diff --git a/data/ext/health-lifesci/med-health-core.rdfa b/data/ext/health-lifesci/med-health-core.rdfa index 7a82e23074..dbd1b8b7c7 100644 --- a/data/ext/health-lifesci/med-health-core.rdfa +++ b/data/ext/health-lifesci/med-health-core.rdfa @@ -2849,6 +2849,43 @@ +

Additional properties (dropped in 3.0 migration, restored here)

+ +
+ breastfeedingWarning + Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use by breastfeeding mothers. + Domain: Drug + Range: Text + +
+ +
+ secondaryPrevention + A preventative therapy used to prevent reoccurrence of the medical condition after an initial episode of the condition. + Domain: MedicalCondition + Range: MedicalTherapy + +
+ +
+ prescriptionStatus + Indicates the status of drug prescription eg. local catalogs classifications or whether the drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter, etc. + Domain: Drug + Range: DrugPrescriptionStatus + Range: Text + +
+ +
+ healthCondition + Specifying the health condition(s) of a patient, medical study, or other target audience. + Domain: Patient + Domain: PeopleAudience + Domain: MedicalStudy + Range: MedicalCondition + +

Core Annotations

Here we add in more facts about core vocabulary that use terms from the extension.