diff --git a/data/ext/pending/issue-2670.ttl b/data/ext/pending/issue-2670.ttl index 3afacd8ead..8d5cf890f2 100644 --- a/data/ext/pending/issue-2670.ttl +++ b/data/ext/pending/issue-2670.ttl @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ rdfs:label "EnergyConsumptionDetails" ; :category "issue-2670" ; :isPartOf ; + rdfs:subClassOf :Intangible ; :source ; rdfs:comment "EnergyConsumptionDetails represents information related to the energy efficiency of a product that consumes energy. The information that can be provided is based on international regulations such as for example [EU directive 2017/1369](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2017/1369/oj) for energy labeling and the [Energy labeling rule](https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/rules/rulemaking-regulatory-reform-proceedings/energy-water-use-labeling-consumer) under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) in the US" .