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pablohoffman committed Mar 20, 2012
1 parent c0141d1 commit bcd8520
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions sep/README
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Scrapy Enhancement Proposals

This folder contains Scrapy Enhancement Proposal. Most of them are in Trac Wiki
format because they were migrated from the old Trac.
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions sep/sep-001.trac
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
= SEP-001 - API for populating item fields (comparison) =


||'''Title:'''||API for populating item fields (comparison)||
||'''Author:'''||Ismael Carnales, Pablo Hoffman, Daniel Grana||
||'''Status'''||Obsoleted by [wiki:SEP-008]||

== Introduction ==

This page shows different usage scenarios for the two new proposed API for populating item field values (which will replace the old deprecated !RobustItem API) and compares them. One of these will be chosen as the recommended (and supported) mechanism in Scrapy 0.7.

== Candidates and their API ==

=== !RobustItem (old, deprecated) ===

* {{{attribute(field_name, selector_or_value, **modifiers_and_adaptor_args)}}}
* NOTE: {{{attribute()}}} modifiers (like {{{add=True}}}) are passed together with adaptor args as keyword arguments (this is ugly)

=== !ItemForm ===

* {{{__init__(response, item=None, **adaptor_args)}}}
* instantiate an !ItemForm with a item instance with predefined adaptor arguments
* {{{__setitem__(field_name, selector_or_value)}}}
* set field value
* {{{__getitem__(field_name)}}}
* return the "computed" value of a field (the one that would be set to the item). returns None if not set.
* {{{get_item()}}}
* return the item populated with the data provided so far

=== !ItemBuilder ===

* {{{__init__(response, item=None, **adaptor_args)}}}
* instantiate an !ItemBuilder with predefined adaptor arguments
* {{{add_value(field_name, selector_or_value, **adaptor_args)}}}
* add value to field
* {{{replace_value(field_name, selector_or_value, **adaptor_args)}}}
* replace existing field value
* {{{get_value(field_name)}}}
* return the "computed" value of a field (the one that would be set to the item). returns None if not set.
* {{{get_item()}}}
* return the item populated with the data provided so far

== Pros and cons of each candidate ==

=== !ItemForm ===

* same API used for Items (see
* some people consider setitem API more elegant than methods API

* doesn't allow passing run-time arguments to adaptors on assign, you have to override the adaptors for your spider if you need specific parameters, which can be an overhead. Example:

* solves the add=True problem using standard {{{__add__}}} and {{{list.append()}}} method

=== !ItemBuilder ===

* allows passing run-time arguments to adaptors on assigned

* some people consider setitem API more elegant than methods API

* solves the "add=True" problem by implementing different methods per action (replacing or adding)

== Usage Scenarios for each candidate ==

=== Defining adaptors ===

==== !ItemForm ====

class NewsForm(ItemForm):
item_class = NewsItem

url = adaptor(extract, remove_tags(), unquote(), strip)
headline = adaptor(extract, remove_tags(), unquote(), strip)

==== !ItemBuilder ====

class NewsBuilder(ItemBuilder):
item_class = NewsItem

url = adaptor(extract, remove_tags(), unquote(), strip)
headline = adaptor(extract, remove_tags(), unquote(), strip)

=== Creating an Item ===

==== !ItemForm ====

ia = NewsForm(response)
ia['url'] = response.url
ia['headline'] = x.x('//h1[@class="headline"]')

# if we want to add another value to the same field
ia['headline'] += x.x('//h1[@class="headline2"]')

# if we want to replace the field value other value to the same field
ia['headline'] = x.x('//h1[@class="headline3"]')

return ia.get_item()

==== !ItemBuilder ====

il = NewsBuilder(response)
il.add_value('url', response.url)
il.add_value('headline', x.x('//h1[@class="headline"]'))

# if we want to add another value to the same field
il.add_value('headline', x.x('//h1[@class="headline2"]'))

# if we want to replace the field value other value to the same field
il.replace_value('headline', x.x('//h1[@class="headline3"]'))

return il.get_item()

=== Using different adaptors per Spider/Site ===

==== !ItemForm ====

class SiteNewsFrom(NewsForm):
published = adaptor(HtmlNewsForm.published, to_date('%d.%m.%Y'))

