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Spaceship operator

The most complex feature of C++20's many additions and modifications of the language is the spaceship operator. The token <=> represents a "three-way" comparison, which in its builtin form returns one of five structures representing possible states of less, greater, equal, nonequal or unordered (in the case of NaN floating-point values).

All the structured control-flow conditions in C++ take only binary expressions: the argument in an if-statement or ternary expression evaluates to only two states, not three or more. You won't be using the spaceship operator in control-flow constructs. Rather, this language extension is intended to help generate the familiar equivalence (== and !=) and relational (<, <=, > and >=) operators for user-defined types.

The semantics of the spaceship operator are complicated, and you benefit from the language's ability to check correctness at compile time.

Both builtin and user-defined <=> operators return one of five classes:

  1. weak_equality
  2. strong_equality
  3. partial_ordering
  4. weak_ordering
  5. strong_ordering

The "strong" types imply a transitive property: that is, if a == b and b == c, then a == c. Simiarly, it implies substitutability: that is, if a == b, then f(a) == f(b).

The builtin <=> on scalar types returns these types:

  1. For integer and enum types, strong_ordering.
  2. For floating-point types, partial_ordering.
  3. For pointers to objects, strong_ordering.
  4. For pointers to functions, pointers to member objects and std::nullptr_t, strong_equality.

The result of a floating-point comparison is especially weak, since the presence of a NaN value causes any two-way comparison to evaluate false. When subjected to the three-way comparison, NaN results in an unordered value.

These builtin comparisons supply the building blocks for constructing the three-way comparison for user-defined types. From this operator, implementations of the four relational operators are inferred.

The default operator<=>


#include <cstdio>
#include <compare>

struct int3_t {
  int x, y, z;

  auto operator<=>(const int3_t& rhs) const = default;

int main() {
  int3_t a { 1, 2, 3 }, b { 1, 2, 4 }, c { 1, 1, 5 };
  printf("%s\n", @type_name(decltype(a <=> b)));

  bool x = a < b;
  printf("%d\n", x);

  bool y = a < c;
  printf("%d\n", y);

  bool z = b == c;
  printf("%d\n", z);

  return 0;
$ circle spaceship1.cxx
$ ./spaceship1

Consider defining a vector of integers. We want these to compare in the expected way: first compare the .x members; if those are equal, compare the .y members; if those are equal, compare the .z members. All six equivalence and relational operators make sense under these comparison rules. The default-generated operator<=> will support all of these operators.

To realize this default behavior, just declare a defaulted non-static member function operator<=> that returns auto and takes a const lvalue reference to its own type. In C++ 20, this causes a cascade of behaviors:

Defaulted operators

  • The default definition of operator<=> recursively evaluates <=> on each of its direct base class and member subobjects, in declaration order.
  • A defaulted operator<=> creates an implicit declaration of a defaulted operator== with the same function signature.
  • The default definition of operator== (be it declared implicitly or explicitly) recursively evaluates == on each of its direct base class and member subobjects, in declaration order.

The default implementation of either <=> or == is valid if all subobjects have valid, accessible and non-deleted comparisons. Otherwise, the function is reset to deleted when called (similar to default definitions for copy and move constructors and assignment operators).

Rewritten relational operators

  • Evaluation of the relational <, <=, > or >= expressions add to the set of overload candidates rewritten expressions involving the same relational operator on the result of a call to a three-way operator: a < b is rewritten as (a <=> b) < 0, a >= b is rewritten as (a <=> b) >= 0, and so on. Name lookup is performed for operator<=> as it would be for the four relational operators.
  • Evaluation of the three-way expression <=> adds to the set of overload candidates synthesized expressions, in which the order of arguments is reversed: a <=> b adds a synthesized candidate 0 <=> (b <=> a). Swapping the arguments of <=> reverses the result of the comparison (so that less becomes greater) and running that result through 0 <=> result reverses them back. Synthesized expressions are also considered indirectly during overload resolution for rewritten relational operators: a < b is rewritten as (a <=> b) < 0, and that in turn considers the synthesized expression 0 < (b <=> a).

Rewritten equivalence operators

  • Evaluation of the != expression adds to the set of overload candidates rewritten expressions involving operator==. That is, a != b is rewritten as !(a == b), and these candidates are also considered during overload resolution.
  • Evaluation of the == expression adds to the set of overload candidates synthesized expressions, in which the order of arguments is reversed: a == b adds a synthesized candidate b == a. Synthesized expressions are also considered indirectly during overload resolution for rewritten != operators: a == b is rewritten as !(a == b), and that in turn considers the synthesized expression !(b == a).

This is one of the few times C++ has added functionality on something other than an opt-in basis, as the rewritten and synthesized candidates are considered even in the absence of the user taking any action. For the relational operators, the user at least has to declare an operator<=> for name lookup to find a rewritten candidate. For overload resolution on !=, existing operator== functions become candidates, possibly making an ill-formed C++17 program well-formed under C++20.

Overload resolution

For both relational and equivalence operators, rewritten candidates are worse (for purposes of overload resolution) than non-rewritten candidates. Synthesized candidates are worse than non-synthesized candidates. However, the tests for rewritten and synthesized candidate tests come late in the overload resolution ranking process. Before these properties are considered, functions will be compared:

  1. according to to the rank of implicit conversion sequences for converting each argument to its parameter type,
  2. non-template functions are preferred over function templates,
  3. and more-specialized function templates are preferred over less-specialized function templates (according to partial ordering rules).

If two functions are equivalent even after this point, then the rewritten/synthesized tests are applied.