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connects you Phhotoresistor to IFTTT
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Add conditional for notification to email/text

Need to break out of REST API literal to add global char pointers for event name and api keys string concatenation.  I will correct soon
  • Loading branch information
sborsay committed Nov 19, 2016
1 parent 7a213d1 commit bb45f86
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 0 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions IFTTT_PhotoResistor
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
/* Simple test of the functionality of the photo resistor

Connect the photoresistor one leg to pin 0, and pin to +5V
Connect a resistor (around 10k is a good value, higher
values gives higher readings) from pin 0 to GND. (see appendix of arduino notebook page 37 for schematics).


PhotoR 10K
+5 o---/\/\/--.--/\/\/---o GND
Pin 0 o-----------


#include "ESP8266WiFi.h"
//#include "DHT.h"
//#define Photo_Pin A0 // what digital pin we're connected to pin2 to D4 on esp board

int PhotoR_Pin = A0;

#define WEBSITE ""

const char * MY_SSID = <your_SSID>";
const char * MY_PWD = "<YOur_PAssword>";

const char * EventName = "<Your event name>";
const char * apiKey = "<Your AapiKey from IFTTT>";

void setup()
Serial.print("Connecting to "+*MY_SSID);
WiFi.begin(MY_SSID, MY_PWD);

while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) //not connected, ...waiting to connect

Serial.println("Credentials accepted! Connected to wifi\n ");

void loop()
// Wait a few seconds between measurements.
Serial.println ((String) EventName );
float PhotoR = analogRead(PhotoR_Pin);
Serial.println(analogRead(PhotoR_Pin)); //Write the value of the photoresistor
//to the serial monitor.

WiFiClient client;

if (client.connect(WEBSITE, 80))
Serial.println("WiFi Client connected ");

client.print(String("POST ") +
+ (String) PhotoR
// + "&value2=" + (String) t
// + "&value3=" + (String) f
// + "&Value4=" + (String) hic
// + "&Value5=" + (String) hif

+ " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + WEBSITE + "\r\n" +
// "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n");

String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');

} //end client connect

else Serial.print("couldnt connect to IFTTT\n"); //if client connect failed


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