Analyzing build trace from 'aaa'... **** Time summary: Compilation (848 times): Parsing (frontend): 10455.2 s Codegen & opts (backend): 4066.0 s **** Files that took longest to parse (compiler frontend): 89473 ms: build/dev/message/messaging_service.o 85188 ms: build/dev/main.o 71943 ms: build/dev/service/storage_service.o 62647 ms: build/dev/service/storage_proxy.o 62082 ms: build/dev/db/system_keyspace.o 57676 ms: build/dev/api/storage_service.o 57078 ms: build/dev/table.o 56864 ms: build/dev/sstables/sstables.o 55186 ms: build/dev/db/schema_tables.o 55120 ms: build/dev/db/view/view.o 54447 ms: build/dev/gms/gossiper.o 53175 ms: build/dev/repair/row_level.o 52049 ms: build/dev/cdc/log.o 50060 ms: build/dev/database.o 49176 ms: build/dev/api/column_family.o 48286 ms: build/dev/index/secondary_index_manager.o 47881 ms: build/dev/db/legacy_schema_migrator.o 47805 ms: build/dev/alternator/executor.o 47764 ms: build/dev/thrift/handler.o 47490 ms: build/dev/db/batchlog_manager.o **** Files that took longest to codegen (compiler backend): 129226 ms: build/dev/message/messaging_service.o 110786 ms: build/dev/sstables/sstables.o 98445 ms: build/dev/service/storage_proxy.o 93259 ms: build/dev/service/storage_service.o 92827 ms: build/dev/main.o 71921 ms: build/dev/db/schema_tables.o 71636 ms: build/dev/table.o 71182 ms: build/dev/db/system_keyspace.o 62988 ms: build/dev/repair/row_level.o 61179 ms: build/dev/api/storage_service.o 53518 ms: build/dev/db/commitlog/commitlog.o 53482 ms: build/dev/api/column_family.o 52225 ms: build/dev/db/view/view.o 52199 ms: build/dev/database.o 51473 ms: build/dev/gms/gossiper.o 51360 ms: build/dev/gen/Cassandra.o 46979 ms: build/dev/db/config.o 43816 ms: build/dev/thrift/handler.o 43145 ms: build/dev/types.o 42897 ms: build/dev/mutation_partition.o **** Templates that took longest to instantiate: 138239 ms: fmt::formatter>::format::backtraced (313 times, avg 242 ms) 75649 ms: fmt::format_to::format (291 times, avg 159 ms) 45889 ms: fmt::format_to (291 times, avg 157 ms) 44664 ms: seastar::noncopyable_function (seastar::future<> &... (4326 times, avg 10 ms) 44565 ms: fmt::make_args_checked (291 times, avg 153 ms) 44241 ms: fmt::format_arg_store::format (23125 times, avg 27 ms) 608400 ms: std::__and_<$> (370713 times, avg 1 ms) 522728 ms: std::__uniq_ptr_data<$> (23125 times, avg 22 ms) 516971 ms: std::__uniq_ptr_impl<$> (23125 times, avg 22 ms) 442828 ms: std::__or_<$> (352542 times, avg 1 ms) 361947 ms: fmt::format_to<$> (13824 times, avg 26 ms) 331887 ms: std::tuple<$> (33022 times, avg 10 ms) 318621 ms: seastar::format<$> (10721 times, avg 29 ms) 316114 ms: std::optional<$> (19862 times, avg 15 ms) 298876 ms: fmt::make_args_checked<$> (14733 times, avg 20 ms) 284514 ms: fmt::format_arg_store<$>::format_arg_store (11679 times, avg 24 ms) 225237 ms: std::is_convertible<$> (240402 times, avg 0 ms) 219754 ms: seastar::future<$>::then<$> (6513 times, avg 33 ms) 219700 ms: std::unordered_map<$> (8385 times, avg 26 ms) 213903 ms: std::_Hashtable<$> (10394 times, avg 20 ms) 198990 ms: seastar::smp::submit_to<$> (1064 times, avg 187 ms) 181525 ms: seastar::noncopyable_function<$>::noncopyable_function<$> (14592 times, avg 12 ms) 178344 ms: fmt::detail::make_arg<$> (6319 times, avg 28 ms) 166377 ms: fmt::detail::value<$>::value<$> (3326 times, avg 50 ms) 164709 ms: fmt::detail::value<$>::format_custom_arg<$> (3326 times, avg 49 ms) 149038 ms: fmt::detail::fallback_formatter<$>::format<$> (3294 times, avg 45 ms) 143544 ms: std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<$> (32367 times, avg 4 ms) 141591 ms: std::is_trivially_destructible<$> (42598 times, avg 3 ms) 138398 ms: fmt::formatter<$>::format<$> (383 times, avg 361 ms) 136295 ms: std::_TupleConstraints<$>::__is_implicitly_constructible<$> (62617 