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Alien with a sign

A libgdx platformer written in a week in Scala for Brackeys Game Jam 2022.2.

Help Doofus bring his new alien pal from Roswell, New Mexico, to meet the president in Washington, DC.

Epic screenshot


./gradlew desktop:distdesktop/build/libs/[appname]-[version].jar

./gradlew desktop:jpackagedesktop/build/dist/[appname]-[version]-[arch].dmg (OS X)


Apache License, Version 2.0


  1. Audio editing with Audacity
  2. Vector editing with Inkscape
  3. Pixel editing with Gimp and Piskel
  4. Level editing with Ogmo Editor
  5. Code editing with IntelliJ IDEA
  6. Android icon with Icon Kitchen
  7. Pixel assets from korba, rottingpixels, pzuh, sanctumpixel, xyezawr, secrethideout, didigameboy
  8. Sound assets from hykenfreak, qubodup