Supplemental repository for the paper Improving Readability of Scratch Programs with Search-based Refactoring containing all data and software to replicate the experiments.
author = {Felix Adler and
Gordon Fraser and
Eva Gründinger and
Nina Körber and
Simon Labrenz and
Jonas Lerchenberger and
Stephan Lukasczyk and
Sebastian Schweikl},
title = {Improving Readability of Scratch Programs with Search-based Refactoring},
booktitle = {{21st {IEEE} International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis
and Manipulation, {SCAM} 2021}},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2021}
The following assumes that you have a terminal window open with a prompt in the directory of this file.
Set up a Python virtual environment at some arbitrary path—referenced as from now. Make sure to use Python 3! To execute the execution pipeline you need to have the virtual environment active.
virtualenv -p python3 <path>
source <path>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Execute the script ./
It will clone the LitterBox repository,
checkout revision 6b193f88
build LitterBox,
copy the JAR archive to the expected location,
execute the runs,
and create a results.csv
in the data
Afterwards, the statistical evaluation can be
performed by exeuction the Jupyter Notebook
script in the analysis
The single location that you might want to change is the value of the constant
which determines how many different seeds will be executed.
The individual run configurations for a single tool run
can be configured in the
which generates a bash script for each tool invocation.