times, avg 2 ms) 131179 ms: std::__invoke_result<$> (93373 times, avg 1 ms) 120660 ms: std::pair<$> (18444 times, avg 6 ms) 116070 ms: std::_Optional_base<$> (19956 times, avg 5 ms) 115377 ms: std::__detail::_Insert<$> (10391 times, avg 11 ms) 113157 ms: std::vector<$>::emplace_back<$> (5012 times, avg 22 ms) **** Functions that took longest to compile: 10869 ms: cql3_parser::CqlParser::unaliasedSelector() (build/dev/gen/cql3/CqlParser.cpp) 8101 ms: main::$_2::operator()() const::'lambda0'()::operator()() const ( 6122 ms: database::setup_metrics() ( 5854 ms: cql3::query_processor::query_processor(service::storage_proxy&, data... (cql3/ 5311 ms: sstables::init_metrics()::$_74::operator()() const (sstables/ 5067 ms: cql3::functions::add_agg_functions(std::unordered_multimap) (db/ 2752 ms: auto seastar::do_with, se... (service/ 933 ms: redis::stats::stats() (redis/ 919 ms: auto seastar::do_with::on_num() (1356 times, avg 27 ms) 17437 ms: seastar::continuation<$>::run_and_dispose() (1978 times, avg 8 ms) 13365 ms: seastar::future<$> seastar::future<$>::then_impl<$>(seastar::noncopy... (1471 times, avg 9 ms) 12203 ms: seastar::noncopyable_function<$>::direct_vtable_for<$>::call(seastar... (964 times, avg 12 ms) 10217 ms: seastar::internal::repeat_until_value_state(char const*, char const*... (238 times, avg 42 ms) 9503 ms: void seastar::future<$>::schedule<$>(seastar::noncopyable_function<$... (1480 times, avg 6 ms) 9340 ms: std::_Function_handler<$>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, std::uni... (338 times, avg 27 ms) 8701 ms: char fmt::v7::detail::write_padded<$>(char, fmt::v7::basic_format_sp... (742 times, avg 11 ms) 7972 ms: seastar::noncopyable_function<$>::direct_vtable_for<$>::call(seastar... (891 times, avg 8 ms) 7902 ms: void fmt::v7::detail::value<$>::format_custom_arg<$>(void const*, fm... (911 times, avg 8 ms) 7517 ms: fmt::v7::detail::buffer_appender<$> fmt::v7::detail::write<$>(fmt::v... (228 times, avg 32 ms) 7043 ms: char const* fmt::v7::detail::parse_arg_id<$>(char const*, char const... (248 times, avg 28 ms) 6956 ms: char const* fmt::v7::detail::parse_arg_id<$>(char const*, char const... (244 times, avg 28 ms) 6853 ms: void fmt::v7::detail::handle_int_type_spec<$>(char, fmt::v7::detail:... (689 times, avg 9 ms) 6163 ms: std::_Function_handler<$>::_M_manager(std::_Any_data&, std::_Any_dat... (1530 times, avg 4 ms) 6015 ms: fmt::v7::detail::buffer_appender<$> fmt::v7::detail::write_float<$>(... (450 times, avg 13 ms) 5973 ms: std::vector<$>::~vector() (1700 times, avg 3 ms) 5448 ms: std::_Hashtable<$>::_M_rehash_aux(unsigned long, std::integral_const... (408 times, avg 13 ms) 5371 ms: char const* fmt::v7::detail::parse_format_specs<$>(char const*, char... (239 times, avg 22 ms) 5283 ms: seastar::futurize<$>::type seastar::future<$>::then_wrapped_common<$... (601 times, avg 8 ms) 5276 ms: decltype(fp0.out()) fmt::v7::formatter<$>::format<$>(fmt::v7::basic_... (229 times, avg 23 ms) 5093 ms: seastar::shared_ptr_count_for<$>::~shared_ptr_count_for() (401 times, avg 12 ms) 5076 ms: std::__cxx11::basic_string<$>::_M_replace(unsigned long, unsigned lo... (491 times, avg 10 ms) 5069 ms: cql3::functions::add_agg_functions(std::unordered_multimap<$>&) (2 times, avg 2534 ms) 5014 ms: fmt::v7::detail::buffer_appender<$> fmt::v7::detail::format_uint<$>(... (698 times, avg 7 ms) 4667 ms: seastar::internal::repeater<$>::run_and_dispose() (89 times, avg 52 ms) 4624 ms: std::vector<$>::_M_default_append(unsigned long) (122 times, avg 37 ms) 4572 ms: fmt::v7::detail::buffer_appender<$> fmt::v7::detail::write<$>(fmt::v... (441 times, avg 10 ms) 4560 ms: char fmt::v7::detail::write_padded<$>(char, fmt::v7::basic_format_sp... (739 times, avg 6 ms) *** Expensive headers: 1232665 ms: seastar/include/seastar/core/smp.hh (included 329 times, avg 3746 ms), included via: storage_proxy.o storage_proxy.hh sharded.hh (11982 ms) schema_registry.o sharded.hh (9354 ms) connection_notifier.o connection_notifier.hh query_context.hh sharded.hh (9206 ms) storage_service.o storage_service.hh sharded.hh (9066 ms) data_listeners.o data_listeners.hh distributed.hh sharded.hh (9061 ms) stream_manager.o distributed.hh sharded.hh (8783 ms) query_processor.o query_processor.hh sharded.hh (8636 ms) keyspace_utils.o keyspace_utils.hh sharded.hh (8596 ms) event.o event.