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Releases: schema-repo/schema-repo


16 Jun 18:27
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Release 0.1.3 includes:

  • Issue #9: Added a strongly-typed API for converting between string types and others (Integer, Long, Avro Schema, etc.).
  • Issue #15: Added /status and /config endpoints for inspecting the schema repo's state in a restful manner.
  • Issue #27: HTML view/browser for the repository.
  • Issue #29: Added some default config values for the new logging facilities.
  • Issue #38: Added support for default Validator, so they don't need to be registered on every new subject.
  • Documentation fixes.

The contributors for this release are:

  • Felix GV
  • Ernest Mishkin
  • Thunder Stumpges
  • Francois Langelier

Thanks everyone!


29 Dec 06:55
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Release 0.1.2 includes:

  • Better logging (no more System.out!). This introduces slf4j and logback as new dependencies, but it's pluggable so logback can be swapped with something else.
  • A fix to a problem about sending multi-line schemas over the wire. This introduces gson as a new dependency, but it is also pluggable, if someone wants to provide an alternate json parser lib integration.
  • New and improved unit tests, including some to ensure the current REST Server endpoints remain backwards-compatible with the original AVRO-1124 REST Client implementation.
  • New REST Client configuration for throwing exceptions when encountering errors, instead of returning nulls and empty lists.
  • A new ZooKeeper Repository backend for high-availability. This introduces zookeeper and curator as new dependencies (only when using the new schema-repo-zookeeper or schema-repo-zk-bundle artifacts). N.B.: The ZK backend is still considered experimental. Please tell us if you encounter any issues or if you would like to contribute improvements (:
  • A maven plugin for registering schemas with a remote schema repo from within your maven build. This is available via a new schema-repo-maven-plugin artifact. The code and documentation for this is in the schema-repo-tools GitHub repository.
  • Improved javadoc and documentation.

All 0.1.2 release artifacts are available in Maven Central. Please let us know if you have any trouble using them.

The contributors for this release are:

  • Felix GV
  • Ernest Mishkin
  • Johnnie Zhang
  • Lewis John McGibbney

Ernest Mishkin was also added as a committer on the project, thanks to his multiple contributions and code reviews. Thanks Ernest!


29 Dec 07:00
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Release 0.1.1 includes documentation enhancements and the necessary changes for publishing artifacts to Maven Central.


29 Dec 06:58
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Release 0.1.0 is almost identical to the latest patch in the AVRO-1124 ticket.