==== !ItemBuilder ====

class SiteNewsBuilder(NewsBuilder):
published = adaptor(HtmlNewsBuilder.published, to_date('%d.%m.%Y'))

=== Check the value of an item being-extracted ===

==== !ItemForm ====

ia = NewsForm(response)
ia['headline'] = x.x('//h1[@class="headline"]')
if not ia['headline']:
ia['headline'] = x.x('//h1[@class="title"]')

==== !ItemBuilder ====

il = NewsBuilder(response)
il.add_value('headline', x.x('//h1[@class="headline"]'))
if not nf.get_value('headline'):
il.add_value('headline', x.x('//h1[@class="title"]'))

=== Adding a value to a list attribute/field ===

==== !ItemForm ====

ia['headline'] += x.x('//h1[@class="headline"]')

==== !ItemBuilder ====

il.add_value('headline', x.x('//h1[@class="headline"]'))

=== Passing run-time arguments to adaptors ===

==== !ItemForm ====

# Only approach is passing arguments when instanciating the form
ia = NewsForm(response, default_unit='cm')
ia['width'] = x.x('//p[@class="width"]')

==== !ItemBuilder ====

il.add_value('width', x.x('//p[@class="width"]'), default_unit='cm')

# an alternative approach (more efficient)
il = NewsBuilder(response, default_unit='cm')
il.add_value('width', x.x('//p[@class="width"]'))

=== Passing run-time arguments to adaptors (same argument name) ===

==== !ItemForm ====

class MySiteForm(ItemForm):
witdth = adaptor(ItemForm.witdh, default_unit='cm')
volume = adaptor(ItemForm.witdh, default_unit='lt')

ia['width'] = x.x('//p[@class="width"]')
ia['volume'] = x.x('//p[@class="volume"]')

# another example passing parametes on instance
ia = NewsForm(response, encoding='utf-8')
ia['name'] = x.x('//p[@class="name"]')

==== !ItemBuilder ====

il.add_value('width', x.x('//p[@class="width"]'), default_unit='cm')
il.add_value('volume', x.x('//p[@class="volume"]'), default_unit='lt')
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions sep/sep-002.trac
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
= SEP-002 - List fields API =


||'''Title:'''||List fields API||
||'''Author:'''||Pablo Hoffman||
||'''Status'''||Obsolete by [wiki:SEP-008]||

== Introduction ==

This page presents different usage scenarios for the new multi-valued field, called !ListField.

== Proposed Implementation ==

from scrapy.item.fields import BaseField

class ListField(BaseField):
def __init__(self, field, default=None):
self._field = field
super(ListField, self).__init__(default)

def to_python(self, value):
if hasattr(value, '__iter__'): # str/unicode not allowed
return [self._field.to_python(v) for v in value]
raise TypeError("Expected iterable, got %s" % type(value).__name__)

def get_default(self):
# must return a new copy to avoid unexpected behaviors with mutable defaults
return list(self._default)

== Usage Scenarios ==

=== Defining a list field ===

from scrapy.item.models import Item
from scrapy.item.fields import ListField, TextField, DateField, IntegerField

class Article(Item):
categories = ListField(TextField)
dates = ListField(DateField, default=[])
numbers = ListField(IntegerField, [])

Another case of products and variants which highlights the fact that it's important to instantiate !ListField with field instances, not classes:

from scrapy.item.models import Item
from scrapy.item.fields import ListField, TextField

class Variant(Item):
name = TextField()

class Product(Variant):
variants = ListField(ItemField(Variant))

=== Assigning a list field ===

i = Article()

i['categories'] = []
i['categories'] = ['politics', 'sport']
i['categories'] = ['test', 1] -> raises TypeError
i['categories'] = asd -> raises TypeError

i['dates'] = []
i['dates'] = ['2009-01-01'] # raises TypeError? (depends on TextField)

i['numbers'] = ['1', 2, '3']
i['numbers'] # returns [1, 2, 3]

=== Default values ===

i = Article()

i['categories'] # raises KeyError
i.get('categories') # returns None

i['numbers'] # returns []

=== Appending values ===

i = Article()

i['categories'] = ['one', 'two']
i['categories'].append(3) # XXX: should this fail?

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