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh (7286 ms) untyped_result_set.o untyped_result_set.hh sharded.hh (7096 ms) large_data_handler.o query_context.hh sharded.hh (6743 ms) ... 1086901 ms: types.hh (included 312 times, avg 3483 ms), included via: error_injection_fcts.o error_injection_fcts.hh native_scalar_function.hh native_function.hh abstract_function.hh function.hh (13927 ms) type_json.o type_json.hh (13269 ms) selector.o selector.hh assignment_testable.hh column_specification.hh (13126 ms) user_function.o user_function.hh abstract_function.hh function.hh (12823 ms) functions.o functions.hh function.hh (12210 ms) mutation_utils.o mutation_utils.hh (12179 ms) type_parser.o type_parser.hh (12110 ms) values.o values.hh (12067 ms) column_specification.o column_specification.hh (11222 ms) castas_fcts.o castas_fcts.hh function.hh (10970 ms) user_types.o user_types.hh column_specification.hh (10927 ms) ... 591047 ms: database.hh (included 74 times, avg 7987 ms), included via: view_update_generator.o view_update_generator.hh (21102 ms) cql_type_parser.o (20704 ms) table.o (20328 ms) validation.o (18638 ms) database.o (17775 ms) view.o (17062 ms) legacy_schema_migrator.o (16223 ms) streams.o (16097 ms) snapshot-ctl.o (15231 ms) main.o (14970 ms) sstables-format-selector.o (14135 ms) ... 562433 ms: gms/inet_address.hh (included 291 times, avg 1932 ms), included via: event.o event.hh (13498 ms) session_info.o session_info.hh (12070 ms) gossiper.o (12039 ms) storage_service.o storage_service.hh i_endpoint_state_change_subscriber.hh (11846 ms) progress_info.o progress_info.hh (11834 ms) raft_gossip_failure_detector.o raft_gossip_failure_detector.hh raft_address_map.hh (11144 ms) abstract_replication_strategy.o abstract_replication_strategy.hh (10148 ms) function_statement.o function_statement.hh schema_altering_statement.hh event.hh (10101 ms) stream_receive_task.o stream_session.hh i_endpoint_state_change_subscriber.hh (9537 ms) local_strategy.o local_strategy.hh abstract_replication_strategy.hh (9145 ms) everywhere_replication_strategy.o everywhere_replication_strategy.hh abstract_replication_strategy.hh (8748 ms) ... 518691 ms: seastar/include/seastar/core/future.hh (included 377 times, avg 1375 ms), included via: storage_proxy.o storage_proxy.hh sharded.hh smp.hh (5972 ms) sstables_loader.o coroutine.hh (5155 ms) drop_view_statement.o coroutine.hh (4787 ms) sstables-format-selector.o sstables-format-selector.hh semaphore.hh (4775 ms) drop_type_statement.o coroutine.hh (4711 ms) create_keyspace_statement.o coroutine.hh (4694 ms) create_function_statement.o coroutine.hh (4626 ms) drop_keyspace_statement.o coroutine.hh (4539 ms) priority_manager.o priority_manager.hh file.hh do_with.hh (4523 ms) alter_type_statement.o coroutine.hh (4466 ms) server.o server.hh executor.hh (4438 ms) ... 513247 ms: dht/i_partitioner.hh (included 282 times, avg 1820 ms), included via: murmur3_partitioner.o murmur3_partitioner.hh (14363 ms) i_partitioner.o (13514 ms) frozen_schema.o frozen_schema.hh frozen_mutation.hh (11656 ms) memtable.o memtable.hh (10421 ms) consumer.o consumer.hh sstable_set.hh flat_mutation_reader.hh (10126 ms) reader.o reader.hh flat_mutation_reader_v2.hh (9917 ms) timestamp_based_splitting_writer.o timestamp_based_splitting_writer.hh feed_writers.hh flat_mutation_reader.hh (9497 ms) row_locking.o row_locking.hh (9107 ms) cdc_partitioner.o cdc_partitioner.hh (9024 ms) flat_mutation_reader.o flat_mutation_reader.hh (8781 ms) partition_based_splitting_writer.o partition_based_splitting_writer.hh feed_writers.hh flat_mutation_reader.hh (8698 ms) ... 