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@eed3si9n eed3si9n released this 26 Dec 19:29
· 515 commits to develop since this release


Changes with compatibility implications

BSP improvements

  • Fixes .sbtopts not getting picked up when sbt server is started by Metals #6593 by @adpi2
  • Fixes BSP IntelliJ import when java is not on PATH #6576 by @github-samuel-clarenc
  • Implements BSP buildTarget/cleanCache, which fixes IntelliJ rebuild #6638 by @hmemcpy
  • Implements BSP build/taskProgress notifications #6642 by @hmemcpy
  • Improves BSP IntelliJ import by sending information about sbt server process failure #6573 by @github-samuel-clarenc
  • Makes BSP requests robust to some target failures #6609 by @adpi2
  • Sends BSP diagnostics and meaningful error message when reloading fails #6566 by @adpi2
  • Fixes handling of sources in the base directory #6701 by @adpi2
  • Fixes sbtn buffer not printing out all the outputs on system out #6703 by @adpi2
  • Fixes infinite loop when server fails to load #6707 by @adpi2
  • Fixes handling of fake position such as <macro>, which are occasionally returned by the compiler #6730 by @eed3si9n
  • Adds sbt shutdownall to shutdown all sbt server instances #6697 by @er1c
  • Adds sbt --no-server to not start the server or use a virtual terminal #6728 by @eed3si9n

Zinc improvements

Remote caching improvements

sbt 1.6.0 improves remote caching of resources directory by virtualizing the internal sync state (copy-resources.txt). This allows incremental resource directory synching to be resumed from the remote cache, similar to how Zinc has been able to resume incremental compilation from the remote cache. This was contributed by Amina Adewusi (@Nirvikalpa108) as #6611.

Dependency tree improvements

  • Fixes dependencyTree to use asciiGraphWidth setting 6693 by @kijuky
  • Fixes rendering cycles in dependencyBrowseTree #6675 by @nimatrueway
  • Migrates dependencyBrowseTree to use Contraband data types instead of scala.util.parsing.json #6699 by @Nirvikalpa108

Other updates