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Added eval exercises
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paualarco committed Mar 9, 2020
1 parent 221407d commit 2341c3d
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Showing 4 changed files with 210 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/main/scala/catslib/CatsLibrary.scala
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ object CatsLibrary extends org.scalaexercises.definitions.Library {

override def logoPath = "cats"
Expand Down
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/catslib/EvalSection.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
* scala-exercises - exercises-cats
* Copyright (C) 2015-2019 47 Degrees, LLC. <>

package catslib

import cats._
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

/** Eval is a data type for controlling synchronous evaluation.
* Its implementation is designed to provide stack-safety at all times using a technique called trampolining.
* There are two different factors that play into evaluation: memoization and laziness.
* Memoized evaluation evaluates an expression only once and then remembers (memoizes) that value.
* Lazy evaluation refers to when the expression is evaluated.
* We talk about eager evaluation if the expression is immediately evaluated when defined and about lazy evaluation if the expression is evaluated when it’s first used.
* For example, in Scala, a lazy val is both lazy and memoized, a method definition def is lazy, but not memoized, since the body will be evaluated on every call.
* A normal val evaluates eagerly and also memoizes the result.
* Eval is able to express all of these evaluation strategies and allows us to chain computations using its Monad instance.
* @param name Eval
object EvalSection extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with org.scalaexercises.definitions.Section {

/** = =
* First of the strategies is eager evaluation, we can construct an Eval eagerly using
* {{{
* import cats.Eval
* // import cats.Eval
* import cats.implicits._
* // import cats.implicits._
* val eager = {
* println("Running expensive calculation...")
* 1 + 2 * 3
* }
* // Running expensive calculation...
* // eager: cats.Eval[Int] = Now(7)
* }}}
* We can run the computation using the given evaluation strategy anytime by using the value method.
* eager.value
* // res0: Int = 7
def nowEval(resultList: List[Int]) = {
val eagerEval = {
println("This is eagerly evaluated")
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

eagerEval.value shouldBe (resultList: List[Int])

/** = Eval.later =
* If we want lazy evaluation, we can use Eval.later
* In this case
* {{{
* val lazyEval = Eval.later {
* println("Running expensive calculation...")
* 1 + 2 * 3
* }
* // lazyEval: cats.Eval[Int] = cats.Later@6c2b03e9
* lazyEval.value
* // Running expensive calculation...
* // res1: Int = 7
* lazyEval.value
* // res2: Int = 7
* }}}
* Notice that “Running expensive calculation” is printed only once, since the value was memoized internally.
* Meaning also that the resulted operation was only computed once.
* Eval.later is different to using a lazy val in a few different ways.
* First, it allows the runtime to perform garbage collection of the thunk after evaluation, leading to more memory being freed earlier.
* Secondly, when lazy vals are evaluated, in order to preserve thread-safety, the Scala compiler will lock the whole surrounding class, whereas Eval will only lock itself.
def laterEval(resultList: List[Int], counterResult: Int) = {
val n = 2
var counter = 0
val lazyEval = Eval.later {
println("This is lazyly evaluated with caching")
counter = counter + 1
(1 to n)

List.fill(n)("").foreach(_ => lazyEval.value)
lazyEval.value shouldBe (resultList: List[Int])
counter shouldBe counterResult

/** = Eval.always =
* If we want lazy evaluation, but without memoization akin to Function0, we can use Eval.always
* Here we can see, that the expression is evaluated every time we call .value.
* {{{
* val alwaysEval = Eval.always(println("Always evaluated"))
* //Always evaluated
* alwaysEval.eval
* //Always evaluated
* alwaysEval.eval
* //Always evaluated
* alwaysEval.eval
* }}}
def alwaysEval(resultList: List[Int], counterAfterListEval: Int, latestCounter: Int) = {
val n = 4
var counter = 0
val alwaysEval = Eval.always {
println("This is lazyly evaluated without caching")
counter = counter + 1
(1 to n)

List.fill(n)("").foreach(_ => alwaysEval.value)
counter shouldBe counterAfterListEval
alwaysEval.value shouldBe (resultList: List[Int])
counter shouldBe latestCounter

/** = Eval.defer =
* Defer a computation which produces an Eval[A] value
* This is useful when you want to delay execution of an expression which produces an Eval[A] value. Like .flatMap, it is stack-safe.
* Because Eval guarantees stack-safety, we can chain a lot of computations together using flatMap without fear of blowing up the stack.
def deferEval(resultList: List[Int]) = {
val list = List.fill(3)(0)

val deferedEval: Eval[List[Int]] = => Eval.defer(Eval.later(e)))

Eval.defer(deferedEval).value shouldBe (resultList: List[Int])

52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/test/scala/catslib/EvalSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* scala-exercises - exercises-cats
* Copyright (C) 2015-2019 47 Degrees, LLC. <>

package catslib

import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
import org.scalaexercises.Test
import org.scalatest.refspec.RefSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.Checkers
import shapeless.HNil

class EvalSpec extends RefSpec with Checkers {

def `eager eval (now) is evaluated` = {
EvalSection.nowEval _,
List(1, 2, 3) :: HNil

def `later eval is only evaluated` = {
EvalSection.laterEval _,
List(1, 2) :: 1 :: HNil

def `always eval is only evaluated` = {
EvalSection.alwaysEval _,
List(1, 2, 3, 4) :: 4 :: 5 :: HNil

def `defer eval chaining with flatMap` = {
EvalSection.deferEval _,
List(0, 0, 0) :: HNil
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion version.sbt
@@ -1 +1 @@
version in ThisBuild := "0.6.0-SNAPSHOT"
version in ThisBuild := "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"

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