481455 ms: seastar/include/seastar/core/sstring.hh (included 410 times, avg 1174 ms), included via: database.o log.hh log.hh (3897 ms) cf_statement.o cf_statement.hh cf_name.hh keyspace_element_name.hh (3879 ms) select_statement.o select_statement.hh select_statement.hh cf_statement.hh cf_name.hh keyspace_element_name.hh (3640 ms) release.o version.hh (3567 ms) i_filter.o log.hh log.hh (3540 ms) lists.o lists.hh to_string.hh (3493 ms) cf_name.o cf_name.hh keyspace_element_name.hh (3490 ms) secondary_index.o secondary_index.hh (3486 ms) file_lock.o seastar.hh (3356 ms) table.o seastar.hh (3302 ms) gossip_digest_syn.o gossip_digest_syn.hh (3294 ms) ... 463749 ms: keys.hh (included 283 times, avg 1638 ms), included via: mutation_query.o mutation_query.hh query-request.hh (14044 ms) query.o query-request.hh (12417 ms) stream_coordinator.o stream_detail.hh query-request.hh (12344 ms) keys.o (9472 ms) paging_state.o (9166 ms) size_estimates_virtual_reader.o clustering_bounds_comparator.hh (8902 ms) cql_protocol_extension.o result_set.hh paging_state.hh (8801 ms) generation.o (8460 ms) range_tombstone.o range_tombstone.hh (8360 ms) partition_slice_builder.o partition_slice_builder.hh query-request.hh (8297 ms) query_pagers.o query_pagers.hh query-result.hh query-request.hh (8268 ms) ... 462254 ms: schema.hh (included 297 times, avg 1556 ms), included via: secondary_index_manager.o secondary_index_manager.hh (15134 ms) thrift_validation.o thrift_validation.hh (11643 ms) column_identifier.o column_identifier.hh (11231 ms) relation.o relation.hh column_identifier.hh (11004 ms) secondary_index.o target_parser.hh index_target.hh column_identifier.hh (10703 ms) update_statement.o update_statement.hh modification_statement.hh column_identifier.hh (9825 ms) ut_name.o column_identifier.hh (9757 ms) attributes.o attributes.hh expression.hh column_identifier.hh (9458 ms) index_target.o index_target.hh column_identifier.hh (8956 ms) expression.o expression.hh column_identifier.hh (8883 ms) prepare_expr.o expression.hh column_identifier.hh (8731 ms) ... 386046 ms: seastar/include/seastar/core/sharded.hh (included 284 times, avg 1359 ms), included via: storage_proxy.o storage_proxy.hh (12164 ms) schema_registry.o (9472 ms) connection_notifier.o connection_notifier.hh query_context.hh (9318 ms) data_listeners.o data_listeners.hh distributed.hh (9166 ms) storage_service.o storage_service.hh (9158 ms) stream_manager.o distributed.hh (8907 ms) query_processor.o query_processor.hh (8741 ms) keyspace_utils.o keyspace_utils.hh (8691 ms) untyped_result_set.o untyped_result_set.hh (7204 ms) large_data_handler.o query_context.hh (6957 ms) handler.o distributed.hh (6340 ms) ... 385555 ms: /usr/include/boost/lexical_cast.hpp (included 349 times, avg 1104 ms), included via: types.o (4073 ms) streams.o (4010 ms) commands.o commands.hh abstract_command.hh reply.hh sharded.hh smp.hh metrics.hh (2423 ms) caching_options.o (2358 ms) traced_file.o traced_file.hh trace_state.hh tracing.hh sharded.hh smp.hh metrics.hh (2243 ms) raft_sys_table_storage.o raft_sys_table_storage.hh raft.hh log.hh (2227 ms) event.o event.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh metrics.hh (2148 ms) storage_service.o storage_service.hh i_endpoint_state_change_subscriber.