diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 1c05b4fd6be1..b7cf0d5be784 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -1,66 +1,76 @@ -# Scala Project & Developer Guidelines +# Welcome! Thank you for contributing to Scala! -These guidelines are meant to be a living document that should be changed and adapted as needed. We encourage changes that make it easier to achieve our goals in an efficient way. +Last year, you -- the Scala community -- matched the core team at EPFL in number of commits contributed to Scala 2.11, doubling the percentage of commits from outside EPFL/Typesafe since 2.10. Excellent work! -## General Workflow +We are super happy about this, and are eager to make your experience contributing to Scala productive and satisfying, so that we can keep up this growth. We can't do this alone (nor do we want to)! -This is the process for committing code to the Scala project. There are of course exceptions to these rules, for example minor changes to comments and documentation, fixing a broken build etc. +This is why we're collecting these notes on how to contribute, and we hope you'll share your experience to improve the process for the next contributor! (Feel free to send a PR for this note, send your thoughts to scala-internals, or tweet about it to @adriaanm.) -1. Make sure you have signed the [Scala CLA](http://typesafe.com/contribute/cla/scala), if not, sign it. -2. Before starting to work on a feature or a fix, it's good practice to ensure that: - 1. There is a ticket for your work in the project's issue tracker. If not, create it first (perhaps given a thumbs up from the scala-internals mailing list first). - 2. The ticket has been discussed and prioritized by the team. -3. You should always perform your work in its own Git branch. The branch should be given a descriptive name that explains its intent. Some teams also like adding the ticket number and/or the [GitHub](http://github.com) user ID to the branch name, these details is up to each of the individual teams. (See below for more details on branch naming.) -4. When the feature or fix is completed you should open a [Pull Request](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests) on GitHub. -5. The Pull Request should be reviewed by other maintainers (as many as feasible/practical). Note that a reviewer can also be an outside contributor-- members of Typesafe and independent contributors are encouraged to participate in the review process. It is not a closed process. Please try to avoid conflict of interest -- the spirit of the review process is to evenly distribute the understanding of our code base across its maintainers as well as to load balance quality assurance. Assigning a review to a "sure win" reviewer is not a good long-term solution. -6. After the review, you should resolve issues brought up by the reviewers as needed (pushing a new commit to address reviewers' comments), iterating until the reviewers give their thumbs up, the "LGTM" (acronym for "Looks Good To Me"). -7. Once the code has passed review the Pull Request can be merged into the distribution. +## What kind of PR are you submitting? -## Pull Request Requirements +Regardless of the nature of your Pull Request, we have to ask you to sign the [Scala CLA](http://typesafe.com/contribute/cla/scala), to protect the OSS nature of the code base. -First, please have a look at and follow the [Pull Request Policy](https://github.com/scala/scala/wiki/Pull-Request-Policy) for guidelines on submitting a pull request to the Scala project. +### Documentation +Whether you finally decided you couldn't stand that annoying typo anymore, you fixed the outdated code sample in some comment, or you wrote a nice, comprehensive, overview for an under-documented package, some docs for a class or the specifics about a method, your documentation improvement is very much appreciated, and we will do our best to fasttrack it. -In order for a Pull Request to be considered, it has to meet these requirements: +You can make these changes directly in your browser in GitHub, or follow the same process as for code. Up to you! -1. Live up to the current code standard: +For bigger documentation changes, you may want to poll the (scala-internals) mailing list first, to quickly gauge whether others support the direction you're taking, so there won't be any surprises when it comes to reviewing your PR. + +### Code + +You're always welcome to submit a PR straight away, although we recommend announcing your intentions on scala-internals first, to avoid duplicated effort, or spending a lot of time reworking something we are not able to change at this time in the release cycle, for example. + +To reduce friction, we use the [fork & pull](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/#fork--pull) approach to pull requests: you fork the official repository, develop your pull request in a branch in your fork, and send us a request to have your work pulled into the official fork (i.e., a Pull Request). + +The kind of code we can accept depends on the life cycle