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JavaScript <-> Python <-> Lua intergation

Lua and JavaScript are not connected directly; they communicate through Python.

Python <-> Lua is handled using lupa library. splash.qtrender_lua.command decorator handles most of Python <-> Lua integration.

Python <-> JavaScript is handled using custom serialization code. QT host objects are not used (with a few exceptions). Instead of this JavaScript results are sanitized and processed in Python; Python results are encoded to JSON and decoded/processed in JavaScript.

Python -> Lua

Data is converted from Python to Lua in two cases:

  1. method of an exposed Python object returns a result (most common example is a method of splash Lua object);
  2. Python code calls Lua function with arguments - it could be e.g. an on_request callback.

Conversion rules:

  • Basic Python types are converted to Lua: strings -> Lua strings, lists and dicts -> Lua tables, numbers -> Lua numbers, None -> nil(?).

    This is handled using splash.lua_runtime.SplashLuaRuntime.python2lua method. For attributes exposed to Lua this method is called manually; for return results of Python functions / methods it is handled by splash.qtrender_lua.emits_lua_objects decorator. Methods decorated with @command use splash.qtrender_lua.emits_lua_objects internally, so a Python method decorated with @command decorator may return Python result in its body, and the final result would be a Lua object.

  • If there is a need to expose a custom Python object to Lua then a subclass of splash.qtrender_lua.BaseExposedObject is used; it is wrapped to a Lua table using utilities from wraputils.lua. Lua table exposes whitelisted attributes and methods of the object using metatable, and disallows access to all other attributes.
  • Other than that, there is no automatic conversion. If something is not converted then it is available for Lua as an opaque userdata object; access to methods and attributes is disabled by a sandbox.
  • To prevent wrapping method may return splash.lua.PyResult instance.

Lua -> Python

Lua -> Python conversion is needed in two cases:

  1. Lua code calls Python code, passing some arguments;
  2. Python code calls Lua code and wants a result back.
  • Basic Lua types are converted to Python using splash.lua_runtime.SplashLuaRuntime.lua2python. For method arguments lua2python is called by splash.qtrender_lua.decodes_lua_arguments decorator; @command decorator uses decodes_lua_arguments internally.
  • Python objects which were exposed to Lua (BaseExposedObject subclasses) are not converted back. By default they raise an error; with decode_arguments=False they are available as opaque Lua (lupa) table objects.

    splash.qtrender_lua.is_wrapped_exposed_object can be used to check if a lupa object is a wrapped BaseExposedObject instance; obj.unwrapped() method can be used to access the underlying Python object.

JavaScript -> Python

To get results from JavaScript to Python they are converted to primitive JSON-serializable types first. QtWebKit host objects are not used. Objects of unknown JavaScript types are discared, max depth of result is limited.

JavaScript -> Python conversion utilities reside in

  • splash.jsutils module - JavaScript side, i.e. sanitizing and encoding; two main functions are SANITIZE_FUNC_JS and STORE_DOM_ELEMENTS_JS;
  • splash.browser_tab.BrowserTab.evaljs method - Python side, i.e. decoding of the result.

For most types (objects, arrays, numbers, strings) conversion method is straightforward; the most tricky case is a reference to DOM nodes.

For top-level DOM nodes (i.e. a result is a DOM node or a NodeList) a node is stored in a special window attribute, and generated id is returned to Python instead. All other DOM nodes are discarded - returning a Node or a NodeList as a part of data structure is not supported at the moment. STORE_DOM_ELEMENTS_JS processes Node and NodeList objects; SANITIZE_FUNC_JS sanitizes the result (handles all other data types, drops unsupported data).

In Python HTMLElement objects are created for DOM nodes; they contain node_id attribute with id returned by JavaScript; it allows to fetch the real Node object in JavaScript. This is handled by splash.browser_tab.BrowserTab.evaljs.

Python -> JavaScript

There are two cases Python objects are converted to JavaScript objects:

  1. functions created with splash:jsfunc() are called with arguments;
  2. methods of HtmlElement which wrap JS functions are called with arguments.

The conversion is handled either by splash.html_element.escape_js_args or by splash.jsutils.escape_js.

  • escape_js just encodes Python data to JSON and removes quotes; the result can be used as literal representation of argument values, i.e. added to a JS function call using string formatting.
  • escape_js_args is similar to escape_js, but it handles splash.html_element.HTMLElement instances by replacing them with JS code to access stored nodes.