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Screwdriver AWS Integration Consumer Service Scripts

Infrastructure-as-code script for onboarding to Screwdriver AWS Integration


This repository is meant to serve as an install/uninstall/update script to provision necessary cloud infrastructure resources required for Screwdriver AWS Integration. The following are the resources created by the installation script by default:

  • 3 AWS VPC Endpoint Interface (1 for each availability zone)
  • 1 AWS Route 53 Private Hosted Zone
  • 3 AWS Route 53 Alias Records for each VPC Endpoint Interface
  • 1 AWS Lambda as Screwdriver Consumer Service
  • 1 AWS S3 Bucket as Screwdriver Consumer Build Bucket
  • 1 AWS Lambda Kafka Event Source pointing to Alias Records
  • 1 Security Group For AWS Lambda and VPC Interface

Additionally, if you opt for a new VPC creation, it will create all the required VPC infrastructure

  • 1 VPC based on the provided CIDR block
  • Private subnets
  • Public subnets
  • NAT Gateway
  • Internet Gateway
  • Route Table

This script uses open source tool terraform to provision all the resources


The followings are the external dependencies required to run this onboarding script:

All of these tools can be installed via Homebrew on Mac OS X.


The config variables are all part of .tfvars file. These variables will be used in creating the resources.

Config Definitions

The following table describes all the configurable variables defined in setup.tfvars.json.

Name Type Description
aws_region * String AWS Region where resources will be provisioned
user_aws_account_id * String The user AWS account ID
tf_backend_bucket * String Terraform backend S3 bucket for storing tf state
sd_broker_endpointsvc_map * Map Screwdriver Broker Service and VPC Endpoint Map
sd_broker_endpointsvc_port * Integer Screwdriver Broker Service Port
route53_zone_name * String Route 53 Private Zone name
consumer_fn_name * String Screwdriver Consumer Service Name
consumer_bucket_name String Screwdriver Consumer Service Bucket Name
vpc_id * String User VPC ID
private_subnets * List List of private subnets
public_subnets # List List of public subnets
cidr_block # String CIDR block for the user VPC
vpc_name # String Name of the user VPC
azs # List List of availability zones
kafka_topic * String Name of the kafka topic
kms_key_arn * String The Key ID of the KMS Key
build_region * String The region of the build vpc, can be same as or different from aws_region
build_vpc_id ^ String The VPC Id where builds will run of not creating new
create_build_vpc * Boolean Flag to create new vpc
build_cidr_block $^ String CIDR block for build vpc
build_private_subnets $^ List List of private subnets CIDR block for build VPC
build_public_subnets $^ List List of public subnets CIDR block for build VPC
build_azs $^ List List of availability zones for build vpc
sd_broker_secret_arn * String The ARN of the AWS Secret for connecting to Screwdriver Endpoint
sd_build_kms_key_alias ^ String The KMS alias name for the builds encryption key
create_ecr ^ Boolean Flag to create AWS ECR
ecr_name $^ String Name of the AWS ECR
consumer_role_arn $ String IAM Build role for allowing permissions
create_service_role ^ Boolean Flag to create builds service role with codebuild permissions
build_role_name ^ String Name of the role for running builds

The following table describes all the configurable variables defined in interface.tfvars.json. This is part of the second phase of installation defined in Step 5 of instructions.

Name Type Description
private_subnets * List List of private subnets ids after output of first phase
security_group_id * String The security group id created in the first phase
vpc_id * String User VPC ID after output of first phase
route53_zone_name String Route 53 Private Zone name
aws_region * String AWS Region where resources will be provisioned
sd_broker_endpointsvc_map * Map Screwdriver Broker Service and VPC Endpoint Map

* required config ^ Has default value # required config when creating new VPC $ required config when create flag is set

Provider config vars (user created)

aws_region="us-west-2" # region where Screwdriver infra is provisioned
tf_backend_bucket="sd-aws-consumer-tf-backend-<accountId>" #replace accountId
build_region="us-east-1" # region where builds will run

Broker config vars (from Screwdriver Admin)

    "us-west-2a": ["broker_1", "service_1"],
    "us-west-2b": ["broker_2", "service_2"]

User config for Screwdriver Producer VPC (default)

private_subnets=["", "", "", ""]
public_subnets=["", "", "", ""]
azs=["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2c", "us-west-2d"]

User config for Build VPC (default)

build_private_subnets=["", "", ""]
build_public_subnets=[ "", "", ""]
build_azs=["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]

Other default configs:

kms_key_alias": "screwdriver-integration-key",
sd_build_kms_key_alias": "screwdriver-builds-key"

Create ECR (optionally):



To start using Screwdriver on your AWS account, please reach out to the Screwdriver Cluster Admins and get the values for broker endpoint configurations

  • List of Screwdriver Broker Endpoint Service sd_broker_endpointsvc_map
  • Username and password for authenticating to the Broker Service

Manually in AWS Console or using aws cli

  • Create a KMS Key.
  • Create a secret in Amazon Secret Manager using the values and encrypt using KMS key.
  • Optionally, you can also setup rotation for Secrets
  • Create a backend bucket tf_backend_bucket manually in AWS Console in region aws_region


Git clone this repository aws-consumer-service. To get started, we need to update the var file with the required details. Please refer to setup.tfvars.json and default.tfvars.json for the variables list and configuration definition for information on each argument. Following the naming convention as per the template is recommended. This file also serves as the override for all default values in default.tfvars.json. If you wish to override vpc creation, role creation and other settings from default, based on your environment you can specify in the setup.tfvars.json file and the script will refer to the new values.

