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@assafmo assafmo released this 08 Sep 18:43
· 2109 commits to master since this release

Shockwave Delta (Testnet) followup optional upgrade

Upgrading from v1.4.0-beta.5

Check what database type you're currently using:

awk -F \" '/^db_backend =/{print $2}' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml

Uncomment and download the right binary based on your database type:

# Stop the v1.4.0 node
sudo systemctl stop secret-node

# Get & verify secretd v1.4.1

## goleveldb
# wget ""
# echo "d7549691651dde2bcdcd6d554831e6ec23e76126ebe07aa3e18b1897380a11b9 secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.2_testnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

## rocksdb
# wget ""
# echo "972e77d4c3f3bd10c2936120bffa417f22de7c055d1a2cb595ec1782fe843db2 secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.2_testnet_rocksdb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

# Install v1.4.1 binaries
sudo apt install -y ./secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.2_testnet_*_amd64.deb

# Restart the node
sudo systemctl restart secret-node

Note: Upgrading can take 2-3 hours, but afterwards node performance should drastically improve compared to v1.4.0.

What's Changed

  • Upgrade Cosmos SDK to v0.45.8
  • Upgrade Tendermint to v0.34.21

Full Changelog: v1.4.0-beta.5...v1.4.1-beta.2