diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/de.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/de.ftl index dd9a0d0..31ade6d 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/de.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/de.ftl @@ -215,9 +215,6 @@ premium-too-many-guilds = Du hast { $totalServers } Premium-Keys beansprucht. Du # automod remove rule command automod-remove-rule-embed-success-description = { $rulesLeft } Regeln, die außerhalb von { $maxRules } liegen. # premium command -# This is shown when the guild the user is running this command in has not finished setup. -premium-server-not-set-up = Dieser Server hat den ToS und Datenschutzrichtlinien von Scripty noch nicht zugestimmt. Erledige das zuerst mit dem Befehl `{ $commandPrefix }terms_of_service`. -# premium command # This is shown when the user successfully claims one of their premium subscriptions. premium-claimed = Du hast erfolgreich Premium auf diesem Server aktiviert. Wenn du upgraden oder mehr Slots kaufen möchtest, gehe zu . Wenn du dein premium von diesem Server entfernen möchtest, führe `{ $commandPrefix }premium remove` aus. # join command @@ -279,21 +276,6 @@ join-forum-thread-content = { $authorMention } hat eine Transkription um { $time # join command # This message is shown when the user has told a bot to join a forum channel, but the forum requires tags. This is not possible for the bot to work around as it has no way of knowing what tags to use. join-forum-requires-tags = Der Forumskanal, den ich benutzen soll, erfordert Tags. Da ich nicht weiß, welche Tags ich verwenden soll, kann ich diesem Channel nicht beitreten. Bitte verwende einen anderen Kanal oder bitte einen Administrator, die Tag-Anforderung zu entfernen. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Du kannst die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Scripty unter https://scripty.org/terms bzw. https://scripty.org/privacy einsehen. Du kannst auf die Schaltfläche unten klicken, um diesen beiden Dokumenten zuzustimmen und Scripty zu nutzen. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = Du hast den Nutzungsbedingungen und der Datenschutzrichtlinie von Scripty bereits zugestimmt. Wenn du sie noch einmal ansehen möchtest, kannst du das unter https://scripty.org/terms bzw. https://scripty.org/privacy tun. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Zeitüberschreitung. Führe diesen Befehl noch einmal aus, wenn du den ToS immer noch zustimmen willst. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Du hast den Nutzungsbedingungen und der Datenschutzrichtlinie von Scripty zugestimmt. Du kannst Scripty jetzt benutzen. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Du hast den Nutzungsbedingungen und der Datenschutzrichtlinie von Scripty nicht zugestimmt. Wenn du Scripty nutzen möchtest, musst du diesen Dokumenten zustimmen. Du kannst dies tun, indem du diesen Befehl erneut ausführst. # automod add rule command automod-add-rule-embed-failure-description-free-limit = Kostenlose Server sind auf 25 reguläre Regeln beschränkt. Wenn du dieses Limit erhöhen möchtest, schau dir unser Premium-Angebot auf https://scripty.org/premium an. # automod add rule command @@ -360,10 +342,6 @@ data-storage-embed-description = Deine Daten werden auf Servern gespeichert, die streng abgeschottet sind. Es wäre für jeden, der versucht, sich Zugang zu verschaffen, äußerst schwierig, dies erfolgreich zu tun. Mit den Schaltflächen unten kannst du zwischen den verschiedenen Optionen wechseln. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = Allgemeine_Geschäftsbedingungen - .description = Sieh dir die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinien von Scripty an und stimme ihnen zu. # data_storage command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `data_storage` is selected. cmds_data_storage = daten_speicher diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/en@uwu.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/en@uwu.ftl index dfa9c8b..b1393fc 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/en@uwu.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/en@uwu.ftl @@ -39,9 +39,6 @@ context-menu-command-message = { "" } # Help menu translation strings no-help-found = no hewp found fow command `{ $commandName }`. >_< -# premium command -# This is shown when the guild the user is running this command in has not yet agreed to the ToS. -premium-server-not-set-up = this sewvew has not yet agweed to s-scwipty's tos and p-pwivacy powicy. 