for the release you're targeting. The current maintenance release (2.11.x) cannot break source/binary compatibility, which means public APIs cannot change. It also means we are reluctanct to change, e.g., type inference or implicit search, as this can have unforeseen consequences for source compatibility. + +#### Bug Fix + +Prefix your commit title with "SI-NNNN", where https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-NNNN tracks the bug you're fixing. We also recommend naming your branch after the Jira ticket number. + +Please make sure the Jira ticket's fix version corresponds to the upcoming milestone for the branch your PR targets (the CI automation will automatically assign the milestone after you open the PR). + +#### Enhancement or New Feature + +For longer-running development, likely required for this category of code contributions, we suggest you include "topic" or "wip" in your branch name, to indicate that this is work in progress, and that others should be prepared to rebase if they branch off your branch. + +Any language change (including bug fixes) must be accompanied by the relevant updates to the spec, which lives in the same repository for this reason. + +A new language feature requires a SIP (Scala Improvement Process) proposal. For more details on submitting SIPs, see [how to submit a SIP](http://docs.scala-lang.org/sips/sip-submission.html). + +#### Summary + +1. We require regression tests for bug fixes. New features and enhancements must be supported by a respectable test suite. +2. Documentation. Yep! Also required :-) +3. Please follow these standard code standards, though in moderation (scouts quickly learn to let sleeping dogs lie): - Not violate [DRY](http://programmer.97things.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/Don%27t_Repeat_Yourself). - [Boy Scout Rule](http://programmer.97things.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/The_Boy_Scout_Rule) should be applied. -2. Tests are of paramount importance. -3. The code must be well documented in the project's standard documentation format (see the ‘Documentation’ section below). -If *all* of these requirements are not met then the code should **not** be merged into the distribution, and need not even be reviewed. +Please also have a look at our [Pull Request Policy](https://github.com/scala/scala/wiki/Pull-Request-Policy), as well as the [Scala Hacker Guide](http://www.scala-lang.org/contribute/hacker-guide.html) by @xeno-by. + -## Documentation +## Git Hygiene -All contributed code should come accompanied with documentation. Pull requests containing undocumented code will not be accepted. Both user-facing Scaladoc comments, as well as committer-facing internal documentation (i.e. important design decisions that other maintainers should know about should be placed inline with line comments `//`) should be accompanying all contributed code where possible. +As git history is forever, we take great pride in the quality of the commits we merge into the repository. The title of your commit will be read hundreds (of thousands? :-)) of times, so it pays off to spend just a little bit more time to polish it, making it descriptive and concise. Please take a minute to read the advice [most projects agree on](https://github.com/erlang/otp/wiki/Writing-good-commit-messages), and stick to 50-60 characters for the first line, wrapping subsequent ones at 80 (at most). +When not sure how to formulate your commit message, imagine you're writing a bullet item for the next release notes, or describing what the commit does to the code base (use active verbs in the present tense). When your commit title is featured in the next release notes, it will be read by a lot of curious Scala users, looking for the latest improvements. Satisfy their thirst for information with as few words as possible! Also, a commit should convey clearly to your (future) fellow contributors what it does to the code base. -## Work In Progress +Writing the commit message is a great sanity check that the commit is of the right size. If it does too many things, the description will be unwieldy and tedious to write. Chop it up (`git add -u --patch` and `git rebase` are your friends) and simplify! -It is ok to work on a public feature branch in the GitHub repository. Something that can sometimes be useful for early feedback etc. If so, then it is preferable to name the branch accordingly. This can be done by either prefixing the name with ``wip-`` as in ‘Work In Progress’, or use hierarchical names like ``wip/..``, ``feature/..`` or ``topic/..