New stuff:
kick %string% from bungeecord [network] due to %string%
send bungee[cord] actionbar %string% to [player] %string%
send bungee[cord] title %string% with subtitle %string% for %integer% [tick[s]] with %integer% [tick[s]] fade in and %integer% [tick[s]] fade out to [player] %string%
/!\ Don't use default timespan from skript. Title effect allow only for integers (1 = 1 tick | 20 = 1 second | 100 = 5 seconds | 1200 = 1 minute).
Example of use:
command /text:
send bungeecord title "&c&lALERT" with subtitle "&fYou will be kicked in 5 seconds!" for 80 ticks with 10 ticks fade in and 10 ticks fade out to "%player%"
send bungeecord actionbar "&8( &fYou will be kicked in 5 seconds &8)" to "%player%"
wait 100 ticks
kick "%player%" from bungeecord network due to "&cYou have been kicked! %newline%&8( &fSome reason here... &8)"
- Don't forget to download Skript and BungeeBridge to make it work!
- Skript -
- Download BungeeBridge[1.9-1.13].zip, added under this post.
- Unzip BungeeBridge[1.9-1.13].zip
- Upload BungeeBridge_Client to all of your spigot servers, and BungeeBridge_Server to BungeeCord proxy!
- Upload skScraft ONLY to your spigot server!
INSTALLATION [MC 1.14-1.16]:
- Don't forget to download Skript and BungeeBridge to make it work!
- Skript -
- Download BungeeBridge[1.14-1.16].zip, added under this post.
- Unzip BungeeBridge[1.14-1.16].zip.
- Upload BungeeBridge_Client to all of your spigot servers, and BungeeBridge_Server to BungeeCord proxy!
- Upload skScraft ONLY to your spigot server!
Version: 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
You can enable DEBUG MODE in config to see what is happaning!
If you have any questions join to my skScraft Discord ->