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh metrics.hh (2129 ms) virtual_table.o virtual_table.hh mutation_reader.hh trace_state.hh tracing.hh sharded.hh smp.hh metrics.hh (2098 ms) create_keyspace_statement.o create_keyspace_statement.hh schema_altering_statement.hh event.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh metrics.hh (2075 ms) tracker.o tracker.hh raft.hh log.hh (2016 ms) ... 383119 ms: mutation_partition.hh (included 204 times, avg 1878 ms), included via: sstable_mutation_reader.o sstable_mutation_reader.hh mutation.hh (15576 ms) split.o mutation.hh (14353 ms) schema_tables.o schema_tables.hh mutation.hh (14327 ms) mutation.o mutation.hh (13021 ms) cas_request.o mutation.hh (12890 ms) schema_mutations.o schema_mutations.hh mutation.hh (12474 ms) mutation_partition.o (11208 ms) mutation_fragment.o mutation.hh (11139 ms) querier.o querier.hh mutation_compactor.hh mutation_fragment.hh (10728 ms) partition_version.o partition_version.hh (10433 ms) mutation_partition_serializer.o mutation_partition_serializer.hh mutation_fragment.hh (8936 ms) ... 336853 ms: cql3/column_specification.hh (included 299 times, avg 1126 ms), included via: selector.o selector.hh assignment_testable.hh (13130 ms) column_specification.o (11226 ms) user_types.o user_types.hh (10931 ms) selector_factories.o selector_factories.hh selector.hh assignment_testable.hh (10389 ms) abstract_function_selector.o abstract_function_selector.hh selector.hh assignment_testable.hh (10009 ms) secondary_index_manager.o secondary_index_manager.hh schema.hh (9654 ms) selectable.o selectable.hh selector.hh assignment_testable.hh (9004 ms) secondary_index.o target_parser.hh index_target.hh column_identifier.hh schema.hh (8247 ms) relation.o relation.hh column_identifier.hh schema.hh (7748 ms) CqlParser.o CqlParser.hpp writetime_or_ttl.hh selectable.hh selector.hh assignment_testable.hh (7315 ms) thrift_validation.o thrift_validation.hh schema.hh (6916 ms) ... 325538 ms: flat_mutation_reader.hh (included 127 times, avg 2563 ms), included via: flat_mutation_reader.o (15896 ms) timestamp_based_splitting_writer.o timestamp_based_splitting_writer.hh feed_writers.hh (15251 ms) shard_based_splitting_writer.o shard_based_splitting_writer.hh feed_writers.hh (15013 ms) partition_based_splitting_writer.o partition_based_splitting_writer.hh feed_writers.hh (14773 ms) feed_writers.o feed_writers.hh (14595 ms) multishard_writer.o multishard_writer.hh (13212 ms) consumer.o consumer.hh sstable_set.hh (13140 ms) time_window_compaction_strategy.o time_window_compaction_strategy.hh compaction_strategy_impl.hh compaction_strategy.hh (10418 ms) leveled_compaction_strategy.o leveled_compaction_strategy.hh size_tiered_compaction_strategy.hh compaction_strategy_impl.hh compaction_strategy.hh (9321 ms) size_tiered_compaction_strategy.o size_tiered_compaction_strategy.hh compaction_strategy_impl.hh compaction_strategy.hh (8997 ms) reader.o reader.hh (8936 ms) ... 314035 ms: cql3/expr/expression.hh (included 88 times, avg 3568 ms), included via: attributes.o attributes.hh (14958 ms) prepare_expr.o (14840 ms) expression.o (13947 ms) token_relation.o token_restriction.hh restriction.hh (13674 ms) column_condition.o column_condition.hh (12974 ms) single_column_relation.o single_column_relation.hh single_column_restriction.hh restriction.hh (12423 ms) prepare_context.o prepare_context.hh (10490 ms) grant_statement.o grant_statement.hh permission_altering_statement.hh authorization_statement.hh parsed_statement.hh prepare_context.hh (7947 ms) list_permissions_statement.o list_permissions_statement.hh authorization_statement.hh parsed_statement.hh prepare_context.hh (7939 ms) parsed_statement.o parsed_statement.hh prepare_context.hh (7890 ms) create_service_level_statement.o create_service_level_statement.hh service_level_statement.hh parsed_statement.hh prepare_context.hh (7797 ms) ... 