Have a look to Gorilla-CPM, a Modula-2 game for CP/M using XTerm
XTerm stands for "Cross-Terminal". It's a Modula-2 library for CP/M. It handles different kinds of terminals for easy cursor positioning, colors (when available), and screen handling. XTerm has been entirely written using a Commodore 128.
- VT52 (monochrome, no text effects)
- VT100 (monochrome)
- ANSI (colors)
- KayPro (monochrome)
- ADM-31 (monochrome)
- C128 (colors)
- Memotech (monochrome)
- Amstrad CPC 6128 / Zenith Z19 (monochrome)
- source - Source code in Turbo Modula-2 (Borland)
- binary - Compiled files for CP/M-80
- xterm.sym - XTerm library itself (symbols).
- xterm.mcd - XTerm library itself (object code).
- main.mcd - Demo module - compiled
- main.com - Demo module - linked executable