Second, configure the AWS CLI by running aws configure with your AWS credentials and select profile for the desired account.

export AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name>
export AWS_REGION=<region_name>

Begin the infrastructure provisioning process:

Note: The setup relies on terraform for provisioning so the backend configuration and state file are important for recovering from error or pushing future updates. The state file ends with .tfstate and will be automatically synced to the backend S3 bucket. This process generates two state files consumer.tfstate and consumerinterface.tfstate. There are 2 parts:

  • The VPC and Service Creation

  • The Endpoint Interface creation which depends on the subnets created with VPC.

  • Region Specific resource creation for running builds in various regions Don't delete the state files in between the process

  • Step 1: Update and verify all the information in setup.tfvars.json file. This is the key source of information.

  • Step 2: Run init. -i flag will run terraform init and verify backend infrastructure

./ -i

You can also run validation to check for errors before running plan|apply and after running init by using the -v flag

./ -v
  • Step 3: Run plan. -p flag will run terraform plan and create a tf plan
./ -p
  • Step 4: Run apply. -a flag will run terraform apply and create the resources
./ -a
  • Step 5: Update file interface.tfvars.json. The previous step produces the output for vpc_id, security_group_id, private_subnets, route53_zone_name. Using this information and information from Step 1, update the tfvars file.

  • Step 6: The service is already created and we need to provision the interface to connect to Screwdriver Endpoint. Run the following.

./ -it

-it flag will create the interfaces

Alternatively, to uninstall all infrastructure:

./ -d
  • Step 7: Go to the AWS Lambda Console and verify the service connection in consumer-service-lambda. The trigger should be updated and the result from trigger should be OK

  • Step 8: To run builds in various regions, update the build_region and build_vpc_id in the setup.tfvars.json file based on the region and run the following commands for each region.

./ -br -i

./ -br -p

./ -br -a
  • Step 9: Saving current .tfvars file info. It is recommended that you keep your updated .tfvars file backup before cleaning up the repository. Here are a few helpful commands to upload the .tfvars to your tf_backend_bucket
aws s3api put-object --bucket $tf_backend_bucket --key setup.tfvars.json --body setup.tfvars.json
aws s3api put-object --bucket $tf_backend_bucket --key interface.tfvars.json --body interface/interface.tfvars.json
  • Step 9: Remove directory aws-consumer-service

Considerations for VPC setup

The resources in the infrastructure will be created based on the VPC configuration. There are 2 scenarios:

Consumer Resources with Existing VPC

For existing VPC and subnets, all we need are the resource ID of the VPC, the CIDRs of the private subnets and the Availability Zones. If using existing VPC it needs to have both private and public subnets as the resources will be created in private subnets. Also the private subnets should have outbound access to the internet. Therefore, we highly recommend reviewing your existing VPC to see if it fits or a new one should be created instead. The private subnets must be tagged with Network:Private tags to get the private subnets in this configuration. The Availability Zones are by default takes and region-a|b|c for new vpc creation. Additionally, you can update the other variables like VPC name and consumer function name.

Example mandatory configuration for an existing VPC:

azs=["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2c"]

Consumer Resources with New VPC

In this case a VPC will be created and consumer service will be provisioned in the new VPC. The required configuration needed for a new VPC setup are the VPC CIDR, the list of private and public subnet CIDRs and the availability zones. The VPC CIDR prefix must be between /16 and /24. Additionally, you can update the other variables like VPC name and consumer function name.

Example configuration for a new VPC:

#default values
private_subnets=["", "", "", ""]
public_subnets=["", "", "", ""]
azs=["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2c"]

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can I run builds in any region? A: Yes, Screwdriver Consumer Infrastructure will provisioned based on the argument aws_region provided by Screwdriver Admins. Builds can run in any region specified in build_regions. You can rerun the setup for multiple regions by updating this value. Note: Do not change the aws_region value and re-run the infrastructure.

  2. How can I create a Build vpc? A: Build VPC can be created by simply setting flag create_build_vpc: true in setup.tfvars.json file. The VPC, KMS key sd_build_kms_key_alias and build bucket consumer_bucket_name will be provisioned in the region specified in build_regions

  3. How can I create an AWS ECR and use custom images? A: Yes can set create_ecr: true to create a custom Elastic Container Registry ecr_name in your build_regions. The setup will add the required permissions. You will need to specify the build role that will have access to the ECR.

  4. What are the docker images and environments that are supported for Code Build executor? A: Screwdriver integration supports all docker images and environments that are supported by AWS CodeBuild. You can specify the image in you screwdriver.yaml configuration.

  5. I encountered and error in running setup, and some resources already exist, can I run delete infrastructure. A: Delete should be used cautiously and are for advanced users. If you face any error, reach out to you cluster admins to resolve them. In most cases, existing resources can be imported to the current setup, without deleting.

  6. How to use existing an VPC for consumer resources and build resources? A: to use existing vpc's update setup.tfvars.json file with the vpc_id and build_vpc_id for the specific region and tag your private subnets with the following tag: {Network: Private}


Infrastructure-as-code scripts to provision Screwdriver AWS Integration resources



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