🥺 d-do that fiwst w-with the `{ $commandPrefix }tewms_of_sewvice` command. # join command # This message is shown on successfuly joining a voice channel. # { $targetMention } is the mention of the channel the bot joined. @@ -55,9 +52,6 @@ join-success = # join command # This message is shown when the bot does not have permissions for the voice channel it is trying to join. join-no-permission = i don't have pewmission to join { $targetMention }. (U ᵕ U❁) p-pwease give me t-the view channew a-and join pewmissions, (⑅˘꒳˘) o-ow join a-a diffewent voice c-chat whewe i d-do have pewmissions. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = you can view scwipty's tewms of sewvice a-and pwivacy p-powicy at https://scripty.org/terms a-and https://scripty.org/privacy w-wespectivewy. UwU y-you may cwick t-the button bewow t-to agwee to b-both of these documents, rawr x3 and use scwipty. rawr # join command # This message is shown when the user is not in a voice channel, nor was a voice channel specified. no-channel-specified = you'we nyot in a voice chat, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) nyow d-did you teww me a-a channew to join. UwU t-twy `{ $contextPrefix }join ` t-to specify a-a voice chat, rawr x3 o-ow join a voice c-chat youwsewf a-and we-wun this command. rawr @@ -71,22 +65,9 @@ premium-not-premium = you awe nyot a pwemium subscwibew. (U ᵕ U❁) s-subscwib more-info-on-command = fow mowe infowmation on a specific c-command, (ꈍᴗꈍ) type `{ $contextPrefix }help ` ``` -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = tewms_of_sewvice - .description = view and agwee to scwipty's tewms o-of sewvice and p-pwivacy powicy. ^•ﻌ•^ -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = timed out. ^•ﻌ•^ wewun this command if y-you stiww want to a-agwee to the tos. OwO # Leave command # This is shown when the bot successfully leaves a voice call leave-success = Weft vc successfuwwy. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = you have successfuwwy agweed to scwipty's t-tewms of s-sewvice and pwivacy p-powicy. 🥺 you m-may nyow use scwipty. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Uwu have disagweed tuwu scwipty's tewms of sewvice awnd pwivacy powicy. If uwu wouwd wike tuwu use scwipty, uwu must agwee tuwu these documents. Uwu may duwu so by wunning thiws command again. # join command # This message is shown when the user has told a bot to join a forum channel, but the forum requires tags. This is not possible for the bot to work around as it has no way of knowing what tags to use. join-forum-requires-tags = The fowum channew uwu twied tuwu make me use wequiwes tags. I have no way of knowing whawt tags tuwu use, so i cannot join thawt channew. Pwease use a diffewent channew, ow awsk an admin tuwu wemove the tag wequiwement. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/en_devel.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/en_devel.ftl index b75c3d1..e69de29 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/en_devel.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/en_devel.ftl @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = terms_of_service - .description = View and agree to Scripty's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/es.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/es.ftl index 02e64ea..4d39878 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/es.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/es.ftl @@ -98,18 +98,9 @@ premium-not-premium = No eres un suscriptor premium. Suscríbase en https://scri # Leave command # This is shown when the bot successfully leaves a voice call leave-success = Canal de voz izquierdo con éxito. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Caducado. Vuelva a ejecutar este comando si aún desea aceptar los términos de servicio. # join command # This message is shown when the user has told a bot to join a forum channel, but the forum requires tags. This is not possible for the bot to work around as it has no way of knowing what tags to use. join-forum-requires-tags = El canal del foro que intentaste hacerme usar requiere etiquetas. No tengo forma de saber qué etiquetas usar, por lo que no puedo unirme a ese canal. Utilice un canal diferente o pídale a un administrador que elimine el requisito de etiqueta. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Ha aceptado exitosamente los términos de servicio y la política de privacidad de Scripty. Ahora puedes usar Scripty. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = No has estado de acuerdo con los términos de servicio y la política de privacidad de Scripty. Si desea utilizar Scripty, debe aceptar estos documentos. Puede hacerlo ejecutando este comando nuevamente. # join command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `join` is selected. cmds_join = join @@ -125,10 +116,3 @@ cmds_join = join # join command # This message is shown when the user has told the bot to send transcripts to a non-text-based channel (ie category). `target_channel` should be translated, as slash command arguments are localized. join-target-not-text-based = El canal al que me dijo que enviara transcripciones ({ $targetMention }) no es un canal basado en texto. Utilice un canal basado en texto o elija un canal diferente en el argumento `canal_objetivo`. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = términos_de_servicio - .description = Vea y acepte los Términos de servicio y la Política de privacidad de Scripty. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Podrá acceder a Los Términos de servicio y Política de Privacidad aquí https://scripty.org/terms y https://scripty.org/privacy respectivamente. Debe hacer clic en el botón de abajo para aceptar ambos documentos y usar Scripty. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/fr.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/fr.ftl index c99d2c1..0d88628 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/fr.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/fr.ftl @@ -225,12 +225,6 @@ general-error-user-missing-perms-title = Vous n'avez pas la permissions d'utilis general-error-cooldown-hit-description = { $time } secondes restantes. # general errors general-error-user-missing-perms-description-known = Permissions manquantes : { $perms } -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Vous pouvez lire les Conditions d'Utilisation et la Politique de Confidentialité de Scripty sur https://scripty.org/terms et https://scripty.org/privacy. Pour accepter ces deux documents et utiliser Scripty, utilisez le bouton ci-dessous. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = Vous avez déjà accepté les Conditions d'Utilisation et la Politique de Confidentialité de Scripty . Si vous voulez les re-lire, vous pouvez le faire sur https://scripty.org/terms et https://scripty.org/privacy. # Context menu command translation strings more-info-on-command = Pour plus d'informations à propos d'une commande, tapez `{ $contextPrefix }help ` @@ -435,12 +429,6 @@ join-no-permission = Je n'ai pas la permission de rejoindre { $targetMention }. premium-too-many-guilds = Vous avez réclamé { $totalServers } clés premium. Vous ne pouvez plus en ajouter, sauf si vous mettez à niveau votre abonnement premium sur , ou en supprimez certaines avec la commande `{ $commandPrefix }premium remove`. # Help menu translation strings no-help-found = Aucune aide trouvée pour la commande `{ $commandName }`. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Temps écoulé. Réexécutez cette commande si vous souhaitez toujours accepter les CGU. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Vous avez accepté avec succès les Conditions d'Utilisation et la Politique de Confidentialité de Scripty. Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser Scripty. # Leave command # This is shown when the bot successfully leaves a voice call leave-success = A quitté le salon vocal avec succès. @@ -455,10 +443,6 @@ cmds_premium = premium # join command # This message is shown when the user has told a bot to join a forum channel, but the forum requires tags. This is not possible for the bot to work around as it has no way of knowing what tags to use. join-forum-requires-tags = Le forum que vous avez essayé de me faire utiliser demande des balises obligatoires. Je n'ai aucun moyen de savoir quelles balises utiliser, je ne peux donc pas rejoindre ce canal. Veuillez utiliser un autre canal ou demander à un administrateur de supprimer l'exigence de balise. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = conditions_d_utilisation - .description = Voir et accepter les Conditions d'Utilisation et la Politique de Confidentialité de Scripty. # Help command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `help` is selected. cmds_help = aide @@ -481,9 +465,6 @@ cmds_join = rejoindre .target_channel-description = Envoyez les transcriptions ici, au lieu du canal actuel. Ciblez un forum pour créer un nouveau message. .create_thread = créer_thread .create_thread-description = Créer un nouveau fil pour cette transcription ? La valeur par défaut est false. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Vous avez refusé les Conditions d'Utilisation et la Politique de Confidentialité de Scripty. Si vous souhaitez utiliser Scripty, vous devez accepter ces documents. Vous pouvez le faire en exécutant à nouveau cette commande. # premium command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `premium remove` is selected. cmds_premium_remove = Supprimer @@ -500,9 +481,6 @@ context-menu-command-user = { $commandName } (sur un utilisateur) { "" } # premium command -# This is shown when the guild the user is running this command in has not yet agreed to the ToS. -premium-server-not-set-up = Ce serveur n'a pas encore accepté les conditions d'utilisation et la politique de confidentialité de Scripty. Faites-le d'abord avec la commande `{ $commandPrefix }terms_of_service`. -# premium command # This is shown to the user when they are not subscribed to premium. premium-not-premium = Vous n'êtes pas un abonné premium. Abonnez-vous sur https://scripty.org/premium. Si vous savez que vous en êtes un, veuillez envoyer un DM au bot afin que nous puissions rétablir votre premium. # Help menu translation strings diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/hu.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/hu.ftl index d64aa59..58ad986 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/hu.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/hu.ftl @@ -1,25 +1,9 @@ -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Időtúllépés. Futtasd még egyszer ezt a parancsot, ha mégis el szeretnéd fogadni a nyilatkozatot. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Sikeresen elfogadtad a Scripty szolgáltatási feltételeit és adatvédelmi nyilatkozatát. Mostmár használhatod a Scripty-t. # join command # This message is shown when the user has told a bot to join a forum channel, but the forum requires tags. This is not possible for the bot to work around as it has no way of knowing what tags to use. join-forum-requires-tags = A fórumcsatorna, amit megkértél, hogy használjak, kötelezi címkék használatát. Nem tudhatom, hogy mely címkéket használjam, így nem tudok csatlakozni a csatornához. Kérlek, használj egy másik csatornát, vagy kérj meg egy rendszergazdát, hogy távolítsa el a címkék használatának követelményét. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = A Scripty szolgáltatási feltételeit és adatvédelmi nyilatkozatát a https://scripty.org/terms, illetve https://scripty.org/privacy címen tekintheted meg. Az alábbi gombot megnyomva elfogadhatod mindkettőt, és használhatod a Scripty-t. # Leave command # This is shown when the bot successfully leaves a voice call leave-success = Sikeresen kiléptem a hangcsatornából. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = szolgáltatási_feltételek - .description = Tekintsd meg és fogadd el a Scripty Szolgáltatási feltételeit és adatvédelmi szabályzatát. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Elutasítottad a Scripty szolgáltatási feltételeit és adatvédelmi nyilatkozatát. Ha szeretnéd használni a Scripty-t, akkor el kell fogadnod ezeket a dokumentumokat. Megteheted a parancs ismételt futtatásával. # join command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `join` is selected. cmds_join = csatlakozás diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/it.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/it.ftl index 5d1213c..0da428b 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/it.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/it.ftl @@ -1,16 +1,3 @@ -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Hai rifiutato i Termini di Servizio e l'Informativa sulla Privacy di Scripty. Se sei ancora interessato ad usare Scripty devi accettare questi documenti. Per farlo esegui nuovamente questo comando. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Puoi consultare i Termini di Servizioe l'Informativa sulla Privacy di Scripty rispettivamente su https://scripty.org/terms e https://scripty.org/privacy. Clicca il pulsante sottostante per accettare entrambi i documenti e iniziare ad usare Scripty. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = Hai già accettato i Termini di Servizio e l'Informativa sulla Privacy di Scripty. Se desideri visualizzare nuovamente questi documenti puoi farlo rispettivamente su https://scripty.org/terms e https://scripty.org/privacy. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = terms_of_service - .description = Visualizza e accetta i Termini di Servizio e l'Informativa sulla Privacy di Scripty. # join command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `join` is selected. cmds_join = entra @@ -23,9 +10,3 @@ cmds_join = entra .target_channel-description = Send transcripts here, instead of the current channel. Target a forum to create a new post. .create_thread = create_thread .create_thread-description = Create a new thread for this transcription? Defaults to false. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Tempo scaduto. Esegui nuovamente questo comando per accettare i Termini di Servizio. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Hai accettato con successo i Termini di Servizio e l'Informativa sulla Privacy di Scripty. Ora puoi iniziare ad usare il bot. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/ko.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/ko.ftl index 785237d..e69de29 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/ko.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/ko.ftl @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = 서비스 약관 - .description = Scripty의 서비스약관과 개인정보 보호정책을 확인하고 동의합니다. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Scripty의 서비스 약관과 개인정보보호 정책은 https://scripty.org/terms 과 https://scripty.org/privacy 에서 확인할수 있습니다. 아래의 버튼을 클릭하여 약관에 동의하고 Scripty를 사용할 수 있습니다. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = 당신은 이미 Scripty의 서비스 약관과 개인정보보호정책에 동의하셨습니다. 약관을 다시보고 싶으시면 https://scripty.org/terms 과 https://scripty.org/privacy에서 확인할 수 있습니다. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/nl.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/nl.ftl index 5b3c9d7..75052a3 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/nl.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/nl.ftl @@ -10,25 +10,12 @@ root-command-invoked-title = Dit is een hoofdcommando! # Command invocation contexts # This message is shown as the embed description when a user tries to invoke the root command of a group. root-command-invoked-description = Roep alleen de subcommando's van deze opdracht aan om deze te gebruiken. Bekijk `{ $contextPrefix }help { $commandName }` voor meer informatie. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Time-out. Voer deze opdracht opnieuw uit als je nog steeds akkoord wilt gaan met de Gebruiksvoorwaarden. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Je hebt succesvol ingestemd met de Gebruiksvoorwaarden en het Privacybeleid van Scripty. Je kunt nu Scripty gebruiken. # data_storage command data-storage-embed-title = Data opslag # general errors general-error-command-check-failed-description-no-reason = Geen reden opgegeven -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = tems_of_service - .description = Bekijk en ga akkoord met de Gebruiksvoorwaarden van Scripty. # general errors general-error-user-missing-perms-description-known = Missende rechten: { $perms } -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Je hebt niet ingestemd met de Gebruiksvoorwaarden en het Privacybeleid van Scripty. Als je Scripty wilt gebruiken, moet je akkoord gaan met deze documenten. Dit kun je doen door deze opdracht opnieuw uit te voeren. # join command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `join` is selected. cmds_join = join @@ -73,9 +60,6 @@ premium-not-premium = Je bent geen premium-abonnee. Abonneer je op https://scrip # This is shown to the user when they have too many used servers to add more. premium-too-many-guilds = Je hebt { $totalServers } premiumcodes geclaimd. Je kunt er geen meer toevoegen, tenzij je je premiumabonnement upgrade op , of enkele verwijdert met het commando { $commandPrefix }premium remove. # premium command -# This is shown when the guild the user is running this command in has not yet agreed to the ToS. -premium-server-not-set-up = Deze server heeft nog niet ingestemd met de Gebruiksvoorwaarden en het Privacybeleid van Scripty. Doe dit eerst met het commando `{ $commandPrefix }terms_of_service`. -# premium command # This is shown when the user successfully claims one of their premium subscriptions. premium-claimed = Je hebt met succes premium geclaimd op deze server. Als je wilt upgraden of meer slots wilt kopen, ga naar . Als je je premium wilt verwijderen van deze server, voer `{ $commandPrefix }premium remove` uit. # premium command @@ -431,12 +415,6 @@ delete-data-confirm-banned = Ja, verwijder alle gegevens en verbied mezelf # generic strings # Message shown if a guild has not claimed their free trial of premium. Always appears on its own standalone line in the surrounding message. free-trial-upsell = We bieden 3-daagse proefperiodes van Scripty Premium aan als je het wilt uitproberen en wilt zien of het iets voor jou is. Stuur de bot een privébericht om te beginnen met een gratis proefperiode. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Je kunt de Algemene Voorwaarden en het Privacybeleid van Scripty bekijken op respectievelijk https://scripty.org/terms en https://scripty.org/privacy. Je kunt op de onderstaande knop klikken om akkoord te gaan met beide documenten en Scripty te gebruiken. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = Je hebt al ingestemd met de Algemene Voorwaarden en het Privacybeleid van Scripty. Als je ze opnieuw wilt bekijken, kun je dat doen op respectievelijk https://scripty.org/terms en https://scripty.org/privacy. # join command # This message is shown when Discord tosses a Dropped or TimedOut error when trying to join a voice channel. join-failed-dropped = Discord lijkt problemen te hebben, hier kunnen we niets aan doen. Probeer het later opnieuw. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/pl.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/pl.ftl index b38a71b..30a08c3 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/pl.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/pl.ftl @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@ -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = terms_of_service - .description = Wyświetl i zaakceptuj Regulamin oraz Politykę Prywatności Scripty. # premium command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `premium` is selected. cmds_premium = premium @@ -30,9 +26,6 @@ cmds_premium_remove = remove # This is shown to the user when they are not subscribed to premium. premium-not-premium = Nie jesteś subskrybentem premium. Zasubskrybuj na stronie https://scripty.org/premium. Jeśli wiesz, że jesteś subskrybentem, proszę wyślij prywatną wiadomość do bota, abyśmy mogli przywrócić twoje premium. # premium command -# This is shown when the guild the user is running this command in has not yet agreed to the ToS. -premium-server-not-set-up = Ten serwer nie zaakceptował jeszcze Regulaminu i Polityki Prywatności Scripty. Zrób to najpierw za pomocą komendy `{ $commandPrefix }terms_of_service`. -# premium command # This is shown to the user when they have too many used servers to add more. premium-too-many-guilds = Zgłosiłeś { $totalServers } kluczy premium. Nie możesz dodać więcej, chyba że zaktualizujesz subskrypcję premium na stronie lub usuniesz niektóre za pomocą komendy `{ $commandPrefix }premium remove`. # premium command @@ -230,15 +223,6 @@ language-set-failure-description-invalid = Podany przez ciebie język to niepopr # Command invocation contexts # This message is shown as the embed title when a user tries to invoke the root command of a group. root-command-invoked-title = To jest komenda główna! -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Przekroczono limit czasu. Uruchom ponownie to polecenie, jeśli wciąż chcesz zaakceptować Regulamin. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Pomyślnie zaakceptowałeś Regulamin i Politykę Prywatności Scripty. Możesz teraz z niej korzystać. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Nie zgodziłeś się na Warunki korzystania z usługi Scripty i Politykę prywatności. Aby korzystać z Scripty, musisz zaakceptować te dokumenty. Możesz to zrobić, uruchamiając ponownie to polecenie. # join command # This message is shown when the user has told a bot to join a forum channel, but the forum requires tags. This is not possible for the bot to work around as it has no way of knowing what tags to use. join-forum-requires-tags = Kanał forum, który próbowałeś użyć, wymaga tagów. Nie mam sposobu, aby poznać jakie tagi użyć, więc nie mogę dołączyć do tego kanału. Proszę użyj innego kanału lub poproś administratora o usunięcie wymogu tagów. @@ -257,12 +241,6 @@ data-storage-embed-title = Przechowywanie Danych # Leave command # This is shown when the bot successfully leaves a voice call leave-success = Pomyślnie opuszczono VC. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Możesz zobaczyć Regulamin i Politykę Prywatności Scripty pod adresem https://scripty.org/terms i https://scripty.org/privacy odpowiednio. Możesz kliknąć poniższy przycisk, aby zaakceptować oba te dokumenty i korzystać z Scripty. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = Już zaakceptowałeś Regulamin i Politykę Prywatności Scripty. Jeśli chcesz je ponownie zobaczyć, możesz to zrobić pod adresem https://scripty.org/terms i https://scripty.org/privacy odpowiednio. # join command # This message is shown when the user is not in a voice channel, nor was a voice channel specified. no-channel-specified = Nie jesteś w czacie głosowym, ani nie podałeś mi kanału do dołączenia. Spróbuj `{ $contextPrefix }join ` aby określić czat głosowy lub sam dołącz do czatu głosowego i ponownie uruchom tę komendę. diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/ro.