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Make BINDING* accept declarations, kinda.
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It's not perfect, but this works now:
  (BINDING* (((Q R) (FLOOR X Y))
             (S (+ R 3)))
  • Loading branch information
snuglas committed Jun 16, 2014
1 parent 588eb58 commit 4c0c126
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 30 deletions.
82 changes: 52 additions & 30 deletions src/code/early-extensions.lisp
Expand Up @@ -1245,37 +1245,59 @@
;;; FLAG may be NIL or :EXIT-IF-NULL
;;; This form unites LET*, MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND and AWHEN.
;;; Any name in a list of names may be NIL to ignore the respective value.
;;; If NAMES itself is nil, the initial-value form is evaluated only for effect.
;;; Clauses with no flags and one binding per clause are equivalent to LET*.
;;; We reduce to LET* when possible so that the body can contain declarations
;;; without having to split out declarations which affect variables and insert
;;; them into the appropriate places. This qualifies as an extreme KLUDGE,
;;; but has desirable behavior of allowing declarations in the innermost form.
(defmacro binding* ((&rest bindings) &body body)
(let ((bindings (reverse bindings)))
(loop with form = `(progn ,@body)
for binding in bindings
do (destructuring-bind (names initial-value &optional flag)
(multiple-value-bind (names declarations)
(etypecase names
(let ((name (gensym)))
(values (list name) `((declare (ignorable ,name))))))
(values (list names) nil))
(collect ((new-names) (ignorable))
(dolist (name names)
(when (eq name nil)
(setq name (gensym))
(ignorable name))
(new-names name))
(values (new-names)
(when (ignorable)
`((declare (ignorable ,@(ignorable)))))))))
(setq form `(multiple-value-bind ,names
,(ecase flag
((nil) form)
`(when ,(first names) ,form)))))))
finally (return form))))
((recurse (bindings &aux ignores)
((not bindings) body)
((some (lambda (x)
(destructuring-bind (names value-form &optional flag) x
(declare (ignore value-form))
(or flag (not (symbolp names)))))
(destructuring-bind (names value-form &optional flag) (car bindings)
(etypecase names
;; () for names is esoteric. Does anyone really need that?
(null (setq names (list (gensym)) ignores names))
(symbol (setq names (list names)))
(setq names (mapcar (lambda (name)
(or name (car (push (gensym) ignores))))
`((multiple-value-bind ,names ,value-form
,@(ignore ignores)
,@(ecase flag
((nil) (recurse (cdr bindings)))
`((when ,(first names)
,@(recurse (cdr bindings))))))))))
`((let* ,(mapcar (lambda (binding)
(if (car binding)
(let ((var (gensym)))
(push var ignores)
(cons var (cdr binding)))))
,@(ignore ignores)
(ignore (list)
;; IGNORABLE, not IGNORE, just in case :EXIT-IF-NULL reads a gensym
(if list `((declare (ignorable ,@list))))))
;; Zero bindings have to be special-cased. RECURSE returns a list of forms
;; because we musn't wrap BODY in a PROGN if it contains declarations,
;; so we unwrap once here, but if the body was returned as the base case
;; of recursion then (CAR (RECURSE)) would be wrong.
(if bindings (car (recurse bindings)) `(locally ,@body))))

;;; Delayed evaluation
(defmacro delay (form)
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