner::recognise() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x20EBCA: PocketsphinxAligner::align() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x204EC2: CCAligner::initAligner() (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== by 0x1D17E5: main (in /home/t1dus/CCAligner/install/ccaligner) ==24534== ==24534== LEAK SUMMARY: ==24534== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==24534== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==24534== possibly lost: 4,100 bytes in 1 blocks ==24534== still reachable: 330,661,153 bytes in 7,804 blocks ==24534== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==24534== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown. ==24534== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ==24534== ==24534== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==24534== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from ==24534== ERROR SUMMARY: 154 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) Segmentation fault (core dumped)