307858 ms: seastar/include/seastar/core/metrics.hh (included 332 times, avg 927 ms), included via: tracing.o (4613 ms) trace_keyspace_helper.o (4458 ms) commands.o commands.hh abstract_command.hh reply.hh sharded.hh smp.hh (2622 ms) traced_file.o traced_file.hh trace_state.hh tracing.hh sharded.hh smp.hh (2589 ms) event.o event.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh (2306 ms) virtual_table.o virtual_table.hh mutation_reader.hh trace_state.hh tracing.hh sharded.hh smp.hh (2300 ms) storage_service.o storage_service.hh i_endpoint_state_change_subscriber.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh (2294 ms) create_keyspace_statement.o create_keyspace_statement.hh schema_altering_statement.hh event.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh (2212 ms) controller.o controller.hh sharded.hh smp.hh (2181 ms) drop_view_statement.o drop_view_statement.hh schema_altering_statement.hh event.hh inet_address.hh ip.hh arp.hh net.hh smp.hh (2146 ms) misc_services.o load_meter.hh distributed.hh sharded.hh smp.hh (2138 ms) ... 296706 ms: transport/messages/result_message.hh (included 76 times, avg 3904 ms), included via: result_message.o (20307 ms) large_data_handler.o query_context.hh query_processor.hh (7121 ms) connection_notifier.o connection_notifier.hh query_context.hh query_processor.hh (7005 ms) authenticator.o query_processor.hh (6744 ms) server.o server.hh query_processor.hh (6403 ms) list_users_statement.o query_processor.hh (6271 ms) controller.o server.hh query_processor.hh (6098 ms) query_processor.o query_processor.hh (6012 ms) authentication_statement.o (5996 ms) common.o query_processor.hh (5888 ms) service_level_statement.o (5699 ms) ... 295227 ms: cql3/column_identifier.hh (included 99 times, avg 2982 ms), included via: column_identifier.o (11237 ms) relation.o relation.hh (11010 ms) secondary_index.o target_parser.hh index_target.hh (10709 ms) update_statement.o update_statement.hh modification_statement.hh (9831 ms) ut_name.o (9763 ms) attributes.o attributes.hh expression.hh (9465 ms) index_target.o index_target.hh (8962 ms) expression.o expression.hh (8890 ms) prepare_expr.o expression.hh (8738 ms) prepare_context.o prepare_context.hh expression.hh (8394 ms) single_column_relation.o single_column_relation.hh single_column_restriction.hh restriction.hh expression.hh (8165 ms) ... 289987 ms: cql3/result_set.hh (included 83 times, avg 3493 ms), included via: result_message.o result_message.hh (18155 ms) result_set.o (16295 ms) cql_protocol_extension.o (15414 ms) authenticator.o query_processor.hh result_message.hh (5990 ms) large_data_handler.o query_context.hh query_processor.hh result_message.hh (5666 ms) connection_notifier.o connection_notifier.hh query_context.hh query_processor.hh result_message.hh (5475 ms) common.o query_processor.hh result_message.hh (5236 ms) server.o server.hh query_processor.hh result_message.hh (5131 ms) controller.o server.hh query_processor.hh result_message.hh (4853 ms) query_processor.o query_processor.hh result_message.hh (4736 ms) authentication_statement.o result_message.hh (4579 ms) ... 254493 ms: query-result-reader.hh (included 92 times, avg 2766 ms), included via: simple_selector.o simple_selector.hh selection.hh (12416 ms) statement_restrictions.o (11480 ms) selection.o selection.hh (9736 ms) query-result-set.o (4325 ms) selectable.o simple_selector.hh selection.hh (4035 ms) authenticator.o query_processor.hh result_message.hh result_set.hh (3893 ms) cql_protocol_extension.o result_set.hh (3834 ms) result_message.o result_message.hh result_set.hh (3805 ms) event_notifier.o server.hh result_message.hh result_set.hh (3693 ms) query_pagers.o query_pagers.hh selection.hh (3684 ms) selector_factories.o simple_selector.hh selection.hh (3627 ms) ... done in 9.0s.