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/ro.ftl index 17eb655..e2c2a33 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/ro.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/ro.ftl @@ -43,13 +43,6 @@ data-storage-opted-out-audio = Acum ați renunțat la stocarea sunetului pentru automod-add-rule-embed-failure-description-premium-limit-hard-cap = Ați atins numărul maxim absolut de reguli ({ $hardCap }). Această limită există pentru a ne asigura că nu adăugăm prea multă latență într-un singur mesaj. # automod list rules command automod-list-rules-embed-description = { $rulesLeft } reguli rămase din { $maxRules }. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = Termenii serviciului - .description = Vizualizați și acceptați Termenii și condițiile și Politica de confidențialitate Scripty. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Ați acceptat cu succes Termenii, condițiile și Politica de confidențialitate Scripty. Acum puteți folosi Scripty. # join command # This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `join` is selected. cmds_join = Alăturăte @@ -409,18 +402,6 @@ cmds_delete_all_data = șterge_toate_datele .description = Ștergeți toate datele dvs. # Data deletion command delete-data-confirm-banned = Da, șterge toate datele și banează-mă -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = A expirat. Reluați această comandă dacă tot doriți să fiți de acord cu ToS. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to agree to the ToS, usually by explicitly clicking the "No" button. -disagreed-to-tos = Nu ați fost de acord cu Termenii și condițiile și cu Politica de confidențialitate Scripty. Dacă doriți să utilizați Scripty, trebuie să fiți de acord cu aceste documente. Puteți face acest lucru rulând această comandă din nou. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has not yet agreed to the ToS and must do so. -agreeing-to-tos = Puteți vedea Termenii și condițiile Scripty și Politica de confidențialitate la https://scripty.org/terms și, respectiv, https://scripty.org/privacy. Puteți face clic pe butonul de mai jos pentru a fi de acord cu ambele documente și pentru a utiliza Scripty. -# ToS command -# This is sent when the user has already agreed to the ToS and does not need to do so again. -already-agreed-to-tos = Ați fost deja de acord cu Termenii și condițiile și Politica de confidențialitate Scripty. Dacă doriți să le vizualizați din nou, puteți face acest lucru la https://scripty.org/terms și, respectiv, https://scripty.org/privacy. # join command # This message is shown when the user is not in a voice channel, nor was a voice channel specified. no-channel-specified = Nu ești într-un chat vocal și nici nu mi-ai spus un canal la care să mă alătur. Încercați `{ $contextPrefix }join ` pentru a specifica un chat vocal sau alăturați-vă singur la un chat vocal și reluați această comandă. @@ -485,9 +466,6 @@ premium-too-many-guilds = Ați revendicat { $totalServers } chei premium. Nu puteți adăuga mai multe, decât dacă vă actualizați abonamentul premium la , sau eliminați unele cu comanda `{ $commandPrefix }premium ștergere`. # premium command -# This is shown when the guild the user is running this command in has not yet agreed to the ToS. -premium-server-not-set-up = Acest server nu a fost încă de acord cu Termenii de utilizare și Politica de confidențialitate a Scripty. Faceți asta mai întâi cu comanda `{ $commandPrefix }terms_of_service`. -# premium command # This is shown when the user successfully removes their premium from this guild. premium-removed = Dacă sunteți utilizatorul care a revendicat statutul Premium, acum ați eliminat cu succes statutul premium de pe acest server. Dacă doriți să faceți upgrade sau să cumpărați mai multe sloturi, accesați . # config - verbose command diff --git a/scripty_i18n/locales/vi.ftl b/scripty_i18n/locales/vi.ftl index 2b0f618..e69de29 100644 --- a/scripty_i18n/locales/vi.ftl +++ b/scripty_i18n/locales/vi.ftl @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user fails to select a button in time. -tos-agree-timed-out = Hết thời gian. Chạy lại dòng lệnh này nếu bạn muốn đồng ý với Điều khoản dịch vụ. -# ToS command -# This replaces the original content of the message (key agreeing-to-tos) when the user agrees to the ToS. -tos-agree-success = Bạn đã đồng ý thành công với Điều khoản dịch vụ và Chính sách bảo mật của Scripty. Bạn có thể sử dụng Scripty ngay bây giờ. -# ToS command -# This and all attributes show up exclusively in the slash command picker when `terms_of_service` is selected. -cmds_terms_of_service = dieu_khoan_dich_vu - .description = Xem và đồng ý với Điều khoản dịch vụ và Chính sách bảo mật của Scripty.