``. Either way is fine as long as it is clear that it is work in progress and not ready for merge. This work can temporarily have a lower standard. However, to be merged into master it will have to go through the regular process outlined above, with Pull Request, review etc.. +To pinpoint bugs, we often use git bisect, which is only effective when we can count on each commit building (and passing the test suite). Thus, the CI bot enforces this. Please rebase your development history into a sensible list of self-contained commits that tell the story of your bug fix or improvement. Carve them up so that the riskier bits can be reverted independently. Keep changes focussed by splitting out cleanups from refactorings from actual changes to the logic. -Also, to facilitate both well-formed commits and working together, the ``wip`` and ``feature``/``topic`` identifiers also have special meaning. Any branch labelled with ``wip`` is considered “git-unstable” and may be rebased and have its history rewritten. Any branch with ``feature``/``topic`` in the name is considered “stable” enough for others to depend on when a group is working on a feature. +This facilitates reviewing: a commit that reformats code can be judged quickly not to affect anything, so we can focus on the meat of the PR. It also helps when merging between long-running branches, reducing conflicts (or providing at least a limited scope for each one). -## Creating Commits And Writing Commit Messages +Please do not @mention anyone in the commit message -- that's what the PR description and comments are for. Every time a commit is shuffled through github (in a merge in some fork, say), every @mention results in an email to that person (the core team treats them as personal email, straight to their inbox, so please don't flood us :-)). -Follow these guidelines when creating public commits and writing commit messages. -1. If your work spans multiple local commits (for example; if you do safe point commits while working in a feature branch or work in a branch for long time doing merges/rebases etc.) then please do not commit it all but rewrite the history by squashing the commits into one large commit which is accompanied by a detailed commit message for (as discussed in the following sections). For more info, see the article: [Git Workflow](http://sandofsky.com/blog/git-workflow.html). Additionally, every commit should be able to be used in isolation-- that is, each commit must build and pass all tests. -2. The first line should be a descriptive sentence about what the commit is doing. It should be possible to fully understand what the commit does by just reading this single line. It is **not ok** to only list the ticket number, type "minor fix" or similar. If the commit has a corresponding ticket, include a reference to the ticket number, prefixed with "SI-", at the beginning of the first line followed by the title of the ticket, assuming that it aptly and concisely summarizes the commit in a single line. If the commit is a small fix, then you are done. If not, go to 3. -3. Following the single line description (ideally no more than 70 characters long) should be a blank line followed by an enumerated list with the details of the commit. -4. Add keywords for your commit (depending on the degree of automation we reach, the list may change over time): - * ``Review by @githubuser`` - will notify the reviewer via GitHub. Everyone is encouraged to give feedback, however. (Remember that @-mentions will result in notifications also when pushing to a WIP branch, so please only include this in your commit message when you're ready for your pull request to be reviewed. Alternatively, you may request a review in the pull request's description.) - * ``Fix/Fixing/Fixes/Close/Closing/Refs #ticket`` - if you want to mark the ticket as fixed in the issue tracker (Assembla understands this). - * ``backport to _branch name_`` - if the fix needs to be cherry-picked to another branch (like 2.9.x, 2.10.x, etc) +## Reviewing -Example: +Please consider nominating a reviewer for your PR in the PR's description or a comment. If unsure, not to worry -- the core team will assign one for you. - SI-4032 Implicit conversion visibility affected by presence of "this" +Your reviewer is also your mentor, who will help you rework your PR so that it meets our requirements. We strive to give timely feedback, and apologize for those times when we are overwhelmed by the volume of contributions. Please feel free to ping us. You are entitled to regular progress updates and at least a quick assessment of feasibility of a bigger PR. - - Details 1 - - Details 2 - - Details 3 +To help you plan your contributions, we communicate our plans on a regular basis on scala-internals, and deadlines are tracked as due dates for [GitHub milestones](https://github.com/scala/scala/milestones). -## The Scala Improvement Process -A new language feature requires a SIP (Scala Improvement Process) proposal. Note that significant additions to the standard library are also considered candidates for a SIP proposal. -For more details on submitting SIPs, see [how to submit a SIP](http://docs.scala-lang.org/sips/sip-submission.html). +Once you've established some history submitting PRs, we will invite you to become a reviewer for others's code. The main goal of this whole process, in the end, is to ensure the health of the Scala project by improving the quality of the code base, the documentation, as well as this process itself. Thank you for doing your part! \ No newline at end of file